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Old August 4th, 2012 #201
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Guillaume Faye and Greg Johnson are both opposed to narrowing down what the word Holocaust (or Shoah as they say in Europe) is supposed to mean so that it can be asked rationally whether this essence of the Holocaust Myth is true or false:


What discredits revisionism is the way it has attempted to make a technical dispute over the execution gas chambers an indefensible dispute over the Shoah itself. [Faye, The New Jewish Question, p. 195]
Claiming that the Holocaust did not happen on the basis of a strict definition of the term (the plan to kill all Jews) strikes ordinary people as morally obtuse quibbling about definitions.... Even if the genocidal intent, the gas chambers, etc. go the way of human soap and lampshades, that fact [that countless innocent Jews lost their lives] is never going to disappear....

Faye and Johnson agree that all that fancy logical thinking isn't worth a hoot.


[…] what are [revisionists] disputing? Only that the means employed were gas chambers, or the process of attempted extermination itself? The deportations of Jews to concentration camps? What is it that didn’t exist? On what semantic level was the lie they’re claiming, and where, exactly, is the dividing line between reality and deception? Can one believe there were no anti-Jewish persecutions? (Faye, The New Jewish Question, p. 264)

Actually, revisionists form their ideas in a fog, in which nobody understands anything any more. They’ve discredited themselves by giving the impression the Third Reich did not really persecute Jews, which is like saying Julius Cæsar didn’t invade Gaul. (p. 192)


Holocaust death totals are never going to be revised to zero. In a war in which countless innocent people of all nations died, countless innocent Jews surely died as well, and ultimately that’s all the Holocaust needs to survive. The gas chambers, the genocidal intent, and the rest of it could be dropped, but poor little Anne Frank and many others like her would still be dead.


So I just don’t waste my precious time on Holocaust revisionism, because no accretion of facts, details, etc. is going to alter the facts that the Germans singled Jews out for especially harsh treatment, and a great number of people died for no other reason than the fact they were Jews. That should be Holocaust enough for anyone.

You may recognize the part of Johnson's argument that some wish to blame on Jared Taylor in Faye's essay Ethnomasochism:

(It is) the masochistic tendency to regard with a sense of guilt and a sense of worthlessness one’s own ethnic group, one’s own people.

Ethnomasochism is similar to shame of oneself and self-hatred. It is a collective psychopathology, triggered by a long propaganda effort to foster a presumed fundamental sense of guilt felt by Europeans vis-à-vis other peoples, of whom they are assumed to be the “oppressors”. It is therefore necessary to repent and to “pay the debt.” This effort at repentance, a veritable historical sham, has been undertaken by the Churches, as well as by the European States.

Greggy published Michael O'Meara's review of Faye's anti-revisionist book in August of last year. From O'Meara's review, we see the clear origin of Greggy's genius idea of calling Hitler "Old Right" and himself "New Right," and pretending that the past can be simply disowned:

”Faye thus joins those nationalists who seek “freedom from history" in order to pursue anti-immigrant politics without being associated with the demobilizing tags of anti-Semitism, Nazism, and extremism, dismissing, in effect, the contention that it is the anathematization of these earlier expressions of European being that empowers and legitimatizes the system’s anti-European policies.

It is beyond doubt that Johnson derived inspiration from this scumbag. (Faye has performed in pornographic films.)

Last edited by Hadding; August 4th, 2012 at 05:44 PM.
Old August 4th, 2012 #202
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Originally Posted by Hadding View Post
Claiming that the Holocaust did not happen on the basis of a strict definition of the term (the plan to kill all Jews) strikes ordinary people as morally obtuse quibbling about definitions.... Even if the genocidal intent, the gas chambers, etc. go the way of human soap and lampshades, that fact [that countless innocent Jews lost their lives] is never going to disappear....


Holocaust death totals are never going to be revised to zero. In a war in which countless innocent people of all nations died, countless innocent Jews surely died as well, and ultimately that’s all the Holocaust needs to survive. The gas chambers, the genocidal intent, and the rest of it could be dropped, but poor little Anne Frank and many others like her would still be dead.


So I just don’t waste my precious time on Holocaust revisionism, because no accretion of facts, details, etc. is going to alter the facts that the Germans singled Jews out for especially harsh treatment, and a great number of people died for no other reason than the fact they were Jews. That should be Holocaust enough for anyone.

Greggy, stay across the line that separates us hardliners with those of you in the Rodney King's 'Why can't we all get along' variety of White Nationalism. We do not want or need you to corrupt our people with your appeal to emotion, to have our people feel sorry for the race of people who have been thieves and liars for thousands of years.

Originally Posted by SmokyMtn View Post
Background: This 1942 article from Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer claims that Germany will be secure only when Jews have been eliminated from the entire world. Its writer, Ernst Hiemer, was a top editor for the Stürmer.

The source: Ernst Hiemer “Wann ist die jüdische Gefahr beseitigt?,” Der Stürmer, #19/1942.

When Will the Jewish Danger Be Over?

by Ernst Hiemer

Anti-Semitism is as old as Jewry itself. The Jew was a liar, a swindler, an exploiter, a troublemaker, a poisoner of the blood, and a murderer from the beginning. The non-Jewish peoples thus responded to this people of criminals throughout history with contempt and rejection.

Over the centuries, repeated attempts were made to eliminate the Jewish danger. Under the assumption that the Jewish question was a religious matter, one attempted to render Jews harmless by forcing them to be baptized. It did not take long for people to realize that this was an entirely false solution. The conversion of Jews to Christianity was only on the surface. Jews became “Christian” only to carry on as Jews.

