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Old December 9th, 2014 #21
Samuel Toothgold
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Default I learned something about Pop-up Shops

Originally Posted by Crowe View Post
I wasn't planning on making money doing it. There are a lot of unforeseeable circumstances that could go wrong that I probably wouldn't be prepared to deal with if I did that as a business. Naturally I'd have to offer some sort of guarantee, and PC parts don't always work, then you have to RMA them and that process could take weeks if you have to mail it to the manufacturer. Its not exactly something I'd like to deal with...
There are some people here who look for empty space and rent it out until just before X-mas. People wandering in haven't enough time to think over if they want to buy a certain product or not. Haggling is also not feasable.
Certain products, however, are feasable to market year round:

...Sie eröffnen plötzlich und sind einige Wochen später wieder verschwunden – immer auf der Suche nach dem nächsten leeren Laden in einer Großstadt. Meist sind es Designer, die ihre neuen Kollektionen in leer stehenden Läden präsentieren und so prüfen, ob sie den Geschmack der potenziellen Kunden getroffen haben. Die Verkäufe ihrer Klamotten dauern nur wenige Wochen, dann werden die Einzelhandelsflächen wieder aufgegeben...