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Old January 27th, 2011 #101
Fred Streed
Holy Order of Cosmonauts
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post

...while some kind of tolerable eugenics is practiced to raise the average IQ to a level (i'd say around 130) where craziness like the christ cult becomes less attractive. As I say, this is not something that happens overnight. At the same time the above is going on, you develop what I've called The Defenders, as an elite racial-protection class. This could be somewhat like the SS - it would have intellectual, moral and physical qualifications. This would be looked up to by the people. It would be as incorruptible as anything human can be, and it would set the model for interactions on the popular level. Of course, this is easy, easy, easy to write and say, but not so easy to make work in reality. But I do believe it is possible to have a society in which the average, repeat, average, person is not drawn to government or Jebus as the solution to all his ills. The principle of subsidiarity is solid and must be insisted on. The government and the man both have their place, and must be kept/forced to it. The man must carry his weight; the government must do only what it exists to do.

On eugenics, it should probably be set up so somewhere around the bottom 10% are sterilized, male and female. This would be done at somewhere around age 12-14, the potential of a child should be evident by then.

A few generations should show results.

The top 5-10% would be the target for the priesthood, defenders, whatever you wanted to call them, and of course the very best would furnish the leadership. They would be screened for symptoms of psychopathy and any showing psychopathic tendencies would be sterilized.

It is way more complex than that really. There might be psychological traits that are deemed important enough to warrant a certain amount of slack on IQ. I don't know, but I do know that we will need to start and the details can be worked out as they come up.
Old January 27th, 2011 #102
Leonard Rouse
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I don't wan't to take the thread off-topic, but we've already had several posts along these lines.

Originally Posted by Fred Streed View Post
On eugenics, it should probably be set up so somewhere around the bottom 10% are sterilized, male and female. This would be done at somewhere around age 12-14, the potential of a child should be evident by then.

A few generations should show results.

The top 5-10% would be the target for the priesthood, defenders, whatever you wanted to call them, and of course the very best would furnish the leadership. They would be screened for symptoms of psychopathy and any showing psychopathic tendencies would be sterilized.

It is way more complex than that really. There might be psychological traits that are deemed important enough to warrant a certain amount of slack on IQ. I don't know, but I do know that we will need to start and the details can be worked out as they come up.
Originally Posted by "Maguire" via FAEM
Eugenics Is Back?

The Proven Value of American Negative Selective Eugenics and
The Continuing Fallacies of Positive Eugenics Breeding Theories

And my point is, even if a small group of people would pool their resources and breed children that would have IQs in the
above 180 group, these few children with the right training and dedication would be the driving force for change and human advancement. Just one child with an IQ above 180 and with the conscientiousness to use it, is worth a thousand average children with the best education money can buy.

Practical experience says that when one engineers to optimize just one capability, one winds up with a highly suboptimized
construct. If I.Q. measurements alone were the ultimate determinant of human value, then Mensa wouldn't contain such a huge
density of truck drivers, waitresses and trailer park Sealey Posturepedic Mattress Queens.

That writer also cited the Jews as a positive example of a eugenics program designed to optimize 'intelligence'. If I were to use
the Jews as an example of eugenics, it would be to illustrate the infinite social dangers of trying to optimize for just one trait on the basis of empirical observations. Physically and emotionally they are a mess. Ashkenazi Jews have a strong congenital defect
known as Tay Sachs Disease. Just ask any obstetrics doctor. This is why medical questionnaires for pregnant women always ask about Ashkenazi Jew lineage. Jews also experience far higher than average rates of insanity and other mental and emotional dysfunctions.

Jews also provide the only known example of a nation conducting a four sided civil war while under external siege from
foreigners. See Flavius Josephus, The Jewish War. Their civic quotients are so low it takes threatened genocide to unite them and even then they don't cooperate effectively. Nor do people with 'high intelligence' alone have a long term track record of
community survival or security dominance. If they did, the Jews would still be in southern Lebanon, rather than battling
Palestinians inspired by Hezbollah's example of protracted war.

The experimental data to date indicate that optimizing for high IQ as currently defined will merely produce the results we
presently have around us. A great deal of historical experience says it also produces a mindset incapable of truly long term
planning since the products of that program are incapable of living in symbiosis with their hosts.

