Full Thread: Housing
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Old August 13th, 2009 #6
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Southeast Texas
Posts: 933

Originally Posted by Axel Faaborg View Post
Why would one buy a new home when a "used" home that's been foreclosed on is cheaper, and often times better(at least according to my values)?
I assume that many of these homes that have been foreclosed have been resold to someone else. The media doesn't report that side of the ledger. They keep screaming about the number of homes under foreclosure but don't mention how many have been either re-financed or sold to someone else.

Same with jobs. The media reports and emphasizes the number of jobs lost but don't report the number of new ones. Also, our economy normally turns over a large number of jobs every year anyway, so its only the increase in turnover that is significant.

I still don't think we are really in a recession. I think we are suffering from over-production due to federal programs to "help the poor" and "to help minorities achieve the American dream". The government artificially stimulates production through deficit spending, but the deficit spending devalues the dollar so the people cannot consume the increased production. Thus, the federal government is the cause of the problem, and more of it is not the solution.