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Old November 6th, 2014 #41
Alex Linder
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Métaphysique de la Race

par Brigid Trismegiste

Au premier siècle de notre ère, dans le monde gréco-romain, les conditions culturelles étaient exceptionnellement favorables à ce que l’athéisme s’impose définitivement et relègue l’ensemble des religions au placard des superstitions enfantines, et ce pour trois raisons principales :

- en 146 av J-C, la Grèce était devenue province romaine, et des cultes étrangers en provenance d’Orient, jusqu’alors théoriquement prohibés, s’étaient installés en grand nombre. Ce syncrétisme impliqua un relativisme religieux, allié à une totale liberté de croyance, et se solda par une déliquescence religieuse.

- des explications athées du monde étaient, depuis Epicure, disponibles : Ἐπίκουρος (-341/-270) avait débarrassé l’homme de la crainte divine en affirmant que les dieux sont indifférents à notre sort, et que le but des hommes sur terre doit être la recherche de l’ataraxie, cet état de sagesse équilibré résidant dans le refus de la souffrance physique et du trouble moral. Evhémère (-340/-260) désacralisait l’Olympe en affirmant que les dieux n’étaient rien que d’anciens hommes célèbres divinisés après leurs décès. Lucrèce (-100/-50) dans son grand poème De natura rerum démontrait, par le truchement de nombreux exemples mythologiques, que les dieux n’étaient que créations humaines inspirées par la crainte des forces naturelles, et que donc les religions rendaient les hommes malheureux en leur faisant croire que les catastrophes étaient délibérément provoqués par les dieux! Quant à Plutarque (46/125) il affirmait la supériorité morale des athées sur les croyants de cette façon : les derniers sont rendus passifs par la crainte de leurs dieux, alors que les athées, affirmait-il, cherche en cas de difficulté sa consolation en lui-même, attribue ses malheurs au hasard et donc ne renonce jamais.

- le christianisme, qui devait finalement l’emporter en remplaçant athéisme et anciennes religions, était considéré comme irrationnel à cause de la théorie de la résurrection de morts, indigne du fait de la conception jugée dégradante qu’il donnait de la divinité (un dieu qui se ravale au rang de l’homme est indigne de l’absolu divin) et même impie à cause de la notion de providence : en 190 Sextus Empiricus, philosophe, astronome et médecin « sceptique », explique dans ses Hypotyposes pyrrhoniennes que supposer que le dieu des chrétiens laisse faire le mal implique soit qu’il est méchant, soit qu’il est impuissant à l’empêcher – et donc qu’il n’est pas un dieu.

Si au final le christianisme triomphera, ce n’est donc pas pour des raisons de supériorité morale ou intellectuelle, mais par suite de l’évolution de pouvoir politique romain à cette époque : l’athéisme manque de contenu, il n

e bénéficie pas de l’armature scientifique d’aujourd’hui, et l’Empire a besoin d’une religion et de la soumission au pouvoir. Les empereurs romains, et plus tard les rois francs, trouveront dans le christianisme la religion qui sublime la soumission politique dans la soumission à Dieu, et se trouva donc parfaitement adaptée aux besoins socio-politiques de ces âges.

Voici donc pourquoi, dans l’éventail des croyances susceptibles de donner une nouvelle explication du monde, fut retenue la solution en apparence la plus absurde, celle d’un dieu tout-puissant que se fait homme pour aller mourir sur une croix et ressusciter – car ainsi que le disait Notre Führer Adolf Hitler : « Le christianisme est une invention de cerveaux malades: on ne saurait rien imaginer de plus insensé, ni une façon plus inconvenante de tourner en dérision l’idée de divinité » et encore « Qu’est-ce que ce dieu qui ne prend plaisir qu’à voir les hommes s’humilier devant lui? Essayez de vous représenter ce que signifie cette histoire toute simple. Le bon Dieu crée les conditions du péché. Il réussit ensuite, avec l’aide du diable, à faire pécher l’homme. Puis il se sert d’une vierge pour mettre au monde un fils qui, en mourant, rachètera l’humanité! » (Libres Propos, N°75) Et voila comment fut repoussée de deux mille ans la question à laquelle nous sommes aujourd’hui à nouveau confrontés.

Car notre situation actuelle, en France, a plus d’un aspect commun avec celle évoquée ci-dessus : éclatement des croyances, religion traditionnelle reléguée à l’état de tradition formelle – voire de folklore – , chaos racial – autrefois les esclaves, aujourd’hui les immigrés – relativisme, pertes des valeurs et repères tant nationaux que culturels, prédominance de l’action et recherche des satisfactions individuelles immédiates. Et si on n’y prend point garde, dans notre monde où plus aucune valeur universelle n’est reconnue, c’est l’islam qui pourrait rafler la donne comme le fit autrefois le christianisme – surtout quand on considère la conversion au soufisme de plusieurs dirigeants de partis « nationalistes » – et il serait passablement absurde de nous être débarrassés des ténèbres de la foi biblique pour revêtir la gandoura de l’obscurantisme mahométan !

Et ce serait d’autant plus inadmissible que, contrairement à ces siècles lointains, l’athéisme dispose aujourd’hui de la solide structure scientifique et conceptuelle que lui a offert la Science de l’homme aryen. Malheureusement, un consumérisme effréné a fait qu’un espèce de culte de la technologie a pris le pas sur l’idéologie, sur la morale, sur la compréhension globale du monde. Les religions – en tant qu’idée de Dieu – ont toujours été une façon d’appréhender l’univers entier mais surtout de lui donner un sens : le théiste attribuait à sa ou ses divinité(s) la direction de l’ensemble, l’athée les leur retirait et chargeait l’homme de donner un sens au monde – et, partant, à son existence. L’un est l’autre semblent aujourd’hui dépassés par l’atomisation de la société en individus isolés ; le schisme, en Occident, ne se fait plus entre croyants et incroyants, mais entre ceux qui affirment la possibilité rationnelle de penser le monde – que ce soit sur un mode divin ou un mode athée – et ceux qui limitent leur existence à une vision fragmentaire ou prédomine l’immédiat localisé – l' »ici et maintenant ». Il semblerait que l’humanité, gavée de stimulis basiques télévisés et radiodiffusés, soit en train d’abdiquer sa quête de sens…

On appelait « physiciens » ces philosophes des la Grèce Héllenistique qui tentaient d’expliquer l’origine du monde de façon scientifique : pour autant ils ne prétendirent jamais que ces explications dévoileraient le but de l’existence de ce monde. Car si la physique explique le comment, elle n’explique pas le pourquoi: ceci est le rôle de la métaphysique. A la Sororité Aryenne, nous voulons une vision entéléchique de l’Homme où il est et sera la source de son propre devenir, car la physique moléculaire nous a prouvé que la Matière comportait en elle le Mouvement. Nous affirmons un monde sans surnaturel, où l’homme est seul face à lui-même et à une nature régie par des lois immuables ; la Science nous a permis de découvrir ces lois, en refusant le rationalisme – qu’il soit religieux ou politique – au profit de l’utilisation logique de l’expérience. Cet empirisme a été utilisé pour la première fois comme outil politique par Charles Maurras sous le nom d’empirisme organisateur, qu’il définissait comme « la mise à profit des bonheurs du passé en vue de l’avenir » et qui avait pour but de découvrir les lois naturelles régissant l’âme des races. Mais il est important de préciser que cet « empirisme organisateur » ne prétendait pas formuler toutes les lois naturelles régissant les communautés humaines de façon universelle et éternelle, mais qu’Il s’agissait de déterminismes conditionnels prenant en compte le temps et le lieu, donc la « race historique » (appellation à laquelle, depuis Georges Montandon, on préfère celle d’ « ethnie »)

C’est pourquoi, à la Sororité Aryenne, nous promeuvons une Métaphysique de la Race, le mot «race» étant synonyme de «qualité» – le langage courant dit volontiers d’une personne distinguée qu’elle est «racée» – dans le sens d’une entité collective, biologique, qui s’élève, se distingue, et émerge avec une configuration spécifique, un visage propre. La Race en tant qu’élément actif, dynamique, individuant, représente l’essence même de cette métaphysique qui se veut à la fois but et explication de la présence de l’Homme dans l’univers. L’Humanité a un besoin urgent de réinventer une valeur sacrée qui lui permettra de redonner un sens à cet univers et de croire à nouveau en son rôle, et seule la métaphysique de la Race lui permettra d’être enfin autonome dans l’accomplissement de celui-ci; et pour cela, elle doit aussi ramener le Progrès à sa simple fonction d’outil.

