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Old August 22nd, 2009 #1
Alex Linder
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Default Jews Harvest Organs from Hated Gentiles

"Everyone Wanted a Piece of the Action"
The Kidney Broker and the Money Laundering Rabbis


I thought of Cousin Harry when I read about the July 21 bust of five New York and New Jersey orthodox rabbis along with scores of New Jersey officials. Like the clean shaven, dapper and secular Harry, these long bearded and black garbed religious leaders and a ring of politicians, had become professional scammers. They engaged in massive money-laundering and illegal organ trading operations in addition to selling fake Gucci and Prada handbags and anything else. The Sopranos-style network operated with Brooklyn and New Jersey rabbis washing tens of millions of dollars through charities which they controlled.

The arrested included mayors of Hoboken, Secaucus and Ridgefield, two state legislators, the Jersey City Council president and its deputy mayor. The rabbis forwarded some of their ill gotten gains to Israeli yeshivas linked to the super-duper Orthodox Shas Party and its uber Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

Federal officials also discovered that some of the money laundered by these supposed pillars of Jewish law and ethics came from the sale of human kidneys by a Brooklyn orthodox Jew named Levi Izhak Rosenbaum.

This kick back to politicians, illegal organ sale rackets and rabbis laundering illicit dough -- supposedly to support their ultra orthodox kin in Israel – offered new twists in Talmudic logic. In this tangled narrative the leading money laundering suspect, Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Haim’s good buddy in Israel, Rabbi David Yosef, is also Shas jefe Ovadia Yosef’s son. They belonged to an advanced Talmudic studies center in Jerusalem headed by Ovadia Yosef’s family. Ben-Haim got rich Jews in New York to bankroll the institute. Because of the scandal, Haaretz reporter Zvi Zrahiya concludes, “these donations are expected to cease.” He also reports that un-named banks were also apparently involved in the scandal. (Haaretz, 26/07/2009) Shocking!

As a young boy, I accompanied my grandfather to interminable Saturday services at his East Bronx Orthodox synagogue. After hours of muttering in Hebrew, the men in prayer shawls and skull caps retreated to a table laden with sponge and honey cakes alongside shot glasses of whiskey. As they partook, one of my grandfather’s prayer colleagues would inevitably offer me a shot glass and watch, with the others, as a seven year old imitated the pious elders. I was dizzy for hours as the elders giggled “The little pisher is drunk.”

Grandpa also introduced me to some long-bearded, extremely pious looking rabbis, clad in traditional black with skull caps or black hats. Just a few years later, in the early 1950s, some of these authorities on Jewish law and ethics found their names in the New York newspapers as accused Harlem slum lords who refused to supply heat in the winter, make basic repairs or call the exterminator in the rat and roach-laden tenements they owned.

Indeed, periodically such scandals erupt around the hypocrisy of the fundamentalist preachers of the Hebrew faith, as my wife’s Methodist grandmother from Texas referred to them. But the family “oyed” and “veyed” when Cousin Harry got nabbed in a sleazy money fraud in Florida and went to prison. “How could a good Jewish boy [as if!] do such a terrible thing?”

After my grandfather died and I recognized one of the slum owners as a rabbi friend of my grandfather, I asked my grandmother about how such a religious man could have refused to supply heat to poor black families and not called exterminators to oust the rats and roaches. She shrugged indifferently.

“They’re not our people,” my grandmother said in Yiddish.

In October 1964, a story again erupted. Jewish demonstrators picketed the Manhattan offices of the New York Board of Rabbis to protest against Jewish slumlords. The mostly young – teens and twenties – protestors claimed that a published list of New York slumlords contained a large proportion of Jewish names and they were petitioning “the rabbis of New York to seek out the slum owners in their congregations and to threaten them with denunciation from the pulpit and even excommunication if they fail to repair and maintain their properties.” More than 250 Jewish landlords owned more than 500 slum buildings in Manhattan alone.

The demonstrators tried to meet with Head Rabbi Harold Gordon, but he refused. The picketers handed out leaflets charging that “most of 600 buildings whose tenants have complained to housing ‘clinics’ and ‘tenants’ councils on the lower East Side have Jewish landlords” and that “74 of the 80 Lower East Side buildings hit by rent strikes have Jewish landlords.”

A Conservative rabbi told the Village Voice reporter – refusing to give his name or congregation – the picket line was “more exotic than effective.” Asked what the rabbis have done, he said: “They did what they could.” When pressed on what, specifically, the rabbis have done, he replied: “Specifically, I don’t know.” (Stephanie Gervis Harrington, Village Voice, May 7, 1964)

Forty five years later, another scandal involving rabbis and dubious business practices brought this comment from one of my cousins. “At least they don’t test little boys for hemorrhoids and hernias like the Catholic priests do.”

Over the centuries, rabbis, like priests and Protestant ministers galore, have engaged in sexual hanky panky as well as old fashioned theft. Often, they try to cover their wrongdoings with pretenses of religious zealotry – keeping those cash-starved yeshivas open in Jerusalem or bankrolling other charities. But the invisible shield of ethics did not protect these supposed holy men from engaging in flagrant crime.

A New Jersey State Attorney said “it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of the action. Corruption was widespread and pervasive.” The politicians sold their services to the rabbis who “cloaked their extensive criminal activity behind a facade of rectitude.”

The laundered money came from Israel, via Swiss banks and then to New Jersey. Israeli gonifs would buy kidneys from “vulnerable people” in Israel for $10,000, and then get them shipped to their rabbinical associates who would sell them in the United States for $160,000, he said. (AP, July 25, 2009)

Like Cousin Harry, Brooklyn’s Levy Izhak Rosenbaum considered himself a “matchmaker.” In a secretly recorded conversation, Rosenbaum boasted about matching kidney donors with recipients. “I bring a guy what I believe, he’s suitable for your uncle.” Rosenbaum, 58, an Orthodox Jew from Brooklyn, resembles Tony Soprano who worked in “waste management.” Rosenbaum claimed he was in “construction.” Criminals who lead traditional lives!

Unlike the traditional shotchen (Yiddish for marriage broker), Rosenbaum promoted illegal kidney transplants, not marriages, as he explained to a government informant and an FBI agent posing as the informant’s secretary. The Agent claimed he had an uncle on dialysis, on a transplant list at a Philadelphia hospital. But shortage of kidneys might cost him his life. 4,540 people died in the U.S. last year while waiting for a kidney, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. Thus, the kidney black market!

In 2002, UC Berkeley’s Nancy Scheper-Hughes alerted the FBI that Rosenbaum was a broker for an international kidney trafficking gang. He used Moldovan villagers as donors. He promised them jobs in the United States, then coerced them into “donating” their kidneys to recipients who posed as relatives and threatened them with a gun if they resisted. Rosenbaum would show his real gun and then make his fingers into a gun and point one at the reluctant donor’s head. (Somatosphere: Science, Medicine and Anthropology. July 27, 2009,

Some kidney transplants using Rosenbaum’s donors were performed at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Secret FBI recordings of Rosenbaum had him saying he had to spread money around liberally to Israeli doctors, visa preparers and those who cared for the organ donors in this country. “One of the reasons it’s so expensive is because you have to shmear (pay others) all the time,” he was quoted as saying. (AP, July 25, 2009)

Like Cousin Harry, Rosenbaum bragged: “So far, I’ve never had a failure.”

Harry went to synagogue on high holidays and prayed. Rosenbaum went more often. The rabbis prayed daily. Nowhere in the sacred texts did any of them find the quote: “Religion is about getting rich, no matter how, and you can use God to cover your path.” Or, “it’s OK to commit crimes to help Israeli yeshivas."

Saul Landau is vice chair of the Institute for Policy Studies board of trustees. His most recent book is A BUSH AND BOTOX WORLD (CounterPunch / AK Press).
Old August 22nd, 2009 #2
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
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[original article in Swedish newspaper claiming IDF murdering Palestinians and harvesting their ograns]

”Våra söner plundras på sina organ”

Unga palestinska män kastar sten och glasflaskor mot israeliska soldater på norra Västbanken. I det här området sköts Bilal Achmed Ghanan och sprättades upp på sjukhus. ”Våra söner används som organreserv”, menar palestinierna.
Foto: Donald Boström

Bilal Achmed Ghanan, 19, sköts och fördes bort av israeliska soldater. Kroppen lämnades tillbaka ihopsydd från mage till hals.
Foto: Donald Boström

Levy Izhak Rosenbaum förs bort av FBI-agenter. Rosenbaum ska ha fungerat som mellanhand i den illegala organhandeln.
Foto: AP

Palestinier anklagar Israels armé för att stjäla kroppsdelar från sina offer.
Här berättar Donald Boström om den internationella transplantationsskandalen – och hur han själv blev vittne till övergrepp på en 19-årig pojke.

Jag är vad ni kan kalla en ”matchmaker”, sa Levy Izhak Rosenbaum från Brooklyn, USA, i en hemlig inspelning med en FBI-agent som han trodde var en kund. Tio dagar senare, i slutet på juli i år arresterades Rosenbaum i samband med att en stor korruptionshärva avslöjades i New Jersey: rabbiner, folkvalda och betrodda tjänstemän hade i åratal sysslat med pengatvätt och illegal organhandel, vilket nu rullades upp likt ett Sopranos nätverk. Rosenbaums matchmaking handlade allltså inte om romantik, utan om att köpa och sälja njurar från Israel på svarta marknaden. Enligt egen utsago köper han organen från mindre bemedlade människor i Israel för 10 000 dollar och säljer dem till desperata patienter i USA för 160 000 dollar. Den lagliga väntetiden för njurar är i medeltal nio år.

Anklagelserna har skakat om amerikansk transplantationsindustri. Om detta är sant, är det första gången organtrafficking dokumenteras i USA, säger experter i tidningen New Jersey Real-Time News.

På frågan hur många organ han sålt svarar Rosenbaum: Quite a lot. Många. Och jag har aldrig misslyckats, skryter han vidare. Hans verksamhet har pågått under mycket lång tid.

Francis Delmonici, Harvardprofessor i transplantationskirurgi, och styrelsemedlem i National Kidney Foundation’s Board of Directors, säger i samma tidning att liknande organtrafficking som i Israel pågår också på andra ställen i världen. Uppskattningsvis är det 10 procent av de 63 000 njurtransplantationerna i världen som görs illegalt, säger Delmonici.

