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Old December 11th, 2012 #9
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Originally Posted by Solskeniskyn View Post
Corn-syrup and all the nasty vegetable oils- those would be the two the main culprits I would name for understanding the sickening demise of the state of the Kwa's health and food, looking in from the outside as a Swede myself. And although the individual fat Kwan is responsible for his/her bad choices, laziness and complacency, the industrial interest instrumental in shaping the sad state are to blame too. There is enough lazy, dumb Swedes to go around, I can tell you that much, that would probably be 300+ pound fat pigs if they had been born in the Kwa, but they just don't degenerate to the same level, as the quality of the foods available to us is generally so much better.

... Let it exist as is. Those who want a healthier life and a bigger return on that investment will choose to hone their body.
To a point, I agree, and there is no doubt a lot of sheer laziness and complacency involved in creating monsters like these gals'; but you still have a bigger overreaching problem with the current-day food-supply. And that is not to say you should forbid this or that, or even that government necessarily should be involved in any way or form in regulating - or even recommending - what people put on their plate (though that is a wider ideological discussion); rather; it's just a recognition of the fact that unholy alliances between the government and industry is partly to blame for the current mess.

Because you're going to have big problems when when the government starts to not only recommend and subsidize things on dubious and unproven grounds, but actually promote the opposite of what is correct. The 'Dietary cholesterol causes heart disease' is one of the disastrous, propped up BS paradigm that is partly to blame for the last ~40 years health-meltdown. 'Saturated fats= bad, polyunsaturated fats= good', another. The claim that sugar and HFCS are interchangable, a third.

Now, I'm looking in on the kwa as an outsider - but even so, I know better than to nurture the illusion that the U.S was a frugal, cook-from-scratch from quality produce- country even 40 years ago (hell, even 60 years ago). There were a lot of packaged foods, ready-made meals, cookies, candy, sodas, chips, etc. - not to mention fast food - even back then. So where did things go wrong? When the trans-fats, preservatives and other additives entered the scene? When the HFCS started replacing sugar in large scale?

Sorry, the questions tend to get tediously leading when you ask them yourself, and I'd say both played a major role, but regarding the former: why would they decide to willfully push to add these things? Out of sheer malice? No, it's important to understand that there was a drastic change in the products themselves that made it necessary to add the preservatives, and induce the trans-fats, in order to secure the shelf-life, and that was the change from the traditional saturated oils (coconut-oil in particular, but also tallow and palm-oil to a lesser degree) to the food-industrial-complex's push towards the polyunsaturated vegetable oils (Soy, corn, canola mainly).

(Trans-fats are formed when liquid, highly unsaturated oils, that are very unstable and reactive on their own, are hydrogenated in order to mimic the stable inherent qualities of saturated fat that gives it a long shelf-life.)

So the stable, natural, healthy saturated fats were replaced with the alien, highly reactive, toxic, highly unsaturated oils -hydrogenated to boot- and a lot of shitty preservatives entered the scene, together with additives and taste-enhancers needed to cover up for the shit oils and the huge drop in quality.

... and paralleling this change you get the government starting spouting these shitty oils as healthy - combined of course with the unbacked claim that saturated fat causes heart disease. Circle closed.

Together with the sky-rocketing HFCS consumption, charted out in the graph below, you have what I suggest are the two leading causes for the kwans degenerated health.