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Old April 5th, 2009 #54
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T.P. O'Connor, member of Parliament, in the House of Commons Concerning the Question of Macedonia.

House of Commons, Friday, August 14, 1903

"Mr. T.P. O'Connor (Liverpool, Scotland)... It was the question of Macedonia, and the reason he was compelled to raise the question to-day was that the position was becoming more acute, that the insurrectn was spreading, 20,000 insurgents were uner arms on the one hand, and on the other, the Turkish autrhorities were distributing arms to the Mussulmans which could only end in massacre, and it was clear that the crisis was approaching.

Of all the powers responsible for the present position in Macedonia, the gravest responsibility was with thr British Government. But for the action of Lord Beaconsfield [Benjamin Disareli], one greater part of Macedonia would have been free from Turkish rule.

No Englishmen could look back on the action of his Government at that time without feeling of horror. The speech of the Prime Minister on this sibject revealed a gross misunderstanding of the situation, and his statement that "historic truth requires us to say that the balance of criminality lier rather on the revolutionary band than on the Turkish Government," was most disastrous. It implied that the sympathy of this country was with the opressor rather than with the oppressed. There was no foundation for the suggeston that the rising in Macedonia was not spontaneous, but was engineered from the outside.

The correspondent of the "Daily News" said that the Turks had made Macedonia a hell upon earth, and the correposndent of the "Times," commenting on eth speech of the Prime Minster said that he had spent much time in searching for outrages committed by the Christians on the Turks, and had found only one case, and that according to the correspondent's account, was very questionable. The Times correspondent also dealt with the suggeston that this revilt was engineered from the outside, and said that he had spent three months in trying to establish that fact and failed..."

(The Parliamentary debates, Fourth Series, Vol. CXXVII, London, 1903, pp. 1312-1313)
Makedonien über alles, über alles in der welt!!!