Heta länder för den här illegala verksamheten är Pakistan, Filippinerna och Kina, där man tror att organen tas från avrättade fångar. Men starka misstankar finns också hos palestinier att deras unga män har fångats in, och som i Kina och Pakistan ofrivilligt fått agera organreserv innan de dödats. En mycket allvarlig misstanke som har tillräckligt många frågetecken för att ICJ, International Court of Justice, absolut borde inleda en undersökning om huruvida det handlar om israeliska krigsförbrytelser.

Israel har återkommande hamnat i blåsväder för sitt oetiska sätt att handskas med organ och transplantation. Länder som bland annat Frankrike avbröt organsamarbetet med Israel redan på nittiotalet, och Jerusalem Post skrev ”att övriga länder i Europa väntas följa Frankrikes exempel inom kort”.

Hälften av de nya njurar som israeler fått inopererade sedan början på 2000-talet har köpts illegalt från Turkiet, Östeuropa eller Latinamerika. Israeliska hälsovårdsmyndigheter har full kännedom om verksamheten, men gör inget för att stoppa den. 2003 framkom vid en konferens att Israel är det enda västlandet vars läkarkår inte fördömer den illegala organhandeln eller vidtar några rättsliga åtgärder mot de läkare som deltar i den brottsliga hanteringen. Tvärtom är chefsläkare på de stora sjukhusen inblandade i de flesta illegala transplantationerna, enligt Dagens Nyheter (5 december 2003).

I ett försök att komma tillrätta med organbristen i landet gick Israels dåvarande hälsominister, Ehud Olmert, ut i en stor kampanj sommaren 1992 för att få den israeliska befolkningen att ställa upp som organdonatorer. En halv miljon pamfletter spreds i lokaltidningarna där medborgarna uppmanades skriva på att donera sina organ efter sin död. Ehud Olmert var själv den första att skriva på.

Redan ett par veckor efter skrev Jerusalem Post att kampanjen gett ett lyckat resultat. Inte mindre är 35 000 personer hade skrivit på, vanligen är det 500 i månaden. I samma artikel skrev journalisten Judy Siegel att gapet mellan tillgång och efterfrågan fortfarande var stort. Kön till njurtransplantationer var 500 personer, men endast 124 personer kunde opereras. Av 45 personer i behov av en ny lever hade endast tre personer möjligheten att kunna opereras i Israel.

Samtidigt som denna organkampanj pågick försvann unga palestinska män som levererades tillbaka nattetid till sina byar fem dygn senare, döda och uppsprättade.

Talet om de uppsprättade kropparna förskräckte befolkningen på Västbanken och Gaza. Det talades om en dramatisk ökning av unga män som försvann, med därpå följande nattliga begravningar av obducerade unga män.

Jag var i området och arbetade med en bok när jag ett antal gånger blev kontaktad av FN-anställda som var oroade över utvecklingen. De som kontaktade mig menade att organstöld faktiskt ägde rum, men att de var förhindrade att agera. På uppdrag av ett tv-bolag reste jag därefter runt och talade med ett stort antal palestinska familjer på Västbanken och Gaza som menade att deras söner blivit bestulna på organ innan de dödades. Ett av de exempel jag träffade på under denna kusliga resa var den unge stenkastaren Bilal Achmed Ghanan.

Klockan närmade sig midnatt när motorljuden från den israeliska miltärkolonnen hördes i utkanten av den lilla byn Imatin på norra Västbanken. Byns tvåtusen invånare höll sig mangrant vakna och stod som tysta skuggor i mörkret. Några låg på hustaken, andra stod bakom sina gardiner, hus eller träd som gav skydd i mörkret under utegångsförbudet men ändå erbjöd fri sikt mot det som skulle bli gravplats åt byns första martyr. Militären hade brutit all elektricitet runt byn och området var avstängt militärt område – inte en katt kunde röra sig utomhus utan att riskera livet. Mörkrets bedövande tystnad bröts bara av stillsamma snyftningar och jag minns inte om det var av kyla eller spänning vi huttrade. Fem dagar tidigare, den 13 maj 1992, hade en israelisk specialstyrka lagt sig i bakhåll i byns snickeri. Personen som specialstyrkan hade i uppdrag att oskadliggöra var 19-årige Bilal Achmed Ghanan, en av de aktiva palestinska stenkastande ungdomar som gjorde livet surt för israels ockupationsmakt.

Bilal Ghanan var som en av de ledande stenkastarna efterlyst sedan ett par år. Det innebar att han tillsammans med andra efterlysta stenkastargrabbar bodde under bar himmel uppe i Nablusbergen. Att bli infångad betydde döden, och alla berättelser om den föregående tortyren gjorde inte saken bättre. Således höll de sig i bergen. Men av någon anledning tog Bilal sig ner från bergen en dag och vandrade oskyddad genom byn förbi snickarens hus denna olycksaliga dag i mitten på maj. Varför han kom ner just denna dag kunde inte ens Talal, hans äldre bror svara på, kanske var maten slut och förråden behövde fyllas på.

Allting gick planenligt för den israeliska specialstyrkan. De fimpade cigaretterna, lade ifrån sig Coca-Cola-burkarna och siktade i lugn och ro genom det trasiga fönstret. När Bilal var tillräckligt nära var det bara att trycka av. Det första skottet träffade i bröstet. Enligt bybor som bevittnade händelsen sköts han sedan med ett skott i var ben. Därefter sprang två soldater ner från snickeriet och sköt honom ytterligare en gång i magen. Slutligen tog de Bilal i fötterna och släpade honom de 20 stegen uppför snickeriets stentrappa. Byborna berättar sedan att folk från både FN och Röda Halvmånen som befann sig i närheten och hört skottlossningen hade begett sig till platsen för att ta hand om den skadade. Argumentationen om vem som skulle ta hand om offret slutade med att den israeliska styrkan lastat in den svårt skadade Bilal i en jeep och kört iväg till byns utkant. Där väntande en militärhelikopter som forslade iväg Bilal mot ett för hans anhöriga okänt mål.

Fem dygn senare kom han tillbaka i mörkret, död och inlindad i gröna sjukhustyger. När militärkolonnen som hämtat Bilal från obduktionscentrat Abu Kabir utanför Tel Aviv stannar vid platsen för Bilals sista vila kände någon igen den israeliske militära ledaren för gruppen som kapten Yahya. ”Den svåraste av dem alla” viskade personen i mörkret i mitt öra. När kapten Yahyas mannar lastat av kroppen och bytt det gröna tyget mot ett ljust bomullstyg, valdes några manliga släktingar för att utföra jobbet – att gräva jord och blanda cement.

Tillsammans med de skarpa ljuden från spadarna hördes enstaka skratt från soldaterna som i väntan på att få åka hem drog några vitsar för varandra. När Bilal läggs ner i graven blottades hans bröst och plötsligt stod det klart för de få närvarande vilka övergrepp han utsatts för. Bilal var långt ifrån den förste som begravdes uppskuren från buken upp till hakan och spekulationerna om avsikten hade tagit fart.

De drabbade palestinska familjerna på Västbanken och Gaza var säkra på vad som hänt deras söner. Våra söner används som ofrivilliga organdonatorer, sa släktingar till Khaled från Nablus till mig, liksom mamman till Raed från Jenin och morbröderna till Machmod och Nafes från Gaza, som samtliga varit försvunna ett antal dygn och kommit tillbaka nattetid, döda och obducerade.

– Varför kvarhåller de annars kropparna upp till fem dygn innan vi får begrava dem? Vad hände med kropparna under tiden? Och varför blir de obducerade när dödsorsaken är uppenbar, och i samtliga fall mot vår vilja? Och varför kommer kropparna tillbaka nattetid? Och varför med militäreskort? Och varför stängs områdena av under begravningen? Och varför bryts elektriciteten? Frågorna var många och upprörda från Nafes morbror.

De anhöriga till de dödade palestinska männen hyste inte längre några tvivel om saken.

Talesmannen för den israeliska armén menade tvärtom att påståenden om organstöld var påhitt av palestinier. Alla palestinier som dödats blir rutinmässigt obducerade, menar han.

Bilal Achmed Ghanem var en av 133 palestinier som dödades på olika sätt det året. Enligt den Palestinska statistiken var dödorsakerna följande: Skjuten på gatan, explosion, misshandel, tårgas, avsiktligt påkörd, hängd i fängelset, skjuten i skolan, dödad i bostaden etcetera. Av de 133 dödade personerna i åldrarna fyra månader till 88 år var det 69 stycken som obducerades, det vill säga endast hälften av de döda. Den rutinmässiga obduktionen av dödade palestinier, som arméns talesman talat om stämmer inte i verkligheten på de ockuperade områdena. Frågorna kvarstår.

Vi vet att behovet av organ i Israel är stort, att en omfattande illegal organhandel pågår, att det skett under lång tid, att det sker med myndigheternas goda minne, att högt uppsatta läkare på de stora sjukhusen deltar, liksom tjänstemän på olika nivåer. Och vi vet att palestinska unga män försvann, att de fördes tillbaka fem dygn senare under hemlighetsmakeri på natten, uppsprättade och hopsydda.

Dags att bringa klarhet i denna makabra verksamhet om vad som försiggår och vad som försiggått på de av Israel ockuperade områdena sedan intifadan startade.
Donald Boström

Donald Boström är journalist, fotograf och författare till bland annat reportageboken Inshallah (Ordfront förlag 2003).
Old August 22nd, 2009 #3
Alex Linder
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Says jew-owned Google:


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Old August 22nd, 2009 #4
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
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This is a cleaned up version of a Google translation of the controversial Aftonbladet article "Våra söner plundras på sina organ" by Donald Boström,


"Our sons are plundered for their organs'


[Photo captions]
Young Palestinian men throwing stones and glass bottles against Israeli soldiers in the northern West Bank. In this area Bilal Achmed Ghanan was shot and cut open in hospital. "Our sons are used as organ supplies," say the Palestinians.

Photo: Donald Boström


Bilal Achmed Ghanan, 19, was shot and taken away by Israeli soldiers. The body was returned sewn back together from the stomach to the neck.
Photo: Donald Boström


Levy Izhak Rosenbaum are removed by FBI agents. Rosenbaum should have acted as a middleman in the illegal organ trade.
Photo: AP


Palestinians accuse the Israeli army of stealing body parts from its victims.

Here, Donald Boström tells of the international transplant scandal - and how he himself became a witness to the assault on a 19-year-old boy.

