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Old August 24th, 2014 #3
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Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 974

Whereas Hamas not recognize that his policy must be based on race question he will continue be little mouse for jews. Why? Hypothetical If Hamas achieves its full mission,jews will be not in hazards because Islam as religion don't have race issue and also on interest lent money is prohibited what means that jews can become muslims in this situation just formally and preserve its themselves while they wouldn't forget that they are in fact jews what means that they would continue work as in other states where jews are minorities. As I said in topic of "Economy" that Islam banking interest on lent money calling as "fee" on lent money,this means that jews in such state have openly wide hands for download banks,and nothing isn't changed. Is it Hamas clever that for build some similar as non-white "NS movement" (what is for me prerequisite for build state) and give answer on religious and race question? I think that they can't. In my opinion whites people must look themselves If they want to secure its future,whites had understood in once period who is ideology for secure its race and nation,error has been that other lands didn't have prepared on this in harmony with white nations world wide so whites must find way on who they will establish adequate philosophy on its own nations I think that NS is for Europans and only NS (not on way that non-germans based its NS on Germany,they can based its NS on its own folk,just must be include some basics on NS,nothing more),colonized areas are special case and I this leave to people who live in them,then whites must make a pact about nonaggression each other (state on state for example) while we not ensure future for white future generations and (this means that white people who still always have ambitions attack each other would going to die in future and its generations when they would won probabbly wouldn't want to fight with other whites),establish white economic community with full of sovereignty all nations within this community what means that we shouldn't have fear by mutual economic blocade and we would have normal import/exports wihtin this,blocked will be other races,probabbly forever,prerequisite for this economic policy must be based on first on written-off all debts,nationalize banks,interest-free money,increase emission money only If have export what means that we will have positive mutual competition with respect laws of all states If for exemple foreign have its capital.