Et désormais, ce qui devra faire la Nation et qu’on s’en sente membre, ne sera plus une même loi, ni une même langue, ni l’obéissance à un même dirigeant ou l’appartenance à une même religion, mais l’unité psychobiologique de la Race. Tel sera le nouveau corps mystique des femmes et des hommes reliés par une unité spirituelle (race de l’âme) et physiologique (race du corps).

Verbum Sorores manet in aeternum
Old November 6th, 2014 #42
Alex Linder
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The Metaphysics of Race

by Brigid Trismegiste

In the first century AD, the Greco-Roman world, the cultural conditions were exceptionally favorable that atheism is necessary and definitely relegates all the religions in the closet of childish superstitions, for three main reasons:

- In 146 BC, Greece became a Roman province, and foreign cults from the East, until theoretically prohibited, had settled in large numbers. This syncretism impliqua religious relativism, combined with total freedom of belief, and ended in a religious decay.

- Explanations of the world were atheists, since Epicurus available: Ἐπίκουρος (-341 / -270) had cleared the man of God's fear by saying that the gods are indifferent to our fate, and that the purpose of men on earth should be seeking ataraxia, this balanced state of wisdom residing in the denial of physical suffering and moral disorder. Euhemerus (-340 / -260) désacralisait Olympus claiming that the gods were nothing but old famous men deified after their death. Lucretia (-100 / -50) in his great poem De Rerum Natura showed, through many mythological examples, that the gods were only human creations inspired by the fear of natural forces, and therefore the men made religions poor into believing that disasters were caused deliberately by the gods! As Plutarch (46/125) he asserted the moral superiority of believers atheists on this: the latter are rendered passive by the fear of their gods, while atheists, he said, in case of difficulty seek consolation itself, attributes his misfortunes to chance and so never give up.

- Christianity, which would ultimately prevail replacing ancient religions and atheism, was considered irrational because of the theory of the resurrection of the dead, unworthy because of the design considered degrading that gave the deity (god which degrades the rank of man is unworthy of the divine absolute) and even impious because of the concept of providence in 190 Sextus Empiricus, philosopher, astronomer and physician "skeptic", explains in his pyrrhoniennes Hypotyposes assume that the god of the Christians allowed to do evil implies either that it is bad, or he is powerless to prevent it - and therefore it is not a god.

If the final triumph of Christianity, it is not for reasons of moral or intellectual superiority, but because of the evolution of Roman political power at that time: atheism lack of content, it n

e not benefit from the scientific frame of today, and the Empire needs a religion and submission to power. Roman emperors and later the Frankish kings, will find in Christianity the religion that sublime political submission in submission to God, and therefore was perfectly suited to the socio-political needs of these ages.

Here is why, in the range of beliefs may give a new explanation of the world, the solution was chosen the most absurd appearance, that of an all-powerful god became man to die on a cross and rise again - as well as our Führer Adolf Hitler said: "Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one can not imagine anything more foolish, or more unseemly way to deride the idea of divinity" and even "What -what the god who takes pleasure to see men humble themselves before him? Try to imagine what this simple story. God creates the conditions of sin. He then succeeded with the help of the devil, sin to man. Then he uses a virgin to give birth to a son, dying, redeem mankind! "(About Free, No. 75) And here is how was postponed for two thousand years the question we are now faced with new.

For our current situation in France has more than one aspect common with the one mentioned above: bursting beliefs, traditional religion relegated to the status of formal tradition - even folklore - racial chaos - former slaves TODAY 'hui immigrants - relativism, loss of cultural values and as national benchmarks, predominance of action and immediate satisfactions of individual research. And if neither doth in our world where no universal value is recognized, it is Islam that could grab the deal as once did Christianity - especially when you consider the conversion of Sufism several party leaders 'nationalist' - and it would be quite absurd for us to be rid of the darkness of biblical faith to take the gandoura obscurantism Mohammedan!

And it is all the more unacceptable that, unlike those distant centuries, atheism now has solid scientific and conceptual structure that gave him the Science of Aryan man. Unfortunately, unbridled consumerism has a kind of cult of technology has taken over ideology, morals, on the overall understanding of the world. Religions - as an idea of God - has always been a way of understanding the universe but also to give it a meaning: the theist attributed to his or her god (s) the direction of the whole, atheist and instructed them to withdraw the man to make sense of the world - and hence its existence. One is another now seem overwhelmed by the atomization of society into isolated individuals; schism in the West is no longer between believers and unbelievers, but between those who affirm the possibility of rational thinking about the world - be it on a divine mode or an atheist fashion - and those who limit their existence to a fragmentary vision predominates or immediate localized - the "here and now". It seems that humanity, fed her basic stimuli television and radio, or trying to abdicate its quest for meaning ...

Was called "physicists" these philosophers of the Hellenistic Greece attempting to explain the origin of the world in a scientific way: so far they never claimed that these explanations would disclose the purpose of the existence of this world. Because if the physics explains how, it does not explain why: this is the role of metaphysics. At the Aryan Sisterhood, we want entelechic vision of man that he is and will be the source of its own future as molecular physics has shown us that the material contained within it the Movement. We affirm a world without supernatural, where man is alone with himself and nature governed by immutable laws; Science has allowed us to discover these laws by refusing rationalism - whether religious or political - for the benefit of the logical use of the experience. This empiricism was used for the first time as a political tool by Charles Maurras under the name empiricism organizer, which he defined as "taking advantage of the joys of the past for the future" and which was to discover the natural laws governing the souls of races. But it is important to note that this "organizer empiricism" does not pretend to make all natural laws governing human communities universal and eternal way, but He was conditional determinism taking into account the time and place, so "historical race" (which appellation from George Montandon, it is preferred that of "ethnic group")

That is why the Aryan Sisterhood, we promeuvons a Metaphysics of Race, the word "race" being synonymous with "quality" - common parlance often said of a distinguished person she is "racy" - in the sense of a collective entity, biological, that rises, stands, and emerges with a specific configuration, a clean face. Race as the active element, dynamic, individuated, is the essence of this metaphysics that is both purpose and explanation of the presence of man in the universe. Humanity is an urgent need to reinvent a sacred value which enable it to give meaning to this world and believe in his new role, and only the metaphysics of Race will allow him to finally be independent in the performance of thereof; and for that, it must also bring the Progress to its simple tool function.

* And now, what will make the nation and we are straitened member will no longer be a single law or a common language, or obedience to a leader or even belonging to the same religion, but 'psychobiological unit Race. This will be the new mystical body of men and women connected by a spiritual unity (race of the soul) and physiological (body race).

