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Old January 2nd, 2005 #21
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Interesting thread. I didn't know Colin Wilson abandoned UFO's, he's written so many books on the subject.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #22
Aryan Lord
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Originally Posted by -LiveWire-
Interesting thread. I didn't know Colin Wilson abandoned UFO's, he's written so many books on the subject.
Colin Wilson wrote an incredible book in the 1970s on the Occult.I think it was actually called The Occult.It is a very long time since I read that but even as a teenager I was impressed by the guy`s writing ability and depth of research.A very fine writer.
I will try and find you details of the book if you would like?
Old January 2nd, 2005 #23
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Originally Posted by Aryan Lord
Colin Wilson wrote an incredible book in the 1970s on the Occult.I think it was actually called The Occult.It is a very long time since I read that but even as a teenager I was impressed by the guy`s writing ability and depth of research.A very fine writer.
I will try and find you details of the book if you would like?
Thanks, its very kind of you
Old January 2nd, 2005 #24
Aryan Lord
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Originally Posted by -LiveWire-
Thanks, its very kind of you
I will pm you then.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #25
Abzug Hoffman
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Originally Posted by Aryan Lord
Colin Wilson wrote an incredible book in the 1970s on the Occult.I think it was actually called The Occult.It is a very long time since I read that but even as a teenager I was impressed by the guy`s writing ability and depth of research.A very fine writer.
I will try and find you details of the book if you would like?

I have this book. A good indication of the value:

Chapter 4 The World of the Kabbalists....Nostradamus. His prophecies... The end of the world in 1997?
Old January 2nd, 2005 #26
Abzug Hoffman
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Originally Posted by FranzJoseph
Werner Von Braun came out and said as much in 1974:

But if everything since 1974 (and before) is a lie, what's the truth except they'e robbing us blind? Which is bad enough, I suppose.


For reasons nobody has ever explained, Von Braun indeed showed up in New Mexico in the mid-30s. Worse yet is that American rocket pioneer Robert H. Goddard died under highly suspicious circumstances in 1945 -- just in time to let Von Braun come over and run the show.

There's lots of strange stories involving the subject of NASA, UFOs and Hitler's Germany. I've given up on a short review because even the background runs over 5000 words. I'll let everyone know when I put up the blog.

Incidentally, Lyne is quite correct in stating there are no aliens. The devil is in the details. Colin Wilson, famed British researcher of the paranormal, gave up on UFOs because there's "too many explanations." Right. Just what you'd expect when something is being kept well-hidden.

For the best short look under the curtain, aviation writer Nick Cook's book The Hunt for Zero Point gives you some idea how big the secret is.

Oh, so the 'war of the worlds' comes AFTER 'Israel's war on the world (war on terror)'. That makes sense, because younger people believe in UFOs but people who grew up in WASP America don't.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #27
Aryan Lord
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Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
I have this book. A good indication of the value:

Chapter 4 The World of the Kabbalists....Nostradamus. His prophecies... The end of the world in 1997?
I dont believe Nostradamus actually said 1997 but his prophecies are very cryptic and open to misinterpretation.I am wary of those who give dates for the "end of the world".They are always caught out eventually and their work discredited by a simple mistake.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #28
Abzug Hoffman
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Originally Posted by Aryan Lord
I dont believe Nostradamus actually said 1997 but his prophecies are very cryptic and open to misinterpretation.I am wary of those who give dates for the "end of the world".They are always caught out eventually and their work discredited by a simple mistake.
Funny, page 17 gives the date as 1997, but on pages 265-267 Wilson gives the prophecy that in 1999, the seventh month,

"the great king of terror will descend from the sky, at this time Mars will reign for the good cause..."

Nostrodamus may be following a notion...that the world would last seven thousand years...The Millennium is the last thousand years of the earth's existence, so Nostradamus may have calculated July 1999 as the beginning of the end, rather than the end. It may be worth the while of world statesmen to make special efforts for peace in mid-1999."

Here, I opened at random and got this tid bit -

"Godwin rejected Crowley's practice of "magical masturbation" and replaced it with what he called Dianism, and what is usually called the Karezza, sexual intercourse continued indefinitely without orgasm. (It had been 'invented' as far as America was concerned, by J. H. Noyes, founder of the Oneida Community.) The aim of the Karezza is to produce long-drawn out ecstasy or intoxication. Francis King says that Godwin is still operative on the West Coast. Another Crowley disciple, Jack Parsons (who founded Cal Tech.) apparently collaborated with Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics, in various magical exercises; while Parsons had magical intercourse with a girl, Hubbard described what was happening on the astral plane. Hubbard claims he was actually spying for the Navy [ZOG]."
Old January 2nd, 2005 #29
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Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
Oh, so the 'war of the worlds' comes AFTER 'Israel's war on the world (war on terror)'...
No it's all the same war, they just keep changing the pretext to fool the sheeple.