Another way to solve the Jewish question was for the numerically superior non-Jewish population to absorb the Jewish minority. People believed that close contact between the Jews and the host peoples would, through equality, intermarriage and the mixing of blood, gradually “water down” the Jewish race and lead to its disappearance. The results of this mistake were catastrophic. The Jewish race was not “watered down” and rendered harmless, but rather the opposite: the blood of the non-Jewish peoples was poisoned in a grave way.

Experience showed non-Jewish peoples that incorporating the foreign Jewish element into their community not only did no good, but caused positive harm. Gradually people realized that there was only one effective method of dealing with Jewry: consistent separation from their own racial body.

Even during the Middle Ages numerous governments required Jews to distinguish themselves from their non-Jewish host peoples by wearing special clothing such as pointed Jewish hats, yellow symbols, rings, etc. As well-intentioned as these measures were, they had only limited success. Sometimes the Jews wore these symbols with pride. They were pleased that the “stupid Goy” themselves saw to it that only the “chosen people” wore such outward symbols. But other Jews whose business interests were not advanced by making the fact that they were Jews plain continued to go about the country as “non-Jews.”

Another way of separating the Jews from the non-Jewish peoples was to force them to live in certain areas. The Jewish quarter became known as the “ghetto.”

But this method also failed to achieve its goal. Some Jews welcomed the creation of the ghetto. Once again they had their “community abroad!” In the ghetto, Jewry’s secret plans were forged! In the ghetto the Jews had their “staff.” Those Jews who carried on their mischief among the non-Jews received their commands from the ghetto. The Jewish danger was greater than ever before.

Realizing that separating the Jews into their own quarter was not sufficient led various peoples to go still further. They expelled the Jews from their countries. This for the first time aroused the Jews. Now they saw a real danger! Now they had to act before it was too late!

Jewry is thousands of years old. Thanks to its devilish cleverness, it has often found a way out of nearly hopeless situations. Here, too! The Jews let themselves be expelled without much fuss. They gathered on the other side of the border and waited and waited and waited. They waited for years and decades. They waited for the moment in which the knowledge of the Jewish danger gradually disappeared from people’s minds. Then the Jews came back. Then they laid waste to the land more terribly than before.

Today Europe is ready to solve the Jewish question once and for all. It is thus good to learn from past mistakes and remember what history teaches. And what does history teach us? It teaches:

The Jewish question is not only a German matter!

It is also not only a European problem! The Jewish question is a world question! Just as Germany is not safe from the Jews as long as even one Jew remains in Europe, so Europe cannot solve the Jewish question as long as Jews live in the rest of the world.

Jewry is organized world criminality. The Jewish danger will be eliminated only when Jewry throughout the world has ceased to exist.
Old August 5th, 2012 #203
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Have you noticed that Greece is not a very big country?
No, I hadn't. In area and population, it's larger than 40 of the US states, as well as also being larger than three quarters of the states in Europe.

It is also a crucial factor in the Eastern European economy. Greek mining and harbours/shipping/warehousing and transporting are critical for food and fuel distribution throughout Eastern Europe and for Turkey, which depends on Eastern European raw materials.

If Greece collapses, so does the Balkan economy, and the Balkans will explode. That will affect Turkey, trade between Asia and Europe via the Black sea and Mediterranean, and north Africa, Europe and Asia, and would cause economic collapse in many smaller countries.

If the Serbs then moved to recover Kosovo, as they would need to if they were to survive, Albania would go to war with Serbia, and NATO, Russia, Germany, Turkey and the US would all become involved.

If Turkey was badly affected, they could not assist the US in Iraq anymore, nor keep down the Kurds in Turkey, which would need to withdraw troops from Iraq, as would the US.
Iraq would then split into three and Turkey would face civil war as the nations spread across the Turk/Iraq border began to unite and form new countries.

They have a lot of support among police. That is not the same as being backed by "the police" which are agencies of governments.

They have the critical mass of support, which is what is needed, though they won't have it for much longer unless they reign in their members behaviour and rhetoric.

The support for GD has declined rapidly after the TV incident, their holocaust statements and general behaviour and the media campaign against them.

In the May election, they won 21 seats. In the June election they lost 3 seats, to get 18.
That's a rounded off 15 percent drop in votes for GD within one month.
Goodwill means nothing if it doesn't translate into votes.

Parties need the support of trade unions, the church and the civil service to get into government. The food drive will not gain them these peoples support or financial contributions.

Having spent their parliamentary funds, unless they have other money coming in, they will soon begin to run short for salaries, office rental and expenses, promotional material etc

The US backed pro EU Greek government will wait a while till GD start to experience financial problems, which they will do as the several court cases against them start in the next couple months.

Then just before the next elections, they'll hit them with a series of major lawsuits about racism, antisemitism etc, in order to get them to spend their election funds on lawyers and cases, be demonised in the press, and so lose more support.

People rarely vote for parties they like, they vote for parties they think are likely to win.
GD should stick to what works, being pro-Greek and anti-Eu.

Try a search on the term "food drive."
So you then think that atheist organisations raise more money for charity around the world every day than religious ones,
and you think that atheist organisations give out more food on a large scale than religious ones.

Care to name some of these atheist organisations and charities?

Christian churches have been running food drives for around 2000 years.
For how many centuries has the atheist food drive been running, and in how many towns and cities across the world do atheists provide food daily?

Socialism is not of Jewish origin. Nor is Communism.
As practised today, yes they are. Jews developed them into systems actually used by governments, Jews lead the promotion of them today, Jews are developing them today, Jews put through legislation implementing socialist and communist policies today. Thus they're Jewish political philosophies.

