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Old March 24th, 2009 #56
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RE: Revisionist

The Roosevelt/Frankfurter regime would have made war on Europe with or without a stream of Ashkenazi refugees arriving on American shores. You're speaking as if the Federal government was neutral on the issue until Jewish emigration from Europe began in earnest. That simply isn't the case.

The open conspiracy against Europe between RooseveltAdmin and the USSR began the day FDR took the oath of office.
I wasn't referring to the government specifically but rather the public's sentiment at the time. Legislators bowed to that sentiment and commissioned the coin. FDR was another story. No one knows exactly how much former German-jewish wealth, relocated in America, was employed to bolster FDR's road to war. We can speculate that nearly every expatriated German jew did all they could do to defeat Germany and that surely would have sped things up considerably for FDR's war mongering.

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