'I am what you might call a "match maker,"' said Levy Izhak Rosenbaum from Brooklyn, USA, in a secret recording with an FBI agent he thought was a customer. Ten days later, at the end of July this year Rosenbaum was arrested in connection with a large tangle of corruption uncovered in New Jersey: rabbis, elected and trusted officials had for years engaged in money laundering and illegal organ trading, which was now rolling up like a Soprano network. Rosenbaums matchmaking was not about romance but about buying and selling kidneys from Israel on the black market. According to his own statement, he buys bodies from the needy people in Israel for 10,000 dollars and sell them to desperate patients in the U.S. for 160,000 dollars. The legal waiting time for kidneys is an average of nine years.

The accusations have shaken the American transplant industry. If this is true, it is the first time organ trafficking documented in the U.S., said experts in the New Jersey Real-Time News.

Asked how many bodies he has sold Rosenbaum responds: 'Quite a lot. Many. And I have never failed', he brags on. His business has been going on for a very long time.

Francis Delmonici, Harvard Professor of Transplantation Surgery, and a board member of the National Kidney Foundation's Board of Directors, said in the same newspaper that similar organ trafficking in Israel is also under way elsewhere in the world. Roughly 10 percent of the 63,000 kidney transplants in the world are made illegally, says Delmonici.

Hot countries for this illegal activity are Pakistan, the Philippines and China, where it is believed that organs taken from executed prisoners. But the Palestinians strongly suspect that their young men have been caught, and as in China and Pakistan involuntary acted as spare part reserves before they were killed. A very serious suspicion that has enough questions that the ICJ, International Court of Justice, should definitely open an investigation into whether it is a matter of Israeli war crimes.

Israel has repeatedly been in hot water for their unethical way of dealing with organs and transplantation. Countries including France cut off the body cooperation with Israel as early as the nineties, and the Jerusalem Post wrote "other countries in Europe are expected to follow France's example soon."

Half of the new kidneys that Israelis had implanted since the early 2000's have been purchased illegally from Turkey, Eastern Europe or Latin America. Israeli health authorities have full knowledge of the business, but do nothing to stop it. In 2003 it was revealed at a conference that Israel is the only Western country whose medical profession does not condemn the illegal organ trade or take any legal action against the doctors involved in the criminal trade. On the contrary, senior physicians at the major hospitals are involved in most illegal transplantations, according to Dagens Nyheter (December 5, 2003).

In an attempt to overcome organ shortage in the country Israel's then health minister, Ehud Olmert, ran a major campaign in summer 1992 to get the Israeli population to volunteer as organ donors. Half a million pamphlets were distributed in local newspapers where citizens were invited to write in to donate their organs after their death. Ehud Olmert was the first to sign up.

Already a couple of weeks after the Jerusalem Post wrote that the campaign had given a successful outcome. No less is 35 000 people had signed up, usually it is 500 a month. In the same article the journalist Judy Siegel wrote that the gap between supply and demand was still high. The queue for kidney transplants was 500 people, but only 124 people could undergo surgery. Of the 45 persons in need of a new liver, only three people had the opportunity to undergo surgery in Israel.

During this this organ drive,young Palestinian men disappeared and came back at night to their villages five days later, dead and cut open.

Talk about the mutilated bodies terrified the population in the West Bank and Gaza. There was talk of a dramatic increase in young men who disappeared with subsequent nocturnal funerals of autopsy young men.

I was in the area working on a book when I was contacted several times by UN staff who were concerned about the development. Those who contacted me felt that body theft actually took place, but that they were unable to act. On behalf of a television company, I then went around and spoke to a large number of Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza, who said that their sons had been robbed of organs before they were killed. One of the examples I saw of this eerie trip was the young stone thrower Bilal Achmed Ghanan.

The clock was approaching midnight when the engine sounds from the Israeli military column was heard on the outskirts of the village Imatin in the northern West Bank. The village's two thousand inhabitants remained awake and stood as silent shadows in the dark. Some were on rooftops, others were behind their curtains, houses or trees, which gave protection in the dark during the curfew but still offered a clear view of what would become a graveyard for the village's first martyr. The military had broken all the electricity around the village and the area was closed-off military area - not a cat could move outdoors without risking its life. The deafening silence of the dark was broken only by quiet sob and I can not remember if it was the cold or excitement that made us shiver. Five days earlier, on May 13, 1992, an Israeli special force had set up an ambush in the village wood shop. Their target was the 19-year-old Bilal Achmed Ghanan, one of the active Palestinian stone-throwing youths who made life difficult for the Israeli occupying power.

Bilal Ghanan was one of the leading stone throwers, and the Israelis had been looking for him for a couple of years. This meant that hem along with other wanted stone throwing kids, lived under the sky up in the Nablus hills. To be captured meant death, and the stories of torture did not improve matters. Thus they stayed in the hills. But for some reason, Bilal came down from the mountains one day and wandered unprotected through the village past the carpenter house this unfortunate day in mid-May. Why he came down just this day not even Talal, his older brother, could answer; perhaps they were out of food and needed to stock up.

Everything went according to plan for the Israeli special forces. They stamped out their cigarettes, put aside their Coca-Cola cans and aimed calmly through the broken window. When Bilal was sufficiently close, they had only to pull the trigger. The first shot hit his chest. According to villagers who witnessed the incident, he was then shot in each leg. Then two soldiers ran from the wood shop and shot him once again in the stomach. Finally, they took Bilal by the feet and dragged him up the 20 steps of the wood shop's stone staircase. Villagers say that people from both the UN and Red Crescent who were nearby and heard the shots came to take care of the injured. The argument about who would take care of the victim ended with Israeli force loading the severely injured Bilal in a jeep and driving off to the village's outskirts. There they met a waiting military helicopter which carried Bilal off to an unknown destination.

Five days later he came back in the dark, dead and wrapped in green hospital fabrics. When the military column which had fetched Bilal from the Abu Kabir autopsy center outside Tel Aviv stop at his place of final rest, someone recognised the Israeli military leader as Captain Yahya. "The most difficult of them all", the person whispered in the darkness in my ear. When Captain Yahya's men loaded the body and exchanged the green fabric for a light cotton fabric, a few male relatives were chosen to do the job - to dig soil and mix cement.

Together with the sharp sounds of shovels were heard occasional laughter from the soldiers, who were joking to each other while waiting to return. When Bilal was lowered into the grave, his chest was uncovered and the abuse he suffered suddenly became clear to the few present. Bilal was far from the first to be buried with a cut from the abdomen up to the chin and speculation about the intention had been rampant.

The affected Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza were sure what had happened to their sons. 'Our sons are used as forced organ donors', relatives of Khaled from Nablus told me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin and uncles to Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, all of whom were missing a number of days and come back at night, dead and dissected.

Why did they keep the bodies for up to five days before we can bury them? What happened to the bodies in the meantime? And why the autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? And why are the bodies brought back at night? And why with a military escort? And why are areas closed off for the funeral? And why is the electricity cut off? Nafe's uncle's questions were many and outraged.

The families of the killed Palestinian men no longer had any question about it.

The spokesman for the Israeli army, on the other hand, said allegations of organ theft were fabrications by the Palestinians. All Palestinians who were killed were routinely subject to autopsy, he said.

Bilal Achmed Ghanem was one of 133 Palestinians killed in various ways that year. According to Palestinian statistics, the causes of death were: street shootings, explosions, beatings, tear gas, deliberately run over, hanged in prison, shot in schools, killed at home, etc. Of the 133 killed persons aged four months to 88 years, 69 had autopsies, i.e. only half of the dead. The routine autopsy of killed Palestinians the army spokesman mentioned is not the reality in the Occupied Territories. Questions remain.

We know that the need for organs in Israel is large, that an extensive illegal organ is trade ongoing, that there has been a long time, that it is done with the blessing of the authorities, that senior doctors at the major hospitals are involved, as well as officials at various levels. And we know that the Palestinian young men disappeared, they were brought back five days later in secrecy at night, cut open and sewn together.

It is time to shed light on this macabre activity on what is going on and what has been happening in the Israeli occupied territories since the intifada started.

Donald Boström


Donald Boström is a journalist, photographer and author of, among other things, the book Inshallah (Ordfront förlag 2003).
Old August 22nd, 2009 #5
Alex Linder
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This is a cleaned up version of a Google translation of the controversial Aftonbladet article "Våra söner plundras på sina organ" by Donald Boström,


"Our sons are plundered for their organs'


[Photo captions]
Young Palestinian men throwing stones and glass bottles against Israeli soldiers in the northern West Bank. In this area Bilal Achmed Ghanan was shot and cut open in hospital. "Our sons are used as organ supplies," say the Palestinians.

Photo: Donald Boström


Bilal Achmed Ghanan, 19, was shot and taken away by Israeli soldiers. The body was returned sewn back together from the stomach to the neck.
Photo: Donald Boström


Levy Izhak Rosenbaum are removed by FBI agents. Rosenbaum should have acted as a middleman in the illegal organ trade.
Photo: AP


Palestinians accuse the Israeli army of stealing body parts from its victims.

Here, Donald Boström tells of the international transplant scandal - and how he himself became a witness to the assault on a 19-year-old boy.

'I am what you might call a "match maker,"' said Levy Izhak Rosenbaum from Brooklyn, USA, in a secret recording with an FBI agent he thought was a customer. Ten days later, at the end of July this year Rosenbaum was arrested in connection with a large tangle of corruption uncovered in New Jersey: rabbis, elected and trusted officials had for years engaged in money laundering and illegal organ trading, which was now rolling up like a Soprano network. Rosenbaums matchmaking was not about romance but about buying and selling kidneys from Israel on the black market. According to his own statement, he buys bodies from the needy people in Israel for 10,000 dollars and sell them to desperate patients in the U.S. for 160,000 dollars. The legal waiting time for kidneys is an average of nine years.

The accusations have shaken the American transplant industry. If this is true, it is the first time organ trafficking documented in the U.S., said experts in the New Jersey Real-Time News.

Asked how many bodies he has sold Rosenbaum responds: 'Quite a lot. Many. And I have never failed', he brags on. His business has been going on for a very long time.

Francis Delmonici, Harvard Professor of Transplantation Surgery, and a board member of the National Kidney Foundation's Board of Directors, said in the same newspaper that similar organ trafficking in Israel is also under way elsewhere in the world. Roughly 10 percent of the 63,000 kidney transplants in the world are made illegally, says Delmonici.

