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Old August 19th, 2013 #41
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Positive discrimination..........government speak for "keep Whitey down"
Old August 19th, 2013 #42
Cale Sparks
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,052

Heroes or American Heroes, referring to anyone employed by the United States military and presently so employed in the middle east. I hear these terms regularly whenever I happen to be watching the local news (which I only have on for the weather).

These terms were not as frequently used by the television newsmedia performers in the late 1960s.

A more truthful term than American Heroes would be stooges or otherwise unemployable.
The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.
- Hitler
Old August 19th, 2013 #43
Cale Sparks
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,052


The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.
- Hitler
Old August 19th, 2013 #44
Hunter Morrow
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"Aid Package"=Fighter jets for Israel.

"Middle East Peace Process"=Fighter jets for Israel

"Quantitative military edge"=Fighter jets for Israel, sling shots for Palestine

"Staunch supporter of Israel"="I want to give Israel some more fighter jets!"

"Joint military exercise"=Israel flies fighter jets with the U.S.

"Israel's Right To Exist"=Shut your mouth or we bring out the fighter jets
Old August 20th, 2013 #45
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Repost ________

Jim Goad has composed a pretty good list:

ACTIVIST—A person who isn’t actively performing activities at an actual job.
ANTI-RACIST—A person who makes everything about race.
BLAMING THE VICTIM—Daring to suggest that conflicts between humans are often complicated and that it’s therefore childishly naïve to believe that one person is always entirely guilty and the other is always entirely innocent.
BULLIES—People who must be bullied into silence.
CHOICE—The act of forcing people to pay for a woman’s one-night stands.
CORPORATIONS—Malevolent yet generally non-coercive superorganisms that must be combated with a malevolent and entirely coercive superorganism known as government.
CRITICAL THINKING—The act of swallowing the laughably implausible tenets of blank-slate equality without asking a single question.
CULTURAL IMPERIALISM—An antiquated system that must be destroyed in order to pave the way for the newer, more global form of cultural imperialism.
CULTURAL OTHER—White heterosexual Christian males.
DEBUNKED/DISCREDITED—A topic or idea that we don’t really want to address, because we haven’t actually debunked or discredited it.
“I think they used to call themselves ‘liberals’ until it became clear that they don’t care much for liberty.”