The current state of the art is not advanced enough to allow for a positive program of selective eugenics. The doctors can weigh in again on positive selective eugenics when they've cured cancer. That happy day will also be serious scientific evidence they know enough to speak authoritatively on the subject of chromosomes, genes, DNA and RNA. At the current time positive
selective eugenics stands on a par with many DaVinci mental inventions. It's great in theory but the technology simply doesn't
exist to implement.

Eugenics as applied by the male and female mind always produces two different results. Margaret Sanger, who had an emotional sympathy for the National Socialist program in Germany, is a classic case in point. She believed in eugenics for other races and 'lower' (apparently measured by economics) whites. She was also a nymphomaniac of the first water. Her ultimate contributions, birth control pills and abortion, are the two biggest backfires in history. They turned out to be precision guided munitions for preempting future intelligent white babies. All the "lessers" either refused or are too stupid to effectively use them.

Eugenics programs limited only to mate selection will not succeed. Most females practice this in some degree or another already. Nor is heredity the only factor. If it were, we would not be in the midst of a crisis of fetal alcohol syndrome, "crack babies" and children damaged by parentally transmitted venereal disease. Heredity establishes the potential upper limit. Environment will either facilitate or cripple the realization of that potential. In the current environmental chaos our emphasis as white patriots must be on reestablishing lawful authority and stable social conditions. It is useless to consider any positive eugenics program when the present social environment handicaps utilization of current maximum potential.

There is one example of a successful multigeneration eugenics program.

The previous eugenics programs in the U.S.A running from the very late 19th Century until the late 1960s were very effective.
They operated on the principle of herd culling. Most inmates of mental institutions and many prisoners were sterilized. There was no attempt at either "scientific" selection based on inadequate science or breeding programs based on unproved theories. The selection criteria were based on 'Civic Quotient' and 'Emotional Quotient' deficiencies as measured by criminal conviction or institutionalization. Compared to attempts to breed two arbitrary ideals together, the American program was precision targeted at selecting out identifiable dysfunctions. The American program was the most scientific ever implemented. It was backed by epidemiology studies that proved mental illness and criminality was far more prevalent in certain families and thus had a strong genetic component. And it did not attempt more than was proven by the existing state of the art.

Much of the German National Socialist program of negative selective eugenics was copied directly from American practices
which had been operating for a generation at that time. The Germans also started some selective positive programs grouped
together under the label of "Lebensborn". These positive breeding experiments have great theoretical and emotional appeal to
white patriots. These positive selective eugenics experiments operated for too brief a time to produce statistically significant
results. The short period of a few years, combined with the environmental contamination of the post war Morgenthau famine,
Soviet rapine, deportation and chaos mean that the Lebensborn program, and specifically S.S. breed matchings, can never be
evaluated scientifically. Assumptions that they would have worked will always remain just that.

Following World War II the U.S.A. programs were progressively restricted and finally aborted by the late 1960s in a series of
ZOG court rulings. First the involuntary sterilizations were stopped. Subsequently almost all the mental patients were
deinstitutionalized. Now they live under bridges, sleep on steam grates, throng the soup kitchens, are frequently addicted to drugs and fund it all with low level street crime, begging and sporadic charity. They have no shelter when it snows and don't know where their next meal is coming from. But they are free to breed, particularly the women among them who turn to prostitution. I ask anyone to tell me who was more humane: Bad old racist sexist U.S.A. or kinder gentler ZOGland? Back in the bad old days such unfortunates at least had a warm bed and three square meals in the county mental hospital. Nor did they propagate new generations of dysfunctionals.

The increase in U.S crime rates, the decline in composite population academic performance and the collapse in white birth rates correlates with the progressive elimination of American style eugenics and their replacement by Sanger-Jewish "feminist eugenics".

The American program of negative selective eugenics did operate for a sufficiently long period to produce discernible results.
Communist New Dealers and Jews have been quick to take credit for the American Era that started approximately in 1940 and
ended in the late 1960s. Certainly it was an era of unparalleled economic and scientific advance. Diverse ideological factions
variously credit homosexual Keynsian economics, Jewish Marxist economics, Jewish immigration or stolen German technology for that period. Few want to recognize the American Eugenics factor. The beginning of the period in the 1940s marked the maturity of the first full American generation subjected to American style eugenics. The end of the American Era marked the rise to maturity of the children of a generation that was progressively less culled. Our present posture on the brink of a New Dark Age marks the maturity of a generation not at all subjected to American negative selective eugenics and that was subjected to female eugenics of the Margaret Sanger style.

