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Old December 24th, 2018 #1
GoldfingerSRB's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Srbija
Posts: 274
Default Should croats and ukrainians be expelled from WN forums?

Croats and ukrainians are fake nations both created by Vatikan and Western intelligence to divide and destroy Serbia and Russia. Croats as a nations don't exist, they're Serbs violently converted to catholicism, ukrainians were created by Poles and Austrians with the use of catholicism. Both fake-nations have been spotted in violent genocides of neighboring Serbs and Russians, they have always been obedient slaves of ZOG and West. They are always friend for muslims like bosniaks, albanians, crimean tatars and chechens. So I got a question: why users identifying themselves with such fake nations are even allowed to post in WN forums like this?

Don't you think we play jewish games when we allow such users to promote their destructive anti-Serb and anti-Russian ideas? Time to make the final step to the truth: croat and ukrainian national thread should be closed, users with "croat" and "ukrainian" identities must be excluded from truly White Nationalist forums!