Verbum Sorores manet in aeternum
Old November 15th, 2014 #43
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France’s GDP Up 0.3% in Q3, Above Expectations

Analysts expected rise of 0.1%

(see related) (ANSA) — Rome, November 14 — France’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 0.3% in the third quarter of 2014 with respect to the previous three months, national statistics office Insee said Friday. The data was better than analysts’ expectations of a rise of around 0.1% after France’s GDP dropped 0.1% in the previous quarter.
Old November 16th, 2014 #44
Alex Linder
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De la véridicité des apocryphes antisémites

par Brigid Trismegiste

En la seconde décennie du siècle dernier parurent en France trois réjouissants pamphlets, de la même veine que le fameux « Protocoles des sages des Sion », mais en plus digestes:

Ils sont lisibles (pour l’instant) ici :

Quelle fleurette nous conte donc cet Isaac-là? Eh bien, rien de plus que l’éternel rêve juif de domination du monde selon sa nomocratie. Ces trois ouvrages, on le sait maintenant, furent l’oeuvre d’un certain Urbain Gohier ( né Degoulet, 1862-1951) journaliste socialiste et dreyfusard fin XIX°, militant pacifiste et collaborateur à « La Libre Parole », le journal d’Edouard Drumont, en 1907, et de l’hebdomadaire « Au Pilori » sous le gouvernement de Vichy pour être finalement condamné en 1944 avant de sombrer définitivement dans l’oubli.

L’apocryphie de ces trois livres entame t-elle pour autant leur véracité? Pas plus que celle d’une film historique, à moins de prétendre que le simple fait qu’ils soit joué par des acteurs suffit à invalider la justesse des faits présentés. De toutes façons ces livres ne pouvaient être que des faux, car aucune organisation vraiment et sérieusement secrète, quelle que soit sa nature, ne laisse derrière elle des documents écrits – surtout trois d’affilée!

L’important n’est donc point de savoir s’ils sont authentiques, mais s’ils sont véridiques. Ces écrits doivent être examinés pour les vérités qu’il contiennent et portent à la connaissance du lecteur, c’est-à-dire les hypothèses de travail qui servent à orienter le procédé de recherche du sens de notre époque, et pas d’après l’identité de leur auteur : ce serait là sophisme génétique, c’est-à-dire méthode d’analyse viciée car consistant à les critiquer non pas en analysant leur contenu, mais en se fondant sur leur genèse et/ou sur les intentions attribuées à l’écrivain. Or d’un tel point de vue, on peut dire que même si ces trois livres ne sont pas « vrais », c’est comme s’ils l’étaient, et ce pour les raisons suivantes :

- les faits qui se sont produits, et se produisent encore, après leur publication, les confirment en se réalisant aussi exactement que le firent les régimes communistes après la publication de « La ferme des animaux » de Georges Orwell. Ils s’accordent parfaitement avec ce qui advient et ,depuis qu’ils ont été écrits — c’est-à-dire bientôt 100 ans! — correspondent fort précisément à la situation mondiale et à ses horizons temporels.

- et surtout, les idées fondamentales dont ils s’inspirent sont celles du judaïsme international, et donc même si ces trois histoires ont été imaginées, leur auteur a simplement écrit ce que chaque Juif fidèle à sa tradition, à la volonté profonde d’Israël et conscient de ses instincts, aurait pu lui-même écrire et souhaite du plus profond de son coeur.

Prémonitoires, ces trois petits ouvrages, même si pour le lecteur moderne certaines tournures peuvent prêter à rire, n’en annoncent pas moins les événements de la subversion moderne et prouvent donc que ces évènements n’ont rien de fortuit, mais obéissent à une intention certaine et ont une direction donnée — et par conséquent, d’un ensemble de forces maléfiques dévolues à la destruction de l’Europe traditionnelle, puis des races blanches.

Cependant, il serait simpliste, et donc dangereux, de faire des seuls Juifs la cause unique et suffisante de la subversion mondiale : ils ne sont vraiment devenus pernicieux en France qu’après la révolution de 1789, et leur action dissolvante n’a été possible que parce que des processus de dégénérescence et de désagrégation dans les classes dominantes s’étaient développés bien avant, l’élément juif s’y infiltrant dès qu’il le put comme le fait un virus dans un corps affaibli. L’ennemi originel est donc bien intérieur, et ce de deux façons:

- d’une façon subjective, par le laisser-aller physique, moral et intellectuel auquel trop souvent s’adonne l’Aryen — même dans nos rangs, et de plus en plus de nos jours.

- d’une manière objective, par l’accession au pouvoir d’Aryens moralement défectueux, concept que l’essayiste suisse Gaston-Armand Amaudruz a brillamment exposé sous le nom de « la lie et l’écume » dans cet ouvrage dont nous recommandons la lecture à toutes et à tous :

Last edited by Alex Linder; November 16th, 2014 at 10:02 AM.
Old November 16th, 2014 #45
Alex Linder
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The accuracy of the anti-Semitic apocryphal

by Brigid Trismegiste

In the second decade of the last century appeared in France three pleasing pamphlets, in the same vein as the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", but more digestible:

They are readable (for now) here:



What this tells us so whipping Isaac there? Well, nothing more than the eternal Jewish dream of world domination as its nomocracy. These three books, we now know, were the work of a Gohier Urban (born Degoulet, 1862-1951) and Dreyfus socialist journalist late nineteenth century, a peace activist and contributor to "La Libre Parole," the newspaper of Edouard Drumont in 1907, and the weekly "At the Pillory" under the Vichy government to be finally sentenced in 1944 before finally sinking into oblivion.



The apocryphie these three books she begins provided their veracity? No more than a historical film, unless to say that the mere fact that they are played by actors is sufficient to invalidate the accuracy of the facts presented. Anyway these books could only be false because no organization really and seriously secret, whatever its nature, leaves behind written documents - especially three in a row!

* The key then, is not whether they are authentic, but they are true. These writings should be examined for the truths it contains and bring to the attention of the reader, that is to say the working hypotheses which guide the process of searching for meaning in our time, and not after the identity of the author: this would be genetic fallacy, that is to say, flawed method of analysis as consisting not criticize analyzing their content, but on the basis of their origin and / or intentions assigned to the writer. But such a perspective, we can say that even though these three books are not "real", it is as if they were, for the following reasons:

- Acts that occurred and still occur after publication, the confirmed being realized as accurately as did the communist regimes after the publication of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. They go perfectly with what happens, and since they were written - that is to say almost 100 years! - Correspond very precisely to the global situation and its time horizons.

- And above all, the basic ideas underlying them are those of international Judaism, so even though these three stories were invented, the author simply wrote that each Jew faithful to its tradition, deep commitment to Israel and aware of their instincts, could himself write and wishes from deep within his heart.

Premonitory, these three small works, although for the modern reader some phrases may be laughable, not least announce the events of the modern subversion and thus prove that these events have nothing to chance, but follow a plan and some have a particular direction - and therefore a set of evil forces assigned to the destruction of traditional Europe and the white races.

However, it would be simplistic, and therefore dangerous, to make Jews only the sole and sufficient cause of world subversion: they are not really become pernicious in France after the revolution of 1789, and dissolving action was possible that because of the process of degeneration and disintegration in the ruling classes had developed well before the Jewish element infiltrating from there he could just like a virus in a weakened body. The original enemy is well inside, and this in two ways:

- A subjective way, by letting go physical, moral and intellectual which too often indulges Aryan - even in our ranks, and increasingly nowadays.

- Objectively, by the accession of Aryans morally defective power concept that the Swiss essayist Gaston-Armand Amaudruz brilliantly exposed by the name of "the dregs and scum" in this book that we recommend reading to you all:

Last edited by Alex Linder; November 16th, 2014 at 10:02 AM.
Old November 20th, 2014 #46
Alex Linder
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Si le Front National vient à passer aux prochaines élections présidentielles, il y a fort à parier que les partis et groupuscules fascistes, racistes et traditionalistes seront encore plus persécutés qu'avant.

