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Old August 15th, 2019 #81
Stewart Meadows
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Joe Biden takes low blow at Trump over white supremacy

By Post Editorial Board
August 8, 2019

Joe Biden’s got some timing: As President Trump traveled to Dayton and El Paso to console victims, and just days after he called for unity against racism, the ex-veep accused him of doing the opposite.

A president’s words can “unleash the deepest, darkest forces in the nation,” and that, Biden insisted Wednesday, is what Trump “has chosen to do.” The 2020 Dem wannabe claimed the president “encourages and emboldens” white supremacy and has “poured fuel on the fire” of hate crimes.

Sure, Biden’s in a tough fight for his party’s nomination. But doesn’t he care at all about healing and uniting the nation after last weekend’s devastating massacres?

How is painting Trump as just short of Adolf Hitler and stirring up fiery resentment toward him going to calm the public, heal the wounds and bring folks together? Who is pouring fuel on the fire?