Full Thread: Gold
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Old October 22nd, 2009 #76
Trevor Dermott
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 326

We all know white America and the West are on the rocks, but WN disagree about the nature of the decline. Will it be a rapid collapse or a gradual decay? Precious metals like gold aren't the best investments for either viewpoint.

I used to be a big gold and silver person, preparing for the apocalypse (or at least rapid financial collapse), but I'm more wary now. It's a good saying, "You can't eat gold or silver." The retort I've been hearing is "you can't eat dollars or stocks either." Both are true. So why bother stashing either if you're worried about really hard times?

You know what you can eat? Ramen, with a bit of boiled rainwater. Instead of buying gold and silver periodically, I pick up a 12 pack of beef and a 12 pack of chicken ramen every time I'm at Wally world and stack them in a pantry closet. It also makes a lot of sense to stockpile ammo. Shotgun ammo is still relatively cheap. That's what survivalist mentalities should be doing. If you really think things are going to get bad fast, then people will be a lot happier to trade goods for shotgun ammo and ramen packets than shiny coins.

If you think societal decline will be gradual (as I do), then there are more attractive investments to make than gold or silver (like stocks in companies that actually produce valuable goods and services). It's worth having metals as investments to spread out your risk, and as the dollar inflates precious metals will certainly rise in price, but why even bother holding the physical metals? Just buy an ETF with an eTrade account.