Just look at the dates: In 1947 the National Security Act is passed -- and suddenly UFOs are all over the place. By 1974 when Von Braun shoots his mouth off, US and Israeli policy are joined at the hip. No coincidence.

So Werner was telling us the pretexts are already in place. Communism, as a threat, was getting unconvincing by the 70s. The Reagan Show in the 80s gave it another decade or so, but it was a close-run thing. Long time anticommunists like Charley Reese were smelling a rat before Reagan left Washington, suspecting that the whole thing was a fraud.

The terrorist thing was planned from 1969, when Nixon started the first "war on drugs". Some of his hysterical laws read like the Patriot Act and he was only going after college war protestors.

The "asteroid" and "alien" part of the threat is just being kept as insurance in case people begin to suspect that the war on terror is as much as scam as the Cold War was.

The NSA is a black budget operation. They spend billions without any accountability. That sort of jack buys a lot of bogus aliens, and if the PTB feels threatened enough to use them, they will.

The Rosen quote is not considered suspicious anymore because she told everyone what Werner said before the "war on terror" started. Still this is security state territory and nothing is firm. Consider:

Barry Goldwater was a senator from Arizona, a presidential candidate and a full general in the Air Force reserve. When he tried to get Curtis LeMay to tell him what the hell was really going on at Area 51 and the black budget operations, LeMay threatened him with court martial.

Barry never brought it up after that. Not many other politicians have brought it up at all.

Old January 2nd, 2005 #30
Abzug Hoffman
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Communism killed a lot of Christians. It was no joke, and I think it is still going on. I think ZOG spreads the lie that communism is dead, and never was a threat to us, but in fact, our ZOG adopted the communist agenda whole hog and we are living with it right now.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #31
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I was looking for a list made by a senator in the forties, which was about day care and equal rights, but here is a good enough example from the sixties.

CLU fulfilling communist agenda

Posted: December 3, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004

Every day, the headlines scream with some new threat from the American Civil Liberties Union. I believe it's important to look behind the curtain and discover the origins of groups and organizations to better understand their activities.

The ACLU was founded in the 1920s by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman, described as a "progressive" and "the perfect feminist."

Earl Browder was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States from 1930 through its dissolution in 1944. When the party was reconstituted as the Communist Political Association later that year, Browder was chosen as its president. Browder proudly proclaimed that the ACLU functioned as "a transmission belt" for the party. To deny the ACLU's founding was attached at the hip to communist organizations is to deny what can easily be proven as truth.

For the past few decades, the ACLU has been on a major crusade to destroy Christianity in America, promote filth under "freedom of speech and expression," and of course, vigorously defend the homosexual culture of death. On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., D-Fla., read a list of 45 communist goals into the Congressional Record. Below are the communist goals being implemented by the ACLU in their quest to destroy America's culture and traditions:

Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings," substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and television.

Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy."

Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the communists took over. Obliterating the American past, with its antecedents in principles of freedom, liberty and private ownership is a major goal of the communists then and now.

Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Anyone who has been following the destructive path of the ACLU can easily see how effective these communist goals have been implemented to "promote democracy" and protect your "civil rights." Lenin stated: "Communism alone is capable of providing really complete democracy." (See Tucker, "The Lenin Anthology"). James Madison, known as the "Father of the Constitution" had something different to say about a democracy:

Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

Perhaps it's time to recognize the ACLU as the American Communist Lawyers Union instead of their disingenuous "civil rights" stage name.

No organization can exist without memberships and funding. It is inconceivable to me how anyone who claims to be a Christian, lawyer or layman, could belong to such an anti-American organization as the ACLU. Burn your card and get out. Organizations like Working Assets, tobacco companies and big corporations all donate to the ACLU, which in turn uses that money to buy the favors of those who serve in Congress – who vote to unconstitutionally fund the activities of the ACLU under the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards Act of 1976.

If Americans really want to put the ACLU out of business, remove yourself as a member of their organization, boycott companies that donate to them and demand these public servants in Congress repeal the unconstitutional funding of this subversive organization.

