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Old July 31st, 2013 #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 287
Default Resistance tactics/Organizing a Nationalist Party and promoting it

So, I'm sick of standing on the sidelines and watching society devolve back into the dark ages as my country gets filled with 3rd world scum. I've decided to be pro-active and I'm thinking of starting up a white student union at my school and I have been brainstorming this issue all day so I want to put my thoughts here. I doubt this will fly where i am - whites are already a minority at my school because of rampant Liberalism and Jews being in charge, but what I do think up I can apply to starting up a political movement or a lobbying group, as that's my ultimate goal. Feel free to contribute. I want to make this thread so informative that everyone will have the tools to start their own Nationalist group, lobbying group, student union, etc., and hopefully they do!


I've been to some WN rallies. They're usually a huge fail because all the anti's and Jews show up and make a huge fuss and ruin everything. All you have are two groups shouting at each other. When I see rallies at my school for non-WN things they always have marching drum's and percussion. This drowns out everything and really gets the adrenaline flowing.

I think every WN rally/march should have 1)at least 3 marching drums playing European war marches, 2)Microphones to speak over the crowd, 3)flares, 4)Lots of flags 5)torches (ala Golden Dawn) at night.

Aesthetics and presentation is very important. The image is everything.


If you look at the Golden Dawn they just go walking through neighborhoods with flags and flares banging drums and speaking on a microphone. They also target major events and rallies in big cities. Do that in every city and you will get the word out even if the Jew media ignores and ostracizes you. Lots of community work, lots of rally's and pamphleting/marketing. It worked for the Golden Dawn and National Socialists!

Add in food and medicine drives like the Golden Dawn does, volunteer firefighting and community patrols in uniform so that people identify you with that movement - especially women at night, etc. it's so simple and so practical. I don't know why Nationalists in America aren't doing this?

Various grassroots lobbying. Also, Radio, magazine/newspaper (in print and online), video hosting sites, social networks, etc. to promote the party. I think Lega Nord does a good job with their website to to get this out.

Cavets and Solutions/Resistance tactics:

I understand many older people have families and kids so they can't get too publicly involved because of the risk losing their jobs, but this is why we must 1)Get more young people involved (I've been trying to recruit on campus - putting up flyers with links to websites), and 2)Jobs for other Nationalists. Maybe some kind of WN network/job bank.

One of the problems with appealing to the youth is that most are products of a Jewish/Liberal educational system that has brainwashed them since kindergarten. I used to be one of those Liberal idiots, so it is possible to get through to them with the right message. I.E. appeal to their sense self preservation.

For the older group, I was thinking, as a way to get around potential job loss and punish the tyrannical Government at the same time, maybe all WN's should go on welfare as an act of political dissidence. I don't know the laws in America, and if they can cut you off for political radicalism, but this will give a WN the benefit of lots of free time to engage in marches/swatting/marketing/e-activism, and bleed the system until it dies. Without us whites carrying the load for everyone, the system will surely collapse.

You can live comfortably off welfare and food stamps. Maybe someone could build a website with info for whites on how to get welfare, disability pensions, food stamps, Govt. grants, and other things like disability parking stickers, and instructions on how to fight every parking ticket and speeding infraction, etc.

We also need a Job Bank for WN's. A network. A way for people to get jobs. Stuff like trades (plumbing, carpentry, etc. stuff you can work under the table). WN employers that will hire WN's

If anyone here some programming skill reads this, please consider building this. It could be hosted on Tor or overseas so the Government cannot trace any of us.


Forza Nuova (New Force). I like their Philosophy (based on the writings of Julius Evola), their uniform is a white dress shirt and jeans - looks stylish and not rugged like the impression nationalists give off. Golden Dawn, the National Socialists, etc. I think i can also learn from the Jews, homos, animal rights activists/lobbyists, and I'm studying their tactics at the moment.

Name and Constitution:

To be posted later on. But something with a Nationalist Libertarian base. Maybe nothing too radical sounding, but definitely anti-Jew, pro European, pro-racial segregation ...

Additional reading/Link dump for now:
Old July 31st, 2013 #2
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 287

These guys know how it's done. Golden Dawn (Greece)

For a less extreme version. Forza Nuova/New Force (Italy)

^Their uniform is a white dress shirt and blue jeans. Dark clothes at night. Better dressed, less extreme, appealing to both the moderate and far right demographics.


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