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Old October 29th, 2005 #35
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It was sort of alluded to, and that is the problem of White kids getting bullied and beaten by niggers while at school. And this includes the travesty of how these crimes are hushed-up and swept under the carpet and the fact that there is little if any consequences for the nigger’s violence against our White kids.

I’m sure that most Whites are concerned with everything mentioned on this thread thus far, but all can relate to their children’s safety or lack of, at school. This is that all-important emotional hot button that must be pressed. The numbers are mind-blowing For example, a child today has a greater chance of being killed or disabled at school then in an auto accident.

Some things to consider related to this issue:

Teachers are frightened to death, most states are having a difficult time recruiting teachers and the most experienced teachers are resigning decades before regular retirement, out of fear for their lives.

Home schooling is increasing exponentially for a reason.

St. Petersburg, FL has helicopters routinely flying over the high school when the students are let out and the city police also set-up perimeter surveillance with as many as 20 officers.

All larger schools have “multiple resource officers” that carry riot gear and automatic assault rifles.

A little girl in Florida was suspended for ten days because her Tweety-Bird purse had a tiny inch and a half chain that clipped to her belt. Zero tolerance says “all chains” are banned and the student is subject to suspension, but a 6 inch sharpened pencil is OK. The obvious stupidity is readily apparent, but what does this say for those who implemented this insanity? These are the same people who are teaching the children! If they’re not qualified to ascertain what is a potentially harmful weapon and what is not, what are they qualified for?

There is the busing and race-mixing aspects that it promotes, etc., etc., etc.

One more thing:

There is no need to rely upon jewish sources to bolster or substantiate our assertions, as TAA has proved itself to be “The Standard by which all other truths are measured”. Would any main stream newspaper use TAA as a reference? Then why should we lend them any credence? We are the real deal, they are the liars!
The ink of the learned is as precious as the blood of the martyr. For one drop of ink may make millions think.