Jews ran the USSR, ran the socialist and communist movements worldwide, and helped finance and implement socialist and communist policies to a greater or lesser degree in 70 countries over the last century, including China.

The national-socialistic Spartan state lasted a very long time.
Sparta was never national-socialistic. It had a king, nobles, a small layer of Spartans who had to spend their lives in the army to keep down a population of which around three quarters were helots or slaves, and which was defeated regularly by its neighbours.

Athens, Thebes, Crete, Mycenae, Byzantium - these are great Greek states and empires which made enduring contributions.
Robbing, stealing and murdering, which was all Spartans did, are not contributions.

The notion that economies as a matter of principle must not be regulated is modern.

There's no such notion, certainly not in any government, and it's never been a matter of principle.
All modern economies are regulated, and getting ever more regulated.

You have a limited frame of reference
True. I am involved in mainstream politics, and am not interested in what doesn't work, only in what does in real life.
One cannot gain political success by taking on Jews, no-on cares about the Holocaust, and no-one wants NS.

Should you ever actually try to implement your ideas in reality, you will learn this too.

People don't dislike NS because of the Jews, they dislike NS because they don't like highly centralised governments, don't like dictatorships, don't like people who want to enslave them, and don't like people who massacre them.

Europeans don't dislike Germans because of the Jews. They dislike them because nation after nation out of Germany and Scandinavia such as Goths, Vandals, Franks, Saxons, Vikings have invaded the rest of Europe since Rome fell, plundering, looting and massacring, and keeping most of Europe backward, undeveloped and on the verge of starvation.

Germans from Germany and the German Franks in France have fought each other for 1200 years, over control of the central third of Charlemagne's empire, where the major mines are. Germany and France recover quickly within a generation or two, as they are large countries, with large reserves, and then invade again.

Since the 1300's the Teutonic knights have massacred the Slavs and invaded the Baltic states.

The Austrians invaded and took over a huge portion of central and Eastern Europe.

Austrians, Prussians and Russians invaded Poland and divided it between them in the late 1700's, massacring the Poles and forcing them to convert to whatever religion the state that conquered them held to. Then each of the three brought in masses of their own nations to settle in Poland, driving Poles off the best land. The Poles fought for over a century, only getting their country back at the end of WW 1. Then the Poles stated taking revenge for a century of horror, and drove the Austrians, Russians and Prussians out of Poland, which was used by the three as an excuse to invade Poland again.

During the 1800's, Europe once again experienced famine and war as Prussia and Austria and Germany battled it out over
control of Germany, eventually Prussia took the Protestant two thirds, Austria the catholic southern third.

Then Europe has WW1, and then WW 2. Germany handed Eastern Europe over to the Jews.

Tens of millions have died across Europe as a result, and most of Central Europe has been unable to develop, as every generation or two, either France or Germany will invade, rob them and kill them.

In WW 1, 12 million Europeans died, 20 million died from Spanish flu shortly thereafter, then 50 million died in WW 2.

Do you seriously think Europeans care if Germans feel sad?

What do you think other Europeans feel about 1200 years of neverending warfare, and what does Eastern Europe feel about being given by Germany to the USSR to live in horror for 45 years?

Most Eastern Europeans hate Germany with a passion, and want to see Germany and all Germans burnt to ashes.

Most European nations are small, with few reserves. They are still battling to recover. Germans have the highest standard of living in Europe. Neither they or France are suffering at all.

The countries caught up between them still lie in ruins, with generations of men dead, and nations that have seen nothing but war, famine and epidemics since 1914.

That's why NS is such a stupid system to try to promote, especially since so many in the US recently arrived from Europe.

Other Europeans look at them and remember their cities being bombed, families killed, they see orphans, widows, famine and epidemics. Neo nazis are lucky they have the police to protect them. Most Europeans, given the chance, would kill neo nazis on the spot.

You have no concept of European history, nor of what struggle is, nor of what it is about. Lazing around languidly in your middle class suburb, you know nothing of what nationalism is.
You have a home, water, food, energy, there are no armies marching on you.
Your town is not in flames, you aren't refuges fleeing across fields as planes gun you down, you aren't sleeping in ditches, or being beaten to death, or put in gulags. Nationalism is a matter of life or death, not a hobby.
Put aside your foolishness and grow up.

You NS people are a millstone around the neck of WN.
Secede. Control taxbases/municipalities. Use boycotts, divestment, sanctions, strikes.

Last edited by Hugh; August 5th, 2012 at 11:14 PM.
Old August 6th, 2012 #204
Alex Linder
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Guillaume Faye and Greg Johnson are both opposed to narrowing down what the word Holocaust (or Shoah as they say in Europe) is supposed to mean so that it can be asked rationally whether this essence of the Holocaust Myth is true or false:


What discredits revisionism is the way it has attempted to make a technical dispute over the execution gas chambers an indefensible dispute over the Shoah itself. [Faye, The New Jewish Question, p. 195]


Claiming that the Holocaust did not happen on the basis of a strict definition of the term (the plan to kill all Jews) strikes ordinary people as morally obtuse quibbling about definitions.... Even if the genocidal intent, the gas chambers, etc. go the way of human soap and lampshades, that fact [that countless innocent Jews lost their lives] is never going to disappear....

Faye and Johnson agree that all that fancy logical thinking isn't worth a hoot.
Just abysmal.

Some 'technical' dispute. If one party says the main basis of a charge didn't actually exist, that is a little more than a technical dispute. One is astonished how ready these men are to accede in outrageous charges made by the main enemy. Especially when that charge is used as the basis for moral attack on whites they claim we're extraordinarily susceptible to. They really seem to believe whites have an urge-to-guilt that has nothing to do with evidence. Their position is wrong factually, politically and in every other way.


