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Old May 18th, 2018 #2
Skinhead Zack
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Foods You Can Eat To Help Erectile Dysfunction

1. Leafy greens and beets:
Celery, spinach, beets, and other leafy vegetables all have very high concentrations of nitrates.
These are potent vasodilators that enlarge the blood vessels just like nitric oxide does and increase blood flow to the penile tissue.

2. Dark chocolate:
Cocoa has long been hailed as a powerful aphrodisiac. The flavonoids in dark chocolate not only put you in the mood for sex, but also help against erection problems.
Make sure to choose dark and not regular chocolate as the latter contains boat loads of sugar and fats.

3. Pistachios:
Another member of the natural aphrodisiac’s club, pistachios bring the essential amino acid arginine to the table. In a study referenced by, a handful of these delicious green nuts consumed for 3 weeks brought about a remarkable improvement in sexual performance.

4. Oysters:
The shellfish makes the list thanks to its high zinc content: a mineral that plays a vital role in the production of testosterone.

5. Watermelon:
This humble fruit can improve erectile dysfunction as much as Viagra; it also enhances sexual desire.
The phytonutrients in the fruit aid in weight loss and are very good for your heart.

6. Tomatoes and grapefruit:
Powerhouses of lycopene, these dark colored fruits improve circulation and are extremely effective against erectile dysfunction and other vascular problems.

7. Whole grains:
Harvard Medical Publications has noted that a deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to erection problems.
Whole grains are a rich source of this vitamin and should be included as part of your ED diet.

8. Unsweetened tea:
The catechins found in tea promote blood flow throughout the body, including to the penis.

9. Peaches and oranges:
What you eat to cure erectile dysfunction should also include fruits like peaches and oranges that are rich in vitamin C.
According to a study conducted at the University of Texas, vitamin C improves sperm health and motility.

10. Eggs:
Have them scrambled, hardboiled, or in any other way, as eggs provide vitamins B5 and B6, which help to alleviate stress and balance hormone levels.

11. Fatty fish:
Oily sea food such as tuna, mackerel, sardines and especially salmon contain Omega 3 fatty acids which help augment dopamine levels in the brain and trigger arousal.

12. Oatmeal:
It is not only healthy for your heart and arteries, but oatmeal also boosts testosterone levels because it contains l-arginine.

13. Cherries:
Along with blueberries and blackberries, cherries also contain flavonoids that clean arterial plaque and help restore vascular health.

14. Bananas:
When we say bananas are good for sex, we mean it. The fruit contains high levels of potassium which also acts as a potent vasodilator.

15. Garlic:
This Allium increases the flow of blood to the penis by boosting nitric oxide production.

16. Walnuts and almonds:
Like all nuts and seeds, the arginine content of walnuts proves beneficial for fixing ED.
As far as almonds go, these contain a significant amount of vitamin E which enhances nitric oxide secretion in the body.

Apart from your diet, simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing and curing erectile dysfunction.
For instance, an article on clarifies how 30-60 minutes of exercise each day can drastically reduce instances of erectile dysfunction.
Similarly, giving up cigarettes and booze can significantly enhance your sexual performance, improve your overall health, and help you regain your “superstar in bed” status!