The older American eugenics program was not restricted to whites. American blacks and American Indians who 'qualified'
themselves because of mental deficiency or criminal behavior were also included in the programs of sterilization. It would
therefore be inaccurate to say that American eugenics were racist. They were not in that regard. There was a tendency towards
more inclusiveness of negroes and Indians because the law was White Law. Miscegenation between whites and blacks was
usually outlawed, and miscegenation in general strongly discouraged. The country was multi-racial but the society was racially

This racially inclusive eugenics policy had its results. Today American negroes are universally considered superior in intelligence
to Haitian negroes or African negroes. African newspapers sometimes even comment on this fact, although they explain this
disparity by accusing whites of having 'stolen' the best genes from Africa. This explanation is oxymoronic on its face since it was stronger negroes who were selling the weaker negroes to Arab and Jewish slave traders. What the Evil White Man actually did was improve his initially inferior Negro breed stock. Miscegenation accounts for some of this gap, improved environmental factors for some more, but they don't explain all or even the majority of the large gap between the average American negro and the average African negro.

This same effect can be seen among American Indians. They are demonstrably superior in all measurements to Mexican and
South American Indians. Yet it was the Indians of South America who possessed the higher Aztec, Mayan, and Inca Empires.
What accounts for this remarkable reversal of human quality factors between the two populations of Indians? Neither American
Negroes or American Indians rose to the white level but they are measurably superior when compared to their coracialists in
other countries and continents. This is because none of their coracialists were subjected to a negative eugenics program
conducted according to white law. What happened to end this happy state of affairs precisely when it was starting to return
decisive results?

It's not only modern American whites who display an apparent decay compared to previous generations. Other commentators
have noticed a qualitative decline among American negroes and American Indians compared to their recent ancestors. The
influence of media cannot account for all this because the three groups constitute very different media markets.

There is also one large white racial group in America that still practices the 'American System' of selecting out for poor civic and emotional quotients. This group is the Old Order Amish. This becomes clear once one studies their social system. While one must be born Amish, that is no guarantee of remaining Amish and hence propagating the next generation of Amish. One may choose to leave the Order, or one may be 'shunned' for social (criminal) transgressions. This shunning is equivalent to social and economic expulsion from the community. It also constitutes genetic expulsion since no other Amish family will marry a child to a person shunned. The shunned person may reproduce, but he will do so in the general population and not in the Old Order Amish community.

What has been the result of Old Order Amish adherence to American Negative Selection Eugenics? The Old Order Amish are
the only remaining white group in America still productively increasing in population. Highly cohesive and productive Old Order
Amish communities are spreading in territorial extent and also pioneering previously unoccupied areas. The progressive prohibition of American style negative eugenics and the rise of Sanger style eugenics correlates to the increase of the Jewish population in America.

This is a simple demographic and historical fact. It's also confirmed simply by listing the organizations and individuals that
spearheaded the drives to end American negative eugenics and adopt birth control pills and abortion. This is why I said earlier that "the experimental data to date indicate that optimizing for high IQ as currently defined will produce the results we presently have." The Jews themselves are a product of precisely such an older empirical program. Let us not emulate others' failed experiences.

The Jews, both conducting and being the products of a more primitive eugenics program, recognized the mortal threat a
scientifically based program in other races posed to them. The German Lebensborn experiment certainly excites the greatest
emotional reaction in them to this day. The Lebensborn program was also the most similar to their own. But I will assert it was the American program that posed the greatest peril they have ever faced. Not only was it improving American whites but it was also improving American blacks and Indians. The thoughtful Jew looking three generations ahead could foresee a world in which he was far outclassed not only by American whites but probably by American Indians and in which he might only be equal to American blacks. From the Jews' viewpoint this was another 'Holocaust' of far greater peril.