En effet, les partis classiques, et surtout le PS, ont besoin de ces partis et groupuscules pour masquer leur vacuité doctrinale. Le "combat contre le fascisme" est un cache-misère bien commode pour donner à leurs actions une vague coloration morale et désintéressée. Mais si le FN vient à diriger la France, il aura à se débarrasser d'une réputation qui à l'étranger lui colle à la peau: celle d'être un parti fasciste.

Enormément de partis nationalistes étrangers, par faible compréhension de la langue française, ou influencés par les médias de leurs pays, demeurent persuadés que le FN est un parti nationaliste au sens strict du terme, et fondent de grands espoirs sur lui. Ils n'ont aucune idée de ce qu'il est devenu depuis cinq ans, de sa judéophilie et de la mentalité générale de ses nouveaux militants, lesquels sont des plus en plus nombreux - les anciens ayant été virés ou en étant partis par dégoût. Et leurs concitoyens non-politisés, ou ayant des convictions "politiquement correctes", sont tout aussi convaincus que le FN est un parti fasciste.

De cela, il découle que si Marine Le Pen se trouve un jour au pouvoir, elle devra pour des raisons diplomatiques et économiques démontrer au monde entier que le FN n'est pas un parti fasciste. Et pour en donner la preuve, elle n'aura d'autre solution que de s'acharner tout particulièrement sur les partis et groupuscules dits "d'extrême-droite". Si ceux-ci sont bien pratiques aux partis conventionnels pour justifier certaines de leurs actions, pour le FN ils deviendront une gêne qui devra être impitoyablement éradiquée, car l'amalgame qui est fait entre eux et le FN mettra longtemps à sortir des esprits. La mise au pouvoir du FN, qui apparaît de plus en plus autant programmée que celle de Sarkozy en 2005, risque de n'avoir d'autre but que de sonner définitivement le glas des espoirs nationalistes, traditionalistes et racialistes en France. C'est pour cette raison que -- sans donner de consignes de vote ou d'anti-vote qui devront être examinées en fonction des lieux et temps -- la Sororité Aryenne retire son soutien au Front National.


If the National Front comes to pass in the next presidential elections, there is a good chance that parties and factions fascist, racist and traditionalists will be persecuted even more than before.

Indeed, the mainstream parties, especially the PS, need these parties and factions to hide their doctrinal emptiness. The "fight against fascism" is a very convenient fig leaf to give their actions a vague moral and disinterested coloring. But if the FN is to lead France, he will have to get rid of a reputation abroad sticks to the skin: that of being a fascist party.

Lots of foreign nationalist parties by poor understanding of the French language, or influenced by the media in their countries remain confident that the FN is a nationalist party in the strict sense of the word, and great hopes on him. They have no idea what has become of the last five years of his judéophilie and the general mentality of its new militants, which are more and more - the former having been transferred or being left in disgust. And non-politicized citizens, or with beliefs "politically correct", are equally convinced that the FN is a fascist party.

From this it follows that if Marine Le Pen is in power one day, it will for diplomatic and economic reasons demonstrate to the world that the FN is not a fascist party. And to prove it, she will have no choice but to strive especially on parties and factions called "right-wing". If these practices are parties to the treaty to justify some of their actions, for they become FN discomfort that will be ruthlessly eradicated because amalgam is made ​​between them and the FN will take time out of mind. The put the power of the FN, which appears increasingly as scheduled than Sarkozy in 2005, could have no other purpose than to sound the death knell finally hopes nationalists, traditionalists and racialist in France. It is for this reason - without giving voting instructions or anti-vote to be discussed depending on the place and time - the Aryan Sisterhood withdrew its support for the National Front.
Old November 24th, 2014 #47
Alex Linder
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Philosophie du fascisme raciste

par Brigid Trismegiste

Toute l’histoire de l’humanité a été lutte des races, oppositions entre races conquérantes et races soumises, entre races dirigeantes et races dirigées, selon la logique du philosophe païen Héraclite d’Ephèse (VIe siècle av. J.-C.) qui le premier émit l’idée du conflit des contraires se limitant l’un l’autre, auquel sont dues la naissance et la conservation des êtres.

Pour son empirisme organisateur, le fascisme raciste choisit donc la méthode d’investigation héraclitéenne, qui étudie les faits historiques en tant que processus, en tant que réalité en mouvement, en perpétuel devenir, prises dans les flots tumultueux de l’Histoire. Cette méthode ne se laisse pas paralyser par d’artificielles antinomies entre « vrai » et « faux », entre « bien » et « mal », car elle inclue la double et conjointe idée de mouvement et de contradictions surmontées. Une religion ou une idéologie n’étant que le produit de pensées et de déductions dans un cerveau humain, il ne peut y avoir de vérité unique, absolue, définitive et sacrée. La vérité réside dans le processus de la connaissance même, dans le long développement humain de la Science, et celle-ci n’arrive jamais, par la découverte d’une prétendue « vérité définitive », au stade où elle ne peut plus progresser. La seule réalité est ce processus ininterrompu du devenir et du transitoire, c’est pourquoi le fasciste raciste récuse Platon et Hegel pour qui les objets réels ne sont que le reflet de tel ou tel degré de l’Idée Absolue. A l’impératif catégorique de l’absolu moral de Kant, le fascisme raciste répond que la seule action humaine qui peut être érigée en loi universelle de la nature est le devoir de conservation et d’amélioration de sa race.

Le fascisme raciste refuse toute forme de transcendance, qu’elle soit religieuse ou théorétique. L’organisation et les institutions de chaque nation doivent découler de l’âme raciale de ses habitants, la race étant ici « cette énergie accumulée par nos ancêtres, ces morts qui parlent en nous » selon le mot de Paul Bourget. Une simple observation du monde montre qu’on ne gouverne pas les Noirs comme des Blancs, les Nordiques comme des Méditerranéens, etc… L’empirisme organisateur, adapté à chaque situation nationale, s’en trouve donc être immanence qui dément tout universalisme panracial idéologique ou confessionnel, toute construction abstraite artificiellement appliquée à n’importe quel peuple sans distinction. Et donc, à l’aphorisme d’Auguste Comte « La seule vérité absolue, c’est que tout est relatif » le fasciste raciste du 21e siècle ajoute la sentence du Bureau de la Politique Raciale du NSADP « Toutes les races sont une valeur suprême »

Le moteur de l’Histoire ne se trouvant donc pas dans les limbes de la transcendance, il réside dans le monde matériel, seule réalité : c’est la dialectique raciale. Toute l’histoire de l’humanité a été dialectique des races, entre races créatives et races infertiles, entre races énergiques et races indolentes, entre races organisatrices et races incapables. Ces juxtapositions raciales furent l’infrastructure sur laquelle se bâtirent toutes les superstructures politiques, juridiques et intellectuelles. Ainsi la dialectique raciale détermina le processus social et culturel de la vie de chaque époque, de chaque civilisation. Car ce n’est pas le façon d’être sociale qui détermine la conscience d’une personne, c’est son âme raciale qui détermine sa façon d’être sociale – et donc, de la civilisation qu’il engendre. Le fascisme raciste invalide donc tout surnaturalisme extérieur, que ce soit sous la forme de religion, d’occultisme ou de « paranormal » qu’il considère comme de vains amusements pour faibles d’esprit.

