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Old November 27th, 2005 #1
Left-wing NS
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Default Michael Kühnen: builder of the post-ww2 german neonazi movement

Michael Kühnen ,1955-1991

Kühnen who deceased in the year 1991,at the time 36 years old,was raised
in a catholic-conservative family.His entrance in the extreme right-wing scene already began at the age of 14 by contacts to the JN (=the youth
organisation of the NPD).Within short time he became the nationaldemocratic student speaker in Bonn(=back then capitol of West Germany).From the NPD he moved to the "Aktion Widerstand"(="action resistance") ("Herbert Wehner, Willy Brandt,traitors to the wall!").
For "tactical reasons" as he said later on he joined the JU(= youth organisation of the CDU,the conservatives),but left it again after a few weeks.For a short period of time he also "flirted" with the idea of Communism and even joined the maoist KPD/ML(=Communist Party of Germany/Marxist Leninist).In 1971 he joined the German Federal Armed Forces and studied at the German Federal Armed Forces university of Hamburg(last rank:second lieutenant).From the "Aktion Widerstand" he took over the resistance greeting,which was later on called the "Kühnen-salute".(*1)

On 8 May 1977 Kühnen together with two other right-wing extremists created.within the frame of the NSDAP/AO of Gary Lauck,the National Socialist underground organisation "SA-Sturm Hamburg".In public it operated under the harmless-sounding name "club Hansa".In the same year he was dismissed dishonorably from the Armed Forces because of "extreme-right activities".On the 26.November 1977 a legal front-organisation called Aktionsfront Nationaler Sozialisten(ANS) (=Actionfront of National Socialists) emerged out of the "SA-Sturm".

Quickly Kühnen became the prominent figure of the neo-nazi scene.Like Ernst Roehm he called himself "the Chief".In Munich he created together with the holocaust-denier Ingrid Weckert the "Antizionistische Aktion"(=Anti-zionist Action").Weckert proved a faithful companion in the following years.Kühnen's plan back then was to come to an arrangement with Iraq and to built a "Anti-zionist Legion",which should be subordinated to the Iraqi army.(*2)

Because of the usage of "unconstitutional symbols" he was condemned in 1978 to six months detention,and in 1979 because of incitement of "racial hatred to the masses" and spreading of "neofascist propaganda materials" to another 4 years prison.During this prison time he wrote his political program called "the 2nd revolution".More proceedings followed.After his release from prison in 1982 he again took over leadership of the ANS.

After the Federal Ministry of the Interior had forbidden the "Aktionsfront
Nationaler Sozialisten/Nationale Aktivisten"(ANS/NA) on 7 December 1983,
the main head of the organisation Michael Kühnen,at that time 28 years old,formed a new one named "die Bewegung"(="the Movement").Some of the former ANS/NA activists infiltrated the "Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" (FAP) (=the German Labour Freedom Party) and put out a publication called "Die Neue Front"(="The new front")."Die Bewegung" was envisioned by Kühnen as a part of an "european movement" as an "european national socialist alliance in the spirit of the SA".He transformed the former ANS/NA groups together with Thomas Brehl (*3) and Christian Worch(*4) into the "Leserkreise der Neuen Front".He eventualy transformed this successor organization of the ANS/NA into the "Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front"(GdNF).The GdNF stood in the tradition of the SA and the "revolutionery" arm of the NSDAP.At the same time Kühnen called on his activists to further infiltrate the FAP(*5).While the GdNF and the "comitee for the preperation of the ceremonies to the 100.birthday of Adolf Hitler"(KAH) should continue and secure the structures of the underground ANS/NA,the then insignificant FAP should present itsself as the legal arm of the movement,as was revealed in the public process of 1995.

In March of 1984 Kühnen fled through Switzerland and Italy into France,so to escape a renewed arrest.With the help of the activists of the french "Faisceux Nationalistes Europeen"(FNE) he did hide in Paris and Chessy,until he was evicted in 1984 to the Federal Republic.In 1985 he was condemned to 3 and a half years prison for spreading ns-propaganda material.Thomas Brehl took over the leadership of the organisation.

The adress of the FNE-publication "Notre Europa" was used as a contact adress for his prison "circulars" during his detention time in France.Michel Caignet took over the continuation of the structure work of the international ANS.Gary Lauck promoted the "Die Neue Zeit" which was the official newspaper of the ANS/NA.In socalled "european Führergatherings" the international contacts were deepened.At the end of August 1985 in Paris,in March 1986 in London,in March 1987 in upper Bavaria and finally in September 1987 in Denmark,activists from Austria,France,Spain,Belgium,Ireland and Great Britain met.Kühnen used his already established contacts and continued to build the "european movement" as "a political vanguard on the march into the IV. Reich".Otto Riehs,a former activist of the neo-nazi Sozialistischen Reichspartei(SRP) (=Socialist Reich Party) and later on an activist of the NPD,as well as Willi Krämer,the last propaganda chief in the southern parts of the 3. Reich,were "friends and contributors" of the GdNF.