We thus saw another deployment of Rebbe's millenia-old nuclear political weapon: "But the Jews were jealous, so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace and started a riot." Acts 17:5

The Jewish social assault against the American white population since World War II has been at least as savage as that against German whites. It has been so savage, so strongly sustained and so carefully coordinated as to make thoughtful whites wonder what in the world they ever did. It's almost as if they were guilty of a 'Holocaust' themselves instead of having fought for the Jews in World War II. From the Jewish viewpoint that is precisely their "crime". It was actually a threatened 'Holocaust' of the Jews being surpassed not only mentally but physically and emotionally and by more than one race of people. Consequently 'saving' the Jews from the National Socialists and rendering vast aid to the Zionist project counted for naught. America was still guilty of the ultimate 'sin'.

Conclusions. The case for a eugenics program based on positive selection for 'intelligence' has one long term data pool. The resulting products in the form of the Jews is very negative as to programs of empirically directed breeding eugenics. The more recent American negative culling program based on 'emotional' and 'civic' measurements rapidly returned far superior results to the society undertaking it. White racialists can continue to maintain a belief that the Lebensborn program would have returned a positive result. But that belief is in fact an article of faith unsupported by scientific measurement. Probability theory indicates equal chances that the S.S. experiments would have returned no result or an adverse result for the same reason as previous Jewish programs: insufficient scientific foundation.

Those interested in positive breeding programs will be well advised to stick to the customs of the millennia until genetic science
further advances. The case for negative culling programs is undeniably established. Those interested in improving societal gene
pools are well advised to focus their efforts on negative selection and sterilization.

End note: Indiana was the first American state to adopt mandatory sterilization of prisoners and institutional patients in 1907. Fifteen other states adopted similar laws by 1918. The majority of American states had similar programs in place by the end of the 1920s. These sterilization programs had varying durations with the typical length being about 50 years. Sterilization of mental patients on an ad hoc basis was typically adopted earlier in each state. Without the benefit of lawerly supervision, doctors exercised greater latitude in their care of feeble-minded charges.

M. Maguire
Old January 27th, 2011 #103
M. Issig
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The traditional Western ethos is descended from the Gothic period in Europe and those ethnic peoples called variously Goths (e.g Visigoths, Ostragoths, Vandals and Teutons) and their institutions.

Given that all humankind has its origin in "the land between two rivers," I believe it only a natural consequence that the migratory circuit of my genealogical predecessors should bring them into contact with the Arians and the process called civilization.

You Christ-haters go on ahead. I will stick with my traditional heritage, descended from the above-mentioned and those known as "the people who came out of the darkness."
Old January 27th, 2011 #104
Mike in Denver
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Originally Posted by M. Issig View Post
Given that all humankind has its origin in "the land between two rivers," I believe it only a natural consequence that the migratory circuit of my genealogical predecessors should bring them into contact with the Arians and the process called civilization....
1. No one on this planet has a convincing argument for where humankind has its origins. There are numerous theories. The proponents of none of them have made a convincing case.

2. If indeed humankind has its origins in "the land between two rivers," that would make a good case for Zoroastrianism, the only sane, non-psychopathic religion to come out of that part of the world.

3. I'm nearly 66. Could you use a larger font, so I don't have to reach for the magnifying glass, or ctl+ 4 times to read your posts.

Hunter S. Thompson, "Big dark, coming soon"
Old January 27th, 2011 #105
Rick Ronsavelle
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Default what is christian?

One who doesn't know the difference between eternal life and eternal death.
Old January 27th, 2011 #106
Thad Charles
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Originally Posted by Fred Streed View Post
It was my former position that we should avoid making a fuss over xtianity. I have since came to realize just what an impediment the christinsanity is to clear thinking on matters of race and the jew.
Woops, then I guess I disagree. hah. I get where you're coming from though and maybe 'antagonizing' is the wrong word. Or maybe not. I'm kind of split on this. I don't really know how to express myself here. I think there's plenty of self-described Christians, either here or on Stormdrain or wherever who would have no problem offing our enemies. That's obviously against Christian doctrine but who cares? As I said, the Christian American public is gobbling up Hollywood filth like crazy. Bottom line is when the chips are down I don't think they're going to care. Right now? Yes I agree Christianity pervades some areas that generally hurts our race. So I don't know how to look at it.