[…] what are [revisionists] disputing? Only that the means employed were gas chambers, or the process of attempted extermination itself?
Of course they're disputing that since there was no such process. Hitler encouraged jews to emigrate. For crissakes, his men were WORKING with organized jewry to get the kikes to go to Palestine. That's not a matter of debate, that's fact.

The deportations of Jews to concentration camps? What is it that didn’t exist?
Not all jews were deported to camps, and plenty came back - see Werner Klemperer's diary. Plenty of others were deported to camps too, it was hardly just jews. Concentration camps were also built by America and the USSR. Does those campers deserve special terms for their experience?

On what semantic level was the lie they’re claiming, and where, exactly, is the dividing line between reality and deception?
On the level of the term itself, in the false idea that there was special suffering endured by jews in WWII, including gassing and mass murder.

It is astonishing that ostensibly pro-White men accede to these lies. There is no political or factual reason to do so, and every political and factual reason to fight them, especially when you consider the nature of the accuser and his own behavior. It is clear that, insofar as 'the' 'holocaust' is concerned, Faye and Johnson are driven by personal interests rather than what's good for Whites.

Can one believe there were no anti-Jewish persecutions? (Faye, The New Jewish Question, p. 264)
Jews were the driving force behind communism in Germany, as elsewhere. That surely merits focusing on them as the main enemy. In your mouth that then becomes "persecution"? Christ, you are taking the identical position to the white race's enemy. In the name of helping whites. Something is seriously wrong here.

Actually, revisionists form their ideas in a fog, in which nobody understands anything any more.
Says the guy who has just rejected analysis of the factual basis underlying the propaganda term 'holocaust.' You can feel his irritation. "Don't worry about The Holocaust. Just let them have it." What kind of White politics is this? None worthy of the name.

They’ve discredited themselves by giving the impression the Third Reich did not really persecute Jews, which is like saying Julius Cæsar didn’t invade Gaul. (p. 192)

If jews lead communism, and communists are throwing putsches across Germany en route, they hope, to complete takeover followed by atrocities as they have just visited on Russia, then is there really no better term for effective resistance's handling of the jewish problem than "persecution." Sweet Jesus, with friends like these we don't need enemies. Why so willing to throw good White men -- engaged in the same task we are -- under the bus? How would you read this if you were the enemy? I'd read it as complete gutless cowardice.


Holocaust death totals are never going to be revised to zero. In a war in which countless innocent people of all nations died, countless innocent Jews surely died as well, and ultimately that’s all the Holocaust needs to survive. The gas chambers, the genocidal intent, and the rest of it could be dropped, but poor little Anne Frank and many others like her would still be dead.
Astonishing. Even after stating that innocent people of ALL nations died, Johnson believes kikes are entitled to a special term for their unspecial suffering? Is he insane? Does he not know how the kikes use an admission like that? And couple this with his fingers-in-ears, la-la-la I-can't-hear-you when a factualist says, actually Greg, we don't need to run from 'the' 'holocaust' at all, because the claims it's based on are big lies. Pure insanity.

[indent]So I just don’t waste my precious time on Holocaust revisionism, because no accretion of facts, details, etc. is going to alter the facts that the Germans singled Jews out for especially harsh treatment, and a great number of people died for no other reason than the fact they were Jews. That should be Holocaust enough for anyone.
This is November-pumpkinheaded nonsense. Look, fuckstick, the kikes CREATED COMMUNISM AND TRIED TO DESTROY EUROPE WITH IT. Resisting that effectively, as the Germans did, is to be celebrated and copied, not curse and run from. This is blatant cowardice of the most pathetic and disgraceful type. Johnson should be ashamed, as should Faye.

What kind of a man, an intellectual, runs from a fight when the facts are on his side? The answer must sadly be: Guillaume Faye does. Greg Johnson, too.

You may recognize the part of Johnson's argument that some wish to blame on Jared Taylor in Faye's essay Ethnomasochism:
[INDENT](It is) the masochistic tendency to regard with a sense of guilt and a sense of worthlessness one’s own ethnic group, one’s own people.

Ethnomasochism is similar to shame of oneself and self-hatred. It is a collective psychopathology, triggered by a long propaganda effort to foster a presumed fundamental sense of guilt felt by Europeans vis-à-vis other peoples, of whom they are assumed to be the “oppressors”. It is therefore necessary to repent and to “pay the debt.” This effort at repentance, a veritable historical sham, has been undertaken by the Churches, as well as by the European States.
Jared Taylor just posted a huge article on this subject, "Pathological Altruism"

so if your implication is that Faye rather than Johnson is the source, I doubt it. Taylor has been promoting whites-as-biologically-flawed for as long as he's been around. The sickest sight in White nationalism is listening to that oily WASP ivy-southern fuck grease on about how we just don't know why whites are acting this way. Taylor is a liar, plain and simple. The Southern 90s can't figure him out, but I can place him in a nanosecond.

Who cares anyway? Johnson's position is taken by Faye as well as Taylor, as you've demonstrated. What matters is the position is wrong. The monstrous imposture that these putzes are on our side when they're taking the same position as our worst enemy, and shaming the memory of our most valiant defenders, is enough to make a grown man puke.

Greggy published Michael O'Meara's review of Faye's anti-revisionist book in August of last year. From O'Meara's review, we see the clear origin of Greggy's genius idea of calling Hitler "Old Right" and himself "New Right," and pretending that the past can be simply disowned:
Oy. I'll read this later. It occurs to me that Greg Johnson has never engaged in public debate with antis under his real name. His position is so bizarrely ridiculous I can't think of another explanation for it. Like I've said a million times, when I was a conservative, non-racist individualist, I was still called racist and nazi by a very good number of the people who didn't like my columns. For Johnson to think that he can escape the Nazi tag because he's a "new" good Nazi - the term naive is not strong enough to cover this delusion. This stinks of someone who has never spoken or dealt with the world outside his own echo chamber. He has no right to call himself a 'counter-current' when he's going with the flow.