De cela il ressort que le fascisme raciste n’est pas quelque chose d’achevé ni d’immuable : son esprit même s’y oppose, en conformité avec l’idée d’Héraclite du perpétuel écoulement des choses. La national-socialisme allemand, auquel le fascisme raciste du 21e siècle se réfère tout naturellement, a simplement posé les pierres angulaires d’une société articulée selon une logique raciale. Il appartient aux fascistes racistes d’aujourd’hui de prolonger dans toutes les directions, en tenant compte du temps et du lieu, les données fondamentales révélées par de grands Français – le comte de Gobineau, Vacher de Lapouge, Paul Bert¹ – et mises en œuvre, de 1933 à 1939, par Adolf Hitler. Toutefois la pureté de ces données doit être à tout prix préservée au cours du travail nécessaire d’adaptation historique: il convient donc de se garder de prétendus « nationaux-socialistes » qui tentent de les souiller en y introduisant des éléments superstitieux d’origine sémite tels le christianisme ou l’islam; et aussi de ceux qui les dessèchent en les figeant intégristement, et se croient fascistes alors qu’ils le sont que réactionnaires, racistes alors qu’ils ne sont que xénophobes. C’est pourquoi la doctrine fasciste raciste de la Sororité Aryenne dépasse et corrige l’hitlérisme en l’adaptant aux changements éthologiques survenus depuis la défaite de 1945.

Le permanent et le changeant sont donc, toujours selon Héraclite, un des pôles de l’opposition suprême qui est le moteur de l’Histoire. Le permanent, c’est la Race, l’invariant qu’est l’âme raciale de chaque peuple; le changeant, c’est la dialectique biologique dans le flux de l’histoire humaine, dont elle est le ressort. Le fascisme raciste démontre qu’il est vain de vouloir comprendre le monde actuel en refusant de tenir compte du facteur biologique : inextricablement liés, tant l’hérédité que le milieu social et l’habitat géographique déterminent les comportements de l’individu et de la communauté, mais uniquement dans les limites et selon les potentialités inhérentes à l’origine raciale.

Le fascisme raciste se réclame de l’assertion du Dr. Hans FK Günther « Je penche pour l’hypothèse selon laquelle la plupart des civilisations auraient connu leur essor à la suite du contact de deux races et du déploiement d’énergie engendré par l’interaction des dirigeants et des dirigés » ( Der nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen, 1927 ) en insistant sur l’absolue nécessité d’une hiérarchisation des races en cas de cohabitation, et repousse celle du juif Ludwig Gumplowicz « Sans antagonisme racial, il n’y a pas d’Etat et pas d’évolution de l’Etat, et sans fusion des races il n’y a ni culture, ni civilisation » ( Der Rassenkampf, 1909 ) qui sous couvert de dialectique raciale invite au métissage: or toutes les grandes civilisations du passé en sont mortes et n’ont jamais pu être ressuscitées sur leur lieu d’origine. Personne ne peut sérieusement envisager que sorte quoi que ce soit de grand du Pendjab, de l’Iran, la Grèce ou l’Italie du sud actuelles, au vu de leurs habitants. Une mélange généralisé des races humaines conduirait à l’arrêt de l’évolution de l’humanité. Le fascisme raciste voit donc dans la glorification du métissage un panégyrique du génocide, et considère tout apologue du métissage comme un ennemi de l’humanité.

Constatant que les communautés déclassées n’ont, quelles que soient leur taille, jamais duré longtemps, le fascisme raciste en déduit qu’au stade actuel de l’évolution de l’humanité, celle-ci nécessite des sociétés organisées hiérarchiquement et sécurisantes moralement – donc pourvues de structures étatiques fortes, pures de tout parlementarisme parasitaire empêchant la promptitude d’application de mesures nécessaires. L’Histoire enseignant également qu’aucune idéologie ne s’est imposée par la simple excellence de sa doctrine, mais par les capacités de ses représentants à utiliser la violence organisée, le fasciste raciste en déduit que les qualités intrinsèques d’une idéologie sont des conditions nécessaires à sa longévité, mais insuffisantes à son avènement et à sa mise en pratique. Le premier dépend des hommes qui la professent, et la seconde des méthodes qu’ils utiliseront. Le fascisme raciste estime donc moral et légitime l’usage de la violence dans les faits, car si la théorie permet à l’action d’avoir lieu, l’action fait progresser la théorie en la corrigeant, selon le principe héraclitéen, là encore, du monde en perpétuelle transformation.

Mais qu’on ne s’y trompe pas: le fasciste raciste ne croit pas, comme le gauchiste, que du mouvement de la multitude sortira la solution appropriée, la réponse idéale. « L’infaillibilité des masses » du marxisme ou « l’infaillibilité démocratique » du libéralisme ne sont que les versions sécularisées de « l’infaillibilité de la Torah et de l’Evangile », soit un dogme rationaliste juif arbitraire de plus. Le suffrage universel montre un peu plus, à chaque élection présidentielle, que rien n’est pire que les choix du peuple laissé à lui-même. Le fascisme raciste prend donc acte de ce que les grands changements historiques ne peuvent être initiés que par des individus d’exception dotés de cette rarissime qualité qui est l’apanage des seuls grands dirigeants : savoir mieux qu’elles-même ce que veulent vraiment les masses. Car l’inégalité naturelle des hommes, qui est l’un des pilier doctrinaux du fascisme raciste, fait que seule une élite raciale soit en mesure de faire l’Histoire. Et parce que le présent change constamment, l’Histoire change également : chaque époque a la sienne propre, que l’esprit de l’Héroïne ou du Héros fasciste raciste a créé pour qu’elle cadre avec sa lucidité acribique et sa volonté de puissance.

Ainsi évite le fascisme, par une constante interaction de la praxis de de la doxa, de choir dans un des deux gouffres opposés qui menacent toute idéologie:

- le dogmatisme, qui figerait la doctrine comme ces théocraties paralysant l’intelligence.
- le bonapartisme, qui en trop s’appuyant sur la passion charnelle de la nation pour son Dirigeant, finirait au contraire par la vider de sa substance.
Car la théorie n’est rien sans la personne d’exception pour la faire appliquer: qu’on se rappelle ce que devint la Phalange Espagnole après la mort de José Antonio Primo de Rivera… et inversement, l’homme d’exception sans la doctrine laisse après sa mort vide intellectuel et désolation morale. La complémentarité des deux est la base où s’équilibre l’harmonie du fascisme raciste.²
¹ Libre penseur et républicain, député gambettiste, Paul Bert (1833-1886) a aussi été un grand rédacteur de manuels scolaires. Certains d’entre eux furent régulièrement réédités de 1880 jusqu’aux années 1930 et diffusaient un message d’une autre teneur que les vomissures antiracistes des livres « d’éducation » actuels:

PaulBert1 PaulBert2 PaulBert3

² Encore faut-il que la doctrine soit claire et explicite, et d’assise scientifique, ce qui exclut d’autorité tout texte religieux abscons dont une exégèse perverse peut faire dire n’importe quoi et son contraire, ainsi que l’histoire des « religions du livre » nous le prouve.
Old November 24th, 2014 #48
Alex Linder
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Philosophy of racist fascism

by Brigid Trismegiste

The whole history of mankind has been fighting races, oppositions between conquering races and subject races, races between leaders and led races, according to the logic of the pagan philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (sixth century BC. BC) who first suggested the idea of the conflict of opposites limiting each other, which are due the birth and preservation of beings.

For organizer empiricism, racist fascism therefore chooses the Heraclitean investigation method, which examines the historical facts as a process, as a reality in motion, perpetual evolution, taken in the tumultuous waves of history. This method does not let paralyzed by artificial contradictions between "true" and "false", between "good" and "evil" because it includes the idea of dual and joint movement and overcome contradictions. A religion or ideology is the product of thoughts and inferences in a human brain, there can be no single truth absolute, definitive and sacred. The truth lies in the process of knowledge itself, in the long human development of science, and one that never happens, by the discovery of an alleged "final truth" to the stage where it can no longer grow. The only reality is the uninterrupted process of becoming and transient, that is why the racist fascist rejects Plato and Hegel who the real objects are only a reflection of a particular degree of Absolute Idea. A categorical imperative absolute moral of Kant, racist fascism replied that the only human action that can be built in universal law of nature is the duty of conservation and improvement of his race.