Think Nazi Germany. Did those Christians care that Jews were being put into concentration camps with other security threats? No. Did the Christians that participated in the pogroms in Tsarist Russia care? No. Christianity has obviously changed and Jewish filth has obviously pervaded our culture to agree that back then would have been unimaginable. But resurrecting those Nazi/Tsarist-era Christian feelings when shit reallllllly hits the fan soon may not be off the mark.
"What are they? A religion, a race, a criminal conspiracy?" - Craig 'Chain' Cobb on the jews
Old January 27th, 2011 #107
Thad Charles
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
The most important thing is to keep christ cult influence out of politics. So if there's a White government, all it has to do is inform the preacher class it won't tolerate any teaching against the official doctrine on race. That's the grounding of the new state, and any teaching against it will be executed. It has to be that serious. The christ lunatic leaders have proven nothing if not that they're flexible, so I don't see this being a problem. The scriptures, as has been said, will support any political reading, including WN.

That is the short-term policy. The long term policy is to wean people away from the insanity christ lunacy represents. This is not so simple a matter as it appears, because the lunacy is partly based in genetics - ie, simple animal fear, conformism, and stupidity. Those things don't just go away because we don't like them. They must be, rather, channeled more effectively that christ-insanity channels them, while some kind of tolerable eugenics is practiced to raise the average IQ to a level (i'd say around 130) where craziness like the christ cult becomes less attractive. As I say, this is not something that happens overnight. At the same time the above is going on, you develop what I've called The Defenders, as an elite racial-protection class. This could be somewhat like the SS - it would have intellectual, moral and physical qualifications. This would be looked up to by the people. It would be as incorruptible as anything human can be, and it would set the model for interactions on the popular level. Of course, this is easy, easy, easy to write and say, but not so easy to make work in reality. But I do believe it is possible to have a society in which the average, repeat, average, person is not drawn to government or Jebus as the solution to all his ills. The principle of subsidiarity is solid and must be insisted on. The government and the man both have their place, and must be kept/forced to it. The man must carry his weight; the government must do only what it exists to do.
It kind of reminds me of that survey of members of National Academy of Sciences where something like 95% of them were atheists. Lot of high IQ people right there.

Also, I think we can look to Nazi Germany for a lot of ideas. Let's wax nostalgic. Good model to emulate.
"What are they? A religion, a race, a criminal conspiracy?" - Craig 'Chain' Cobb on the jews
Old January 27th, 2011 #108
Alex Linder
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3. I'm nearly 66. Could you use a larger font, so I don't have to reach for the magnifying glass, or ctl+ 4 times to read your posts.
Here's something I only learned recently:

if you hit control and scroll your mouse up or down, you can enlarge/enshrink the text
Old January 28th, 2011 #109
Fred Streed
Holy Order of Cosmonauts
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
Here's something I only learned recently:

if you hit control and scroll your mouse up or down, you can enlarge/enshrink the text
Cool! Even works in linux.
Old January 28th, 2011 #110
Fred Streed
Holy Order of Cosmonauts
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Originally Posted by Thad Charles View Post
Woops, then I guess I disagree. hah. I get where you're coming from though and maybe 'antagonizing' is the wrong word. Or maybe not. I'm kind of split on this. I don't really know how to express myself here. I think there's plenty of self-described Christians, either here or on Stormdrain or wherever who would have no problem offing our enemies. That's obviously against Christian doctrine but who cares? As I said, the Christian American public is gobbling up Hollywood filth like crazy. Bottom line is when the chips are down I don't think they're going to care. Right now? Yes I agree Christianity pervades some areas that generally hurts our race. So I don't know how to look at it.

Think Nazi Germany. Did those Christians care that Jews were being put into concentration camps with other security threats? No. Did the Christians that participated in the pogroms in Tsarist Russia care? No. Christianity has obviously changed and Jewish filth has obviously pervaded our culture to agree that back then would have been unimaginable. But resurrecting those Nazi/Tsarist-era Christian feelings when shit reallllllly hits the fan soon may not be off the mark.
A lot of people consider themselves xtian because they identify it as a cultural thing, and traditional. They don't waste a lot of time, or any, praying and reading bibles.