There is no justification under Art. 1, Sec. 8, to steal from the people's treasury to give money to the ACLU or any other organization for "civil rights" lawsuits. Your Congress critter will be in your district during the month of December – make the most of it.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #32
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Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
Communism killed a lot of Christians. It was no joke, and I think it is still going on...
Sure it is, it's called the "global economy." Marx and Lenin both insisted on free trade because it weakened the nation-state and the people's loyalty to it.

Commies just change their terminology every few years. Lenin's New Economic Plan in the 20s is highly familiar to anyone who's read Two Cheers for Capitalism, the cornerstone of Neoconservatism by the godfaher himself, Irving Kristol. Kristol started off as a Trotskyite who never changed, he just called himself "conservative" and gullible Americans believed him.

The question is how deeply embedded is the real regime, as opposed to the clown act we see in public (ie, George Bush.) There's serious evidence that the American and Russian government converged secretly sometime in the 1930s, then faked both the cold war and the USSR's implosion.

The latter part of that is covered in an interesting book, New Lies For Old: The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation Now Revealed by an ex-KGB Officer, by Anatoly Golitsyn.

Old January 2nd, 2005 #33
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Originally Posted by FranzJoseph

The question is how deeply embedded is the real regime, as opposed to the clown act we see in public (ie, George Bush.) There's serious evidence that the American and Russian government converged secretly sometime in the 1930s, then faked both the cold war and the USSR's implosion.

The latter part of that is covered in an interesting book, New Lies For Old: The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation Now Revealed by an ex-KGB Officer, by Anatoly Golitsyn.

Yes I have read this and its very interesting!
Christianity and Feminism, the two deadliest poisons jews gave to the White Race

''Screw your optics, I'm going in'', American hero Robert Gregory Bowers
Old January 2nd, 2005 #34
Abzug Hoffman
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Default Herlongs' 1963 list of commie goals

Where he got them - the FBI.

The following 45 goals of the Communist Party were
published 40 years ago in "The Naked Communist" by
Cleon Skousen, who was head of communications at the
FBI for 16 years.


*All 45 Goals above are from "The Naked Communist,"
W. Cleon Skousen, November 1961, pp. 259-262.
Old January 2nd, 2005 #35
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Default Oops, Cleon Skousen was one of THEM

Cleon Skousen

Your family can follow the footsteps of the Savior while watching The Visit Israel with Dr. W. Cleon Skousen video series. Dr. Skousen, master storyteller and scriptorian, will weave together the sights, sounds, and stories of the Holy Land to paint a picture of Christ’s life and ministry.

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Old January 3rd, 2005 #36
Aryan Lord
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Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
Communism killed a lot of Christians. It was no joke, and I think it is still going on. I think ZOG spreads the lie that communism is dead, and never was a threat to us, but in fact, our ZOG adopted the communist agenda whole hog and we are living with it right now.
So communism did some good then.
"What goes around comes around".
Old January 3rd, 2005 #37
Abzug Hoffman
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Originally Posted by Aryan Lord
So communism did some good then.
"What goes around comes around".
Go join Nelson Mandela.
Old January 3rd, 2005 #38
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Originally Posted by Antiochus Epiphanes
didnt ernst z used to sell nazi ufo books? a good roundup of this sort of fantasy is Joyceln Goodwin's book entitled "Arktos." Kind of covers the Lovecraftian nexus too. LOL crinoid creatures etc. Hyperborea, all that jazz. light reading fiction.
I wouldnt call it "light reading" and I wouldnt say it was "fiction" either.
Old January 3rd, 2005 #39
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Originally Posted by Abzug Hoffman
Go join Nelson Mandela.
Why,is he a friend of yours? You both worship the same multicultural Jewish god so I shouldnt be surprised.
Old January 7th, 2005 #40
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Originally Posted by FranzJoseph
For reasons nobody has ever explained, Von Braun indeed showed up in New Mexico in the mid-30s. Worse yet is that American rocket pioneer Robert H. Goddard died under highly suspicious circumstances in 1945 -- just in time to let Von Braun come over and run the show.
Is there something unusual about a prominent German visiting the US? It doesn't constitute evidence of any collaboration between the U.S. Government and the Third Reich. The injection of the word illuminati into this scenario (as previously mentioned) eliminates credibility. It sounds a lot like some of the Jews who peddle kosher conspiracy theories to rightwingers; some of them are very keen on painting a picture in which the US Government or the Rockefellers or other American luminaries are supporting the alleged Holocaust. I think maybe these Jews figure that if their nutty conspiracy theories take hold among the rubes, the World Jewish Congress will be able to win a lawsuit based on them.


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