DISADVANTAGED—Dumb and unskilled.
DISENFRANCHISED—People who’ve received a free public education yet still can’t spell “disenfranchised.”
DIVERSITY—A magical incantation used to divert your attention from the fact that it is strikingly similar to the words “divide” and “division.”
DOG WHISTLE—A high-pitched screech from the enemy that only progressives are able to hear. Lately this term has been deemed offensive to canines and should therefore be replaced with “coded speech” wherever possible.
ELITES—Wealthy people on the political right. This term is never used to describe wealthy people on the left who control much of the media, government, and academia.
EMPOWERED—Loud and annoying.
EQUALITY—A concept that nearly everyone believes but no one has bothered to prove.
EVOLUTION—An indisputably true biological process that stopped occurring roughly 100,000 years ago when everyone became equal. Only Christians don’t believe it’s real, and only racists believe it didn’t stop 100,000 years ago.
EXTREMIST—Someone whose beliefs make us extremely uncomfortable.
FAIRNESS—A political strategy requiring that winners be treated unfairly.
FALSE EQUIVALENCY—A real equivalency that suggests our beliefs are false.
FASCIST—One who must not be tolerated under any circumstances and should instead be either lynched, sent to a gas chamber, or stomped under our boots.
FAUX NEWS—A biased news channel that presents an alternative to our preferred version of biased and false news.
FIGHTING THE POWER—Allowing oneself to be used as the unwitting tool of global power elites.
FORWARD—The direction one moves when headed toward a cliff.
FLYOVER STATES—Where the bad people live.
GLOBAL VILLAGE—A concentration camp from which there is no escape.
GLOBAL WARMING—A fashion trend that replaced the global-cooling fashion trend of the 1970s.
GOVERNMENT AID—Money the government takes from taxpayers and then partially redistributes to non-taxpayers after taking a cut for itself.
GRASS-ROOTS—Elite-orchestrated protests that occur in places where there is usually no grass and plenty of cement.
GREEN—Naïve and inexperienced.
GUN NUT—Anyone who owns a gun yet doesn’t belong to the group that actually commits the majority of American gun violence.
HATRED—Anything that we hate.
HERSTORY—The part of history that is usually ignored because not much really happened.
HETERONORMATIVE—Sexually normal.
HIERARCHICAL—Anything that posits there is true diversity among human individuals and groups when it comes to skills and intelligence.
HOMOPHOBE—Someone with a distaste for sex that involves feces and AIDS.
HONEST CONVERSATION ABOUT RACE—Condescending lecture about race.
INDIGENOUS—Anyone too stupid to figure out how to defend one’s own land.
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM—A persistent hallucination of ubiquitous racism that is so deranged, anyone who experiences such hallucinations should be institutionalized.
ISLAMOPHOBE—Someone so terrified of Islamic retribution, they’re afraid to say anything bad about Islam.
LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD—Severely tilting the playing field to achieve unnaturally equal results.
LOOKISM—A term used by ugly people to explain why beautiful people won’t fuck them.
LOW-INFORMATION VOTER—A voter who refuses to accept our brand of low information.
MARRIAGE EQUALITY—The act of pretending that two people of the same sex who can’t produce children are equivalent to opposite-sex couples who can produce children.
MISOGYNIST—One who believes that women are human beings who are fully capable of intentionally harming others.
NEANDERTHAL—A term that became acceptable to apply to those of European ancestry shortly after it no longer became acceptable to refer to those of African ancestry as apes.
NEGATIVITY—Anything that negates our naïve worldview.
NONPROFIT—A tax-exempt organization that pays its staff members handsome salaries.
OBJECTIFICATION—The act of noticing that women possess an object called a vagina.
OCCUPIER—Someone who eagerly flouts the law and will eagerly threaten lawsuits if you challenge them.
OFFENSIVE—Things that hurt our feelings and thus make us go on the offensive, whether through litigation or mob action, in order to counter them.
ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY—Someone who actually understands history and thus can see where all this is going.
OPEN-MINDED—Someone whose mind is closed to anyone who questions modern culture and modern authoritarian structures.
OUT OF TOUCH—Unresponsive to our relentless propaganda.
PARANOID—Justifiably skeptical of human nature and the manmade power organisms through which it operates.
PATRIARCHY—The group who invents everything, does most of the work, fights the wars, is at a legal disadvantage in gender disputes, and dies younger.
PSEUDOSCIENCE—Actual science that makes us pseudo-crazy.
PROGRESSIVE—Someone who sees no contradiction in using the almighty state’s blunt force to help “Fight the Power.”
PROGRESSIVE POLITICS—Politics that favor a government that is progressively intrusive.
PROGRESSIVISM—The idea that progress can only be achieved by transforming the First World into the Third World.
RACIST—A word used by anyone, white or not, who hates white people.
RACISM—A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct that is currently forbidden to only one tribe.
RAPE CULTURE—A fantasy society dreamed of by women who fantasize about being raped.
REDNECK—A racial slur used to describe people we assume are always using racial slurs.
RIGHTS—Things we wish to take away from the political right.
SEX-POSITIVE—A term almost exclusively used by someone with whom you would positively never want to have sex.
SOCIAL CONSTRUCT—A term used frequently by people who have never constructed anything of social value.
SOCIAL CONTRACT—A nonexistent legal document that no one in society has ever signed yet which binds everyone under threat of force.
SOCIAL JUSTICE—A fairy-tale belief system positing that the winners are solely responsible for the losers’ plight.
SOCIOPATH—A non-socialist.
STARTING A DIALOGUE—Starting a monologue.
SUSTAINABILITY—A term that applies strictly to agriculture and the environment and is never to be used in economic, demographic, or cultural contexts.
TOLERANCE—Ideological intolerance.
TRANSFORMATIVE—Something in the process of accelerated change, as in when a normal cell mutates into a cancer cell.
TRIVIALIZE—To weigh mitigating circumstances and/or place into a proper historical context.
TRUTH TO POWER—The act of speaking obvious untruths in a quest to gain political power.
UPRISING—A violent riot characterized by looting, arson, rape, murder, and random acts of cannibalism.
WHITE—The color of evil.
WHITE PRIVILEGE—The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.
WHITE SUPREMACIST—Any white person who isn’t constantly apologizing for their skin color.
WORKING CLASS—A heroic tribe of simple-yet-noble people we’ve never met but have read about in books.
Old August 24th, 2013 #46
Cale Sparks
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,052

Interlopers, refers to White men taking initiatives only permitted for Jews and their deployed beasts (niggers mostly, domestic and imported).