But when they start pushing Genesis or quoting scripture to justify something it is time to call BS on it. This is something we simply can't compromise on. If we are to keep our message pure and adhere strictly to TRUTH we cannot afford to pretend that we believe the jews are a chosen people or that some guy named Jesus walked on water and arose from the dead, or any of the other things we know to be impossible.

That stuff is irritating enough but it is the "morality" of xtianity that is most dangerous, the "turn the other cheek, the meek shall inherit the Earth" stuff. It has infected our culture in ways people don't even realize.

You seem to have most of it figured out. Good to have some of the new blood here on VNN. This is the forum where the ideology of the future is being worked out.
Old January 28th, 2011 #111
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Thad Charles View Post
It kind of reminds me of that survey of members of National Academy of Sciences where something like 95% of them were atheists. Lot of high IQ people right there.

Also, I think we can look to Nazi Germany for a lot of ideas. Let's wax nostalgic. Good model to emulate.
I don't particularly like discussing it because it's extremely sensitive stuff, and those who write about it, without meaning to, come off like clowns, fools, freaks, mad scientists, or just plain wackos. It is very, very delicate, when you start about using state power to cut off people's ability procreate. It is not a light or funny thing, or a thing for casual speculation. Even if the intentions are correct, it is still not easy to attain the desired result. So, for these and other reasons, I generally regard eugenics discussions as a good way to weed out the type who should not be running things after Whites accede to power.

Just because we need a group effort does not mean white men are to be treated as lab animals for scientists to meddle with. These things are very delicate, require very careful thinking and sifting among multiple considerations. There is nothing more ludicrous than people writing casually and glibly about upbreeding the white race, as though it is a very simple matter. It's not at all. Very often good and bad spring from the same trait.

Last edited by Alex Linder; January 28th, 2011 at 01:38 PM.
Old January 28th, 2011 #112
Alex Linder
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But when they start pushing Genesis or quoting scripture to justify something it is time to call BS on it. This is something we simply can't compromise on. If we are to keep our message pure and adhere strictly to TRUTH we cannot afford to pretend that we believe the jews are a chosen people or that some guy named Jesus walked on water and arose from the dead, or any of the other things we know to be impossible.
The funny thing about christ cultists is their LOVE of arguing over interpretations of the bible. yet these people in every other connection hate learning and literature, and would never, ever think of quoting a book, let alone arguing over it. The bible is the one thing they take to like catnip, i've always found that passing strange. Every last one of these subliterate walking cat turds is a freakin' expert when it comes to exegesis.
Old January 28th, 2011 #113
Mike Parker
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I've been thinking of some sound principles of "dhimmitude" for how Christians can be dealt with in a WN state. Here's what I have so far:

Existing Christians may worship as they please.

Christians may not proselytize for new adherents.

Clergy must stay out of politics.

Christians must pay a special tax, to cover monitoring of the above and to compensate for the general nuisance they are.

Anyone have anything to add?
Old January 28th, 2011 #114
Alex Linder
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Originally Posted by Mike Parker View Post
I've been thinking of some sound principles of "dhimmitude" for how Christians can be dealt with in a WN state. Here's what I have so far:

Existing Christians may worship as they please.

Christians may not proselytize for new adherents.

Clergy must stay out of politics.

Christians must pay a special tax, to cover monitoring of the above and to compensate for the general nuisance they are.

Anyone have anything to add?
A small tax with a stigmatizing name is a good idea, worth considering.

A lunacy tax?

Maybe a mental pollution tax?

The difficulty with christ cultists is they get off on being oppressed. The key is to discriminate against them and stigmatize their lunacy without giving them the martyrdom they feed off.
Old January 28th, 2011 #115
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I'm listening to the Rush Limbaugh show right now (British guy is filling in) and during a commercial break I hear a commercial for this website

The repubs are really pushing for the religious vote. In nearly 20 years of listening to Limbaugh I have never heard them ever air a religious commercial.

That site even has a diatribe about "bi-racial" marriages...(they are for it, lol).
Old January 28th, 2011 #116
Fred Streed
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Originally Posted by Hudson View Post
On the question of whether or not there is life in outer space, they concluded there is. Check this insanity out.

Multitudes of angels who are presently on the earth came from outer space as well as the fallen angel Satan and his fallen followers. There surely is life in outer space.