Because of Kühnen's homosexuality(*6) it came to a split in 1986 with Jürgen
Mosler and his followers,under them Volker Heidel and Michael Swierczek.
Michel Caignet,chief of the foreign affairs,was persecuted from the movement for the same reasons.Caignet had distributed the magazine "Gaie France" to comrades.Kühnen solidarized with Caignet and withdrew from the GdNF with a writing called "National Socialism and Homosexuality".The writing was dedicated to Johannes Buegner,a homosexual from the neo-nazi scene,who in 1981 became a victom of a Feme murder.The "movement controversy" split the GdNF into two wings: on one side the Kühnen-wing (with Thomas Brehl,Christian Worch,Walter Mathaei,Christian Malcoci) and the circle around the FAP-activist Jürgen Mosler(with Volker Heidel,Friedhelm Busse,Thomas "Steiner" Wulff(*7),Michael Swiercek).The Mosler-wing called out homosexuals in their own ranks as "traitors of the Volk";comrades have the "reproduction obligation".Kühnen countered him with "stoneage-National Socialism" accusations.

Under the impression of this conflict Kühnen started reconstructing the organization while still in prison.This led to another accusation before the criminal court in Hamburg.His legal representative this time was Jürger Rieger(*8).In the same year he wrote the "political encyclopedia of the new front".After his release in spring 1988 Kühnen started his travel activity abroad to strengthen the existing ties with the comrades abroad.He focused on an european-wide cross-linking under the "committee for the preparation to the 100. birthday of Adolf Hitler"(KAH).In October 1988 he announced the reviving of the "european movement" in the "Neuen Front".In August a Kühnen-delegation took part on a conference of CEDADE in Almeria (Andalusia).On 12.December 1988 the discussions with the Cedade-chief Pedro Varela continued in Munich.Right in time for the Führer's birthday both confronting wings of the neo-nazi movement put their differences aside.Five functioneries of the Kühnen-wing and five functioneries of the Mosler-wing announced that in future they will both restrain from attacking the political and personal integrity of all those signing the agreement,so to enforce the movement for the coming Adolf-Hitler-year.

At the end of January his "working plan east"(*9) appeared,which proposed the building of militant extreme-right structures in the former communist east
Germany.The,in the year 1989,created east organization "Deutsche Alternative"(DA) (="German Alternative"),got the role of a mass-organization -in addition to the cadre-organization"Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front-W(est)".The DA-activists tried to represent themselves to the public as a moderate "nationalist Party".

Kühnen reserved his hatred for the "liberal-capitalistic system" and hoped for an alliance between the massive revolutionery movements of the extreme right and the extreme left which would eventualy tear down the "capiatlist pigs in Bonn,those representatives of foreign interests" into the abyss.Hitler was considered to as the "savior of the aryan race".The charisma of the "Führer" was still unbroken,he repeatedly explained.Thats why he has no interest in beeing "a new Führer".His leadership qualities were extraodinary and he operated a skillful media confrontation,whereby he could bring himself and his organizations time and time again to the public attention.Kühnen also recognized early on the recruiting potential of the hooligan scene.During 18 years of political activity he spend seven and a half years in prison.

After Kühnens death in 1991 his official successors Christian Worch,Arnulf
Priem,Heinz Reisz and Gottfried Küssel tried to continue his ideas.They focused on the "work plan east".namely the building of national socialist cadres and underground-structures particulary in east Germany.The target group is the right-wing youth subculture.The GdNF however gradualy lost its influence and meaning.In 1992 in the "faithfull to the reich" "Staatsbriefe" of the former WELT-editor Hans-Dietrich Sander an article of the neonazi media-star apperead posthum,with the title:"Basics of Paganism".In it Kühnen requested for paganism to be renewed as a new religion.Pagan is a person who "with his mind and his soul feels adressed by a myth,practices the rites,and as a deep thinking person understands and promotes the ethics of the preservation and development of the Volk,Race and Culture".(*10)

(*1) The three fingers of the socalled "Kühnen-salute" represent the letter "W" for "Widerstand",which is the german word for Resistance.The "Kühnen-salute" was used by the neo-nazi movement as a substitute for the forbidden Hitler-salute.Today the Kühnen-salute is forbidden too.

(*2)Indeed many german neo-nazis in the 80's,for example under Hoffman,fought on the side of Arrafat's PLO and the Hamas against Israel and the Jews.

(*3)Thomas Brehl is active today in the KDS ("Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten").An organization which wants to unite the extreme left and the extreme right movements.

(*4)Christian Worch is today an active neo-nazi.He organizes many of the smaller and the bigger demos.He also speaks on many of them.He is somewhat considered among the unofficial german "neonazi leaders" of today.
He is not a member of the NPD and he critisizes the Party often.He organizes the "leaderless" more radical nazi underground movement.

(*5)The FAP was the last time when radical neonazis controlled and had a political Party of their own.After its banning from the German Democracy the radical neonazis are kind of stuck with the NPD.

