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Old July 14th, 2006 #27
Sean Martin
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 9,397

I saw that in a movie also it is funny. Do you think a random attacker will stand there and be shot while still coming? Only a nutcase would think people get wound up on drugs and go out attacking, if they got their drugs they have what they want. If they are hitting you up for drug money they are hurting and don’t want to be hurt anymore. When you fire a gun an attacker will run. Turn off Jewvision and get back to reality.

Wait this is the internet, I am sure someone here has been assaulted by a gang of Negroes and had to shoot their 110 round ak and they still kept coming.
Originally Posted by sbrocker8
Has anyone thought that maybe, just maybe, some crazed or drunk or stoned criminal might become ENRAGED at being shot by something that will do little more than agitate him?
Then they refer you to a gun or round in which they have stock. Don’t believe anything the gun mags write because they get paid to write what makes the most money, not what gives you bang for your buck.
All reputable sources on the issue advise using pistol rounds that get at least 12 INCHES of penetration and expands reliably.
Most, actually 100% of the gun magazine reputable sources dismiss the Phoenix Arms gun as a waste of money and time. They will claim it is worthless. However there is an article online about a man who bought a cheap one and fired it 1,000 times in the space of 2 days without malfunction. My cousin owned a gun store and he sold them for $39.00 each. I personally know 4 people who bought them and I was one of them. Not a single one jammed, misfired or was off center. They functioned flawlessly.

Take your advice from people with actual experience and not gun nuts that think I you don’t own an $800 pistol you are wasting your money.

Sometimes gun nuts remind me of High School peer pressure. Kids would buy $300 Negro shoes when my $12.00 sneakers gave me the same service.

I get so sick of listening to people quote gun magazines like the authors know what they are talking about. They are paid to write what makes money. If not they would praise cheap surplus and many cheaper guns such as Norinco and such.

Would I rather have a Glock over a Raven? Sure, could I get a Glock on a budget of $40.00? No.
Most reputable sources on the subject dismiss snake shot as next to useless.
Doppelhaken, Draco, Richard H, ToddinFl, Augustus Sutter, Chain, Subrosa, Jarl, White Will, whose next?