White Community Activists or White Family Advocates
The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.
- Hitler

Last edited by Cale Sparks; August 24th, 2013 at 07:28 PM. Reason: "for" in place of "by"
Old December 10th, 2013 #47
Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 45,756
Blog Entries: 34

Rudeness Rebranded: Jews Promote White 'Micro-Aggressions' as Hate Crimes Lite

By Alex Linder [index]

'Micro-aggressions' is a new term in vogue these days among the antiwhites who call themselves progressives. I'm not sure where it originated, or who took the decision to popularize it, but it doesn't matter. We know the general source and intent. We certainly see this new-ish term in heavy rotation here at the end of 2013, so it bears taking a look at.

'Micro-aggressions' are bad manners exhibited by whites toward minorities. Jews pretend these bits of rudeness are a systematized oppression that amounts to a lighter form of hate crime. Of course, minorities and jews exhibit the same behavior -- and much worse -- toward whites, but it goes without saying colored-on-white manners crimes go unacknowledged. It's not a micro-aggression when blacks say whites smell like wet dogs - it's funny. Just as it's not hate speech when jews portray Southerners as toothless inbreds living in trailers.

Two typical examples of what jews term micro-aggressions:

1) White asks non-white where he or she is from, or really from. Variant: white asks 'what' are you? meaning ethnicity/race.

2) White asks if she can feel the minority's hair, most typically, or makes comment about some other racial/ethnic physical feature.
These derelictions of social intercourse are now branded and packaged -- politicized -- as 'micro-aggressions.' Compared to real hate crimes, like 'gay' bashing or calling a nigger nigger they're mini-mes. They're bite-size candybars. They're Reese's Pieces, or Junior Mints. They're the other Milk Duds.

The concept of 'micro-aggressions,' like most political terms devised by jews, is best understood by looking to the intent of the devisers, rather than to the reality the term ostensibly describes. Why do they call certain behaviors 'aggressions' rather than rudeness or bad manners some other neutral, descriptive term? Is a white girl who says, ooh you have cool hair, can I touch it? really making a racial attack on a black girl? Is she truly being aggressive? Of course not. She is being rude, perhaps. She is being intrusively personal. She is exhibiting bad manners. But she is not attacking the other person. Therefore, the devisers of this term are deliberately, for political purposes, mischaracterizing the behavior and the motives behind the behavior they seek to categorize under this newfangled term in order to demonize a certain set of people. We know who that is. 'Micro-aggression' is merely the latest concept jews have developed in their eternal war on white people.

Quite simply, the real aggression comes not from the whites whose actions judeo-leftists characterize as micro-aggressions but from the jews who label the behavior that way. And there's nothing micro about it. It is part of a much broader package of terms and categorizations that we here at VNN are long familiar with.

Mere white existence is a hate crime, according to rabbis. We aren't even people. We're dirty animals and unclean beasts: that's what shaigetz and shiksa and goyim mean. Everything we do is hateful, racist and oppressive. We should simply disappear, as Oprah said the other day. Everything we do in relation to coloreds is racist, unfair, discriminatory, oppressive, aggressive and hateful. We should just die already.

'Micro-aggression' is an imaginary behavior on our part concocted by jews engaged in all-too-real macro-aggression against us. As always, you take the common parlance employed in antiwhite media, flip it on its head, and you have the real truth. The actual aggression is against whites by jews - and by their colored tools, who are encouraged to hate and blame whites for everything that goes wrong in their lives. Aggressive, genocidal hatred of and actions toward others has been the jewish stock in trade as long as the tribe has existed. Most of its holidays, after all, celebrate the genocide of one of its bottomless well of enemies. Chutzpah is the jewish term for brazen lying of the type that informs the cynical use of 'micro-aggression' to describe the behavior in question. Jews, it is true, are the most hateful people on earth. Jews are a tribe engaged in perpetual macro-aggression against all others. This warfare is carried on continually across all fronts - legal, social, martial and verbal.

'Micro-aggression,' as a political term, is a subdivision under the general category of 'racism.' We know from experience that 'racist' is a codeword for white. Not for white of this or that political stripe, but just whites generally. 'Micro-aggression' comes from that same background idea: all whites are guilty. If that's true, then by definition, whatever whites do is bad too. A poisoned well doesn't give potable water. It remains only to track down, name and neutralize the various subspecies of poisonous white being and behavior. That's what jewish verbal psedo-scientists are doing with 'micro-aggression.' If the day ends in 'y,' jews have come up with yet another evil form of white behavior targeting minorities and exhibiting racism.

