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Old February 27th, 2020 #1
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Default Turkey free borders for new wave of 3 million of immigrants
Old February 28th, 2020 #2
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There are 50 millions legal people in Europe who have non-european ancestry,it is covers area of one bigger state. Only European man is fool,just look what did Arab world with them,they said no to them. Turks want to give revenge for their defeat in past with sell them into Europe and want money from european people for keeping them into Turkey and stupid europeans allow that because they have complex of white guilt. Do Turks have complex of Ottoman guilt? Asians of Mongol guilt? Do non-european have compplex because of colonization Europe? Definitely no. European police are in fear of muslim Jihad so they allow this type of peaceful Jihad just for stop an aggressive Jihad. White man also have word for it and it is RaHoWa who can be peaceful and aggresive. It mean that would Whites come to threatened White lands who would not allow Creativity as muslims are comming for helping them does not matter about place of living.
Read Little White Book and Declaration Of Indempendence of jewish tyranny. This is text of Slavic language:


Pomno istraživanje bliže prošlosti i Starog vijeka otkrilo nam je sljedeće činjenice:

1.) Židovska rasa je svojim izborom pokrenula smrtonosni rat protiv nas, bijele rase, kako bi nas uništila.
2.) Oni su povezani međusobno raznim rasnim, religijskim i političkim urotama u cilju dobivanja kontrole nad svim novcem, svim ekonomskim i financijskim resursima, svim zemljama i teritorijima i nekretninama u svijetu, ukratko, nad svim bogatstvom svijeta.
3.) glavni cilj im je mongrelizirati i uništiti bijelu rasu.
4.) Odlučni su da porobe sve rase na svijetu.
5.) Uspješno su tokom prošlosti uništili naše pretke, posebno: bijele Egipćane; visoko kreativne i nadarene Grke; veličanstvene i plemenite Rimljane.
6.) Njihova urota donijela im je monopol i kontrolu nad velikim dijelom naše industrije, financija, obrazovnim ustanova, medijskih kuća, televizijskih mreža, vlada, religija i monopolizira svim instrumentima kontrole razmišljanja.
7.) Bijela rasa se sada nalazi pod okupacijom i ropstvom pod čizmom židovske tiranije.

Stoga, u ime svih rasnih drugova diljem svijeta, proglašavamo vlastitu Deklaraciju Nezavisnosti. Naglašavamo da je naša sveta dužnost i obveza, ne samo prema nama, nego i prema plemenitim precima koji su nas stvorili, i dragocjenim budućim naraštajima koji će nas naslijediti, da se dovedemo u položaj gdje smo odlučni:
1.) Skinuti sa svojih leđa židovsku tiraniju i kontrolu.
2.) Preuzeti kontrolu nad našom sudbinom i lojalne i sposobne ruke naših ljudi.
3.) Vječno se boriti za opstanak, širenje i napredak bijele rase.
4.) Potisnuti naše neprijatelje, proširiti životni prostor, moć i brojčano stanje naših rasnih drugova.
5.) Učinit nemogućim našim neprijateljima da ponovno ugroze naš opstanak i egzistenciju.

Ovome zauvijek posvećujemo svoje živote, svoju čast i vjerski zanos.
It does not matter how many Whites will be killed and impirsoned (personally,I was never criminal nor I have not ever been convicted of any crime nor I want it,I fully respect all laws so if they want to destroy white religion,let them to make internet cenzorship,if I want to act like a criminal I will not be soo stupid to be on internet,I am really peaceful guy),White race have their own religion and her holy war as muslims and history tell us that is religion most powerfull weapon than any other ideology and political party,White religious words exist,death is something natural as pain when we will be in agony,so Creativity also allow suicide when Whites are powerless and incompetent for nothing as Jihadists allow suicide but not on that way,they destroy themselves in the name of Jihad. If Whites want to survive,they must work as collective organizing White society. Liberals advocate an individual way but it work just on small group of people as in corporations who must work as collective if they want to survive on market so individualism is just for people with high IQ who control decisions of other people who are under them who have collective brain. Even corporations on liberal market work as cartels what is known as crony capitalism so White mission must be to convince liberals,police,secret services,courts who are still White to be pro-white,security society depends directly about question of how many whites are living on it because one time if non-whites give weapons and courts all will be over,I invite all repressive apparatus that they think about it and do not look pro-white activists as your enemyes,they are ready to help you for securing white peacefull order . I am not scare about my internet activity because I strongly belive that will be the White race awake itselfes where are Whites still majority or we will have shithole states as in non-white areas,just reject all money and do not be hookers for carreer because noboy will save Whites who have big eye on White activists when non-whites will come to destroy White society and culpability because of that will be on the organs of order in White states. I will not any kind of violent revolution because to be honnest I am incapable for that,nature did not create me for this and I belive in natural possition of all Whites in White society and it is iron law on inequality.
Here are full text from Little White Book on Slavic language who can read serbian members:

Last edited by Fico; February 28th, 2020 at 03:31 AM.
Old February 28th, 2020 #3
Dawn Cannon
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Default Athens Declares No Illegal Entries Will Be Tolerated As Turkey Opens Gates

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis made a short, forceful statement in English on his social media profiles on Friday afternoon, commenting on the recent developments since Turkey decided to let refugees and migrants freely leave the country and enter the EU.

