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Old July 21st, 2008 #1
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default National Socialist Policy Toward Jews

[from Eric Thomson]

As to be expected, Goyim believe whatever jews tell them to believe, for "If it comes from a jew, it must be true," no matter how many times jews change their stories. According to jewish sources, The American Hebrew et al. "6 million jews died of a 'holocaust'" as of 31 October 1919! In fact, the jew murderer Bronstein alias Trotsky was preparing to kill Goyim in his intended conquest of Europe. Whenever a jew points a finger at a Goy, he points 3 back at himself. In other words, the jew is at least 3 times as guilty for doing what he accuses Goyim of doing.

Memory is indeed the enemy of tyranny, so I recall vividly seeing the official Allied lie about the "gassings" at the "Dachau Death Camp" before the "Miracle of 1960," in which all "death camps" & "gassings of prisoners" occurred only in the 6 Polish camps. Naturally, the U.S. Holohoax Museum makes no mention of this 'miracle,' so I wonder how they might explain the existence of the official U.S. film which claims that "many thousands" died in the Dachau gas chamber built by jew film director George Stevens, for the making of the movie. The Museum document admits that no one was "gassed" in the Dachau "gas chamber," but a sane person would wonder why prisoners to be killed were sent to another "mill of death" at Hartheim, Austria, when they were already at Dachau, where all the necessary killing facilities were available. Why go to the trouble & expense of transporting prisoners to be killed over such a distance in wartime, when transportation was both scarce & precious? Obviously, the German authorities were in no position to haul jews around before "killing them," if that had been their intention. Yes, I'd appreciate the Auschwitz article when you get it.

Memory belies these new jew lies, for Allied propaganda bragged of our total control of German airspace. Nothing moved on the ground without being subject to attacks from Allied fighter-bombers. This Allied aerial interdiction campaign was so successful that German transport could not deliver much of anything from A to B, with any assurance of its arrival. Toward the official end of the war in 1945, German cities were starving & so were labor camp inmates. Dachau experienced hunger & typhus, so large numbers of inmates & guards died in the last years of the war. Initially, all such dead were alleged to be "gassed," until the Miracle of 1960, when NOBODY outside the six camps in Poland was alleged to be gassed!

The boxcarloads of bullet-riddled bodies near Dachau were dead of .50 caliber machinegun rounds: The Allied caliber. According to her own testimony, Sabina Citron nee Winter came closest to death on a RED CROSS train which was strafed en route to Berlin, by Allied aircraft. Sabina lived throughout "the holocaust" to found "The Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association." A British friend of mine was taken prisoner by the Germans at Dunkirk, so he spent the war in Germany. He said his P.O.W. column was being transferred on foot, by road, with a big banner which could be seen from the air: It said P.O.W., with a big Red Cross emblem. The Americans enjoyed strafing them, too, as they did German farmers with hay wagons.

Paula Hitler's phony interview remindd me of Eichmann's phony testimony in Israel. He was in a glass booth in the kangaroo court, so he could only hear through earphones & speak with a microphone. The court heard entirely different questions. Thus, Eichmann would hear: "Is your name Adolf Eichmann?" The court would hear, "Did you gas 6 million jews?" Eichman would answer, "Yes," for the court record. Eichmann's job had been to TRANSFER jews to Palestine with his jewish counterpart, Joel Brandt. Brandt was murdered in Israel to hush him up, but it appears Eichmann received no news of that; otherwise he might have behaved differently, instead of giving a magazine interview. The jews hushed him up, too. All evidence of Nazi-Zionist collaboration had to be erased, so as to promote the Holohoax.