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Old September 8th, 2018 #30
Stewart Meadows
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Originally Posted by Stewart Meadows View Post
Pornography has always existed, but what's remarkable about jews is that they go out of their way to produce sick, disgusting, vomit-inducing garbage that no normal person could ever find appealing.
A good example of this is the jew Michael Lucas, who is one of America's biggest homosexual porn producers (and who often attacks Vladimir Putin and the Russian people over their traditional values). Lucas produces disgusting pornographic movies about urine and flatulence, and he says that his jewish identity is the core of his worldview:

Lucas Raunch – An extreme fetish line. The first releases were FARTS! and PISS!. In February 2009 the Canada Border Services Agency detained and banned both films.[31] The CBSA's Policy On The Classification Of Obscene Material states that the "ingestion of someone else's urine... with a sexual purpose" made the films obscene, which was cause for banning them.[32]

The core of Lucas' worldview is his Jewish identity, and particularly his deep affinity for the state of Israel.[9]

Piss and farts are an important part of the jewish identity? Oy vey!