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Old December 7th, 2018 #14
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You posted the same link three times.
I did, indeed. I meant to include two other links, but they didn't transfer from my clipboard for whatever reason, and I didn't notice when I posted. I apologise for the oversight.


The e-book that I posted the link to is based on research of many ancient sources, all of which can be verified.

I will read this book. I doubt that it will do much to change my mind about ancient Greece, since I've encountered too many modern Greeks with a penchant for homosexuality, but I will read it.


That article you posted three times simply repeats notions that have been promoted by (((modern))) scholars who had an interest in dragging down the reputation of perhaps the greatest of the ancient White civilizations.
I would argue that the later Romans are the superior culture.


Demosthenes lived from 384 to 322 BC. The Battle of Thermopylae took place in 480 BC, a century earlier. You obviously don't know much about the subject or the era.

You are absolutely correct. I haven't studied ancient Greece in many years, so my recollection was faulty. I am no authority on the subject, either, having lost all interest in Greece, save for mathematics and the philosophers, since learning of the Greeks' institutionalisation of homosexuality.


You are anachronistically projecting Wilsonian ideals into the Three Hundred. King Leonidas was not Woodrow Wilson, and the Three Hundred were not doughboys.

Perhaps I am.


If one tenth of our men had the courage and loyalty of the Three Hundred, we could overturn the current state of affairs in short order.

Free Palestine.