”Faye thus joins those nationalists who seek “freedom from history" in order to pursue anti-immigrant politics without being associated with the demobilizing tags of anti-Semitism, Nazism, and extremism, dismissing, in effect, the contention that it is the anathematization of these earlier expressions of European being that empowers and legitimatizes the system’s anti-European policies.

It is beyond doubt that Johnson derived inspiration from this scumbag. (Faye has performed in pornographic films.)
Yes, I think you've made the case. I suspect Taylor is the stronger influence, but certainly Faye's in his head too.

Last edited by Alex Linder; August 6th, 2012 at 10:41 AM.
Old August 6th, 2012 #205
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Originally Posted by Hugh
Sparta was never national-socialistic. It had a king, nobles, a small layer of Spartans who had to spend their lives in the army to keep down a population of which around three quarters were helots or slaves, and which was defeated regularly by its neighbours.
One of the most noteworthy facts about Sparta is that it always had not "a king" but two kings. There wasn't "a small layer of Spartans who had to spend their lives in the army": every adult male Spartan spent his days in military training.

You're talking completely out your ass.

Nothing new about libertards inventing false history as needed.

Last edited by Hadding; August 6th, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
Old August 6th, 2012 #206
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
It is also a crucial factor in the Eastern European economy. Greek mining and harbours/shipping/warehousing and transporting are critical for food and fuel distribution throughout Eastern Europe and for Turkey, which depends on Eastern European raw materials.

If the Serbs then moved to recover Kosovo, as they would need to if they were to survive, Albania would go to war with Serbia, and NATO, Russia, Germany, Turkey and the US would all become involved.

If Turkey was badly affected, they could not assist the US in Iraq anymore, nor keep down the Kurds in Turkey, which would need to withdraw troops from Iraq, as would the US. Iraq would then split into three and Turkey would face civil war as the nations spread across the Turk/Iraq border began to unite and form new countries.
You pick up this genius analysis playing Risk? Or Stratego? Germany can take care of Eastern Europe easily. Whatever it can't supply, Russia can.

They have the critical mass of support, which is what is needed, though they won't have it for much longer unless they reign in their members behaviour and rhetoric.
Wrong. If they'd listened to your type, they'd have had no success at all.

The support for GD has declined rapidly after the TV incident, their holocaust statements and general behaviour and the media campaign against them.

In the May election, they won 21 seats. In the June election they lost 3 seats, to get 18.
You ought to be a jew with chutzpah like that. Every source out there was predicting a big dip in their fortunes after the first vote and it did not happen. This bothers you so much you lie about it.

What's your real motive, Hugh? It's not objective analysis.

That's a rounded off 15 percent drop in votes for GD within one month.
Goodwill means nothing if it doesn't translate into votes.
They maintained their level of support against vicious international denunciation - that is a sign of strength, not weakness. Like the rest of its opponents, you counsel the same old cowardice and back-footing while claiming it will lead to victory. Why are you lying, Hugh?

Parties need the support of trade unions, the church and the civil service to get into government. The food drive will not gain them these peoples support or financial contributions.

Having spent their parliamentary funds, unless they have other money coming in, they will soon begin to run short for salaries, office rental and expenses, promotional material etc.

The US backed pro EU Greek government will wait a while till GD start to experience financial problems, which they will do as the several court cases against them start in the next couple months.
Garbage. Running out of money is no problem. To say that is to misperceive the entire reason the party exists. The danger will come from elements of the Greek elite joining up with the internationalists to try to crush these "neo-nazis" using the standard hate bureaucratic garbage.

Then just before the next elections, they'll hit them with a series of major lawsuits about racism, antisemitism etc, in order to get them to spend their election funds on lawyers and cases, be demonised in the press, and so lose more support.

People rarely vote for parties they like, they vote for parties they think are likely to win. GD should stick to what works, being pro-Greek and anti-Eu.
Full of lies and bad advice, you are. What's your real agenda, Hugh?

So you then think that atheist organisations raise more money for charity around the world every day than religious ones, and you think that atheist organisations give out more food on a large scale than religious ones.

Care to name some of these atheist organisations and charities?
Is Golden Dawn religious? No. Do people flock for its food? Yes. Can anyone duplicate its actions? Yes. Nothing else matters.

Christian churches have been running food drives for around 2000 years.
For how many centuries has the atheist food drive been running, and in how many towns and cities across the world do atheists provide food daily?
Have these universalists ever run Whites-only food drives? Not a single time. And that's what matters.

Jews ran the USSR, ran the socialist and communist movements worldwide, and helped finance and implement socialist and communist policies to a greater or lesser degree in 70 countries over the last century, including China.
Socialism isn't inherently jewish, but communism is. Jews must be tied to communism and neo-communist cant terms such as 'human rights' and 'hate.' Jews are the source of political globalism (as opposed to international trade) and the international mongrelization called multiculturalism. They must be tied to and identified with these anti-White policies and resisted by nationalists in all nations, who are well advised to support and learn from one another.

There's no such notion, certainly not in any government, and it's never been a matter of principle. All modern economies are regulated, and getting ever more regulated.
That's why these economies are stagnating. Throw in the funny money, and you have diaster.