(*6)Actually Kühnen was bisexual.He had a girlfriend he lived with and wanted to start a family with.His homsexual escapades costed him his health and he died from AIDS in 1991.His most fanatic followers still dont believe today that he was in any way homosexual and that ZOG had him killed and later on besmeared his integrity because ZOG was so fearfull of him.

(*7)Thomas Wulff ist today still an active radical neo-nazi.His theory: The NPD should be pushed to accept national socialist reforms not only due to pressure from the outside (Worch) but also from within the Party.He therefore joined the NPD and represents the radical arm of the Party.

(*8)The same Jürgen Rieger who would have assisted Ernst Zündel as an atorney at his own trial.See for more info:

(*9)Indeed its this "work plan east" which is responsible for the strong neo-nazi movement today in east Germany.The NPD and other extreme-right Parties base their successfulness on this programm.They just came afterwards to collect the votes so to speak.

(*10)Kühnen foresaw the end of Christianity and the rising of paganism.He quickly and correctly enforced his followers to take this new "cult" seriously since it will attract many young minds and to infiltrate it now at its beginning so to be able to lead and influence it later on.
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old November 27th, 2005 #2
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Some thoughts about Kühnen's book called "the 2nd Revolution".He did write this book straight out of his prison cell in 1978.Today its distribution and/or aquirement is forbidden by law.

It is a short book,almost a pamphlet.It uses no special sophisticated languange since it should adress the mainstream ns-activist of his day.Its a small,comprehensible activist book.One must keep in mind that he wrote it in 1978 when the communist east still existed.He nevertheless believed ns-victory is possible and and that national socialism would overcome capitalism and communism.Now let us see at some interesting points he made back then:

1.National Socialism is for export.He recognized that this struggle we are in is a global struggle for the entire white race.That the problems Germany faced,or would be facing in future,are not different than those other white nations faced/or will be facing in future.Nevertheless he explained that as a german neo-nazi he must first address and solve the problems of his own Volk before thinking of saving other white peoples.First Germany,than Europe and after that the world.

2.He knew even back in 1978 in his prison cell that the russian people are anti-semitic and racist to the core.Thats why he explained the soviet goverments,even those after Stalin (whom he always referred to as a National Communist),had to pass anti-semitic and/or racist desicions from time to time so to appease the sentiment of the people.
He predicted that should ever communism fall in Russia,it would have all the needed requirements for a National Socialist revolution.

3.He explained that Germany after two lost world wars cant take up against the world alone again.Indeed the revolution will start in the east and move to the west.Germany and the slavic people will ally and form a coalition against the USA led capitalism.
Eventualy he prophesized,Germany will fullfill its destiny to lead the white nations and rule over the world.

4.Capitalism is the main opponent of National Socialism.It is stronger and more deceiving than communism.Thats why the strategies in the capitalists countries have to differ from those applied by the ns-movement in the communist countries.

4a.In communist countries the ns-movement can ally with the reactionery forces but only from a position of power.The resistance to communism must not
come from the liberal-democratic block.Nationalist and/or national socialist forces must lead the opposition to communism.Where this is not the case,these nationalist forces must restrain from participating in any alliances with liberal-democratic forces.The ns-movement must not under any circumstances become the cannon-fodder of capitalism in its struggle against communism.

4b.In capistalistic countries alliances with reactioneries are a no-no! The enemy is clear and its liberal-capitalism.In these countries an alliance with the extreme left and even the communist forces must take place so to overthrow capitalism.We do not interfere in the struggle of the communists against the capitalist state.On the contrary we should always cheer them on.An absolute hard line must be adopted by the ns-movement in capitalist countries against any kind of reactioneries.Our natural allies are the revolutioneries.

5.He blamed german defeat in world war 2 on the reactionery forces within the NSDAP and the society as a whole.In particular he blamed defeat of Germany on the reactionery Wehrmacht.The revolution of 1933 was only half-done.It was not complete and the reactionery forces in Germany at the time pressured Hitler hard to not complete the revolution,which SA-leader Ernst Röhm would have put through.That is a mistake that should not be repeated a second time.This time the 2nd Revolution Röhm had planed should take place.

6.He was not against terrorist attacks against the democratic state.One should only judge these things from a tactical point of view he said.Right-wing terrorism will not overthrow the democratic state but it could under circumstances,help "demask" democracy and capitalism and promote the ideas and ideology of the movement.Back in 1978 when he wrote the book he explained that there is no need whatsoever for extreme-right terrorism so long as the RAF is active.As long as left wing extremists practice terror on democracy and capitalism there is no tactical need for ns-activists to resolve to such measures.
Some of his followers didnt agree with him on this point ,like Odfried Hepp and built their own ns-terror troop and practiced terror attacks on stationed american and british troops.For more info see here:

7.Communism and especially capitalism dont have to offer any spirituality to the people.Thats why they heavily promote materialism,which has to sooner or later result to the destruction of the system itself.The first priority of the NS-movement after coming to power must than be to establish a new Volksgemeinschaft.This Volksgemeinschft will offer spirituality to the people again.At the same time he declared that a functioning Volksgemeinschaft can only be built on the grounds of Socialism.

