Full Thread: Where Can I Move?
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Old January 29th, 2019 #31
Jeffrey Smither
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Originally Posted by Breanna View Post
Food scarcity?

It isn't right to act like the obesity that is a problem for the entire west is only a problem for English and Irish people. It is a problem across the entire west and I'd say it's just due to food abundance really and lack of physical activity from modern lifestyles. Our people used to have to work hard to get their food.

In our isolated communities people tend to eat a lot and put on weight when there is food abundance in hunting/harvest season in late fall and there may not be enough space to store all the food, then through winter when the weather stops imports from coming in from abroad, people especially women starve themselves and live off their own fat that they're burning so as to save on food rations and to look slim again. This seems like a miserable existence but is good for the mind in my opinion because you learn to wake up in the morning and get through the day with the pain of deprivation and learn to handle hardships and be a more disciplined person.

Big difference between here and America is that women in America gain their fat on their bellies like men, and it shows they have a problem with masculine hormones. Women here that get fat tends to gain it all on their hips. Most of the women that are fat are old women anyways that are not fertile anymore. The younger fertile women are more slim.

Also here men comment on women's bodies in ways that isn't acceptable in America, we don't have "fat pride" type stuff lol, men tell women in their acquaintance "your arse is getting fat, time to go on a diet" and "you're not going to get a man unless you shape up," and such things. If a fat women is holding food, "Put that down, you don't need that, look at you."
I think in the case of North Korea, the Moranbong girls workout as well hence why they look so good. The women who do workout in the west look good too.