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Old March 19th, 2013 #29
Jack lorenz
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 244
Default Jew bastards

Originally Posted by Robert Ransdell View Post
The Jewish run media establishment in this country has promoted that what was once termed as courtship and dating is now a "game". This "game" is one where deception, selfishness, and oneupmanship is the be all end all, not finding a suitable mate and companion for life. You see this being pushed in TV and movie entertainment intended for young people.

The Jew created and promoted Facebook has made it even worse. Rarely do relationships that start on those things work as a relationship starts to erode because a certain person is friended or whatever, I have no experiance with the site but this is what I have heard and to a point observed.

I myself have found relationships with the fair sex of our race to be very hard to pursue because of the Jewish wrecking job on our society, very few emerge relatively unscathed. With that said I have no animosity for White women, letting that infect you soul means the Jew has won, and I hope to work to help that relations between our men and woman can be healed and made right again.
Another offense against our race for wich the Jews must be exterminated.