This are only some of his thought provoking points.It is sad to see good-meaning ns in the us and england trying to reinvent the wheel over and over and over again when its already all said,written,tried and done before.
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old November 27th, 2005 #3
Abzug Hoffman
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A catholic homosexual pagan. Sounds like a hollywood screenwriter made this all up.fooey on him.
Old November 27th, 2005 #4
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Very interesting posts alex. It is unfortunate that he was a homosexual, not only because it took his life but also because it aided in causing fractures in the movement and some people are just going to see "homosexual" and not examine his thoughts.

That being said, I also must add, that adherence to one faith system to the detriment of another is not a NS quality. Spirituality is very important, a sense of faith and wonder, but the way a man expresses his spirituality is his own business as long as it does not cause harm or danger to the volk. Christian, pagan, is of no concern to me. Decisions should always be based on logic, observation, experience and the appearance of the will in the individual and the people.

Now, Kühnen's ideas appears to me to be mostly quite sound, and in the anglo-saxon world we have Yockey who fairly much made the same points. The only disagreement I have is with point 5.

This time the 2nd Revolution Röhm had planned should take place.
I am going to have to say that Kühnen's possible solidarity with Röhm as a fellow homosexual may have misled him here. Hitler was a genius. The party was purposely kept separate from the state for a very important reason.

Hitler was thinking in terms of centuries. NS is a world-view and while the party could for the time being depend upon the state to side with the party in inculcating this world-view within the people, that might not always be the case (Julian the Apostate comes to mind for some reason). Any party that allowed itself to become absorbed by the state would become a mere appendage to an eventually totalitarian regime that would rule "over" the people using fear, intimidation and violence.

The party by remaining independant of the state ensured it was always of the people, from the people, with the people, that it was a "truly social movement", down to its very bones.

Röhm would not see this eternal truth, thus he made himself an enemy of the people. The reason why NS carries on is because of these decisions by Hitler and the party leadership. It is the reason why NS remained a worldview rather than becoming a mere political philosophy.

NS could never have won regardless of the decisions made at that time in history, in the end it could only sow the seeds for future victory. This is why Himmler's name should be spat upon, because he thought he knew better than Hitler, thinking of today, or a few years down the way, instead of encompassing the totality of western experience, today and tomorrow.

What we need are visionaries such as Hitler, Gobbels, Dietrich Eckhart, today!
Cursing braces; blessing releases.
Old November 28th, 2005 #5
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First of all,these are not my expressed opinions but those of Michael Kühnen.I tried to give an overall fair description of his life and ideas.Before continuing on commenting the posts i forgot to mention another firm believe of Kühnen,which he also expressed in his writings:

8.He saw the struggle we are in with the perspective of generations and not his own life-time. His generation he commented had the obligation to revive national socialism and to promote it to the german youth.It was up to the next generation(mine) to make sure that the movement grows into a strong,powerfull and good organized political alternative to the current system.And it was the duty of the generation after(my children) to eventualy tear this system down and revolt.

9.National socialist propaganda should reach the youth.Older whites are already a lost cause.It should always appeal to young germans who are not yet completely "formed" by society.

Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
A catholic homosexual pagan. Sounds like a hollywood screenwriter made this all up.fooey on him.
He was raised in a catholic middle class family,that doesnt mean that he was a catholic or christian of any kind.
He was bisexual,i've already commented on this before.
I dont believe that he was a "pagan".He most surely was an atheist.But he saw the dynamics of paganism and how he could use them for the Cause.


on the homosexual thing: yes,you are right.One has only to look to a post like that of A.Hoffman.Indeed at first i didnt want to mention it because i feared that thereby i could not make the point i was trying to bring through.But after some consideration i did post it because it gives an objective criticism of the character of Michael Kühnen and in fact it was an issue in the movement back then as it is today.

on the faith thing: Kühnen himself was most propably an atheist and had no problems whatsoever with christain and pagan ns.But we have to look at the facts: Christianity in Germany is dead.
The chruches are empty.The averange church-goer is about 60+ years old.Rarely you see anyone in his 40's.Young churchgoers are non-existant.
He saw how the "liberals" hijacked the Green movement which was originaly a "nazi thing" and feared that the same thing would happen to the arising pagan scene.Under no circumstances should the pagan scene transform into some "new age" bullshit.Instead it should be "hijacked" by nazis which would lead and influence it from the beginning.

on Röhm: i personally believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.Röhm and his proletarian SA were shocked when they saw Adolf HItler in 1933 with a suit and tie going into an alliance with reactionery forces.
You see these revolutioneries feared nothing more than a watered down,moderate, reactionery-transformed NS.They feared that reactioneries would "hijack" ns and Adolf Hitler.The future proved them wrong.Indeed it was the other way round,but they couldnt foresee something like that in 1933.