It's useful, from the jew's point of view, to have a variety of terms to express the same concept. It hides what they're doing, makes their bigotry appear more neutral or scientific. Jews use all kinds of terms to disparage whites, but they all branch conceptually off racism. Whites are guilty by virtue of existence. It's not what they say. It's not what they do. It's what they are that's the problem. That's the bottom line in jewish eyes, and that is the crucial thing for all white to understand. They can't say it openly because, well, then whites have nothing to do but fight back. Better to let them think they can save themselves by reforming their behavior. Even though they can't.

When you understand this, it's easy see the political language for what it is. The template is always the same. We're always the bad guys. Everything we do is racist and must be stopped or changed. Our race must be destroyed, even as it doesn't even exist, except for when it's oppressing others. So the white race doesn't exist, but it does oppress others. Apparently our race is a ghost. Competing, contradictory, even nonsensical claims - it doesn't matter, as long as they tend in the same direction, to create the same impression, to attack the right target. Jews don't care that you can't rationally claim the white race doesn't exist and simultaneously that it is uniquely racist and oppressive, it's all good mud to fling at the white wall.

Racism, hate crimes, micro-aggressions, white privilege - all terms aimed at stigmatizing, intimidating, attacking and blaming our people. All terms designed to denigrate us, deny what we've achieved, and dispossess our property and to destroy and uproot our culture. All part of genocidal plan conceived with genocidal intent by jews who do nothing all day but complain about genocide.

The concept of 'micro-aggressions' helps instill fear, uncertainty and doubt in ordinary whites. No matter which way they turn, no matter what they do, no matter what they say, they are guilty. If they don't reach out to nonwhites, they're guilty of not being inclusive, not supporting diversity. If they do, they're guilty of micro-aggressions. Can't win. Whites are wrong either way - always. The underlying message here is: white person, no matter what you do, you can't escape being called racist. Because you are racist! Your white skin is the proof. The subtext is that we should just disappear, because that is the only way to end racism, with racism being the worst problem in the world, and responsible for most of the others.

Terms such as micro-aggressions give the minority all the power. The jew helpfully provides the braindead negro with all the hate categories he needs to justify anything he does to whites or complain about anything whites do or ask of him. He can't lose - every excuse has been custom-tailored to his dusky needs. Poverty! Racism! Explain all his woes - and the white man is responsible for all of those. I mean, it can get cuter, but no real need. Those two are like vinegar - they perform every trick.

The minute a white does something a nonwhite doesn't like, he calls it racist, and the white backs off. That's the model the jews shoot for. That's the mental prison they're trying to construct. Intimidate whites. Steal their stuff. Genocide them. Everything they have is stolen. Everything they have they don't deserve, they didn't earn. Get everybody thinking like this by getting all the public school teachers and journalists and politicians on the same page, promoting the same antiwhite misconceptions in lockstep.

Using verbal concoctions to create a false reality and a hostile environment for whites is what jewish rhetoric and dialectics strive for. Since no other group owns the mass media, jewish antiwhite verbal constructions are privileged. Jews alone enjoy the privilege of accusing others, of making demands, of defining public opinion. They go unchallenged because they have the power to keep anyone who disagrees with them off the air. And they have the nerve to talk about white privilege. There is nothing on earth remotely comparable in power or scope with jewish privilege.

Anything, anyone even potentially opposed is a hateful hater preaching hate in the jew-controlled always-antiwhite mass media. Jewish terms alone enjoy the repetition that breeds public recognition and acceptance. More accurate terms are kept off the air. Better ways of seeing things are denied the public, confined to the open part of the internet. Micro-aggressions is one tiny plant in the verdure of verbal warfare, this Propasphere, as my old partner called it. Everything jew word-masters do is to render ordinary whites incapable of perceiving accurately what is actually going on. All they need to know is what they'd better say and not say, if they know what's good for them. They don't need to know why, or who's running things, or to what end, they just need to listen to orders and follow them.

With 'micro-aggressions,' to repeat, the intent is to turn ordinary rudeness or intrusiveness -- or even just simple awkwardness -- into an attack driven by a racial animus. As always, it is the one using the term who is guilty of what he's claiming about the other.

