Full Thread: DNA or IQ?
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Old July 29th, 2020 #7
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Thanks for answers and interest on that topic. I just want that are our views correctly. I totally do not care if non-whites have higher IQ than our White race,it is total unimportant in survivalism and Darwin also said that not ever high intelligent species survived than species who are most adaptable in habitats. We must put all on table,our advantages and disadvantages. If high IQ do not implement eugenic in society,lower species of their own race can destroy civilization who have too much people with low wages,unemployment on the back of productive people with higher population than better stock of them. About that wrote Lothrop Stoddard in his book "Revolt Against Civilization" and he in last chapture gave solutions with mixed form of rule with combination of democracy and aristocracy,he probably mean that lower IQ can not have right to vote. My key study about that topic is why are rich upper class liberals anti-racist,maybe they look just IQ and not DNA what mean that they support mixed Whites with Asians. I played chess against them and they are really hard to get,I can not deny that they are clever however I would rather favorized the White race does not matter about that. Remember that Mongols also wanted to conquer and colonized Europe and do not have guilt for their own race. I want here that you help me to analyze IQ and DNA and that we get conclusion about that. I must also mention that I used just common IQ in USA and not independent for each of 50 states and I saw that some of them have above 100 but still are Asians better,yes I agree that we were superior in past,all inventors are in general White,do you think that we through years have genetic downfall and that is it result of that? Remember that Russian Empire had communism,White lands loosed lot of colonies with complex of White guilt what I repeat,Asians do not have any kind of guilt because of Gengis Khan,so what race can be most dangerous for Whites in future? Can we expect colonization of White lands inside Europe,loosing USA and Australia? According to statistics,the White race will be minority 2060. in USA and 2100. in western Europe what mean that there would be nordic states last hope if we know that communism produce genetic devastation of Whites on eastern Europe? Would be in future Vikings lands last hope for the White race? I am going to mention another book by Stoddard and it is "Rising Tide of Color against White-World Supermacy" what mean that will other races in future make revolution against our nations when we will be weak not just in colonized areas than in whole world,Whites can become next Indians because their complex of guilt.

Last edited by Fico; July 29th, 2020 at 02:59 PM.