True. I am involved in mainstream politics, and am not interested in what doesn't work, only in what does in real life. One cannot gain political success by taking on Jews, no-on cares about the Holocaust, and no-one wants NS.
Golden Dawn and the original NS they're modeled on show you're wrong. Your focus on dogcatchers ignores that the problems our race faces, in every country, come from the top down. Not the bottom up. There is no way to restore white sovereignty at the local level, only by cutting off the jewish head and putting a new Aryan head on the Aryan body.

People don't dislike NS because of the Jews, they dislike NS because they don't like highly centralised governments, don't like dictatorships, don't like people who want to enslave them, and don't like people who massacre them.
It's pretty obvious that a lot of people do. Whites are split between those who favor freedom and those who prefer a welfare state.

Europeans don't dislike Germans because of the Jews. They dislike them because nation after nation out of Germany and Scandinavia such as Goths, Vandals, Franks, Saxons, Vikings have invaded the rest of Europe since Rome fell, plundering, looting and massacring, and keeping most of Europe backward, undeveloped and on the verge of starvation.
This is the dumbest thing I've heard in weeks. Whatever quality England has, pardon me, had, was due to Germanic tribes.

Germans hated? You English would like to think so. The problem is that even bigots like you in the English press inevitably end up, upon visiting Germany, by admitting it is superior to England in virtually every way. To say that Germans are hated is ridiculous. Even with 24/7/365 propaganda against them, Germany is universally respected as a country, and Germans are universally seen as good people to have as neighbors. By contrast, English are seen as illiterate, drunken hooligans and buffoons. And the ceremonies at the Olympics have furthered that perception.

Since the 1300's the Teutonic knights have massacred the Slavs and invaded the Baltic states.

The Austrians invaded and took over a huge portion of central and Eastern Europe.
Germans built most of the infrastructure in Eastern Europe. Their influence was mostly for the good, and you can even see this alluded to in the great Russian novels when they discuss German characters. It was when German expertise was replaced by jews after the 1917 revolution that Eastern Europe fell apart.

You're simply another English bigot lying about your betters, Hugh. Haven't your people caused enough misery in the 20th century? Isn't it about time you focused on cleaning up your barbaric sandbar rather than maligning your betters?

Then Europe has WW1, and then WW 2. Germany handed Eastern Europe over to the Jews.
Germany fought the jews. England allied with them.

You're just an English bigot, Hugh. Your kind is the reason Europe is in the pitiful shape it is today, and you keep on with the same garbage.

Tens of millions have died across Europe as a result, and most of Central Europe has been unable to develop, as every generation or two, either France or Germany will invade, rob them and kill them.
More lies. Most Central European infrastructure was built by Germans. When 15 million Germans were kicked out of Eastern Europe after the war, it was a great tragedy not just for them, but for the countries they left.

Most Eastern Europeans hate Germany with a passion, and want to see Germany and all Germans burnt to ashes.
That's a big lie. Why are you lying, Hugh?

Most European nations are small, with few reserves. They are still battling to recover. Germans have the highest standard of living in Europe. Neither they or France are suffering at all.
Thanks to their own efforts. And they've reached out yet again to Eastern Europe, and helped them immensely through honest commercial trade. Just as they did in the pre-jew days.

Other Europeans look at them and remember their cities being bombed, families killed, they see orphans, widows, famine and epidemics. Neo nazis are lucky they have the police to protect them. Most Europeans, given the chance, would kill neo nazis on the spot.
What's actually going on is Europeans who want to save their countries are starting to realize that in politics, like in many other areas, the Germans were ahead of the rest of the world. The techniques they used are not German, they can be used by anyone. And you claim you care about what's effective? Who's a more effective opponent of the jews than the Nazis? No one. Golden Dawn has figured this out, and copied what works. And for some reason, this really bothers you.

You NS people are a millstone around the neck of WN.
Yeah, Golden Dawn should be copying Nick Griffin and his unmerry band of illiterate borrebies.

Last edited by Alex Linder; August 6th, 2012 at 01:41 AM.
Old August 6th, 2012 #207
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"What are the Germans like?"

"Efficient" comes up over and over.
Old August 6th, 2012 #208
America First
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Most Eastern Europeans hate Germany with a passion, and want to see Germany and all Germans burnt to ashes.
That's a big lie. Why are you lying, Hugh?


As for me Hugh you are done, well done now.

Next !
Isn't it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most?

We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples
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Old August 6th, 2012 #209
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Originally Posted by America First View Post
Most Eastern Europeans hate Germany with a passion, and want to see Germany and all Germans burnt to ashes.
That's a big lie. Why are you lying, Hugh?


As for me Hugh you are done, well done now.

Next !
It is not a lie,it is fact,how many east europeans do you meet on a daily basis ?
How many ethnic Germans attempting to get compensation from the czech government are you related to ?
Even in modern corrupted Germany the slavs do not invade there the Germans will not entertain it and have various barriers to stop them being recruited and deployed as employees.The slavs get on buses an travel right across the most successful economy in europe to get to the UK with its lax controls on welfare and employment.It is to be noted that when German companies recruited for mercedes's Stuttgart rebuild in the UK no foreign born UK citizens were eligible.It may suit "melting pot" Americans to believe that the Germans love slavs the reality is very different.In fact for decades the only eastern europeans one encountered in Germany were Latvians,Estonians an Lithuanians distinguished by the fact that they are German and not slav.
The above post is as always my opinion