And appreciate the ironies here, for they many and impacted. Jews -- alone -- took down our borders. They reversed our white immigration policy in 1965 to let in third worlders instead of Europeans. They lied we were a "nation of immigrants" and an "experiment" and an "idea," rather than a real nation based in blood and history. They demanded we respect the other. Listen to him, appreciate him, give him legal preference over our own kind via 'affirmative action' (antiwhite discrimination).

When whites take their marching orders and start paying attention to the burgeoning coloreds, and asking them about where they're from, and questions about their cultural differences - then THAT becomes an 'issue.'

Whites can't win. They've got us coming and going. No matter what we do, we're the bad guys. We're the racist aggressor, they're the innocent victim. It never changes. Since the jews control the idea-making and idea-spreading institutions, they control the terms of debate. Many can see what's going on. But no one is able to do anything about it. So the jews continually coin new terms of white abuse and encourage and develop and promote new forms of whitebashing, verbal and physical.

Again, the ultimate end is our people's genocide. There's certainly nothing micro about that, but everything aggressive.

'Micro-aggressions' is just one more new little way to harass and attack whites. It's part of a package. It's not the first or the last of its type. There will new ones down the pike, new antiwhite terms, new antiwhite forms, new antiwhite claims, new antiwhite practices. Anything that whites do at levels or in ways different from non-whites they are eventually going to be singled out and attacked on. That's how jews operate. They examine every aspect of our racial character and racial personality and puzzle out ways to attack and to destroy it. Meanwhile, we are hardly even conscious of ourselves as a race, much less as a race under attack. The jews know us better than we know ourselves. But they don't like us. They want to destroy us. The concept of micro-aggressions helps them do that. And that, ultimately, is what the term means: a new arrow in the jewish quiver to shoot at whites.

The personal is the political...

Let's look a little more at the context in which a concept like 'micro-aggressions' has evolved. As always, let's go from the outside in. From the galaxy to the microdot.

The biggest context is that jews are at racial war with whites. Whites, most of them, aren't aware of this war, although they often see and dislike the symptoms of this ongoing campaign. Jews seek to analyze and destroy every aspect of successful white society. They seek to problematize and pathologize, as academics say, everything that makes us us. Everything we do and say is wrong, even if we agree with them. The real problem, which they have to be a little cagey about, is that we exist. But as they grow in power, the veils come off, the masks drop, and they say openly what they desire: white genocide. Jews from Susan Sontag to Noel Ignatiev to Tim Wise all advocated or advocate white genocide. Concepts like micro-aggressions may seem tiny, but they're part of a genocidal campaign. That is the only way in which they can truly be understood.

Dropping to the mid level, remember the sixties. To the judeo-bolshevik revolutionaries of that era, now half a century ago (!), to the everyday leftists, "the personal is political." Now, this was a feminist slogan, but I think it fits wonderfully in a slightly different application. The personal is the political, translated for whites, means that there is no private space. Every single act and behavior and decision you make is charged - is political. Every decision you make gets hauled before the jewish-communist Star Chamber and forced to justify itself. If it's white and normal, it's found guilty and must be done away with. Jewish 'religion' is said to have over 600 commandments. It is totalitarian, in other words. if jews micromanage themselves and are, as studies show they are, prone to paranoia and other mental diseases at rates much higher than other groups, how much stronger must their urge to control others be? This means they simply won't leave anyone alone. Everything you dirty goyim do must be open to our inspection and subject to our approval. That's not theorizing, that's reality. That is precisely how they think. That was the mindset behind the jew-produced Soviet Union, and it murdered tens of millions of white people just like you and me.

