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Old May 23rd, 2012 #52
Hans Norling
Randomly mutated kveldúlfr
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Originally Posted by Thor View Post
Well, Hans, go ahead and work towards getting Whites worldwide to go through with your plan. When Europe and America are race-replaced regarding majorities in thirty years you can issue a report card on how that plan went.

I've already brought up the point of how a Gramscian shift will take just as long, if not longer, to go the other way. Of course, that's if it can go at all, considering the fact the left doesn't have the same principles that the dopey conservatives of the past and present had/have. You've only got so much time to do it, as if getting into the university framework is a magic bullet when the power of the media is just as strong, if not more so.

Like my views on the military, this is one of those cases where one can only hope they're wrong; if I'm right, then things are fucked if not handled accordingly.
A thugghish shift brought on by violent crime in the streets will not take long, it will not take any time because it will be put down as soon as it begins and the gravitation toward the winner will pick up. Chaos and anarchy would ensue, however, if you somehow manage to come up with a way to kill of greater parts of your own racial populus in a swift strike. Of course, if you did that then you'd not be left with a stronger position nor race, just the classical encounter; Meet the new Failure, same as the old Failure.