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Old March 10th, 2008 #1
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default college

[Would you take out tens of thousands in loans to pay your worst enemy to brainwash your children? If you're like most middle-class Americans, the answer is "Yes." Where's the scam in 'a college education,' perhaps the holiest words in America this side of Jaysus and democracy? For starters, assimilate this: only ten to fifteen percent of the population is intellectually capable of handling college-level material. Yet fifty percent of traditionally college-aged students attend college. Meaning that the vast bulk of institutions out there are so many high schools and even junior highs masquerading as universities. Then there's the question of who is teaching whom what. The answer is that, essentially, marxist jews are teaching the children of naive Whites. Whites who don't know any better than to think what they're paying for is the real thing. Finally there's the question of funding. Few Whites or their parents have the money to pay the tens of thousands it often costs for a single year of college. So they take out loans. They go into debt, believing the Big Lie that college degree equates to millions in extra income over the course of a lifetime, a lie that never goes out of circulation in the controlled media. The fact is that a kid who went to work at 16 and worked steadily until he was 26, saving money the whole time, would come out with hundreds of thousands in the bank, as opposed to his peer with a semi-useless college and grad degree, who starts "real" life tens of thousands in debt. Little hint, lemmings: if you're going tens of thousands of dollars into debt for something, you'd better ask real, real hard questions about what you get on the back end. And what you'll find is that very few colleges, degrees, or programs are worth that kind of money. I mean, you can work at Starbucks (don't, it's a jew-owned chain) without a degree in communications from Erie State.]

Higher-Ed Revolution
Posted by Lew Rockwell at March 10, 2008 08:28 AM

The vast, and vastly expensive, college and university sector is in trouble, though the WaPo doesn't put it like that. Starting with the GI Bill, the federal government has heavily subsidized and controlled higher education, leading to far too many students and professors, and a radical decline in the average intellectual quality of both. Then there is the effect of unrelenting official PC. Feminism, for example, has led to a boy shortage. They comprise about 42% of the average campus, though that is almost never discussed. Outside of certain professional areas and the hard sciences, why should middle-class parents pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send a boy to four years of dumbed down official indoctrination that tells him he's the scum of the earth? It doesn't even pay off in lifetime earnings, despite the propaganda.

Then there is another problem. The whole apparatus is based today on student loans, but with the credit crunch, they could dry up. No more repackaging and selling them as securities! Of course, the Fed can just print the money, but there is a cost to that, and the banks and Wall Street and the merchants of death are in line first. A huge state university of, say, 25,000 students could shrink by half or two-thirds in a depression.

Despite federal distortions, there is a demand for real education, but it will increasingly take place outside the federalized, elephantized official system: in institutions like the Mises Institute.

Last edited by Alex Linder; April 21st, 2009 at 01:03 AM.