In the spirit of 'the personal is political,' white manners and intercourse with minorities can be examined for flaws. And of course it's the same with behavior as words: the white can do no right. Those things only are assigned whiteness or identified with our race that make us look weird, goofy, hostile or evil. That a man's white proves he's wrong. Anyone opposed to the jewish agenda is morally evil and mentally ill - simply by virtue of the fact he disagrees with the left. There is something not just politically but morally and medically wrong with the racist, homophobe, sexist, etc. This is nuts. But it's not just nuts. It's often law. Literal, legal law. That should be frightening. What the jews, for they are always, in every case, found to be the driving power behind anything the left does, attempt to do is verbally foreclose opposition and legally outlaw it. So you can't express opposition to their agenda for your race without becoming a literal criminal. But neither can you even defend your position verbally with commonly circulated terms because they have all been pre-prejudiced in leftists' favor. You can try to use your own rational, solid terms and frames, but as they find no echo in the controlled media, people increasingly can't figure out what you're talking about. Jews are verbal totalitarians, as well as -- better put, as part of their political totalitarianism. No space for the right, no public platform for the right, as communist jew Herbert Marcuse stated and advocated. By the same token, No space for white is the working System policy as we enter 2014. We're a guilty race that should simply close shop and disappear. That's the one and only good thing we can do. All jew politicking and verbal machinations conduce to this end. All their lies and manipulations aim to induce this mindset in the race they hate. Since they enjoy near total media control, and total mass media control, they achieve their aim fairly well over time. Only on the internet is their widespread recognition and resistance to what they're doing. In the real world, only Golden Dawn in Greece has taken this understanding and turned it into some measure of political reality on the ground. And of course, it's not just the public jews brainwash through their media. They're also the ones teaching the teachers and indoctrinating the cops. Seeing to it that everybody thinks or is forced to pretend to think the same way they do. Anyone off the reservation is a dangerous hate criminal and potential terrorist, subject to arrest at any time for any easily concocted reason.

All that stuff we discussed in the last paragraph can legitimately and accurately be described as macro-aggression.

Indeed, just as with the concept of hate crimes, a good portion of the utility of the bogus concept of micro-aggression is that it distracts attention from real aggression. A white girl cooing over a black girl's hair, and asking if she can touch it, is somehow more worthy of discussion and a greater infraction than to a black gang's beating up white kids daily in the halls of the integrated public school. The latter is never discussed, indeed, while the former goes on to fame and riches as a world-renowned 'micro-aggression.'

In a jew eyes, the real crime is this: Living While White. Everything else is just a refinement on that basic theme. Jews hate whites for what they are. They want to destroy us. They pretend we're doing this or that wrong, which suggests we could correct course, but there isn't any way to satisfy them, even if we were doing something wrong in the first place, which we aren't. They simply want us to disappear. Their dumber stooges will say this openly, as Oprah did recently. Racist simply means white. If everything whites do is racist, and the very concept of micro-aggression is a good example, then it must be whiteness itself, the white race itself, that is the real problem. And that is exactly the case. Whites are cruelly forced to play a game they can't win, and then scolded, harassed, insulted, railroaded, murdered when they can't come up with the right answer. There is none. You're wrong because you're white. That's all any of this means.

Message: fight back as a race or die. Not as a region. Not as a religion. As a race. You're not under attack as a religion - jews don't care if you're christian, that just means you're easy to control. Jews don't care if you're Southern, that just means you don't read books. Jews do care if you're white. Because, no matter how dumb 'n' duped the sprayer and spreader, your white balls and ovaries contain men and women with the potential to defeat jews and end them as a threat to whitekind for all time.

* * *

The concept of 'micro-aggression' belongs to the same ideological and technical class as the concept of 'hate crime' - it's an attempt by our racial enemy to create a sort of 'affirmative action for whites' category, if you see what I mean. Whites need a hand up in committing crimes, since they aren't as naturally gifted at it as blacks are. So jews create special categories of crimes -- thought and manners -- that whites are better able to fill. Get it? See how clever it is? Jews create special categories of crimes -- thought crimes (they call hate crimes) and manners crimes -- and then use the mass media they control to go on and on and on about these until everybody believes they are real things. But even if they were, which they are not, they wouldn't matter an ounce next to real crime (rapes and murders and such) committed by the blacks and browns jews not only champion in that same media but force at gunpoint into our formerly safe, settled and successful communities.

Do you truly understand how deeply outrageous this all is?

Do you?

What are we going to do about it?

Do you truly believe, deep down, jews could change their behavior, even if they wanted to?

I don't. I think the evidence shows they cannot. Under pressure they appear to back off, but that's what it is - an expedient withdrawal. The second the pressure's off, they're back to their implacable course.

They must go. They must be exterminated before they wipe us out. They utterly and completely deserve to join god's scrap heap with the other 99.9% of species that once creeped upon the earth but are now extinct.