On the other hand i believe that there was a chance a revolutionery "Wehrmacht" or else an SA-Army would have won the war,instead of this reactionery-aristocratic -led Wehrmacht.
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old November 28th, 2005 #6
Abzug Hoffman
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Glorification of homosexuality, or even considering it some kind of normal activity is New Age/Jewish Century. He would have been in prison for being a fag in any country in Europe, before the Jews took over.
Old November 28th, 2005 #7
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Abzug Hoffman,

this thread is not about homosexuality.If you want to discuss homosexuality please start a new thread.This here is solely for commenting on Kühnen's political ideas and political activism. Please dont destroy this thread,i beg you.
Thank you.
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old November 28th, 2005 #8
Antiochus Epiphanes
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thanks for the educational thread. I read about Kuhnen years ago in Ingo Hasselbach's book. Perhaps you might introduce VNN readers to Ingo Hasselbach as well.
Old November 28th, 2005 #9
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I agree with focusing on the youth. If you aren't thinking about the next generation and fighting for them what the hell are you doing? That requires a mentoring program tho', spotting different talent, then training and educating them.
Cursing braces; blessing releases.
Old November 29th, 2005 #10
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German neonazis doing the "Kühnen-salute" sometime in the late 70's early 80's.
Title of the magazine:"Our time will come!"-Right extremism in the youth.

Kühnen(left) and Worch(right) doing the Kühnen-salute.(1988)
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old December 1st, 2005 #11
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I strictly am against the approval of homosexuality - Kühnen was a proponent of it -, such things are perversions of nature and must be expelled by all means.

He was not the builder of the post-ww2 ns movement. Wiking Jugend and other TRUE NS-Organizations existet long before in the Federal Republic of Jewmany. my english is to bad to explain more.

Quotes from a true NS about Kühnen and Röhm:

Originally Posted by Dr.Brandt
He was the most disgusting piece of filth and unfortunately he still has some followers. They call themselves "Nationalsocialists" but in reality the are "national bolshewists". Kühnen originaly came from the Maoists. He also had a leftist marxist Jew named Erich Fried as friend. this Jew testefied FOR Kühnen at court and gave an interview in the leftis "taz", on what a decent fellow Kühnen is.
Originally Posted by Dr.Brandt
1) Röhm had practicly nothing to do with the establishment of the SA. First SA Leaders from 1922-1931 were Klintzsch, Göring, Pfeffer von Salomon, Wagener. The last two had the most impact and were chiefs of the SA during the critical years of the rise of the NSDAP.

2) Röhm was of value to Hitler in the beginings, because he was still in the army and had good contacts to the Reichswehr, which were the true secret Power in the State. In the early years of the Party, when Hitler thought he could grab power by force, you needed the Army on your side and people like Röhm who had access to the secret weapon-depots.

After the failed Putsch of 1923 when Hitler decided to take the legal path to power, Röhm was not needed anymore. Thats why he went to Bolivia and enjoyed himself in the saunas there with mestizo and nigger toy-boys .

3) The Problems within the SA started almost imeadiatly after Hitler apointed Röhm to SA-Chief in 1931. (Steenes-revolt, Strasser-crisis)

4) One of the first things Röhm did when he was apointed chief of the SA, was to conspire against Hitler.
He apointed a british doubbleagent as chief of a newly created SA-Intelligence-office - Mr. Georg Bell.

On 21st April 1931 Röhm and his adjutant Moulin-Eckhart met with Bell in Munich in Röhms private appartment. They signed a secret contract to topple Hitler. [He was apointed chief of Staff by Hitler on 5th January 1931 and already 4 months later he conspires to kill Hitler!!] Röhms plan was to subvert the SA and turn it into an independant organisation. Untill then the SA got it's money from the Party. For this he needed lots of money. Bell became his secret envoy to foreign powers. He was sent to Paris and London to gain supporters!
The anonymus capitalists were willing to support Röhm under following conditions:
1) Within 2-3 Months after signing the agreement, Röhm has to take over the NSDAP as new Führer
2) The NS-Press has to come under the influence of the english
3)creation of a foreign-office within the party
4) creation of a military office which should discuss and develope plans for germanys future army.

On 29th Mai 1931 Bell informed Paris and London that Röhm accepts these conditions!!!
In other words, Röhm sold out his Fatherland even before he was in Power. What do you call a person that is willing to play the own Press into the hands of foreigners? Or let foreigners have a say in matters of ones own military?
And most of all, is ready to dispose of ones Leader to whom he swore his loyalty?
A further finacier of Röhm was the Boss of "Royal Dutch Shell" Sir Henry Deterding. A contract was signed, that would give "Shell" a monopol for all german oil-imports after the NSDAP came to power, providing that Röhm would be the leader.

To advance this plan, the Röhm conspirators devised a plot to disspose of Hitler. The SA-Leader Julius Uhl was to shoot Hitler with a pistol during an arranged meeting. Uhl was commander of Röhms personal SA-bodyguards "Stabswache". Bell (and thus probably the foreign investors) were also informed about this plot.
Fortunatly rumours about this conspiracy made the rounds and the Party started to investigate it with the help of Heydrichs SD. Röhm had to abandon this plan for the time being.
Because this plan failed and Röhm was not able to live up to the agreements he made with foreign powers, he received no money from them. He couldn't pay Bell anymore, who then left the party on 8th octobre 1932 and sold his informations to the anti-ns press.