Hot countries for this illegal activity are Pakistan, the Philippines and China, where it is believed that organs taken from executed prisoners. But the Palestinians strongly suspect that their young men have been caught, and as in China and Pakistan involuntary acted as spare part reserves before they were killed. A very serious suspicion that has enough questions that the ICJ, International Court of Justice, should definitely open an investigation into whether it is a matter of Israeli war crimes.

Israel has repeatedly been in hot water for their unethical way of dealing with organs and transplantation. Countries including France cut off the body cooperation with Israel as early as the nineties, and the Jerusalem Post wrote "other countries in Europe are expected to follow France's example soon."

Half of the new kidneys that Israelis had implanted since the early 2000's have been purchased illegally from Turkey, Eastern Europe or Latin America. Israeli health authorities have full knowledge of the business, but do nothing to stop it. In 2003 it was revealed at a conference that Israel is the only Western country whose medical profession does not condemn the illegal organ trade or take any legal action against the doctors involved in the criminal trade. On the contrary, senior physicians at the major hospitals are involved in most illegal transplantations, according to Dagens Nyheter (December 5, 2003).

In an attempt to overcome organ shortage in the country Israel's then health minister, Ehud Olmert, ran a major campaign in summer 1992 to get the Israeli population to volunteer as organ donors. Half a million pamphlets were distributed in local newspapers where citizens were invited to write in to donate their organs after their death. Ehud Olmert was the first to sign up.

Already a couple of weeks after the Jerusalem Post wrote that the campaign had given a successful outcome. No less is 35 000 people had signed up, usually it is 500 a month. In the same article the journalist Judy Siegel wrote that the gap between supply and demand was still high. The queue for kidney transplants was 500 people, but only 124 people could undergo surgery. Of the 45 persons in need of a new liver, only three people had the opportunity to undergo surgery in Israel.

During this this organ drive,young Palestinian men disappeared and came back at night to their villages five days later, dead and cut open.

Talk about the mutilated bodies terrified the population in the West Bank and Gaza. There was talk of a dramatic increase in young men who disappeared with subsequent nocturnal funerals of autopsy young men.

I was in the area working on a book when I was contacted several times by UN staff who were concerned about the development. Those who contacted me felt that body theft actually took place, but that they were unable to act. On behalf of a television company, I then went around and spoke to a large number of Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza, who said that their sons had been robbed of organs before they were killed. One of the examples I saw of this eerie trip was the young stone thrower Bilal Achmed Ghanan.

The clock was approaching midnight when the engine sounds from the Israeli military column was heard on the outskirts of the village Imatin in the northern West Bank. The village's two thousand inhabitants remained awake and stood as silent shadows in the dark. Some were on rooftops, others were behind their curtains, houses or trees, which gave protection in the dark during the curfew but still offered a clear view of what would become a graveyard for the village's first martyr. The military had broken all the electricity around the village and the area was closed-off military area - not a cat could move outdoors without risking its life. The deafening silence of the dark was broken only by quiet sob and I can not remember if it was the cold or excitement that made us shiver. Five days earlier, on May 13, 1992, an Israeli special force had set up an ambush in the village wood shop. Their target was the 19-year-old Bilal Achmed Ghanan, one of the active Palestinian stone-throwing youths who made life difficult for the Israeli occupying power.

Bilal Ghanan was one of the leading stone throwers, and the Israelis had been looking for him for a couple of years. This meant that hem along with other wanted stone throwing kids, lived under the sky up in the Nablus hills. To be captured meant death, and the stories of torture did not improve matters. Thus they stayed in the hills. But for some reason, Bilal came down from the mountains one day and wandered unprotected through the village past the carpenter house this unfortunate day in mid-May. Why he came down just this day not even Talal, his older brother, could answer; perhaps they were out of food and needed to stock up.

Everything went according to plan for the Israeli special forces. They stamped out their cigarettes, put aside their Coca-Cola cans and aimed calmly through the broken window. When Bilal was sufficiently close, they had only to pull the trigger. The first shot hit his chest. According to villagers who witnessed the incident, he was then shot in each leg. Then two soldiers ran from the wood shop and shot him once again in the stomach. Finally, they took Bilal by the feet and dragged him up the 20 steps of the wood shop's stone staircase. Villagers say that people from both the UN and Red Crescent who were nearby and heard the shots came to take care of the injured. The argument about who would take care of the victim ended with Israeli force loading the severely injured Bilal in a jeep and driving off to the village's outskirts. There they met a waiting military helicopter which carried Bilal off to an unknown destination.

Five days later he came back in the dark, dead and wrapped in green hospital fabrics. When the military column which had fetched Bilal from the Abu Kabir autopsy center outside Tel Aviv stop at his place of final rest, someone recognised the Israeli military leader as Captain Yahya. "The most difficult of them all", the person whispered in the darkness in my ear. When Captain Yahya's men loaded the body and exchanged the green fabric for a light cotton fabric, a few male relatives were chosen to do the job - to dig soil and mix cement.

Together with the sharp sounds of shovels were heard occasional laughter from the soldiers, who were joking to each other while waiting to return. When Bilal was lowered into the grave, his chest was uncovered and the abuse he suffered suddenly became clear to the few present. Bilal was far from the first to be buried with a cut from the abdomen up to the chin and speculation about the intention had been rampant.

The affected Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza were sure what had happened to their sons. 'Our sons are used as forced organ donors', relatives of Khaled from Nablus told me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin and uncles to Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, all of whom were missing a number of days and come back at night, dead and dissected.

Why did they keep the bodies for up to five days before we can bury them? What happened to the bodies in the meantime? And why the autopsy when the cause of death is obvious, and in all cases against our will? And why are the bodies brought back at night? And why with a military escort? And why are areas closed off for the funeral? And why is the electricity cut off? Nafe's uncle's questions were many and outraged.

The families of the killed Palestinian men no longer had any question about it.

The spokesman for the Israeli army, on the other hand, said allegations of organ theft were fabrications by the Palestinians. All Palestinians who were killed were routinely subject to autopsy, he said.

Bilal Achmed Ghanem was one of 133 Palestinians killed in various ways that year. According to Palestinian statistics, the causes of death were: street shootings, explosions, beatings, tear gas, deliberately run over, hanged in prison, shot in schools, killed at home, etc. Of the 133 killed persons aged four months to 88 years, 69 had autopsies, i.e. only half of the dead. The routine autopsy of killed Palestinians the army spokesman mentioned is not the reality in the Occupied Territories. Questions remain.

We know that the need for organs in Israel is large, that an extensive illegal organ is trade ongoing, that there has been a long time, that it is done with the blessing of the authorities, that senior doctors at the major hospitals are involved, as well as officials at various levels. And we know that the Palestinian young men disappeared, they were brought back five days later in secrecy at night, cut open and sewn together.

It is time to shed light on this macabre activity on what is going on and what has been happening in the Israeli occupied territories since the intifada started.

Donald Boström


Donald Boström is a journalist, photographer and author of, among other things, the book Inshallah (Ordfront förlag 2003).
Old August 22nd, 2009 #6
Alex Linder
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Last update - 10:34 19/08/2009
Top Sweden newspaper says IDF kills Palestinians for their organs
By Morten Berthelsen and Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent

A leading Swedish newspaper reported this week that Israeli soldiers are abducting Palestinians in order to steal their organs, a claim that prompted furious condemnation and accusations of anti-Semitic blood libel from a rival publication.

"They plunder the organs of our sons," read the headline in Sweden's largest daily newspaper, the left-leaning Aftonbladet, which devoted a double spread in its cultural section to the article.

The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israel Defense Forces, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs.

"'Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,' relatives of Khaled from Nablus said to me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin as well as the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who all had disappeared for a few days and returned by night, dead and autopsied," writes author Donald Boström in his report.

Boström's article makes a link to the recent exposure of an alleged crime syndicate in New Jersey. The syndicate includes several American rabbis, and one Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, who faces charges of conspiring to broker the sale of a human kidney for a transplant.

(Click here for the opinion piece in Swedish)

Boström also cites an incident of alleged organ snatching from 1992, during the time of the first Palestinian intifada. He says that the IDF seized a young man known for throwing stones at Israeli troops in the Nablus area, who was shot in the chest, both legs, and the stomach before being taken to a military helicopter which transported him to "a place unknown to his loved ones".

Five nights later, Boström says, the young man's body was returned, wrapped in green hospital sheets.

"The sharp sounds from the shovels were mixed with the occasional laughter from the soldiers who were joking with each other, waiting to go home. When Bilal was put into his grave, his chest was revealed and suddenly it became clear to the present what abuse he had been put through. Bilal was far from the only one who was buried cut-up from his stomach to his chin and the speculations about the reason why had already started," he writes.

But the liberal Sydsvenskan - southern Sweden's major daily - had harsh criticism for the rival paper, running an opinion piece under the headline "Antisemitbladet" (a play on the name Aftonbladet).

"We have heard the story before, in one form or the other. It follows the traditional pattern of conspiracy theory: a great number of loose threads that the theorist tempts the reader to tie into a neat knot without having been provided with any proven connection whatsoever," writes leading columnist Mats Skogkär of Sydsvenskan.

"Whispers in the dark. Anonymous sources. Rumors. That is all it takes. After all we all know what they [the Jews] are like, don't we: inhuman, hardened. Capable of anything," the opinion piece says. "Now all that remains is the defense, equally predictable: 'Anti-Semitism' No, no, just criticism of Israel."

The Foreign Ministry reacted angrily on Tuesday to the report. Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor said the newspaper's decision to publish the story is "a mark of disgrace" for the Swedish press.

"In a democratic country, there should be no place for dark blood libels out of the Middle Ages of this type," Palmor said. "This is an article that shames Swedish democracy and the entire Swedish press."

A Foreign Ministry official said that Israel's embassy in Stockholm have communicated a harsh condemnation to the Swedish government and the newspaper itself.

Anna Ekström and Mikael Tossavainen contributed to this report
Old August 22nd, 2009 #7
Alex Linder
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Sweden: Not party to envoy's censure of IDF organ harvesting article

By Haaretz Service and News Agencies

Swedish ambassador to Israel called article accusing troops of harvesting organs of Palestinian dead 'shocking and appalling.'

The Swedish government on Thursday distanced itself from a statement by its ambassador to Israel, in which she criticized a newspaper article claiming Israel Defense Forces troops killed Palestinian youths and harvested their organs.

"The condemnation was solely the judgment of the embassy [in Tel Aviv], and designed for an Israeli audience," said a statement released Thursday by the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

"The article in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet is as shocking and appalling to us Swedes, as it is to Israeli citizens," said Ambassador Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier on Wednesday.