These noxious, pestiferous, lethal, genocidal jews have the chutzpah to put a white man's bad thoughts or rude behavior are put on the same level as a non-white's actual crime - actual rape or murder. That's not even accurate, though, because as we know, the jew-run antiwhite mass media consider a white man saying 'nigger' a far worse 'crime' than a black 'man' murdering a white. Just look at what garners the coverage. Look at the tone of the coverage. Hush crimes don't get any coverage. Anyone saying nigger gets a thousand cameras in the face. Even if it was thirty years ago and the nigger the white referred to had a gun in her face (Paula Deen).

You happy living in this world?

You think this state of affairs is good for you and your kind?

If you do, then you're the harbinger of whites become pet cats and dogs. They used to be wildcats and wolves. Now they're pussies and puppies.

Is that good enough for you?

If you go to a christian shop, I already know what your answer is.

It's yes.

You choose an imaginary jewish science-fiction hero over your own people.

How pathetic a creature are you!

One marvels at your deliberate, self-gelding, weak-minded dopiness.

* * *

Why have one special category for punishing whites when you can have two? Why settle for one way to distract attention from the incredibly high criminality rates of black/brown populations when you can have two? Hence, create and popularize 'micro-aggressions': small nasty things whites do every day of the year that victimize innocent, noble people of color, just trying to make their way in the world without people asking them where they're really from, or if they can touch their cool weird 'hair.' A neat little side dish to accompany the main course of hate crimes.

It's all part of creating a fantasy world that is the photographic negative of the real world. In the real world, whites are dozens of times likelier to be the victim of real crime committed by a black than a black is to be the victim of a violent crime committed by a white. That fact, which shows up in every FBI crime report ever compiled, is never reported in the mass media, aka antiwhite media. When I say never, I don't mean seldom. I mean never. All media efforts go to portray whites as people endlessly and undeservedly receiving special treatment from law and media, while plucky coloreds face nothing but discrimination and abuse. The concept of 'micro-aggressions,' is simply rudeness rebranded. Anyone who has watched the rise of reality tv, and who has enough intellectual edification to have heard of the Frankfurt school, knows that jews in power deliberately promote the loosening of social ties and personal behavior through careless sex, drug use and general low-rent deportment. In short, these powerful jews promote the very rudeness they implicitly decry in their propaganda term 'micro-aggressions', as a way to break down social relations, making white society easy for them to digest, digest meaning profit off and hide in. jews are like their fellow vermin, the ignoble rat. They don't like food put up, everything spic and span. they like leftovers laying around, lots of ripped open garbage bags strewn over the streets and alleys. They have more to eat, and it's safer. The more freaks, weirdoes, zombies, junkies, hacky-sack players, BDSM/LGSTU sex deviants, coloreds from a thousand failed nations there are creeping and crawling around North America (or any white nation), the less conspicuous hooknosed, sneering, profiteering jews are. Did jews not push white society to become looser-ruder-cruder? Ever hear:

- let it all hang out" means
- sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll
- whatever floats your boat
- it's all good
- 1000 other Goldberg-produced variations on a theme?

Do you understand their deeper meaning, white man? I bet you don't. They're all scientifically (if you believe what's going on in the Frankfurt School is science) designed to murder your inner White Man, or, in jewese, your inner "Authorian Personality" - the there there in whiteness, according to the Frankfurt School - an academic group made up of jews booted out of Hitler's Germany for promoting the same type of nasty 'culture' you now see on tv 24 hours a day. Most of those given the boot went to the USA, where they resumed their anti-social, anti-white activities the minute they crawled out of the surf. The 'Authoritarian Personality' is the jew's prejudicial term for what is good in white men, which is the part jews hate and fear and want to destroy (basically continence and uprightness in mind, body and soul - integrity of being). They can't do it alone, not easily. They need your help. The 'culture' they produce is designed to solicit your participation without your realizing what you're getting into, what the implications are. You just sort of fall into doing what they design for you because you literally are not aware there are other options, so seamless is the propaganda, coming at you from every single authority, whether preacher, teacher, politician, piece of paper or plasma screen. It's the human equivalent of the goldfish bowl thing. 'Sexual liberation' as a means of political control, is a very valid summary of the current state of affairs. The (jewish) powers that be take your freedom and give you sexual license in return, is how Huxley put it. Everything we're talking about is part of the same fabric, a panel in the same jewish smotherin' quilt intended for you on your deathbed.

So these obnoxious little 36-short semitic stinkbugs come up with yet another smear concept to guiltimidate whites. 'Micro-aggressions' is part of a seamless verbal world in which whites can do no right and coloreds no wrong. Everything whites do is offensive. They aren't part of the problem, they are the problem. Basically, jews are torturing white with words. Knowing most whites aren't smart enough to figure out what's going on. Even if they are, what are they going to do about it?

