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Old August 23rd, 2005 #48
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I don’t know John Basedow or whether or not if he’s a fag. But there is something to be said for his emphasis on the abdomen exercising.

When the abdomen is distended from lack of exercise and or obesity this causes many other physiological problems. Primarily from the various internal organs becoming misshapen. The liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and the rest of the internal organs give their optimum performance when they are in their proper and natural shape. The sagging and expansion of the abdomen will exert pressure that will cause these organs to either expand or impinge their natural shape and invariably impede many of the their normal bodily functions. The distended abdomen will also cause the diaphragm to push up into the plural cavity and reduce lung capacity. There can also be shifts in body alignment that will put stress on the skeletal and other soft connecting tissues of the body that hinder balance and further reduce overall bodily functions.

The abdominal muscles are unique among muscle groups as they can be vigorously exercised on a daily basis with no need for a recuperative day in between workouts.
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