"Just as in Israel, freedom of the press prevails in Sweden," Bonnier said. "However, freedom of the press and freedom of expression are freedoms which carry a certain responsibility."

The article in Sweden's biggest-selling newspaper was first reported internationally by on Tuesday, and has sparked fierce widespread debate both in Sweden and abroad. The article claims that as far back as 1992, the IDF was taking organs from Palestinian youths it killed, and also mentions an ongoing U.S. crime investigation involving members of the American Jewish community.

Swedish opposition leaders on Thursday slammed Borsiin Bonnier for calling the article "shocking and appalling," and accused her of interfering with freedom of speech.

Green Party spokesman Per Gahrton said Borsiin Bonnier should be recalled and taught the basics of Swedish freedom of speech. The Swedish Foreign Ministry declined to comment on her statement.

The editor of Aftonbladet on Wednesday hit back hard at both Bonnier and Israeli critics for attacking his paper's coverage, and accused them of hiding behind claims of anti-Semitism to avoid the subject raised in the article. Israel condemned the report as blood libel.

"It's deeply unpleasant and sad to see such a strong propaganda machine using centuries-old anti-Semitic images in an apparent attempt to get an obviously topical issue off the table," said editor Jan Helin.

Helin accused the Swedish ambassador of "a flagrant assault on freedom of speech" for her criticism, and rejected any suggestion of anti-Semitism by his paper. He called the article an opinion piece that raises questions about an Israeli link in an American investigation of a New Jersey crime ring. Among the suspects in that case is an American Jew who has been accused of selling organs.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday harshly criticized the article calling it "illegitimate" and saying that it "has no place, not even in a democracy that protects freedom of speech".
Old August 23rd, 2009 #8
Robert K.
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Bonnier is a jewish family. When Bonnier says 'us Swedes' what is she talking about exactly? She's not Swedish. She's a kikess.
Old August 29th, 2009 #9
Jerry Abbott
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Here's another page that documents Israel's murder-for-organ-harvesting activities.

The Jews certainly have more gall than anyone else does. In the United States, a Jewish rabbi with Israeli connections was caught by the FBI in an attempt to sell a kidney obtained by illegal extortion. You'd think that, having been CAUGHT doing it, that any further denials of being involved in such activity would be futile, and recognized as futile. But no, not the Jews. They will keep telling the old lies "We're not doing any of that! What you are saying is Blood Libel!" over and over again, until they once more take root in gullible gentile minds.

By the way, the Orthodox Jewish rabbis were caught in an earlier money laundering bust back in the 1990s. Some New York rabbis were arrested for laundering money for the Colombian drug lords. And almost certainly they were laundering money prior to then, in between the two busts, and since the latest one this month. Undoubtedly, they are laundering money right now. Definitely, they will continue laundering money for criminals, Jews and otherwise, for the foreseeable future.
Look quick before they censor my comment.
Old August 30th, 2009 #10
jimmy smith
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Israeli Organ Harvesting


Last week Sweden’s largest daily newspaper published an article containing shocking material: testimony and circumstantial evidence indicating that Israelis may have been harvesting internal organs from Palestinian prisoners without consent for many years.

Worse yet, some of the information reported in the article suggests that in some instances Palestinians may have been captured with this macabre purpose in mind.

In the article, “Our sons plundered for their organs,” veteran journalist Donald Bostrom writes that Palestinians “harbor strong suspicions against Israel for seizing young men and having them serve as the country’s organ reserve – a very serious accusation, with enough question marks to motivate the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to start an investigation about possible war crimes.”1/

An army of Israeli officials and apologists immediately went into high gear, calling both Bostrom and the newspaper’s editors “anti-Semitic.” The Israeli foreign minister was reportedly “aghast” and termed it “a demonizing piece of blood libel.” An Israeli official called it “hate porn.”

Commentary magazine wrote that the story was “merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of European funded and promoted anti-Israel hate.” Numerous people likened the article to the medieval “blood libel,” (widely refuted stories that Jews killed people to use their blood in religious rituals). Even some pro-Palestinian writers joined in the criticism, expressing skepticism.

The fact is, however, that substantiated evidence of public and private organ trafficking and theft, and allegations of worse, have been widely reported for many years. Given such context, the Swedish charges become far more plausible than might otherwise be the case and suggest that an investigation could well turn up significant information.

Below are a few examples of previous reports on this topic.

Israel’s first heart transplant

Israel’s very first, historic heart transplant used a heart removed from a living patient without consent or consulting his family.

In December 1968 a man named Avraham Sadegat (the New York Times seems to give his name as A Savgat) (2) died two days after a stroke, even though his family had been told he was “doing well.”

After initially refusing to release his body, the Israeli hospital where he was being treated finally turned the man’s body over to his family. They discovered that his upper body was wrapped in bandages; an odd situation, they felt, for someone who had suffered a stroke.

When they removed the bandages, they discovered that the chest cavity was stuffed with bandages, and the heart was missing.

During this time, the headline-making Israeli heart transplant had occurred. After their initial shock, the man’s wife and brother began to put the two events together and demanded answers.

The hospital at first denied that Sadegat’s heart had been used in the headline-making transplant, but the family raised a media storm and eventually applied to three cabinet ministers. Finally, weeks later and after the family had signed a document promising not to sue, the hospital admitted that Sadagat’s heart had been used.

The hospital explained that it had abided by Israeli law, which allowed organs to be harvested without the family's consent. (3) (The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime includes the extraction of organs in its definition of human exploitation.)

Indications that the removal of Sadagat’s heart was the actual cause of death went unaddressed.

Director of forensic medicine on missing organs

A 1990 article in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs entitled “Autopsies and Executions” by Mary Barrett reports on the grotesque killings of young Palestinians. It includes an interview with Dr. Hatem Abu Ghazalch, the former chief health official for the West Bank under Jordanian administration and director of forensic medicine and autopsies.

Barrett asks him about “the widespread anxiety over organ thefts which has gripped Gaza and the West Bank since the intifada began in December of 1987.”

He responded:

"There are indications that for one reason or another, organs, especially eyes and kidneys, were removed from the bodies during the first year or year and a half. There were just too many reports by credible people for there to be nothing happening. If someone is shot in the head and comes home in a plastic bag without internal organs, what will people assume?” (4)

Mysterious Scottish death

In 1998 a Scot named Alisdair Sinclair died under questionable circumstances while in Israeli custody at Ben Gurion airport.

His family was informed of the death and, according to a report in J Weekly, “…told they had three weeks to come up with about $4,900 to fly Sinclair's corpse home. [Alisdair’s brother] says the Israelis seemed to be pushing a different option: burying Sinclair in a Christian cemetery in Israel, at a cost of about $1,300.”

The family scraped up the money, brought the body home, and had an autopsy performed at the University of Glasgow. It turned out that Alisdair’s heart and a tiny throat bone were missing. At this point the British Embassy filed a complaint with Israel.

The J report states:

“A heart said to be Sinclair's was subsequently repatriated to Britain, free of charge. James wanted the [Israeli] Forensic Institute to pay for a DNA test to confirm that this heart was indeed their brother's, but the Institute's director, Professor Jehuda Hiss refused, citing the prohibitive cost, estimated by some sources at $1,500.”

Despite repeated requests from the British Embassy for the Israeli pathologist's and police reports, Israeli officials refused to release either. (5,6,7)

Israeli government officials raise questions

Palestinian journalist Khalid Amayreh reports in an article in CCUN:

“In January, 2002, an Israeli cabinet minister tacitly admitted that organs taken from the bodies of Palestinian victims might have been used for transplants in Jewish patients without the knowledge of the Palestinian victims’ families.

“The minister, Nessim Dahan, said in response to a question by an Arab Knesset member that he couldn’t deny or confirm that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli army were taken out for transplants or scientific research.

“‘I couldn’t say for sure that something like that didn’t happen.’”

Amayreh writes that the Knesset member who posed the question said that he “had received ‘credible evidence proving that Israeli doctors at the forensic institute of Abu Kabir extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys, and liver from the bodies of Palestinian youth and children killed by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank.” (8)

Israel’s chief pathologist removed from post for stealing body parts

For a number of years there were allegations that Israel’s leading pathologist was stealing body parts. In 2001 the Israeli national news service reported:

“… the parents of soldier Ze’ev Buzgallo who was killed in a Golan Heights military training accident, are filing a petition with the High Court of Justice calling for the immediate suspension of Dr. Yehuda Hiss and that criminal charges be filed against him. Hiss serves as the director of the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute….According to the parents, the body of their son was used for medical experimentation without their consent, experiments authorized by Hiss. (9)

In 2002 the service reported:

“The revelation of illegally stored body parts in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute has prompted MK Anat Maor, chairman of the Knesset Science Committee, to demand the immediate suspension of the director, Prof. Yehuda Hiss."

Alisdair Sinclair’s death had first alerted authorities to Hiss’s malfeasance in 1998, though nothing was done for years. The Forward reported:

“In 2001, an Israeli Health Ministry investigation found that Hiss had been involved for years in taking body parts, such as legs, ovaries and testicles, without family permission during autopsies, and selling them to medical schools for use in research and training. He was appointed chief pathologist in 1988. Hiss was never charged with any crime, but in 2004 he was forced to step down from running the state morgue, following years of complaints.” (10)

Harvesting kidneys from impoverished communities

According to the Economist, a kidney racket flourished in South Africa between 2001 and 2003. “Donors were recruited in Brazil, Israel and Romania with offers of $5,000-20,000 to visit Durban and forfeit a kidney. The 109 recipients, mainly Israelis, each paid up to $120,000 for a “transplant holiday”; they pretended they were relatives of the donors and that no cash changed hands.” (11)

In 2004 a legislative commission in Brazil reported, “At least 30 Brazilians have sold their kidneys to an international human organ trafficking ring for transplants performed in South Africa, with Israel providing most of the funding.”

According to an IPS report: “The recipients were mostly Israelis, who receive health insurance reimbursements of 70,000 to 80,000 dollars for life-saving medical procedures performed abroad.”

IPS reports:

The Brazilians were recruited in Brazil’s most impoverished neighbourhoods and were paid $10,000 per kidney, “but as ‘supply’ increased, the payments fell as low as 3,000 dollars.” The trafficking had been organized by a retired Israeli police officer, who said “he did not think he was committing a crime, given that the transaction is considered legal by his country's government.”