Chase them into the swamps
Old August 6th, 2012 #210
Greg Johnson
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Let's say that some guy runs over your dog. You take him to civil court. In your filing, you claim that he ran over your dog in a late model gray sedan. The guy's lawyer argues he is not guilty, because you accused him or running over your dog in a late model gray sedan, when in fact he ran over your dog in a late model gray two-door coupe. Besides, he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital, and your dog should not have been off leash, and plenty of people's dogs die, so what makes yours so special? You object that your dog is still dead, but the lawyer argues that since no-dog-was-killed-with-a-late-model-gray-sedan, your case should be dismissed as a hoax. The judge slams his gavel and dismisses your case. "B-b-but my dog is still dead . . ." you stammer as the courtroom empties out.
Old August 6th, 2012 #211
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Originally Posted by Greg Johnson View Post
Let's say that some guy runs over your dog. You take him to civil court. In your filing, you claim that he ran over your dog in a late model gray sedan. The guy's lawyer argues he is not guilty, because you accused him or running over your dog in a late model gray sedan, when in fact he ran over your dog in a late model gray two-door coupe. Besides, he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital, and your dog should not have been off leash, and plenty of people's dogs die, so what makes yours so special? You object that your dog is still dead, but the lawyer argues that since no-dog-was-killed-with-a-late-model-gray-sedan, your case should be dismissed as a hoax. The judge slams his gavel and dismisses your case. "B-b-but my dog is still dead . . ." you stammer as the courtroom empties out.
A better analogy would be if you accused somebody of running over your dog based on a rumor when that isn't even how your dog died.

Old August 6th, 2012 #212
M. Issig
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Originally Posted by DiCarlo View Post
There's no way WNs can allow such a colossal lie as the holyhoax to stand. Somehow, because jews died in WW2 at the hands of the Germans, Johnson implies the jews have a case, they've been wronged, so WNs should move on. He even uses the term, "innocent" jews. Instead of Johnson understanding the astounding wrongs jews did to the German people by betraying Germany into defeat by manipulating America into WW1, and then instigating WW2 by jew actions and subversions after their own declaration of war on Germany in 1933, he writes that it would be better if WNs refrain from Holocau$t® revisionism. Such a move would only result in giving jews relief, of which they deserve none. The only thing jews deserve is payback for centuries of indescribably heinous crimes against White Europeans.
Indeed! Exposing the Holocaust as nothing more than myth should prompt even the least of curious and critical minds to re-assess the circumstances and truth of that period. Some, like myself, may even continue with a much broader reassessment, which some have termed an "awakening," which requires that hundreds of years of histories be placed in starkly different context. Essentially, the knock-ons, or consequences, are many and positive, including moral outrage on the part of more than a few who experience the truth.

The historical Jew still has a negative image that has only been brought back to the fore of many minds by the recent and current financial crises.

Generations of people in the West still know what one means when accusing, "You jewed me out of that," for example. With this in mind, Jews are rightly concerned that the breakdown of the premise for their extortion racket can spread very quickly among the masses; hence the constant mind-screwing of the consumer by The Hitler Channel and various other attempts in the print and broadcast media.

The exposure of the Holocaust hoax is no small wonder for most people. The responses I have received are typically ones of amazement.

Lastly, if one wishes to propagate this revelation, the criticism of traditional Western culture is counter-productive; which is exactly what one does when attacking Christianity. Israel-loving evangelicals deserve it. Real practitioners of the faith do not. In fact, exposure of the Holocaust racket and consequent revelations should prompt, once more, a theological reconsideration of jewry.

Last edited by M. Issig; August 6th, 2012 at 05:27 AM. Reason: sp.
Old August 6th, 2012 #213
M. Issig
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Originally Posted by Torgs View Post
There has been a lot of "ceding" of late by so called "revisionists."

Something seems to be going on - there has definitely been a change. (You see a lot of “ceding” over at CODOH lately.)

You know that the jews have moles in the "revisionist" crowd. Are they making their play? If so, it shows how desperate they are because that would be one of the last hands they can play.

Forensic science is killing the holohoax and the end is near. There is no reason to throw the kikes a bone on any issue that we are kicking their asses on. So why are “revisionists” doing it?

Those who cede anything to the kikes on the holohoax issue should be suspected of collaboration.

How many are moles? How many have been blackmailed and/or bribed?
Not long ago, one Washington insider, speaking about aid to Israel, said it exists in large part because Capitol Hill politicians have had their lives threatened. That being so, I doubt the alleged assassins would shrink from doing likewise with historical revisionists.
Old August 6th, 2012 #214
M. Issig
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Originally Posted by Torgs View Post
That's another theme and another term you see used a lot lately over at CODOH - especially from those filthy, castrated Brits that write for - "Inconvenient History." ....
I am not suprised. Brits have been tools of world jewry for a long while.

The history of Britain, or at least the epoch of empire, is in sore need of revision.

The Brits have been under the Jewish thumb for roundly two centuries. They have waged war, battled and died in great numbers over policy-making designed by a Parliament under heavy influence of Jewish financial and political interests. Montefiore, Montagu, Cassel, Goldsmid, Sassoon, Eliason, ... the list goes on.

The die for the future was cast, once the "special relationship" between Britain and the US was achieved in the immediate wake of WW I, maintained among others by the establishment of the Council On Foreign Relations. That WW II and Churchill destroyed the British Empire was really of no consequnce to these people; their Anglo-American syndicate had long been established.

It might be considered historically odd that any nation should ally itself so resolutely with another against whose dominion it had revolted violently and won, was attacked by it once more and won (in 1815), and was assailed again by a variety of covert means less than 50 years later.

One might also wonder, if just a little, how greatly Britain and its Jewish aristocracy were angered by the Russian Czar anchoring battle fleets for extended periods in New York and San Francisco during the American Civil War. (Note: That same Czar, Alexander II, was later murdered by a small group of assassins that included Vladimir Lenin's older brother.)