In the mean time the NSDAP came to power and Bell hat to flee to Austria. Heydrichs SD was very interested in his informations and thus he was a great threat to Röhm. The Munich police found out where Bell was hiding and sent a team to Tirol to persuade him to return and become a witness. While Bell was packing his bags, the assassin Julius Uhl (who secretly followed the convoy of the munich police to his hideout) sneaked into his hotelroom and shot him in the head.

Röhm got rid of his most dangerous co-conspirator and witness. But he was not willing to give up power and continued to hold contact to foreign envoys, willing to fullfil his agreement.
All the "socialist" talk of "second revolution" and fighting for the "little man" who was alledgedly being sold out by Hitlers compromise with "reactionarys" is a laughable propaganda trick, considering that Röhm was getting paid and working into the hands of even bigger "capitalists", namely the international capital!
The rest is history....... On 30th June this treacherous swine and his conspirator clique was wiped out and any memory of him was banned from the party history. He was not only a traitor against his Führer, against the principles of the Party, against the Men and spirit of the SA but most of all, against his own Fatherland! He was willing to shed the blood of his own people so he could oblidge foreign powers. He was willing to risk a civil war, out of personal, egoistic interests. That is not just not nationalsocialist, but also unprussian and ungerman. That he was a sick, deranged pervert, is just a minor detail, which fits to his filthy character!

Röhm is a smear on our history. He desecrated the brown-shirt and swastica he wore. May he burn in hell with all the other traitors!
Old December 1st, 2005 #12
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Originally Posted by alex
Michael Kühnen ,1955-1991

As someone wrote not so long ago, if someone is a genuine National Socialist they should be capable of changing themselves by using their will - achieving a personal triumph of the will.

In the case of being a homosexual, this would mean putting one's race, one's folk, before one's personal sexual desires and either marrying a healthy Aryan women and having children, or adopting some Aryan children to raise with a wife.

Whatever, race comes before self.

So, was he a true National Socialist? You decide...

BTW, the quote about using one's will as it relates to homosexuality comes fgrom Myatt's The Future Reich.
Old December 1st, 2005 #13
Left-wing NS
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The homosexuality thing again...

Maybe i should start out by saying that i dont endorse or promote homosexuality.As a matter of fact homosexuality sickens me.But that doesnt change the fact that i can look at the person Kühnen objectively.I hope thats the last time this annonying issue has come up on this thread.

Either you like him or you hate him: Kühnen was the builder of the post ww2 german movement as we know it today.Sure the Wiking Youth existed as other organisations i could name.But the movement was going the way of the dodo-bird.Thanks to Kühnen this trend was reversed.He was "our Rockwell".

On the rest of the tirades by Dr.Brandt...the usual anti-Röhm propaganda with some conspiracy theories thrown in.Not to be taken seriously.
In the age of Globalization,its not the international Left,but the nationalist Right,which is the true anticapitalist force,which will set restrictions on the international Capital and will secure and improve the nation-state as a social shelter.
Old December 2nd, 2005 #14
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Originally Posted by alex
The homosexuality thing again...
Yes - because one either is NS, or not. NS implies - or should imply - a certain personal behavior, with certain things simply not done or indulged in because one accepts the prime importance of one's duty to one's folk.

Further, if one is inclined a certain way, for whatever reason, then there is a NS duty of personal change, using one's will.

This is the truth of NS - at least of genuine National Socialism. The NS that lives, that is founded upon personal honor.

Now, did this individual use his will to change himself and place his duty to his folk, first? Or did he just carry on as he was, while outwardly upholding what he considered to be NS?

You have to ask - why was he killed? That gives the answer to the question above.

Originally Posted by alex
that doesnt change the fact that i can look at the person Kühnen objectively
Here we have the crux - we judge someone according to National Socialist criteria, not anything else.

Fact is - not many people know what these NS criteria are.

They are - personal honor; loyalty; duty to one's folk; and changing one's self by using one's will through striving for excellence, by striving to think, live, as a National Socialist.

Here is a quote:

"The second example concerns individual behaviour and what conventional moralities would call a "perversion", a deviancy or a departure from the norm: that is, homosexuality. National-Socialism understands this not as some sort of departure from some norm, but rather as a failure of individual will and a lack of individual purpose. According to National-Socialism, homosexuals, for instance, place their own self-interest, their personal pleasure before the duty all individuals have to advance themselves and their race through an act or triumph of will(16).

This twofold duty, according to National-Socialism, exists because it is what makes us human - it is the foundation of our very humanity. This duty is what makes us - or can make us - honourable and thus civilized individuals. It is what raises us or separates from sub-human, animal, living. To do our natural duty is to act in a disciplined and honourable way. If we fail to do this duty - preferring, for example, to selfishly indulge ourselves - we are showing or revealing a basic weakness of character; we are being decadent or sub-human. National-Socialism considers practising homosexuals to be decadent because by so indulging themselves, they are placing their own selfish pleasure before their duty to their race as they reveal they lack the will to try and change themselves, or at the very least restrain from so selfishly indulging themselves.