The Israeli embassy issued a statement denying any participation by the Israeli government in the illegal trade of human organs but said it did recognize that its citizens, in emergency cases, could undergo organ transplants in other countries, "in a legal manner, complying with international norms," and with the financial support of their medical insurance.

However, IPS reports that the commission chair termed the Israeli stance “at the very least ‘anti-ethical’, adding that trafficking can only take place on a major scale if there is a major source of financing, such as the Israeli health system.” He went on to state that the resources provided by the Israeli health system "were a determining factor" that allowed the network to function. (12)

Tel Aviv hospital head promotes organ trafficking

IPS goes on to report:

“Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who heads the Organs Watch project at the U.S. University of California, Berkeley, testified to the Pernambuco legislative commission that international trafficking of human organs began some 12 years ago, promoted by Zacki Shapira, former director of a hospital in Tel Aviv.

“Shapira performed more than 300 kidney transplants, sometimes accompanying his patients to other countries, such as Turkey. The recipients are very wealthy or have very good health insurance, and the ‘donors’ are very poor people from Eastern Europe, Philippines and other developing countries, said Scheper-Hughes, who specialises in medical anthropology.”

Israel prosecutes organ traffickers

In 2007 Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper reported that two men confessed to persuading “Arabs from the Galilee and central Israel who were developmentally challenged or mentally ill to agree to have a kidney removed for payment.” They then would refuse to pay them.

The paper reported that the two were part of a criminal ring that included an Israeli surgeon. According to the indictment, the surgeon sold the kidneys he harvested for between $125,000 and $135,000. (13)

Earlier that year another Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, reported that ten members of an Israeli organ smuggling ring targeting Ukrainians had been arrested. (14)

In still another 2007 story, the Jerusalem Post reported that “Professor Zaki Shapira, one of Israel's leading transplant surgeons, was arrested in Turkey on Thursday on suspicion of involvement in an organ trafficking ring. According to the report, the transplants were arranged in Turkey and took place at private hospitals in Istanbul.”

Israeli organ trafficking comes to the U.S.?

In July of this year even US media reported on the arrest of Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, from Brooklyn, recently arrested by federal officials in a massive corruption sweep in New Jersey that netted mayors, government officials and a number of prominent rabbis. Bostrom opens his article with this incident.

According to the federal complaint, Rosenbaum, who has close ties to Israel, said that he had been involved in the illegal sale of kidneys for 10 years. A US Attorney explained: "His business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 which he would turn around and sell for $160,000." (15)

This is reportedly the first case of international organ trafficking in the U.S.

University of California anthropologist and organ trade expert Nancy Scheper-Hughes, who informed the FBI about Rosenbaum seven years ago, says she heard reports that he had held donors at gunpoint to ensure they followed through on agreements to “donate” their organs. (16)

Israel’s organ donor problems

Israel has an extraordinarily small number of willing organ donors. According to the Israeli news service Ynet, “the percentage of organs donated among Jews is the lowest of all the ethnic groups… In western countries, some 30 per cent of the population have organ donor cards. In Israel, in contrast, four percent of the population holds such cards. (17)

“According to statistics from the Health Ministry’s website, in 2001, 88 Israelis died waiting for a transplant because of a lack of donor organs. In the same year, 180 Israelis were brain dead, and their organs could have been used for transplant, but only 80 of their relatives agreed to donate their organs.”

According to Ynet, the low incidence of donors is related to “religious reasons.” In 2006 there was an uproar when an Israeli hospital known for its compliance with Jewish law performed a transplant operation using an Israeli donor. The week before, “a similar incident occurred, but since the patient was not Jewish it passed silently.” (18, 19)

The Swedish article reports that ‘Israel has repeatedly been under fire for its unethical ways of dealing with organs and transplants. France was among the countries that ceased organ collaboration with Israel in the 1990s. Jerusalem Post wrote that “the rest of the European countries are expected to follow France’s example shortly.”

“Half of the kidneys transplanted to Israelis since the beginning of the 2000s have been bought illegally from Turkey, Eastern Europe or Latin America. Israeli health authorities have full knowledge of this business but do nothing to stop it. At a conference in 2003 it was shown that Israel is the only western country with a medical profession that doesn’t condemn the illegal organ trade. The country takes no legal measures against doctors participating in the illegal business – on the contrary, chief medical officers of Israel’s big hospitals are involved in most of the illegal transplants, according to Dagens Nyheter (December 5, 2003).”

To fill this need former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, then health minister of Israel, organized a big donor campaign in the summer of 1992, but while the number of donors skyrocketed, need still greatly surpassed supply.

Palestinian disappearances increase

Bostrom, who earlier wrote of all this in his 2001 book Inshallah, (20) reports in his recent article:

“While the campaign was running, young Palestinian men started to disappear from villages in the West Bank and Gaza. After five days Israeli soldiers would bring them back dead, with their bodies ripped open.

“Talk of the bodies terrified the population of the occupied territories. There were rumors of a dramatic increase of young men disappearing, with ensuing nightly funerals of autopsied bodies.”

“I was in the area at the time, working on a book. On several occasions I was approached by UN staff concerned about the developments. The persons contacting me said that organ theft definitely occurred but that they were prevented from doing anything about it. On an assignment from a broadcasting network I then travelled around interviewing a great number of Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza – meeting parents who told of how their sons had been deprived of organs before being killed.”

He describes the case of 19-year-old Bilal Achmed Ghanan, shot by Israeli forces invading his village.

“The first shot hit him in the chest. According to villagers who witnessed the incident he was subsequently shot with one bullet in each leg. Two soldiers then ran down from the carpentry workshop and shot Bilal once in the stomach. Finally, they grabbed him by his feet and dragged him up the twenty stone steps of the workshop stair… Israeli soldiers loading the badly wounded Bilal in a jeep and driving him to the outskirts of the village, where a military helicopter waited. The boy was flown to a destination unknown to his family.”

Five days later he was returned, “dead and wrapped up in green hospital fabric.” Bostrom reports that as the body was lowered into the grave, his chest was exposed and onlookers could see that he was stitched up from his stomach to his head. Bostrom writes that this was not the first time people had seen such a thing.

“The families in the West Bank and in Gaza felt that they knew exactly what had happened: “Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,” relatives of Khaled from Nablus told me, as did the mother of Raed from Jenin and the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who had all disappeared for a number of days only to return at night, dead and autopsied.”

Why autopsies?

Bostrom describes the questions that families asked:

“Why are they keeping the bodies for up to five days before they let us bury them? What happened to the bodies during that time? Why are they performing autopsy, against our will, when the cause of death is obvious? Why are the bodies returned at night? Why is it done with a military escort? Why is the area closed off during the funeral? Why is the electricity interrupted?”

Israel’s answer was that all Palestinians who were killed were routinely autopsied. However, Bostrom points out that of the133 Palestinians who were killed that year, only 69 were autopsied.

He goes on to write:

“We know that Israel has a great need for organs, that there is a vast and illegal trade of organs which has been running for many years now, that the authorities are aware of it and that doctors in managing positions at the big hospitals participate, as well as civil servants at various levels. We also know that young Palestinian men disappeared, that they were brought back after five days, at night, under tremendous secrecy, stitched back together after having been cut from abdomen to chin.

It’s time to bring clarity to this macabre business, to shed light on what is going on and what has taken place in the territories occupied by Israel since the Intifada began.” (21)

The new “Blood Libel”?

In scanning through the reaction to Bostrom’s report, one is struck by the multitude of charges that his article is a new version of the old anti-Semitic “blood libel.” Given that fact, it is interesting to examine a 2007 book by Israel’s preeminent expert on medieval Jewish history, and what happened to him.

The author is Bar-Ilan professor (and rabbi) Ariel Toaff, son of the former chief rabbi of Rome, a religious leader so famous that an Israeli journalist writes that Toaff’s father “is to Italian Jewry as the Eiffel Tower is to Paris.” Ariel Toaff, himself, is considered “one of the greatest scholars in his field.” (22, 23)

In February 2007 the Israeli and Italian media were abuzz (though most of the U.S. media somehow missed it) with news that Professor Toaff had written a book entitled "Pasque di Sangue" (“Blood Passovers”) (24) containing evidence that there “was a factual basis for some of the medieval blood libels against the Jews.”

Based on 35 years of research, Toaff had concluded that there were at least a few, possibly many, real incidents.

In an interview with an Italian newspaper (the book was published in Italy), Toaff says:

“My research shows that in the Middle Ages, a group of fundamentalist Jews did not respect the biblical prohibition and used blood for healing. It is just one group of Jews, who belonged to the communities that suffered the severest persecution during the Crusades. From this trauma came a passion for revenge that in some cases led to responses, among them ritual murder of Christian children.” (25)

(Incidentally, an earlier book containing similar findings was published some years ago, also by an Israeli professor, Israel Shahak, of whom Noam Chomsky once wrote, “Shahak is an outstanding scholar, with remarkable insight and depth of knowledge. His work is informed and penetrating, a contribution of great value.” ) (26)

Professor Toaff was immediately attacked from all sides, including pressure orchestrated by Anti-Defamation League chairman Abe Foxman, but Toaff stood by his 35 years of research, announcing:

"I will not give up my devotion to the truth and academic freedom even if the world crucifies me… One shouldn't be afraid to tell the truth."

Before long, however, under relentless public and private pressure, Toaff had recanted, withdrawn his book, and promised to give all profits that had already accrued (the book had been flying off Italian bookshelves) to Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League. A year later he published a “revised version.”

Donald Bostrom’s experience seems to be a repeat of what Professor Toaff endured: calumny, vituperation, and defamation. Bostrom has received death threats as well, perhaps an experience that Professor Toaff also shared.

If Israel is innocent of organ plundering accusations, or if its culpability is considerably less than Bostrom and others suggest, it should welcome honest investigations that would clear it of wrongdoing. Instead, the government and its advocates are working to suppress all debate and crush those whose questions and conclusions they find threatening.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, rather than responding to calls for an investigation, is demanding that the Swedish government abandon its commitment to a free press and condemn the article. The Israeli press office, apparently in retaliation and to prevent additional investigation, is refusing to give press credentials to reporters from the offending newspaper.

Just as in the case of the rampage against Jenin, the attack on the USS liberty, the massacre of Gaza, the crushing of Rachel Corrie, the torture of American citizens, and a multitude of other examples, Israel is using its considerable, worldwide resources to interfere with the investigative process.

It is difficult to conclude that it has nothing to hide.

Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew. A version of this article containing citations and additional information is available at http://ifamericansknew/cur_sit/sweden.html


1/ There are two English translations; this article uses the first:

The original Swedish article in Aftonbladet can be viewed at

2/ New York Times, Feb. 3, 1969, p. 8, Column 6 (53 words)

3/ 40 years after Israel's first transplant, donor's family says his heart was stolen
By Dana Weiler-Polak, Haaretz Correspondent, Dec. 14, 2008

4/ Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, April 1990, Page 21, The Intifada: Autopsies and Executions

5/ October 30, 1998,Bizarre death of Scottish tourist involves suicide, missing heart
by NETTY C. GROSS, Jerusalem Post Service

6/ The Forward, Illicit Body-Part Sales Present Widespread Problem, By Rebecca Dube, Aug. 26, 2009[email protected]

7/ Masons, Muslims, Templars, Jews, Henry and Dolly.

8/ Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding, Khalid Amayreh, August 20, 2009




12/ The Economist, Organ transplants: The gap between supply and demand, Oct. 9, 2008

BRAZIL: Poor Sell Organs to Trans-Atlantic Trafficking Ring
By Mario Osava, IPS, Feb. 23, 2004

Haaretz, Two Haifa men sentenced to jail for organ trafficking, By Fadi Eyadat, Dec. 18, 2007

14/ uncover illegal organ trade ring
By REBECCA ANNA STOIL, July 23, 2007

Sting rocks U.S. transplant industry, David Porter, Carla K. Johnson, ASSOCIATED PRESS, july 25, 2009

U.S. Professor: I told FBI about kidney trafficking 7 years ago
By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent, August, 3, 2009

A mitzvah called organ donation, Efrat Shapira-Rosenberg, 10.6.07

Orthodox in uproar over organ donation incident, Neta Sela, 06.22.06

The Return of the Body Snatchers, By Israel Shamir,



Ha’aretz. The Wayward Son, by Adi Schwartz, March 1, 2007

Ha’aaretz, Bar-Ilan to order professor to explain research behind blood libel book
By Ofri Ilani, Haaretz Service and The Associated Press, Feb 11, 2007

Israeli writer Israel Shamir reports that some years ago “…a leading Chabad rabbi, Yitzhak Ginzburgh, gave his religious permission for a Jew to take a liver from a non-Jew even without his consent. He said that ‘a Jew is entitled to extract the liver from a goy if he needs it, for the life of a Jew is more valuable than the life of a goy, likewise the life of a goy is more valuable than the life of an animal.’

Haaretz, Bar Ilan to order professor to explain research behind blood libel book, by Ofri Hani, Feb. 11, 2007.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August/September 2001, page 11, In Memoriam: Israel Shahak (1933-2001), By Norton Mezvinsky

Old September 19th, 2009 #11
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Default 'Swedish paper won't face legal probe'

An official representing the Swedish government in legal affairs has ruled not to initiate an investigation into the matter of an article claiming IDF soldiers kidnapped Palestinians to harvest their organs, AFP reported on Saturday.

Two complaints were filed with the Swedish Department of Justice over the Aftonbladet report, asking that it determine whether it was a case of racial provocation that violated Swedish law.

According to the report, Sweden's Chancellor of Justice Göran Lambertz decided that the article, published in August, did not violate Swedish law, and therefore, Aftonbladet will not face a legal probe over the article.

The Swedish government has rejected Israeli calls to condemn the incendiary article that implied links between Palestinian claims that IDF soldiers killed Palestinians and harvested their organs, and the recent arrest in New Jersey of an American Jew suspected of illicit organ trafficking.

Shortly after the article was publish last month, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said his government would not condemn the report.

"No one can demand that the Swedish government violate its own constitution. Freedom of speech is an indispensable part of Swedish society," Reinfeldt was quoted as telling the Swedish news agency TT.

In late August, an Israeli lawyer filed a $7.5 million lawsuit against the Swedish newspaper in the Manhattan Supreme Court.

The lawyer, Guy Ophir, who said the article's allegations were anti-Semitic and amounted to "racist blood libel" against Jews and Israeli soldiers.
Old December 16th, 2010 #13
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'Israel involved in Kosovo organ trade'

Thu Dec 16, 2010

A European Union prosecutor who says Israel has been trading with an elaborate organ trafficking network in Kosovo has brought the case to Pristina District Court, a report says.
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Old December 20th, 2010 #14
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jewsign you will never see this reported in the Amerikwan media

Kosovo organ donor ring: the Israeli connection

Most international trafficking rings have involved wealthy Israeli patients on 'transplant tours'

The Israeli market for donor livers has been well-documented. Photograph: Ben Edwards/Getty

It is fitting that the man described as the "fixer" in Kosovo's alleged organ ring was an Israeli of Turkish descent. Moshe Harel, a fugitive wanted by Interpol in connection with the case, is accused of matching potential donors recruited in Turkey with recipients, many if not all of whom had connections with Israel.

The Israeli market for donor livers has been well-documented, and most international trafficking rings have involved wealthy Israeli patients on so-called "transplant tours". Organ donation in Israel is low due to concerns in the Orthodox community about the body after death.

Until recently, experts said, Israeli citizens were able to claim partial subsidies from health providers when receiving transplants abroad. The loophole is said to have been recently closed after international pressure.

Only 10% of Israeli adults hold donor cards, compared with more than 30% in most western countries. Israel has launched a scheme in an attempt to increase donor rates, meaning card carriers have the right to priority treatment should they require a transplant.

Last monththe recipients of organs illegally tranplanted in a private hospital in South Africa were described as Israelis. The donors – said to have included children – were Brazilians and Romanians paid $6,000 (£3,869) for a kidney. Netcare of South Africa, which also runs hospitals in Britain, admitted in court to receiving R3.8m (£342,000) from an illegal organ trafficking syndicate. Paul Lewis
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Old December 29th, 2010 #16
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Not surprising but still horrifying.
Old March 14th, 2013 #17
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Nancy Scheper-Hughes

In 2009 her investigation of an international ring of organ sellers based in New York, New Jersey and Israel led to a number of arrests by the FBI.
Organ trade
In 1999, Scheper-Hughes joined with three other professors to launch Organs Watch, an organization dedicated to research on the global traffic in human organs, tracking the movements of people and organs around the globe, as well as the global inequities that facilitate this trade.[2][3]

In October 2008, she appeared on the BBC program HARDtalk[4] expressing her strong opposition to the open free buying and selling of organs, even if there were Government oversight through regulation. Her reason for this position is that she feels it will eventually corrupt the entire field because of the inevitability of brokers engaging in satisfying the demands of wealthy buyers for higher quality donors. She is opposed to the Iranian government's regulated organ donor program, involving cash rewards, and predicts it will fail. Her preference is for free voluntary donations from family or friends. She has characterized the efforts of patients waiting for an organ transplant to save their lives through purchasing a replacement organ from a volunteer as just "a new form of commodity fetishism."[5] She deplores the fact that to the dying patients waiting for a transplant, "in the late or postmodern consumer-oriented context, the ancient prescription for virtue in suffering and grace in dying can only appear patently absurd."[6] She recommends instead that the now lethally long waiting lists for organ transplants be trimmed by questioning "the rights of infants and those over 70 to be on the waiting list."[7]

In the 2000s, Scheper-Hughes investigated an international ring of organ sellers based in New York, New Jersey and Israel. She interviewed several hundred third-world organ donors, and reported that they all felt that they had been taken advantage of, and were often left sick, unable to work, and unable to get medical care. Some of them were tricked into donating organs, and threatened at gunpoint when they tried to resist. Some transplants took place at major New York City hospitals, and Scheper-Hughes said that the hospital personnel knew illegal transplants were taking place. She informed the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which led to arrests several years later.[8][9] When the events became public, she said that much of the world's illicit traffic in kidneys could be traced to Israel.[citation needed] In a 2008 lecture, she is reported as identifying two motivations of Israeli traffickers as "greed" and "Revenge, restitution—reparation for the Holocaust." She is reported as describing speaking with Israeli brokers who told her "it’s kind of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.’"[10]
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Old March 14th, 2013 #18
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Israeli Organ Harvesting: From Moldova To Palestine

In August Sweden’s largest newspaper published an article suggesting that Israel had been taking Palestinian internal organs. The article, by veteran photojournalist Donald Bostrom, called for an international investigation.

Israel and its partisans immediately cried “anti-Semitism,” and Commentary’s Jonathan Tobin asserted that the story was “the tip of the iceberg in terms of European funded and promoted anti-Israel hate.”
(Here is a perfect example of the verifiable truth being “anti-semitism” and "anti-Israel hate".)

The fact is, however, that Israeli organ harvesting—sometimes with Israeli governmental funding and the participation of high Israeli officials, prominent Israeli physicians, and Israeli government ministries—has been documented for many years. Among the victims have been Palestinians.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes is Chancellor’s Professor of Medical Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley, the founder of Organ Watch, and the author of scholarly books on organ trafficking. She is the pundit mainstream media call upon when they need expert commentary.

While Scheper-Hughes emphasizes that traffickers come from numerous nations and ethnicities, including Americans and Arabs, “Israel,” she states, “is at the top. It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”

In a lecture last year she explained that Israeli organ traffickers “have a pyramid system at work that’s awesome...they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.”

But this is no ordinary business. Organ traffickers prey on the world’s poorest, most desperate citizens, promising them what seem like astronomical sums of money ($1,000 to $10,000) in return for vital internal organs. As Scheper-Hughes points out, organ trafficking consists of “paying the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies.”

Organ sales have been illegal in most countries for years, and the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime includes in its definition of human exploitation the extraction of organs for profit. Until very recently, however, the Israeli government not only permitted organ trafficking, it funded it.

Israelis are the leaders in “transplant tourism”—traveling to other nations to buy internal organs. While affluent individuals from numerous countries engage in this practice, Israel is unique in several ways.

First, Israelis partake at an extraordinarily high rate. According to a 2001 BBC report, Israelis buy more kidneys per capita than any other population.

Second, Israelis have the lowest donor rate in the world—one-third to one-fifth that of Europe—due in part to beliefs that Jewish religious law prohibits organ removal as “desecration of the body.”

Third, the Israeli government has enabled it. In testimony before a congressional subcommittee in 2001, Scheper-Hughes described what she termed Israel’s “national ”˜program’ of transplant tourism.” For many years the Israeli health system subsidized its citizens’ “transplant holidays,” reimbursing Israelis $80,000 for medical operations abroad, with the remaining costs largely covered by government-subsidized insurance plans. In addition, Israel’s Ministry of Defense has been directly involved, as members of the ministry or those closely related to them accompany transplant junkets.

