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Old July 15th, 2009 #34
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Originally Posted by johanp203 View Post
Before about 1910--1930, American medicine was dominated by charlatans. Homeopathic, naturopathic, eclectic,physicomedical as well as the more familiar osteopathic medicine and "folk" medicine competed with modern scientific medicine that is practiced today. Schools were little more than one or two year apprenticeships to doctors in private practice, doctors who were usually not associated with universities and had no scientific training themselves.

Yes, medicine was more inexpensive, and it would become cheap again if you deregulated it so that witch doctors can "practice medicine." But is this what you want for our people? Is this the upward path?
It's the patient's job to determine who's the quack, relying on whatever method he prefers, just as he does with every other decision. Not your friends. The government has stifled medical development through regulation, killing millions of people and causing hundreds of millions to suffer. You have no problem with that, because like all cultists, your god Government can do no wrong.

Quacks and shylocks will win out over honest men (including honest doctors) every time.
No, they won't. The Internet and private associations are capable of spreading the word on any doc trying to cheat people.

Your solution is to charge the population a high tax to make it "safe." The tax is real. The safety is fake.

It is in the nature of men to be taken in by the kindly appearing, touchy-feely, advertisement-savvy, fast-talking salesman.
Some idiots are, most people aren't. If they don't like what a doctor does, they can choose another. Or buy drugs themselves after researching on the Internet.

Without government intervention and encouragement, it is fair to say that most of what we recognize as modern medicine would not be available to most people or still be in a relatively primitive state. Organ transplantation and cardiac surgery are particularly prominent areas that have benefited from government funding allowing them to become routine.
Where did the funding come from? It was taken from people at gunpoint.

Not acceptable.

It is not really government itself which is "bad", but the uses it is put to. When it rewards honesty, discipline, and hard work and furthering our understanding of ourselves and our ailments it is a good thing, not bad.
Wrong again. Government doesn't do any of those things. It just expands bureaucracies and demands ever higher taxes. You have the typically stupid little-man view of government as your parents, telling you to eat your vegetables. If most white men were like you, our cause wouldn't be worth fighting.

We're not fighting to redo the same old shit. In the coming White state, there will be no government involvement in health care or anything except collective defense.

And when it punishes the dishonest and deceitful who promise quick cures of their aches and pains with "special elixirs" containing nothing more than narcotics and ethanol, it is also good.
Yeah, so that's what it does when it subsidizes tobacco, eh?

Like every other buhliever, you attribute everything good to your god Government, and everything bad to its absence.

The government has no business being involved with health care, which should be left entirely up to the citizen.

If government exited the field, the prices would drop dramatically. Imagine being a man -- I know you can't, but some still can. Imagine being able to walk into a drug store and buy what you wanted. Without a prescription.

That's the world we want.

Health care is fucked up now because government controls most of it, and it will only get worse if it ever controls all of it. As is demonstrated in the history everywhere socialized medicine has been tried. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.

Government health care means only the connected people and the members of favored classes get good care, the rest get whatever is left over. A government full of white-hating niggers and jews will take all the best and leave ordinary whites with the dregs. All you'll really get with government-run health care is a very high new tax and a place on a waiting list, where you can rue your sheeplike stupidity while you suffer. And maybe two days before you die you get in to see an affirmative action female "doctor" like the new surgeon general who gives you five minutes and a boot out the door.