After billions of hours of sky searching, earth's equivalent is still missing. First it must be noted that earth and the entire universe are just over 6,000 years old...just not enough time for all the accidental miracles necessary for the evolution of anything to transpire on this earth or in outer space. The concept of a 6,000 year old earth may shock your psychic sensibility, but be advised that no one has, nor ever will prove it older. Prior to Darwin's theory of evolution, the idea of a young earth was common knowledge. Since Darwin, plenty of old age speculations have been set forth. If you are of a Darwinian mindset, I challenge you to prove your position. We have prove and continue to prove a young earth as taught by God's word. See the following subjects on this website, "Dinosaurs," "6,000 Year Old Earth," "120 Years," and "Prophecy Prelude."
Sigh! We sure need a eugenics program.
Old January 28th, 2011 #117
Leonard Rouse
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Originally Posted by Fred Streed View Post
On the question of whether or not there is life in outer space, they concluded there is. Check this insanity out.

Sigh! We sure need a eugenics program.
Yeah, they're nutjobs, but not a-typical. That whole website has a heavy Pentecostal vibe--the content, of course, but even down to the typeset.

That crazy shit cuts both ways. They're mixing "Hitler: Bad!" and "Miscegenation: Good!" with crazy 6,000-year-old-dinosaurs goofism.

Episcopalian scamster/international mafioso Pat Robertson has put out a lot of goofy stuff like that over the years for his legion of credulous dimwits. I wonder if he's involved with the site. That would kinda/sorta fit with a Limbaugh pumping.

It's funny, too, because that website has a similar vibe to the Incogman site, though the latter is slightly more polished. Could definitely be coming out of the same workshop. But just as likely, or more, to be happenstance--targeted to a similar demographic.
Old January 28th, 2011 #118
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I heard him say, on more than one occasion- "the only reason the show exists is to sell advertising."

And- "It's always about money. Even when they say it's not about money, it's still about money."

". . .ATYPICAL. . ."

Last edited by Rick Ronsavelle; January 28th, 2011 at 02:41 PM.
Old January 31st, 2011 #119
Steve B
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Originally Posted by Mike Parker View Post
I've been thinking of some sound principles of "dhimmitude" for how Christians can be dealt with in a WN state. Here's what I have so far:

Existing Christians may worship as they please.

Christians may not proselytize for new adherents.

Clergy must stay out of politics.

Christians must pay a special tax, to cover monitoring of the above and to compensate for the general nuisance they are.

Anyone have anything to add?
How about getting rid of all the tax exemptions churches receive. Specifically the property tax exemptions. Heck I'll bet it amounts to over 100 billion sheckels easy. This tax exemption amounts to a gift of money to the churches at the expense of tax payers. For every dollar which the government cannot collect on church property, it must make up for by collecting it from citizens, thus all citizens are forced to indirectly support churches, even those they do not belong to and may even oppose.

Then there is the fraud issue. People tired of high property taxes send away for mail order "divinty degrees" and then claim that because they are now "ministers" their personal property is now exempt from taxes.

What a fucked up system.

Praise Christ.
Old January 31st, 2011 #120
Rick Ronsavelle
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Even some religious leaders agree that the property tax exemptions are problematic. Eugene Carson Blake, a former head of the National Council of Churches, complained once that tax exemptions ended up putting a greater tax burden on the poor who could least afford it. He feared that one day, the people might turn against their wealthy churches and demand restitution.

The idea that wealthy churches have abandoned their true mission also bothered James Pike, a former Episcopal bishop in San Francisco. According to him, some churches have become much too involved with money and other worldly matters, blinding them to the spiritual calling which should be their focus.

Some groups, like the American Jewish Congress, have made donations to local governments in place of the taxes which they do not have to pay. This shows that they truly are concerned with the entire local community, not simply their own members or congregation, and that they are interested in supporting the government services which they use.

The "tax exemption" became an issue due to taxes being confiscatory. If we had a "night watchman" government taxes would be very low. No income tax, perhaps a low sales tax.
No property tax. User fees for fire department, or private fire departments. I remember when California had no income tax, and a sales tax of three percent. 'Twas a Golden State.

The agreement- the PTB must not be challenged from the pulpit.
Suck Washington cock, and you can keep your money.

#1, christianity


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