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Old February 22nd, 2007 #16
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Originally Posted by NEWDAYRISING View Post
I thought the folks here at VNN consider themselves as the "Big Boys' in WN and the rest, including SF, are just begginner-type WN's who don't understand 'real WN. Yet a lot of you have no idea of where to find Pierce ADV's and or Rockwell speeches. Hell, on SF you can find the 'black coffee' that VNN members think of themselves as on SF in just some of the radio broadcasts alone.
I saw a thread here the other day boasting about AIPAC and how something must be done. Many of you have no idea what AIPAC even was!! . .
That should be common knowledge to anyone WN as it is with many non WN Whites
You're suggesting SFers,on average, are more aware about AIPAC than VNNers? That's laughable.

I guess you may have been talking about this thread:

There's a lot of rote in all this. So what?

On Dr. D-- Thunderbolt of Truth was a fine magazine. I remember his essay about Hitler's will-- how Hitler listed himself into being an important, world-changing historical figure who is still influencing us even today, all by his will power.