”I want to be clear: no illegal entries into Greece will be tolerated.” the Prime Minister wrote on Facebook and Twitter, announcing that Greece will increase its border security further.

Let's hope the EU swines don't bully him out of it.
The Bloodbath is Coming
7.6 billion savages multiplying and running wild over the earth, devouring everything in sight, trampling over every other lifeform without mercy or compassion.
Old February 28th, 2020 #4
Tony Boone
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These rapeugees should be met with machine guns in order to encourage the return to their shithole.
Old February 28th, 2020 #5
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Default Save European nations - STOP to islamic immigrations!

It is nice to be optimist but, there will be too many of muslims in Europa, especially when those new wave come from Turkey borders. We follow their movements and they are already in Greece! I would love that Europeans are ready to resolve them, just there are not enough Racial and national awaken people! Muslims are prepared for decades for islamization of Europa and they are multiple as bugs.
So if they broke in to the Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Repubic of Srpska via Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbian occupied Kosovo it will be mess! This state borders are their main rout to Europa and all Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Kosovo as their main illegal route due Kosovo is illegal state of globalists and multiculturalist government!
Croatia and Serbia must close borders as soon as possible, so they can't go on Hungary!
Italy is under great danger as well. Number of new wave of immigrants is over 4 million of Arabs and North African muslims, for now!
Old February 29th, 2020 #6
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Croatian police was lifted the fence on the border according to Bosnia and Herzegovina which state is really critical and unsecure we know why,oves 100 000 illegals are within what were resulted with big attack by sweden leftists in EU pairlament. They are comming organizing with cooperation of criminal gangs who want profit out of control state and big corporation of crony capitalist wanted them who are in deal with the government,I am ready to give an informations to our White police ( I am pretty sure that they look on my activity on internet as they can see,I did not have any crime in my personal life and I know that is according to laws all pro-white activity prohibited so I respect such laws but I have also right to be on internet or give me cenzorship if you do not want me see here,internet is wrong for my information about what is happening from the White race,I will never know that if I did not have internet,please keeping security in White state for benefit of all Whites who are still big majority,I salute to that) which corporations who strong do not respect our laws and have corrupt court who allow that (even police know that that are courts corrupt and ineffective) because they have lack of workers so they are in big problems,non-white legal workers are stealing them,it is not problem in manufactury where there are few of them,it is problem where they are majority. Where will non-white workers come to work with your corporations,they will give to you violence revolution as they did with white busenissmans in Africa with Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) and in South Africa,this will be consequences for your stupidity like you or not what will result with run away as others wealthy white people and moving into safe places as Singapur,Australia and Israel,in fact it would result that will non-whites moving you into the clast corner and remove your factoryes,family from the face of the earth did you understand me you money lovers Freemason clowns in dresses!? You are not soo intelectual as you think that you are,you also belive in unexisted spiritual world as "Great arhitect of the universe") what is reason why an atheists can not come into your organizations,but you know why? This unexisted "great arhitect" are laws of nature in nature according to physicists when I spoke with them told me that we can look at the world through energyes or forces. You know,Mr. "Great arhitect of the universe" (forces and energies) will destroy your criminal irresponsibility for the White race.

This time we can not expect nothing from our Christian Cruhrces,Orthodox or Romanchatolic. They have today the different tactic not comming by force of weapons,than in peace where they will count on Christian morality as sell all you have and give to the poor, judge not, do not use a sword,do not care about what you will have tomorrow. Christian nationalist like Hungary,Slovakia,Poland,Czech can just postpone problem but not resolve because they government will accept Christian non-whites,they think that it is religion conflict not race conflict. White Chrstians are minority in cons of non-white Christians,how will react when non-white Christians start to comming? I am sure that they will put them in,it will be as KKK in USA on the first time but such pro-white christian organizations will be soon ineffective. Such Christians will start to make problems in EU as they made it in the Roman Empire. Problem is also low birthrate of the Whites because Whites want to finance whole world what mean that they do not have money for raise children,they take much more care about non-white than about white children.

Last edited by Fico; February 29th, 2020 at 05:03 AM.
Old March 6th, 2020 #7
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Invisible Serbian borders will transmit all those black masses directly to West Europe.
Old March 26th, 2020 #8
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Originally Posted by Rasen View Post
Invisible Serbian borders will transmit all those black masses directly to West Europe.
Ukrainian army already has ISIS regiments in their lines so.....

and they are also giving tribute to ISIS in Ukrainian nightclubs.

Last edited by Dominus; March 26th, 2020 at 08:20 AM.
Old September 2nd, 2022 #9
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Default Mother of Radovan Karadžić

Mother of president and dr. Radovan Karadžić living in Northern Montenegro, near by Andrijevica.


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