Last edited by M. Issig; August 6th, 2012 at 06:22 AM. Reason: sp.
Old August 6th, 2012 #215
James Hawthorne
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August 3, 2012 at 11:13 pm

I would like someone to explain what good was accomplished by that article. It seems pointless to me, except for strangely expressing belief in the ‘Holocaust.’ Reinforcing Weber’s view, from Irving, that “millions of innocent Jews died at the hands of the Nazis.” So was this simply a way to distance Greg Johnson and his Counter-Currents publishing from accusations of “holocaust denial” from the ADL as he moves into his 501c3 future? A reasonable question that should receive an answer from Mr. Johnson.
On a side note with regards the IHR 501c(3) it is in fact the Legion for the Survival of Freedom (LSF) which has the "not-for-profit-status." The IHR is included as a DBA (doing business as) as well as Noontide Press. Willis Carto bought the LSF just before he started the IHR in the late seventies because it had a registered 501c(3) status. It is a foundation which records show was based in Texas.
Aryan Matters

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Old August 6th, 2012 #216
M. Issig
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Originally Posted by Steven L. Akins View Post
Groups require both followers and leaders. Most WN are neither, they are individualists, and rightly so.

If the shit ever hits the fan, it will be every man for himself, and Whites will fight back, some may even band together, but I see it more like families of settlers defending themselves against Indian attacks rather than some great, glorious, army reigning down terror on the enemy.
Agree, completely.
Old August 6th, 2012 #217
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Greg Johnson View Post
Let's say that some guy runs over your dog. You take him to civil court. In your filing, you claim that he ran over your dog in a late model gray sedan. The guy's lawyer argues he is not guilty, because you accused him or running over your dog in a late model gray sedan, when in fact he ran over your dog in a late model gray two-door coupe. Besides, he was driving his pregnant wife to the hospital, and your dog should not have been off leash, and plenty of people's dogs die, so what makes yours so special? You object that your dog is still dead, but the lawyer argues that since no-dog-was-killed-with-a-late-model-gray-sedan, your case should be dismissed as a hoax. The judge slams his gavel and dismisses your case. "B-b-but my dog is still dead . . ." you stammer as the courtroom empties out.
1) Interesting that you instinctively take the side of the jew.

2) The analogy fails if there is no dead dog, and that's exactly what revisionists argue. The vast bulk of jews emigrated. You really seem to believe that if one member of the tribe that created and spread communism died during WWII, the jews are fully entitled to run around screeching "Holocaust!" for the next 1,000 years.
Old August 6th, 2012 #218
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by M. Issig View Post
Indeed! Exposing the Holocaust as nothing more than myth should prompt even the least of curious and critical minds to re-assess the circumstances and truth of that period. Some, like myself, may even continue with a much broader reassessment, which some have termed an "awakening," which requires that hundreds of years of histories be placed in starkly different context. Essentially, the knock-ons, or consequences, are many and positive, including moral outrage on the part of more than a few who experience the truth.

The historical Jew still has a negative image that has only been brought back to the fore of many minds by the recent and current financial crises.

Generations of people in the West still know what one means when accusing, "You jewed me out of that," for example. With this in mind, Jews are rightly concerned that the breakdown of the premise for their extortion racket can spread very quickly among the masses; hence the constant mind-screwing of the consumer by The Hitler Channel and various other attempts in the print and broadcast media.

The exposure of the Holocaust hoax is no small wonder for most people. The responses I have received are typically ones of amazement.

Lastly, if one wishes to propagate this revelation, the criticism of traditional Western culture is counter-productive; which is exactly what one does when attacking Christianity. Israel-loving evangelicals deserve it. Real practitioners of the faith do not. In fact, exposure of the Holocaust racket and consequent revelations should prompt, once more, a theological reconsideration of jewry.
Imagine that WN had control of tv. Would there be any way to reeducate people without explaining the role of the commie-jew-concocted Big Lie that is 'the' 'holocaust'? Of course not. Then how can we ignore it now?

Here we have this great weapon, and we're afraid to use it. Why?

The only explanation lies outside politics. Johnson and the people he associates with, or listens to at least, have calculated they can dip into middle-class pockets by going along with the Big Lie, and distancing themselves from any thought of any form of resistance but essay-writing.

Last edited by Alex Linder; August 6th, 2012 at 11:12 AM.
Old August 6th, 2012 #219
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by andy View Post
It is not a lie,it is fact,how many east europeans do you meet on a daily basis ?
How many ethnic Germans attempting to get compensation from the czech government are you related to ?
Even in modern corrupted Germany the slavs do not invade there the Germans will not entertain it and have various barriers to stop them being recruited and deployed as employees.The slavs get on buses an travel right across the most successful economy in europe to get to the UK with its lax controls on welfare and employment.It is to be noted that when German companies recruited for mercedes's Stuttgart rebuild in the UK no foreign born UK citizens were eligible.It may suit "melting pot" Americans to believe that the Germans love slavs the reality is very different.In fact for decades the only eastern europeans one encountered in Germany were Latvians,Estonians an Lithuanians distinguished by the fact that they are German and not slav.
Cite some poll data showing East Europeans hate Germany.
Old August 6th, 2012 #220
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by M. Issig View Post
Not long ago, one Washington insider, speaking about aid to Israel, said it exists in large part because Capitol Hill politicians have had their lives threatened. That being so, I doubt the alleged assassins would shrink from doing likewise with historical revisionists.
They could do that, but usually it's enough to threaten to get them at the next election by supporting their opponent, as they in fact did do with Cynthia McKinney.

#1, holocaust fairytales, holocaust mythology, jared taylor, revisionism


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