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Old June 12th, 2008 #40
Sean Martin
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 9,397

Originally Posted by WIGANMIKE View Post
All though I have both, I would suggest if its knives were talking about, slashing is better, cause remember even knives built for slashing can also be used for thrusting..
Slashing is only functional if you are a pro and extremely fast. Most people can block even the shortest slash. A direct stab straight in is nearly impossible to block or deflect. I know the old cross block, side step or parry they teach at the local McDojo that looks awesome when using a rubber knife seems to work. If you come at someone fast and hard with a knife and don’t hesitate the chances of them blocking or deflecting the stab are slim to none.

If you have a good fixed blade knife with a full tang it takes less than 2 seconds to pull and stab for even the most regular people. There are only two moves. However with a slash you have to pull the blade, cock your arm then make the slash and hope the blade penetrates the clothing. Heavy clothing can deflect the blow, which is telegraphed anyway. A stab is so fast and has much more penetration that it is effective on even a professional fighter.

With that said if I were going to trust my life to a knife it wouldn’t be a folder of any kind. It would be a fixed blade full tang, preferably handmade knife.
BTW not all slashing knives are effective thrusters. The thrust puts pressure on the retaining spring in a folder and even a small degrees off could put enough pressure on the spring that the knife could malfunction and cause the user more harm that the victim.

Besides knives are for spics, if a person is going to go around he or she should do it like a white man and get a gun. Whites didn’t spend 400 years perfecting the boom stick for us to use caveman tools.
Doppelhaken, Draco, Richard H, ToddinFl, Augustus Sutter, Chain, Subrosa, Jarl, White Will, whose next?