Racist Fascism rejects any form of transcendence, whether religious or theoretical. The organization and institutions in every nation must arise from the racial soul of its people, race here being "the energy accumulated by our ancestors, the dead who speak in us" in the words of Paul Bourget. Simple observation shows that the world does not govern blacks as whites, the Nordics as the Mediterranean, etc ... The organizer empiricism adapted to each national situation is thus found to be immanence that denies any ideological universalism panracial or confessional, any abstract construction artificially applied to any people without distinction. And so, at the aphorism of Auguste Comte "The only absolute truth is that everything is relative" racist fascist 21st century adds award from the Office of Racial Policy NSADP "All races are a supreme value"

The motor of history therefore not in the limbo of transcendence, it lies in the material world, one reality: the racial dialectic. The whole history of mankind has been dialectic of breeds among creative and infertile races races, between indolent and aggressive races races, between organizing races and races can not. These racial juxtapositions were the infrastructure that is built all political superstructures, legal and intellectual. Thus racial dialectic determined the social and cultural processes of life of each era, each civilization. For it is not the way of being that determines social consciousness of a person is his soul that determines racial his way of being social - and therefore of civilization it generates. Invalid racist fascism so all supernaturalism outside, either in the form of religion, occultism or "paranormal" it considers vain amusements for fools.

From this it appears that the racist fascism is not something completed nor immutable spirit even objects, in accordance with the idea of Heraclitus perpetual flow of things. The German National Socialism, in which the racist fascism of the 21st century refers naturally simply laid the cornerstone of a society articulated in a racial sense. It is racist fascists today to extend in all directions, taking into account the time and place, the fundamental data revealed by large French - Count Gobineau, Vacher Lapouge Paul Bert¹ - and put into implemented from 1933 to 1939, Adolf Hitler. However the purity of such data must be preserved at all costs in the necessary work of historical adaptation: it is therefore necessary to keep so-called "National Socialists" who try to defile by introducing original Semitic superstitious elements such as Christianity or Islam; and also those that dry out by freezing them intégristement, and fascists believe that while they are reactionary, racist while they are only xenophobic. This is why the fascist racist doctrine of Aryan Sisterhood exceeds and corrects Hitlerism adapting it to the ethological changes since the defeat of 1945.

Permanent and changing are, according to Heraclitus, one pole of the Supreme opposition that is the engine of history. The Standing is the Race, the invariant that is the racial soul of every people; changing it is biological dialectic in the flow of human history, which it is the spring. The racist fascism shows that it is futile to try to understand the world today by refusing to take into account the biological factor inextricably linked, as heredity that the social environment and geographical habitat determine the behavior of the individual and the community, but only within the limits and the possibilities inherent in the race.

Racist Fascism claims to the assertion of Dr. Hans FK Günther "I favor the hypothesis that most civilizations have known their growth as a result of contact of two races and display of energy generated by the interaction of leaders and led "(Der nordische Gedanke unter den Deutschen, 1927) stressing the absolute necessity of a hierarchy of races in case of cohabitation, and pushes that of the Jewish Ludwig Gumplowicz" Without racial antagonism, it does There is no state and no evolution of the state, and without fusion of races there is no culture, no civilization "(Der Rassenkampf, 1909) that under the guise of racial dialectic invites miscegenation: all gold the great civilizations of the past have died and have never been resurrected in their place of origin. No one can seriously imagine that anything so grand Punjab, Iran, Greece and southern Italy today, in light of their inhabitants. A generalized mixture of races would lead to stopping the evolution of humanity. Racist Fascism therefore sees the glorification of miscegenation a panegyric of the genocide, and considers any fable of miscegenation as an enemy of humanity.

Noting that communities were downgraded, whatever their size, never last long, racist fascism deduced that at this stage of the evolution of humanity, it requires companies hierarchically organized and morally reassuring - therefore provided with strong state structures, pure of any parasitic parliamentary preventing application readiness necessary measures. History teacher also no ideology was imposed by the simple excellence of his doctrine, but the capacity of its representatives to use organized violence, racist fascist deduce that the intrinsic qualities of an ideology are conditions necessary for its longevity, but insufficient to reign and its implementation. The first depends on men who profess it, and the second of the methods they use. Racist Fascism therefore considers moral and legitimate use of violence in the facts, as if the theory allows the action to take place, the action advances the theory by correction, according to the Heraclitean principle, again , the ever-changing world.

But make no mistake: the racist fascist does not believe, as leftist, that the movement of the multitude out the appropriate solution, the perfect answer. "The infallibility of the masses" of Marxism or "democratic infallibility" of liberalism are only secularized versions of "the infallibility of the Torah and the Gospel", a Jewish rationalist arbitrary dogma more. Universal suffrage a bit more in every presidential election, nothing is worse than the choice of the people left to itself. Racist Fascism therefore notes that major historical changes can be initiated only by exceptional individuals have this rare quality that is the preserve of great leaders: they know better yourself what really want the masses. Because the natural inequality of men, which is one of the pillar doctrinal racist fascism, that only a racial elite is able to make history. And because this is constantly changing, history is also changing: every era has its own, that the spirit of the heroine or hero racist fascist created for her part acribique with his lucidity and his will to power .

This prevents fascism, through constant interaction of the praxis of doxa, of falling into one of two opposite chasms that threaten ideology:

- Dogmatism, which would freeze the doctrine as such theocracies paralyzing intelligence.
- Bonapartism, that too based on carnal passion of the nation for its leader, would end the contrary by the gut.
Because the theory is nothing without the exceptional person to enforce it: we remember what became the Spanish Falange after the death of José Antonio Primo de Rivera ... and vice versa, the man without exception doctrine leaves behind his intellectual vacuum and moral desolation death. The complementarity of the two is the base where fascism harmony balance raciste.²
¹ free thinker and Republican, Gambettist MP Paul Bert (1833-1886) was also a great writer of textbooks. Some of them were regularly reprinted from 1880 until the 1930s and were broadcasting a message from another content that vomit racist books "education" today:

² It is also necessary that the doctrine is clear and explicit, and scientific basis, which excludes any religious text abstruse authority perverse exegesis can say anything and its opposite, and the history of "religions of the book" proves it.
Old November 25th, 2014 #49
Alex Linder
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Russia funds French National Front: is Moscow sowing European unrest?

Leader of French far-right Front National (FN) party Marine Le Pen
Russia has also reportedly lent money to Greece’s neofascist Golden Dawn, Italy’s Northern League and other anti-Europe parties

​​​​Marine Le Pen has admitted that her far-right Front National accepted money from a Russian bank, amid growing evidence that the Kremlin is backing anti-European parties across the continent.

Le Pen said that her party had received a loan of €9 million (£7 million) in September from the Russian-owned First Czech-Russian Bank, but insisted that the money would have no impact on her policies.

“We signed with the First [bank] who agreed and we’re very happy about it,” she said. But it is “ridiculous to suggest that gaining a loan would determine our international position,” she insisted. “These insinuations are outrageous and offensive.”

According to recent opinion polls, the National Front is now France’s most popular party.

Russian loans have also been extended to Greece’s neofascist Golden Dawn party, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Northern League, Hungary’s Jobbik and the Freedom Party of Austria, The Times reports. All of these parties except Golden Dawn were invited to observe Crimea's vote on joining Russia and all offered their support for the annexation of the south-eastern Ukrainian region.

The loans to the National Front from the Russian-owned bank occurred amid "growing evidence of a secret Kremlin campaign to buy influence in European politics," The Times says.

French politician Bruno Le Maire, a former cabinet minister who is running for the leadership of the centre-right Union for a Popular Movement, said that it was inconceivable that the loans would have no impact on Le Pen's attitude to Russia: “You are always under obligation to your creditor,” he said.