It is the duty of every individual to preserve, aid or extend their own unique race - thus building upon the foundations they themselves have inherited from their own ancestors, and thus aiding what Nature has laboured over millennia to create: separate, pure, races. Thus, if a homosexual cannot father racially pure, healthy, children, then they have a duty to restrain their own selfish desires and work to aid or advance their own race in other ways, for example through public service. What is important is that they strive to achieve their own individual triumph of the will as they strive to do their honourable duty to their race. This may make them unhappy in some ways - but it is honourable and human to do one's duty, to strive for something better, as it is dishonourable and inhuman to neglect one's duty by selfish indulgence. Duty, self-discipline and honour come before selfish pleasure, happiness and selfish indulgence. An individual who possesses the desires or the inclination or even the 'nature' of a homosexual, who strives to control themselves, who strives to change themselves through an act of will, and who strives to do their duty to their race, has ceased to be a homosexual. National-Socialism, Order and the Triumph of Individual Will
Old December 2nd, 2005 #15
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Take your religion and go stick it up your arse! It is those trying to turn NS into something that it is not who are its enemies. NS is a worldview, not a religion, thus it remains compatible (more to some than others) with religions because religions may orient themselves to a worldview, the worldview being the context for interpretation! Making it this religious crap limits its possibilites and power.

Question: Is Myatt a Nazi?

He describes himself as a "National-Socialist" - although he defines National Socialism somewhat differently from many others. He describes it as the Way of "honour, loyalty, and duty to the folk and Nature," and as a very ethical Way of Life based upon the ethics and laws of honor which he has described in great detail.

He also describes it as "non-racist" and writes: "National-Socialist ethics - being based upon the ideal of personal honor - means and implies that we National-Socialists must strive to treat all people with courtesy and respect, regardless of their race and culture." He goes to say that it is unethical, and dishonorable, to regard other races and other cultures as "inferior".

For Myatt's view of NS Germany, see for instance his essay "Towards Destiny: Creating a New National-Socialist Reich".

This non-racist version of National Socialism is the basis for Myatt's Reichsfolk organization.
Looks like Myatt considers himself a National Socialist while Hitler, according to his definition, was not. I know open, active homosexuals do not have a place within a National Socialist state. I also know those who would turn our attention from hard headed realities, and action in the world of politics, to religious nit picking and judgement have no place within a National Socialist movement.

"I have no use for knights; I need revolutionaries."
-- Adolf Hitler
Cursing braces; blessing releases.
Old December 2nd, 2005 #16
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Originally Posted by Cthulhu
Take your religion and go stick it up your arse!
Temper! Temper!

Originally Posted by Cthulhu
It is those trying to turn NS into something that it is not who are its enemies.
It is those who are against the survival and the evolution of the Aryan peoples who are its enemies. That is all!

Originally Posted by Cthulhu
NS is a worldview, not a religion,
A world-view is a religion - depending on how we define religion of course.

Here is a standard definition (according to the Oxford English Dictionary) - religion is "Belief in or sensing of some superhuman powers or powers... ; a system defining a code of living."

NS surely defines a code of living.

Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, NS is not something static - it is evolving; changing. As it should.

Originally Posted by Cthulhu

Looks like Myatt considers himself a National Socialist while Hitler, according to his definition, was not.
If you've read Myatt, then you will have read his many comments about him having evolved National Socialism - based upon the foundations Hitler created.

Now you and others can decry this evolution - this reasoned development of National Socialism - and insist that NS is only a political belief or a political idea. Fine. Whatever. Others go with Myatt and see a process of organic, numinous, change going on here. Agree to disagree - while fighting our common enemy.

But don't divide us even further and castigate those who don't follow your particular view, your particular Party line, as "enemies". That, surely is playing into the hands of ZOG, isn't it?
Old December 2nd, 2005 #17
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Temper? What NSist isn't going to be angry when some piece of shit cretin comes slipping in trying to destroy National Socialism, even if they call it evolution?

The Theology of National-Socialism: An Examination of National-Socialism, Christianity and Islam

Waht's that? Comparative theology!?!

I wish asome bird had dropped a tortose on the head of that bitch race traitor Devi, before she crawled out of her Hindoo hole to weigh down the movement with her mystical mumbo jumbo, and then throw Myatt's body in the pit afterwards with hers.

For all this talk of "evolving", Werner Von Braun didn't believe in evolution. Surprising? No.

It is my view, which I have expounded in various writings, that National-Socialism is a complete and unique Way of Life - or Weltanschauung - with its own ethics, based upon the ideal of personal honour, and with its own Theology, based upon what I have called "The Cosmic Being". This Being is not the same as the God of Christianity, nor the Allah of Islam.
The guy has confused a world view with a religion, thus giving him an excuse to provide a "cosmic being", and a theology. Fuck him and fuck you too.

