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Old October 13th, 2017 #60
James Gregory
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Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: California
Posts: 141

Originally Posted by Marco Polo View Post
It would be interesting to know the detailed history of NK threatening the West, SK, and Japan. Have they always been doing this but they were ignored by the America kike because the kike wanted West to focus attention on the kike's enemies?

Interesting that the chinks never did anything to control the NK gooks when the chinks are constantly threatening Japan, India, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, etc over territorial disputes.
For anyone to doubt that China and North Korea are allies, is ridiculous. Look at a map. NK is an appendage of Red China. Nothing gets in or out of NK by land without the Red Chinese help.

The Korean War, was waged as a way to make the world safe for Communism. If it wasn't for the Democrats in Congress siding with the Communists while betraying the USA, MacArthur would have stomped the crap out of NK.

But we were betrayed by the Democrats in the Congress just the same as we were betrayed by the Democrats during the Vietnam War. They did everything they could to prevent an American victory.

Today, the allies of NK are Red China and Israel. Both supply nuclear technology and advice to NK.

Communism is Jewish. The Democratic Party of the USA is the Communist Party. Every plank in the Communist Manifesto is a plank in the Democratic Party.

So, even though NK seems to be a problem, it is all charades. And now, SK is giving them "humanitarian aid" in the form of food. This has happened time after time, the NKs rattle their sabers waiting to be fed. Does the food solve the problem? No, it just perpetuates the dictatorship over the NK people.

There is no appeasement for the Communists. They must all be destroyed and put an end to.