France’s National Front has "long struggled to raise the cash needed to match its political ambitions," France 24 reports. The party's treasurer Wallerand de Saint-Just said that the loans would be used to finance campaigning expenses in the lead up to the French national elections in 2017, for which the party would need approximately "30 to 40 million euros".

Last month, Vincent Jauvert claimed in the French weekly magazine Le Nouvel Observateur that National Front leaders had been in regular communication with the Russian ambassador in Paris, Alexander Orlov.

"The Kremlin has been betting on the National Front," Jauvert said. "It considers the party able to take power in France and potentially reverse the course of European history in favour of Moscow".
Old December 1st, 2014 #50
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Number of Unemployed in France Hits Record 3.46 Million

More people were unemployed in France in October than ever before, data released Thursday showed, highlighting continued weak activity in the eurozone’s second-largest economy.

The Labour Ministry said the jobless total in mainland France rose by 28,400 to 3,460,900, a 0.8 percent increase over one month and 5.5 percent over one year.

President François Hollande has seen his popularity fall to the lowest ratings in French polling history, with a key factor being his failure to live up to promises to tackle unemployment.

The jobless increase in October was the biggest monthly rise since February, when the total rose by 31,500. It came after a rise in September which wiped out a slight fall in unemployment in August…
Old December 3rd, 2014 #51
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Paris Jewish Community in Shock Over Rape, Home Invasion ‘Because You Are Jews’

Three unknown assailants invaded the home of a Jewish couple in the Paris suburb of Créteil on Monday, raped the 19-year-old woman, and robbed the home, saying it was “because you are Jewish,” local French media reported on Tuesday.
Old December 3rd, 2014 #52
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A resolution proclaiming abortion to be a “fundamental right” was adopted by a large majority last Wednesday by the French National Assembly. The resolution was presented by a socialist member, Catherine Coutelle, and was discussed on the 40th anniversary of the landmark speech, on November 26, 1974, by then-minister of health Simone Veil, whose name is still associated with the French abortion law, or “loi Veil.”

Only 151 members of the National Assembly were present out of the total 577 deputies, on a day and time of the week that usually attract many to the Palais-Bourbon, where the National Assembly sits: Wednesday is government question time and sessions are broadcast nationwide. Whether the absentees found the debate unimportant or were simply embarrassed about voting for or against, the fact is that the motion was approved by 143 of the voters. Seven voted against (Jacques Bompard, Jean-Frédéric Poisson, Jean-Christophe Fromantin, Nicolas Dhuicq, Xavier Breton, Yannick Moreau and Olivier Marleix) and one abstained.

Of those who voted “no”, one – Fromantin – was threatened with exclusion from his centrist party. One UDI senator, Chantal Jouanno, said his place was no longer within the UDI of which Simone Veil is an honorary member. Other party members, however, underscored the fact that the “loi Veil” created an “exception,” not a right, and that Veil herself defended the text in 1974 saying “abortion is always a failure, sometimes a drama”: “Society tolerates” abortion “but should not pay for it or encourage it,” she said.

To be precise, the decriminalization of abortion forty years ago came with all the usual hype: abortions would at least be “legal, safe and rare.” As in the US, statistics of illegal abortions and related maternal deaths were inflated: with the new law, there would be less abortions because women “in distress” would find help to keep their child. Compulsory pre-abortion counseling would take place at the expense of the State.

Reality soon proved to be very different and since 1975, at least 200,000 “voluntary interruptions of pregnancy” – as they call abortions in France – have taken place yearly. An estimated 220 to 225,000 were performed in 2013.

While abortion was certainly not a “right” when the Veil law came into force, this has been amended over the years to the point where abortion is now performed on request during the 12 first weeks of gestation; all legal conditions disappeared one by one. Social security refunds soon became the norm: since Easter last year, abortion is fully funded by the government. Groups may advertise for abortion since 2001 – the French Family Planning Association runs major campaigns in the Parisian metro each year – and heavy fines and even prison sentences now await those who “hinder” abortion, be it physically in hospitals, or through “psychological or moral pressure,” or by preventing a women to obtain “full information” about how to get an abortion.

All this amounts to having turned abortion into a right, even though no legislation expressly proclaimed it – up to now.

A parliamentary resolution has no binding force but it does send a strong signal to lawmakers and judges. And in order to come before the Chamber it must obtain leave from its president and from the prime minister, meaning a form of political consent.
Old December 3rd, 2014 #53
Alex Linder
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[this came in 12-3-14]

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Old December 5th, 2014 #54
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Originally Posted by Englisc View Post
Paris Jewish Community in Shock Over Rape, Home Invasion ‘Because You Are Jews’

Three unknown assailants invaded the home of a Jewish couple in the Paris suburb of Créteil on Monday...
That's a Jewish subdivision. 5,000 Jews have returned to Israel, this year. So, now it's a vicious circle. Arabs murdering Jews in France, because Jews are building settlements and because Jews are leaving France to go to Israel, Israel is building even more settlements to accomodate them.
Old December 7th, 2014 #55
Alex Linder
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Spiritual and moral conception of Europe

Julie Crown

The "Europe" as a historical concept is morally and spiritually built on two eastern religions of Semitic essence of Christianity and Islam. For if in Europe, Islam is nowadays only associated with immigration and descendants of workers from North Africa, the Middle East and Turkey, we must not forget that Spain in the seventh century, the Balkans conquered by the Ottomans in the late fourteenth century and throughout the fifteenth, a European Islam has existed and thrived for centuries. Spain alone has a common history with Islam, which lasted nearly eight centuries - the fact is known to all and I do not dwell on it fastidiously - but that's far from everything!

The presence of Islam in Italy, for example, did not begin with the migration of modern times. It dates from the Middle Ages with the presence of several centuries, in Sicily in particular: in 827, Muslims from Africa to arrive to occupy entirely from 903: it is the independent emirate of Sicily (965-1091) .dropoff window This conquest ends at the end of the 11th century, when the Arabs were defeated by the Normans, but Islam is always visible, mainly in Palermo, the island's capital, where Muslims are noticed immediately in many shops and markets of the city center: in some neighborhoods, street names are even translated into Arabic. According to the Islamic scholar Andrea Pacini, the Muslim immigrants belonging to Sicily in 2003 was 20,272 out of a population and their number has steadily increased since then: almost half of them are of Tunisian origin, the other half composed of Moroccans, Albanians, Bangladeshi, Senegalese and Algerians.

And for centuries, Islam in Eastern Europe is a reality: the conquest of the Balkans in the late 14th century and throughout the 15th, the Ottomans have reintroduced. In the early days of the conquest, from the fourteenth century, first we witnessed the installation of Muslims initiated by the Ottoman authorities, especially in the eastern part of the peninsula, which is why there is still aujourd ay quite a number of Turkic Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia Thrace as well as into the heart of the Balkans. in the west of the peninsula, the conversion phenomenon prevailed. Certainly, Turkic populations also came to settle on these territories but are then generally blended into the local population. So Muslims are in a majority slavophones- mainly in Bosnia Herzegovina- or Albanian - Albania and Kosovo and Macedonia, where there are also Slavic and Turkic Muslims. In Crete, in the nineteenth century, the Greek-speaking Muslims accounted for 30% of the population; threatened by persecution of the Christian majority, they emigrated to Turkey in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This Islamization took place over the long term, rarely indeed just after the conquest apart in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the massive Islamization has often started in the seventeenth century and sometimes lasted until the end of Ottoman times: in Kosovo, for example, or North Albania where Albanian Catholics still convert to Islam until 1912. It is in these areas that the Reichsführer recruited the three Muslim divisions of the Waffen SS, and the least we can say is that they do not shone by their effectiveness.

