Full Thread: Race and IQ
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Old April 28th, 2008 #13
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 1,219

Originally Posted by Sándor Petőfi View Post
There's more to it than that. Their evolution never endowed Negroids with the moral faculties found in humans. Specifically, there are differences in devlopment in those areas of the brains responsible for these behaviours. Taking a white moron and pumping him full of testosterone will not leave you with something comparable to a Negroid.
Indeed. While IQ and testosterone level are major components there are psychological differences as well. When those two things are controlled for, you still find Negroes are more criminal and less successful than their white counterparts on average.

According to Jews and liberals these differences are blamed on white racism.

Africans have a much higher rate of psychopathy than do whites and Asians. Besides criminality this also manifests in common everyday interaction with them as many are probably aware of. They're on average louder, more obnoxious, more aggressive, more rude and less empathetic than whites. They are less able to control impulses and act out. Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an example.