Israeli traffickers have utilized people from diverse locations—the West Bank and Gaza, the Philippines, Eastern Europe. A BBC report described the situation in Europe’s poorest country—homeland of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman—where 90 percent of the people earn less than $2 a day: “Hundreds of Israelis have created a production line that starts in the villages of Moldova, where men today are walking around with one kidney.”

In China not long ago an Israeli paid a broker $100,000 for a kidney transplant from an 18-year-old girl. She herself received $5,000, and died following surgery. In Brazil a legislative commission found that Israeli traffickers no longer were content with just kidneys; they had begun inquiring into additional body parts—lungs, livers and corneas.

In her testimony, Scheper-Hughes pointed out that “The sale of human organs and tissues requires that certain disadvantaged individuals, populations, and even nations have been reduced to the role of ”˜suppliers.’ It is a scenario in which only certain bodies are broken, dismembered, fragmented, transported, processed, and sold in the interests of a more socially advantaged population...of receivers.”

In a 2008 lecture Scheper-Hughes discussed the motivations of Israeli traffickers. One was greed, she explained. The other was “revenge, restitution, reparation for the Holocaust.” She said some Israeli brokers and doctors had told her: “It’s kind of ”˜an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.”

Organ Theft
At times traffickers coerce reluctant sellers. Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, the alleged trafficker recently arrested in an FBI sweep in New Jersey, reportedly carried a gun; when a potential organ seller wanted to back out, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing at the person’s head. Rosenbaum, believed to be part of a ring centered in Israel, is the first case of trafficking to be prosecuted in the U.S.

More often organ theft involves dead bodies—or those alleged to be dead.

Israel’s very first successful heart transplant, in fact, used a stolen heart.

In 1968 Avraham Sadegat unexpectedly died two days after being hospitalized for a stroke. When his family was able to retrieve his body (the hospital initially refused to release it) they found his chest covered with bandages—odd, they thought, for a stroke victim. Upon removing the bandages they discovered that the heart was missing.

During this time, the press was announcing Israel’s first heart transplant. The family began to raise questions, but the hospital denied any connection. After the family raised a media furor, petitioned three cabinet ministers, and signed a document that they would not sue, the hospital finally admitted it had used Sadegat’s heart.

An Israeli newspaper quoted Sadegat’s tearful wife: “From the moment he entered the hospital, they apparently saw him only as a potential source of organs and not as a man in need of treatment. They only thought about how to do the deed without us knowing.” Sadegat’s medical condition pre-organ removal is unclear. According to an Israeli media report, “Once a heart stops beating, it is no longer fit for transplantation.”

Sadegat’s family was Israeli. Had they been Palestinian, it is doubtful they would have been able to force a hospital confession—and suggestions that the first Israeli heart transplant utilized a stolen organ would, quite likely, be termed blood libels.

Yehuda Hiss, Keeper of the Morgue
Perhaps one of the most long-term and high-level cases of organ theft concerns Dr. Yehuda Hiss, Israel’s chief pathologist and, from 1988 to 2004, director of Israel’s state morgue, the Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine.

One of the first indications of malfeasance occurred in 1998 and concerned a Scottish tourist named Alisdair Sinclair, who died under questionable circumstances after being taken into Israeli custody.

His family brought his body home and found that it had been autopsied. They commissioned a second autopsy at Glasgow University and discovered that Alisdair’s heart and a tiny throat bone, the hyoid, were missing. The British Embassy filed a complaint with Israel.

A heart was then sent to Scotland, but when the family requested a DNA test to confirm its identity, Hiss refused, citing prohibitive cost. DNA tests were eventually conducted but proved inconclusive. According to several reports, a researcher had put in a request for a hyoid bone around the time of Sinclair’s death and eventually received a bill for shipping costs.

Over the following years Hiss was often the center of accusations. An Israeli newspaper published an investigative report charging that diverse body parts—“legs, thighs, ovaries, breasts and testicles”—had been removed without permission and sold to medical institutions. The bodies were stuffed with broomsticks and cotton wool.

Although government investigations confirmed the main facts, little was done, and complaints continued—often from parents of dead Israeli soldiers. Finally, in 2004, Israel’s health minister removed Hiss as director of the morgue, while retaining him as Israel’s chief pathologist.

Hiss had been involved in previous controversies concerning the Israeli government. In one he was suspected of falsifying a DNA test in an investigation into the “Yemenite Children Affair,” in which a thousand children of immigrants disappeared. (Many believe that some, at least, were adopted out, for pay.) Hiss has also been accused of falsifying evidence to the commission investigating the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Palestinian Victims
For decades Palestinians have charged Israel with taking organs from Palestinians its soldiers wounded or killed.

In her subcommittee testimony Scheper-Hughes stated, “Human rights groups in the West Bank complained to me of tissue and organs stealing of slain Palestinians by Israeli pathologists at the national Israeli legal medical institute in Tel Aviv.”

A 1990 article in the Washington Report for Middle East Affairs reported “widespread anxiety over organ thefts which has gripped Gaza and the West Bank since the intifada began in December of 1987,” and quoted a forensic physician: “There are indications that...organs, especially eyes and kidneys, were removed from the bodies during the first year or year and a half.”

Such statements were largely ignored, often portrayed as anti-Semitic exaggeration. According to The Forward magazine, however, the Israeli government corroborated them in 2001. The Forward reports that an investigation into Hiss revealed that he “seemed to view every body that ended up in his morgue, whether Israeli or Palestinian, as fair game for organ harvesting.”

Over the years a great many Palestinian bodies have “ended up” in the Israeli morgue.

Israeli forces have frequently taken custody of Palestinians they have wounded or killed. Sometimes the bodies were kept in Israel, buried in unidentified graves in what are known as “cemeteries of numbers.” In other cases they were returned late at night days later with crudely stitched naval-to-chin incisions, and Israel requiring the bereaved families to bury their children, husbands, and brothers immediately—sometimes with the electricity shut off—and Israeli soldiers overseeing the funeral.

In 2005 an Israeli soldier described a military doctor who gave “medics lessons” using the body of a Palestinian killed by Israeli forces. Haaretz reports: “The soldier said that the Palestinian’s body had been riddled with bullets and that some of his internal organs had spilled out. The doctor pronounced the man dead and then ”˜took out a knife and began to cut off parts of the body. He explained the various parts to us—the membrane that covers the lungs, the layers of the skin, the liver. ”˜I didn’t say anything because I was still new in the army. Two of the medics moved away, and one of them threw up. It was all done very brutally. It was simply contempt for the body.’”

Palestinians, of course, are an unusually vulnerable population. Human rights reports have documented a situation in which Palestinians have few real rights: Israeli forces have killed civilians with impunity, imprisoned massive numbers without charges or trials, abused prisoners, and strip-searched children. And just as Palestinians have little ability to protect their bodies when they’re living, they’re equally unable to prevent their desecration when they’re dead. By Israel’s own admission, Israeli authorities cut open Palestinian corpses without permission of the families, without public transparency, and without, it appears, normal autopsy reports.

At the same time, some Israelis hold extremist views regarding organ extraction. In 1996 Jewish Week reported that Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a leader of the Lubavitch sect of Judaism and the dean of a religious Jewish school in a West Bank settlement, had stated: “If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that.”

Ginsburgh elaborated: “Jewish life has infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”

While the Israeli government briefly arrested Ginsburgh, and most Israelis decry such beliefs, an Israeli scholar on Jewish scriptural views and ethnic chauvinism said: “The sad thing is, these statements are in our books.” He pointed out that while such Talmudic texts were “purely theoretical” at the time they were written, now they’re being cited “in circumstances where Jews have a state and are empowered.”

Dr. A. Clare Brandabur, an American professor, writes that information in the Swedish article resonated with reports she heard during the first intifada.

She described interviewing the head of the Red Crescent in Gaza, mentioning “reports of shootings of Palestinian children at times when there were no ”˜clashes’ going on—a solitary 6-year-old entering his schoolyard in the morning with his book-bag on his back. The soldiers abducted the wounded child at gunpoint, then his body would be returned a few days later having undergone an ”˜autopsy at Abu Kabir Hospital.’”

She asked the director “if he had considered the possibility that these killings were being done for organ transplant, is not allowed to take Jewish organs to save a Jewish life, but it is allowed to take the organs of non-Jews to save Jewish lives.”

He had “suspected such things,” he replied, “but since they had no access to the records of Abu Kabir Hospital, there was no way to verify these suspicions.”

The Swedish newspaper’s call for an investigation into Israel’s treatment of Palestinian bodies is now being echoed by others. Such an investigation could dispel inaccurate suspicions, absolve the innocent, and discover the guilty.

Israel and its powerful advocates abroad are doing their best to prevent that from happening.

Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew. An Internet petition calling for an investigation can be viewed at
<>. An expanded and footnoted version of this article can be viewed on the Washington Report’s Web site, <>.
"I die in the faith of my people. May the German people be aware of its enemies!"
Paul Blobel, SS Officer, 1951, last words prior to being executed
Old March 14th, 2013 #19
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2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy 2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy

Above is a link to the Wiki about the jew human organ trade issue initiated by the Swedish daily newspapers Aftonbladet.

The wiki page quotes jews from around the world, without mentioning they are jews, stating the Aftonbladet is anti-semetic. The phrase anti-semetic is used no less than 20 times.

Like many other wiki pages where the jew is trying to obscure the quilt of the jew, the wiki is rather long. Note the length of the wiki discussion page on this issue the mew jews' effort to cover their crimes against humanity.

Talk:2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy Talk:2009_Aftonbladet_Israel_controversy

Given how solid the evidence is, the jew may just have to wait a generation, for most of those involved to die, before the jew can complete jew its way of of this one. At that time, new evidence will come to light that prove the writer of the original article was an "anti-semitic" and "fabric evidence" and that experts have completely "discredited" all claims and no "mainstream" historian will even give "legitimacy" to the issue by discussing the it with "fringe elements".
"I die in the faith of my people. May the German people be aware of its enemies!"
Paul Blobel, SS Officer, 1951, last words prior to being executed
Old March 14th, 2013 #20
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Palestinians have gotten their Israeli killed children back with rocks sewn up inside them for decades.

We are subhuman animals to them, to be used as the Jews so choose. According to their religions writings.

jew organ trafficking


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