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Old June 16th, 2019 #32
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Good luck trying to locate the full closing arguments presented at the Leo Frank trial in this Internet information-age on Jewish websites

You would be hard-pressed to find the full unexpurgated closing arguments of Luther Z. Rosser and Reuben R. Arnold (August 21, 1913) -- which were delivered immediately after the Leo Frank trial (July 28 - August 21, 1913) -- published on Jewish activist web domains, like ADL, SPLC, AJC, AJF, and dozens of similar other zionist websites.

As of writing these words right now, you won't find the Frank defense counselor's perorations published on any Jewish websites for that matter, except as cherry-picked soundbites. The Jews don't want you to know that their civil rights icon, Leo Frank the "Martyr of Anti-Semitism", had no logical or substantive defense other than gaming the most lowbrow gutter racism. Twelve ordinary European-Americans with above average intelligence in the White racially separatist Atlanta of 1913 saw right through the desperate Antigentile ploy and convicted the homicidal-pedophile.

In their final remarks, Leo Frank's attorneys even asked for special allowances owing to the fact their wealthy pervert-client was regularly engaging in whoring escapades and pedophilia at the National Pencil Company factory's HQ, especially on the Sabbath.

Why you might ask?

Leo Frank's attorney's Luther Zeigler Rosser and Reuben Rose Arnold utilized every kind of racist invective imaginable in their failed effort to impeach the star-witness James "Jim" Conely, to win an acquittal for their client and distract from the evidence of the defendant's philandering, prostitution and child molestation brought up at the trial. At-least thirteen girls testified that Leo Frank's character for lasciviousness was bad. Those behavioral patterns brought up against Leo Frank were quite relevant to the issue of his character, because at the coroner's inquest, girls of similar age to Mary Phagan, were complaining that on payday, Frank was using the opportunity to financially proposition them for sex. Therefore it wasn't implausible that Frank might have done the same thing to Mary Phagan, when he was alone with her on Saturday, April 26, 1913, when the factory was closed down and she came to collect her wages.

Again, the all-White jury saw right through this deflectionary tactic. Jews think that just because Whites want to live among their own exclusively, that they can be easily manipulated with anti-Black stereotypes when it comes to deadly Jewish rapists. Explained another way, Jews thought if they could say the n-word over and over and over again, it would magically erase all the forensic, direct and circumstantial evidence against Leo Frank.

WE HEAR A LOT today about people “playing the race card” — using race unjustly in a dispute, or as a moral bludgeon to obscure the facts. In 1913 Atlanta, the Leo Frank defense team played the race card — and in a very big way.

Interestingly, the pro-Frank forces used race in a way that most people would find grossly unacceptable today: crudely attacking prosecution witness James Conley, a black man, in open court and on the record as a “dirty,” “lying,” “thieving” “nigger” — and characterizing the sex killing of Mary Phagan as exclusively a “Negro crime” of which “white man” Leo Frank, president of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith, would be — they insinuated — “incapable.”

(ILLUSTRATION: Leo Frank’s lead attorney, Luther Z. Rosser, who, along with Reuben Arnold and other members of the Frank defense team, played the 1913 version of the “race card” with vigor, attacking James Conley in particular and, in his words, “niggers” in general.)

In this, the seventh audio segment of this ground-breaking work originally published by the Nation of Islam — part of their series called The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews — we also learn that the Frank defense promoted the idea that there was a separate category of testimony — “Negro testimony” — which wise jurors ought to ignore or regard as false, presumably compared to Jewish testimony, because Jews are considered White. Nevertheless, the race-baiting strategy failed and the all-white jury believed the black man over the Jew.

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Leo Frank's Unsworn Statement to the Court on the Stand

We also hear about Leo Frank’s own statement to the court. We can’t really call it testimony, because under Georgia law at the time, the defendant had the right to make an unsworn statement and deny the prosecution the right to cross-examine him on it — which is exactly what Leo Frank did.

Frank spoke for hours on end (about 3 hours and 40 minutes), and almost all of that time was spent telling the jury about the intricacies of managing the accounts of the pencil factory where he was superintendent — presumably to give the impression that he would have been so busy with his accounting books on that fatal day that he simply wouldn’t have had time to commit the murder and move the body to the basement. It was ultimately unconvincing.

Leo Frank's financial records that he claimed to have calculated on that fateful day, was submitted by him as trial evidence and thus became exhibits in the official record. A modern review indicates the amount of work he needed to do on that day, could easily have been done under 1 hour, and did not require 3 hours of explanation.

This new audio-book (2018), based on the Nation of Islam’s The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, the best investigative effort made on the Leo Frank case, will take you on a journey into the Southern past — to the greatest American murder mystery of all time; a mystery that will reveal to you the hidden powers that shape our world even today.

To read all the chapters we’ve published so far, simply click on this link.

We at The American Mercury are now proud to present part 7 of our audio version of this very important book, read by Vanessa Neubauer.

Simply press “play” on the player embedded above — or at the end of this article — to hear part 7 of the book.

* * *

Click here to obtain a print or e-book copy of this important work, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man.

For further information on the Nation of Islam Historical Research Group, readers are encouraged to visit their Web site,

Jews have aggressively dominated the false narrative of the Leo Frank Case since 1913, but as of 2013 you can finally learn everything the Jews have tried to censor & suppress at The Leo Frank Research Library:

Last edited by LeoFrank; June 16th, 2019 at 07:46 AM.