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Old February 22nd, 2007 #14
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 101

Originally Posted by duke_rulez View Post
The following was posted by Bob Demarais this morning in their sustaining membership lounge. I think the post stands on its own "merits". Bob feels his past associations and unverified PHd give him a special status.

"It always reminds me of the childrens' movie Neverending Story. We are being destroyed by "The Nothing." And it is such a little task to destroy nothing.

But that little task takes great will, and it takes a great deal of "nuts and bolts" work to create that will in others. Few understand that “a movement” does not exist -- it only is people doing the nuts and bolts work.

Most “movement” people have lots grand ideas and strategies – all of which are totally and absolutely worthless. Nuts and bolts work is beneath them.

Jews work. White nationalists are lazy. Sometimes, I wonder which race is the parasite.
-Bob DeMarais-Stormfront radio host and Don Black Crony and Jew apologist.
That is quite the inductive leap you make there---from thread title to onward. Have you absolutely any understanding of fallacious arguments and/or statements.
Also, If you are in the SM forum, you have broken a trust by posting anything from there to any other board, WN or not. That is not very White of you, my Friend. So this begs the question, Wat is your personal beef with Demarias?