In the ancient world, the concept of "Europe" was only Geographical: the ancients Greeks confused with their first continental and enlarged to the size of the conquered or discovered regions in the mouth of Aristotle " European "was a derogatory term for showing cultural superiority of the Greeks over the" barbarians ". And when Alexander the Great founded his vast empire with the idea to give rise to a large community from Hellenism, the "Europe" has no place in this plan. Later the Romans gather a world center of which stands the Mediterranean but also extends to the Asian and African continents. The Western Roman Empire after the desired division by Diocletian in 293 and confirmed the death of Theodosius in 395, included the Maghreb but only a small part of Germany, and nothing Scandinavia. The first attempts to "Europe" policy are Christian Charlemagne in 800 and Otto the Great in 962. The first also liked to be called Pater Europae ("father of Europe") or Europa vel regnum Caroli (Europe or the Kingdom of Charles) certainly do in a very Christian commitment to humiliation he tricked our continent an original Semitic name.

Christianity is plated on our continent as psoriasis, and Islam as bullous pemphigoid. This is not Christianity that has civilized the Celts of Hibérie, Gaul and Belgium, but Hellenism came with the Roman legions. Christians are morons who came to power after 312 years in hiding, destroyed the pagan culture for two centuries to spend ten to rediscover via scholasticism. In 529 AD, the Christian emperor Justinian did forbid the teaching of pagan philosophy in Athens and the Greek philosophers took refuge in Syria and Lebanon, where some philosophical works will be translated into Arabic translators working for the first Abbasid caliphs. But in 642, the Great Library of Alexandria was burned by the Muslim general Amr ibn al-As, obeying the Caliph 'Umar who considered that if the books were in agreement with the Qur'an were unnecessary, and that if they contradicted the Quran, they were wicked. It was not until the renaissance of the twelfth century for the rest of the Hellenistic philosophy - only a part was preserved in the western monasteries - or rediscovered thanks to the Crusades: Aristotle in particular by the Arab Muslim Averroes (1126-1198) and Jewish Maimonides (1138-1204), will be adapted by Thomas Aquinas to the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. How many centuries lost unnecessarily? And where is the use of the Bible or the Koran to the Aryan peoples?

Oppose Christianity to Islam is just as vain to pretend treat chickenpox by measles. Lately militants claiming to "nationalist" convert to Islam, or at least provide a vigorous propaganda by paroxysmal Zionism: it's about as relevant as to inoculate the rabies virus to combat AIDS. The simplistic logic of "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" was used in the 80s by the Americans who wanted to use Islam to counter communism in the Middle East, we see the result today ;dropoff window and one wonders what would have been the worst evil treaty or the selected remedy. After the destruction of 10,000 runic birch bark manuscripts containing the traditions and history of Celtic civilization, by Irish monks in the seventh century, will we see our historical monuments demolished like the Buddhas of Bamiyan in 2001, and can -be soon the pyramids of Egypt?

Many European and Indo-European peoples are said protohistoric, that is to say, they are not supposed to have known writing. But this is completely correct in that it is not always a deficiency, but a choice: many of these races had indeed opted for the oral tradition. And only members of the priestly caste, which those times also acted as scientific and magistrates, held the cultural background of the nation. The Gauls had a writing but used it only as a convenience, accounting or title: the knowledge held by druids remained entirely oral. Ancient Rome saw its laws engraved on twelve tablets - and therefore accessible to all - that from 450 BC-AD: previously, legal science was known as only Pontiffs, the members of the priestly colleges of religion Roman. At the same time the Greek philosopher Socrates explained his refusal to leave a paper trail of his teaching writing communicates a static knowledge and its material remains external to the person receiving it, while speech transmits a living knowledge that auditor internalizes and thus naturally updates as and when changes its socio-cultural environment.

This paradigm was perpetuated during the Christian Middle Ages where believers knew the Bible what clergymen him read. - Further proof that Catholicism was largely fed Celtism and Hellenism For the peoples of Europe have no roots other than pagan and certainly not Christian or Muslim: These are monotheistic religions in their history of childhood diseases that must be completed to heal. Pain design in particular is thus become a recurring theme in the Judeo-Christian culture of Western societies, which explains the ease with which "repentance imposed" the white race is poisoning the psyche of our people. The apostolic letter "Salvifici Doloris" written by John Paul II speaks of a suffering man saving the closer to the passion of Christ, This is similar to what was written by Simone Weil: "The extreme size of Christianity is because he does not seek a supernatural remedy against suffering but a supernatural use of suffering ": same spiritual roots, same goals of psychological enslavement.

Whenever someone tells me his intention to burn a Koran, so I do not lack suggest to add to the Bible, in which is included the very Hebrew Torah. White Our ​​civilization is built not because but in spite of these superstitions "revealed"; if religion we need now is the racial ecology: "The Race is to say, these roots conscious, unconscious, individual and collective doing essentially what we are and potentially trace our route is the central reality of ecological adaptation. Grow amid the dangers (inside and outside) is the law of all past and present evolution as will also be our future destiny. The fight for the re-birth of racial heritages is continuous. And as regeneration factor, we advocate tirelessly studying the racial ecology, like what Goethe said of natural life: "The most important conditions that must require" - Dr. Jacques Baugé- Prévost, Racial Ecology (preface to the 1987 edition of "The white people they survive?") And for this, we must first reconcile European woman with Eros: the nervous system of the fetus in the last trimester of pregnancy is sufficiently developed to gather sensory impressions, and these determine before birth a part of the psychic orientation of the unborn child, women proud of their White Race - so their body * - will whites proud to to belong.

* Not just of course, but indispensably anyway!

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Old December 7th, 2014 #56
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A pic of Francois Hollande wearing a traditional Kazakh hat and coat has gone viral on the social media. Twitter users mocked the French leader, saying he resembles Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Borat,” and producing a meme depicting Hollande in various outfits.

The photo of Hollande and his Kazakh counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was taken during their official meeting in the Kazakh capital, Astana, on Friday. It was later published on the official Instagram account of the Kazakh press service, but soon deleted at the request of the Elysee Palace.

However, several hours on Friday evening and the wee hours of Saturday morning were enough for social media users, who threw a torrent of mockery toward France’s president, saying that he looked ridiculous and calling him “Mister Chapka,” referring to the Russian word for hat.
Old December 8th, 2014 #57
Samuel Toothgold
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Default He looks weird enough, without Jackie O.'s pillbox hat. If you've ever seen videos of him, he waddles like a duck and has a penguin's profile. The black and white suits make him...

...look even more penguin-like.

Old December 11th, 2014 #58
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French Jewish Leaders Slam Anti-Semitic Comedian's New Show

CRIF, umbrella org. of French Jews, has condemned 20 French theaters for presenting anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonne's show.

The umbrella group of French Jewish communities - the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (CRIF) condemned 20 theaters in France planning to host the explicitly anti-Semitic show of comedian Dieudonne M'bala M'bala.
Old December 12th, 2014 #59
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‘It’s Pork or Nothing’, French Mayor Tells Pupils

A mayor in France has stirred up a hornet’s nest by deciding Muslim pupils at the local school will not be given an alternative meal to pork. The mayor has justified his stance by claiming it’s in the name of secularism.

Another week in France and another row has broken out surrounding secularism or laïcité as it’s is called.

After town halls were told to remove nativity scenes because they were against the principle of “laicïté” one mayor in the south of France has used the same argument to justify “a pork or nothing” policy in his school.

From January 1st pupils in the little town of Sargé-le’s-Le Mans in the Sarthe department of north-western France will not be offered a substitute meal if they don’t eat pork.

This will affect the 15 Muslim pupils in the school who cannot eat pork because it against the dietary rules of their religion. Eating pork is also against the rules of the Jewish religion but it is not believed there are any Jewish pupils at the school…
Old December 20th, 2014 #60
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Default No French spoken. Supposedly taken place in France:




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