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Old April 29th, 2009 #9
Julian Lüchow
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Kansas
Posts: 888

Some of the faileos who don't do journalism, etc as a career were beginning to agree with us on the board, part of the reason they shut down comments to be sure. As long as they didn't have something hinging on holding the "correct" beliefs their racial loyalty was often, at least implicitly, on display. I remember one guy basically conceding your point that faileos have become enslaved by the PC paradigm. "Curlike illiberals" indeed. They know which side their bread's buttered on.

Switching gears, I don't know why Captainchaos doesn't come here, I know he reads the front page. He's still very active over at MR. He'd probably make a good host or at least contributor. Leaders with debating skills and intellect are more in demand with each passing day.