Full Thread: #1 Holohoax Thread
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Old July 25th, 2012 #62
Holorep survivor
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It's a question of timing more than anything else. The US generation that fought WW2, and their children, are still in power.

Until they are out of power, they will not allow anything to shake the moral foundation upon which they justify killing millions of Europeans, allying with the Soviet Union, and thereby facilitating the imposition of communism upon the world from 1945 to 1991.

They cannot accept that they killed all those millions, did all that damage, unleashed all the horrors of communism from 1945 to 1991, handed Eastern Europe to the soviets, and caused Whites to lose control of the planet, for no reason.

The White generation that fought in WW 2 need the holocaust to be true far more than the Jews do, to justify their actions to themselves. They will not allow it to not be true.

They also need NS to be worse than communism, and Hitler to be worse than Stalin, in order to salve their consciences, and convince themselves that they chose the lesser of two evils.

One of the reasons the US has never seriously opposed communism, was because those two generations could not accept the enormity of their error, and still can't today.

In around 5 to 10 years, the last of those two generations will be out of power, most of the WW2 generation will be dead, and WW2 will fade away, and with it the Holocaust, EU, and all the rest related to it.

One must choose their battles wisely.
Its a standard rule of struggle not to use weak forces to attack strong forces.

As long as those two generations hold power, Jews are strong, and we are weak, as Jews don't need to attack us, those two generations will do the attacking themselves.

Once those two generations are out of power, then the Jews have lost their allies.

Take a good, long, hard look at the Walmarters, who are the average White today.

Now let's assume they learn that Jews didn't die.

They will hug the Jews out of joy, kiss them, and fondle them, hugging them close to their chests, and sing happy songs.

The Jews will then simply start a new series, on the 6 million Jews who died in Soviet gulags, and how the Soviets tried to kill all Jews, and that Jews should be compensated by Russia.
Jews will never stop of their own accord.

Until WN get into government and disintegrate Jewish power, it doesn't matter much what we say on the sidelines as far as the general public is concerned.

As far as communicating with the general public goes, one needs to really understand that they don't read, and have an attention span of seconds, so articles and books mean nothing to them.

Our focus needs to be to get into government. Once in government, we will not need the holocaust.

As we can see from 911, no matter how loudly the truth is shouted, the masses simply gaze on blankly, chewing.

In Europe all the discussions, books etc that occur regarding the Holocaust in the US are unknown, as they are banned.
So it doesn't matter what gets said in the US, it doesn't get into Europe in the first place. If it does, most Europeans don't speak English, so can't read or understand it anyway. East Europeans and Germans are far more interested in Jews involved with communism than the holocaust, as many of those Jews still rule.

50 million Europeans died during WW2. Europeans don't have a problem believing Germans killed millions, they all killed millions, repeatedly. Most European countries killed Jews in pogroms in WW2, and millions of others, and US and Soviet troops did most of the killing of Europeans after 1941.

Europeans dislike Americans more than Jews, because Europeans almost removed all Jews from Europe with no problem at all, until the US interfered. They know Jews are easily removed. The Jews are in Europe because the US is in Europe.
When the US leaves Europe, then the Jews will leave Europe, and not till then.

Israel exists because Palestine is the richest oil reserve in the Middle East today. There are around 250 billion barrels of oil under Israel, and many times more that amount under the rest of Palestine. Jews need the Holocaust to justify grabbing Palestinian oil, but again, as long as the US supports Israel, nothing will change.

Europeans use Israel on a daily basis to show what Jews are like instead. It's not a question of most Whites not understanding, it's a question of most Europeans not being able to do anything about it, due to US missiles in every major city, US navy in most European harbours, US troops in most European cities.

Withdrawing US troops from Europe would cause a seismic political shift in the EU. Without US troops to defend them and to enforce US policies forcing open Europes borders, most left wing parties in Europe would not be at all as radical or powerful as they are today.

Without US funding of left wing political parties, there wouldn't be an EU.

These two, US troops and US funding, are what matter in reality far more than the Holocaust.
Political pressure to remove those troops and funding, would lead to the collapse of the left, and then all these facts would come tumbling out anyway.
Until US troops and US party funding are withdrawn, the truth doesn't matter, no-one can do anything about it.

Jews role in communism, on what they did, and which can be proven, and how that led to them being in the camps i.e. a focus on why Jews were hated, not debates about how many died, is more productive.

Certainly several hundred thousand Jews were killed, but no-one talks about why, viz because they were bolsheviks, nor is there much focus today on communism in the US.

In the US that can't be mentioned, as the US allied with the Bolsheviks, as did Hitler until 1941.
Secede. Control taxbases/municipalities. Use boycotts, divestment, sanctions, strikes.