Full Thread: 'second-hand smoke'
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Old July 27th, 2008 #36
Randolf Facto
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Default Something lost in translation...

When you say have no use for, the implication is that these people are useless, I was asking for clarification as to how useless they are. You then say you could admire them but wouldnt associate with them. I can understand this position.
I can't help what you infer... to my generation, the expression "I have no use for X" is the same as saying "I don't like X" or "I would not associate with X", nothing more, nothing less. It does not mean X is totally useless in all aspects or for all others.

Other than the fact that they are less common how are cigars any less of a problem than cigarettes?
That's like saying "Other than the fact that it's incurable, why is herpes any more of a problem than gonnorhea." That's a pretty significant "other than", my friend.

But again, the true issue here is there's no point in turning the original thread into a cigar-vs-cigarettes debate... totally immaterial to the point of the original thread, where the deleterious effects of second-hand smoke were claimed to be unproven.

I'm not campaigning pro-cigar... I recommend people eschew all forms of tobacco... but if I HAD to make a case for, just for the sake of debate, then (at fear of belaboring the obvious)...

Less common = less problems it may cause to the users and surrounding non-users (with commensurate benefits in alleviating the current burdens caused to the national health care systems and insurances)... that's the major factor.

If you wish to pursue further the "other than that" angle, well, it's obvious... most cigar smokers don't inhale, most only smoke one or two a day, most only smoke after dinner or amongst other male associates in 'club' settings, e.g., poker games, sports events, brandy-after-dinner gentlemen clubs, etc., etc. (and please note the use of the term 'most', which <> 'all').

And as Jett so wisely observed, cigars are, in fact, far more redolent during the act, if one must be caught in the environs of a smoker... although the aftermath in the clothing and hair is equally offensive.

This is about all I really care to discuss on the topic of cigars... which has already carried on far longer than it ought to have.