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Old November 20th, 2019 #34
Gerry Fable
'God Belief, German Piety'
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Comment: "I know this will not explain the whole scenario but personally I think it does help to get a bit of context starting with some of the most basic advantages of China vs USA."

Response: Yes. China has wisely blocked the mass immigration of prolific low-IQ groups from the Third World. In contrast, in 1965, the treasonous United States Congress passed a law clearly calculated to force it on us while curtailing immigration from "smarter" nations, especially immigration by indigenous Europeans.

So the solution is obvious: toss the law, reverse the inflow, and arrest the traitors.

As for the thesis that East Asians are "smarter than" Whites in particular, this has never been proven and in all likelihood won't be. There are several reasons for this.

The average intelligence of a group does not necessarily correspond to the frequency or profundity of genius within it, important indicators of population intelligence.

Supporting IQ statistics are culturally skewed - White culture and education are being deliberately undermined, whereas this is not happening in China. Cultural / educational sabotage is likely to interfere with childhood mental development and disrupt beneficial breeding patterns.

There are questions about how certain statistics have been gathered and classified. (For example, who qualifies as "White"? How is the Chinese population being sampled?)

Even if Chinese were shown to have a mean IQ modestly higher than Whites, this would only point to the deficiency of IQ as a measure of intelligence.

Specifically, it would imply that IQ as currently measured is somehow overlooking the crucial aspects of intelligence that allowed Whites to build modern high-tech civilization without help from China or for that matter anyone else.
"Man is not God. But he is God's birthplace. God exists and grows in man. If God does not come in man, He never comes~ Hence the German religion is the religion of high faith in man."-Alfred Rosenberg