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Old September 7th, 2016 #16
White Brazilian Boy
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Originally Posted by laowai View Post
Why do you say I have an obsession with light eyes? Why are you not saying, good on you, for worrying about the preservation of the defining physical trait of the White race.

Sorry but you sound like your supporting brown eyes. Just because you have them doesn't mean you have to support them.

Are you really going to bet eye colour plays no role in the success of the White nations of the past? The US, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia had majority- something like 80% to 90%, blue eyed populations in the past. You truly going to look at a world standard of living map and then bet your hard earned money against blue eyes?

It's a shame more blue eyed people don't care about this. But they don't. I was banned on Stormfront for saying similar things. I think at this point even the WN are so left, they can't be helped. The White race can't be helped, just like the Africans or any other non-Whites can't be helped. I give up. I no longer care anymore. Bye.
Yep, light eyes must be preserved. But you consider light eyes to be superior and that's not true.

Greece and Rome were majority brown eyed and they are the birth of western civilization. The majority of Europeans have brown eyes.

Yes, I have brown eyes. Im sorry for not having blue eyes like my grandpa.