"To a political leader the religious teachings and practices of his people should be sacred and inviolable. Otherwise he should not be a statesman but a reformer, if he has the necessary qualifications for such a mission. Any other line of conduct will lead to disaster, especially in Germany." - Mein Kampf
"In the ranks of our Movement the most loyal Catholic must be able to sit side by side with the most loyal Protestant without either of them having to suffer the smallest conflict of conscience with his religious convictions." - Mein Kampf
"No National Socialist shall be allowed to suffer because he does not subscribe to a certain religion or because he subscribes to no religion at all. Belief is a matter for each one to resolve in the light of his own conscience.” – Rudolf Hess
It should be clear that there are fundamental, and irreconcilable, differences between National-Socialism, Islam, and Christianity. National-Socialism, as I have stated, is a complete Way of Life - independent from, and different from, other Ways. The Cosmic Being of National-Socialism is neither God, nor Allah, and no comparison between them is possible or required.
-- David Myatt, pretend NSist
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Old December 2nd, 2005 #18
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Where turning a world-view into a religion ends:

"Three things have always inspired me: the ideal of Space Travel, the belief that our evolution, as human beings, has only just begun - that we can and indeed should evolve still further, in terms of our abilities and our consciousness - and a feeling concerning our being part of Nature. The first two are really part of one vision - the ideal of a Galactic Empire."
-- D. Myatt,
For decades, I believed in the idea, the concept, the ideal, of race, of national identity, and struggled to aid my own race, my own people, my own nation. Is national identity important? Many believe it is, and if it is, then it cannot be as important as not causing more suffering, for anything which causes more suffering is simply unethical, wrong: that is, any person, any cause, any organization, who and which seek to somehow preserve and extend race, and national identity, should only do what does not cause more suffering. This could and can be done, as I have striven to explain through the concept of Folk Culture with its Cosmic Ethics, its paganism and its tolerance, a concept which distanced me from the abstract concept of The State which State by its very nature restricts freedom and causes suffering, especially through its support for internment of opponents or potential opponents, its support for Prisons, the death penalty and many, many other things.
-- Myatt
Further, I believe that Islam - of all the conventional answers - has the potential to change the people of this world for the better, for it is a guide to how we can restrain ourselves, a guide to how we can do good, how we can enjoin others to stop doing what is harmful. It is, in brief, a guide to creating a good society, good communities, where we can live as we humans can and should live. And it is in the creation of such a society that it differs from both Buddhism and Taoism, and even from modern Christianity. The essential strength of Islam, in the modern world - its key to establishing a new society without causing harm - is its vision, its apprehension of The One, The Unity: its refusal to separate the sacred from the material. This imbues the world, and especially the daily life of the individual Muslim, with not only a divine awareness, a remembrance of our reliance upon God, which Christianity has lost, except perchance in a few monasteries, but also provides the individual with the sense of duty, and the means, and the personal examples, to establish an Islamic way of life, an Islamic community, where there is Amr bil Maroof (enjoining good deeds) and Nahi anil Munkar (preventing bad deeds) through reason and example.
-- Myatt
Take it you are planning to become a muslim as all good NSist should, eh?

Don't confuse a world-view with a religion, or this could be your fate... hippy.
Cursing braces; blessing releases.
Old December 2nd, 2005 #19
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Originally Posted by Cthulhu
Temper? What NSist isn't going to be angry when some piece of shit cretin comes slipping in trying to destroy National Socialism, even if they call it evolution?
Well, I think your words speak for themselves.

I have given a civilized reply. Readers can decide for themselves, on the basis of reason - and maybe even applying the criteria of personal honor.

Originally Posted by Cthulhu
Waht's that? Comparative theology!?!
Yes, indeed

Originally Posted by Cthulhu
I wish asome bird had dropped a tortose on the head of that bitch race traitor Devi,

Obviously, my previous words fell on deaf ears - or should that be were read but not understerstood/did not penetrate beyond the Party line.
Old December 2nd, 2005 #20
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Originally Posted by Cthulhu

Take it you are planning to become a muslim as all good NSist should, eh?
Obviously you missed the bit where Myatt wrote that NS and Islam are not compatible and I quote

It should be clear that there are fundamental, and irreconcilable, differences between The Numinous Way, Islam, and Christianity. The Numinous Way, as I have stated, is a complete Way of Life - independent from, and different from, other Ways. The Cosmic Being of The Numinous Way is neither God, nor Allah, and no comparison between them is possible or required. The ethics of honour establish laws, and a society, which differ from those of Islam and Christianity. The Numinous Way concept of the folk - and especially of the folk and Nature as living, evolving, beings - are not important for Islam or Christianity. In contrast to Islam and Christianity, there is no concept of sin, nor any need for prayer or ritual, in The Numinous Way.
BTW, Myatt regards The Numinous Way as the essence of NS.

Also, try this:

Originally Posted by Cthulhu
Don't confuse a world-view with a religion, or this could be your fate... hippy.
I am not the who is confused here

And neither am I a hippy, however you may define that


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