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Old October 15th, 2006 #13
Abzug Hoffman
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,483

Wonder why they left out the famed clever Jewish race from their study?

Race science has to start, like other sciences, with the collection of facts, followed by classification of some kind and then laws and theories to follow. I don't know why white, black, yellow, red and brown and Jew is so complicated for some people.

From an old chemistry text book, probably written by a jew for the chemistry industry around 1940, but still making a good point, as text books used to do in those days before multicult...

Author: Unknown

"An Acid Test

In a world in which propaganda and deliberate intent to deceive seem more active than ever, a little training in science will put one on guard against the most brazen frauds. There is, moreover, a simple test by which any educated man or woman [must be a jew writing this] may
judge whether an assertion is worthy of belief. He simply asks himself how anyone would set out to prove it.

If it is an assertion with regard to diet, for example, he immediately thinks of controlled experiments with guinea pigs, and later with human beings. If it concerns national policy, monopolies, or "social justice," he asks to have the terms defined, with something of the precision known to science, then wonder whether anyone has undertaken the impartial collection of statistical data, to prove or disprove the assertion. If no experimental proof seems possible, or if the terms used have not been defined, nor statistical evidence collected and weighed, the idea may usually be swept aside as the offering of a demagogue or crank.

Yet only and educated man can apply this test. Plenty of statistical data have been collected in every field, unsuspected by the mere reader of newspapers; and the human mind has developed tools to work with that are unsuspected by the uneducated. Our acid test, after all,
is only for the few to apply - for the lucky few who were born with sufficient mental motive force to make broad contacts with the work of other minds, in this and former generations.

.... Science can only gradually mold public opinion through the pressure of established facts, in lands in which established facts are not too much hindered in becoming known...