Full Thread: Africa
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Old November 15th, 2013 #5
Witness to Genocide
luftwaffensoldat's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Where there are no PAKIS and NIGGERS
Posts: 823

Foreign aid is not only incredibly stupid; it's also an expression of the usual pathologically altruistic behavior so typical of whites. This is because:

(a) It encourages a cycle of dependency and (b) it subsidizes the reproductive profligacy of 3rd world populations, forcing donors to annually increase disbursements of said foreign aid.

Somalia is a perfect example of why foreign aid should not be wasted on 3rd world parasites. This is because it is a potentially oil-rich state, with more than enough untapped oil wealth to place it on the same level playing field as its Persian Gulf neighbors. Unfortunately, Somalia will never become an oil-rich state because the country is largely populated with useless bipedal apes, aka niggers; giving them free money will only exacerbate the vicious cycle of foreign aid dependency. In my opinion, if the nigs are to receive anything for free, it should be free advice, especially on developing an infrastructure that can provide an adequate basis for sustainable economic development. With no free money to waste coming in and faced with the dangers of extinction through mass starvation, Somaliniggers will have a powerful incentive to get their act together... or they can go the way of the dinosaurs, whichever comes first.

The western nations would do well to drop the usual, pathological displays of indiscriminate compassion when it comes to the plight of inferior races and embrace a lifeboat ethics. It should be sink or swim, not coddle some brood of niglets at the western taxpayer's expense.