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Old January 8th, 2019 #4
Stewart Meadows
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 37,993

Homosexuals are overrepresented in the sexual abuse of children:

Do homosexuals disproportionately molest children? Gay activists vehemently deny it, yet the empirical evidence says otherwise. The key concept is proportionality. Probably a numerical majority of child molestations involve a male adult and a female child, but given the small fraction of homosexual practitioners, the number of homosexual molestations is disproportionate to the percentage of homosexuals. This briefing summarizes some of the key evidence.

And jews are the biggest promulgators of homosexual propaganda (and degeneracy in general):

Anti-Russian "LGBT" activist defends sex with children, has the support of the jewish media

Jew journalist praises fags who turn out to be child-rapists, says "I’d do it again"

Jews refuse to report jewish pedophiles to the (non-jewish) police