What fun they have: whites are evil. Yet, race doesn't exist. You can feel their semito-snorts at their own outrageousness shaking the room. Whites are only conceded racial existence for rhetorical-political purposes. We're a bashin' race, as it were. We exist to be shat on. To be blamed for everything that goes wrong with others. We get credit for nothing. Anything we appear to have contributed was stolen from others. It's best that we just shut up and melt away. We're lucky the rest even tolerate us. This is what is conveyed by the jews through their institutions. And our race, having no serious leaders, somehow stupidly finds a way to go along with it. It truly is amazing, from a certain standpoint, considering the panorama theoretically.

What jews convey to minorities: Whites don't exist and they're evil - bash them freely, whether verbally or physically. We jews will run interference for you. In short, open season on whitey. Together we will destroy the white man and his society, and make him our slave, until finally he and his foul kind pass out of existence.

Whites are confused and disheartened by the message their race is simultaneously non-existent and evil. Who wants to be part of a force for evil? Who wants to be part of something that doesn't exist? So they must embrace diversity. They must reach out. But when they do, they're offensive. They're rude and aggressive. Presumptuous and phony.

You see...I belabor the point...there's no way to win. And that is by design. For some reason, the White mind has a particularly difficult time grasping this concept of a rigged game.

The concept of 'micro-aggressions' is just one little instrument in an ongoing torture of a people. It's a tool used by psychological terrorists to demoralize a despised opponent. It and its friends are the mental equivalent of the physical torturers loosed in human communities in the name of civil rights and integration. Of all the peoples of the world, jews are the most vicious, the most prone to torture others, and the most hateful.

Do you see now what's going on? Isn't it incredible? And it's all directed by this people that never stops harping about how hated and victimized it is - uniquely so. When in fact, the truth is the exact opposite: jews aren't the victims, they're the torturers, tormenters and twisters of word and world. They're not the victims of genocide, they're the practitioners of it. Driving whites crazy by torturing them en route to killing them off is the game. Death is the only 'good' option for white man. The politicization of normal social intercourse with the intention, as always, to cast whites, particularly white men, as the bad guys, and coloreds as undeserving and innocent victims. That's all 'micro-aggressions' is - the latest in a long line of undistinguished but useful smears.

Notice also the way jewish politics create a problem they can use as a pretext for new forms of whitebashing - just the way centralized government creates or exacerbates problems it can use as pretext for expanding its powers (healthcare). Most of these solecisms collected under 'micro-aggressions' are impolite behavior that traditional white manners would have held to be prying, hence impolite, hence not done. The Authoritarian Personality didn't make indelicate personal inquiries or try to stroke the steel wool blacks call hair. But jews Frankfurted privacy, dignity, self-restraint and manners into the dustbin of social history, and the rudnesses they now, for political reasons, pretend to lament, are one predictable and intended result. 'Micro-aggressions' the concept is just the Frankfurt cleanup crew coming in picking up the beer cans the morning after the party to make a little money recycling the aluminum.

We normally see jews transform politics into manners, because we live in mentally feminized society where this is effective - disagree with an illiberal, "you're rude" is often a successful debate closer; but here we see the opposite - things that really are matters of manners transformed into politics.

Just as a new species of wildcat has been discovered in South America, the olinguito, and northern Missouri, the boolagong, we need a new species of white man to appear - one who knows all the tricks - and has the moral courage to stand his ground, and the political ability to deliver more and heavier and ultimately telling counter-abuse.

It is time for us to evolve, white men who desire a future.

Last edited by Alex Linder; January 25th, 2014 at 11:18 PM.
Old December 10th, 2013 #48
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Cultural-appropriation - muds and libs complaining about things like blonde women in party-city ads wearing Indian costumes, while they benefit from white civilization, white technology, western medicine, etc.

Old December 11th, 2013 #49
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Originally Posted by Cale Sparks View Post
Interlopers, refers to White men taking initiatives only permitted for Jews and their deployed beasts (niggers mostly, domestic and imported).
Interlopers is an ordinary term. What's wrong with it as Valdez employs it is that it incorrectly implies that indians were on the same team, and whites interrupted them and destroyed what they had going on. In fact, indians were engaged in a sliding scale of war of all against all, at the tribal level, or at best, engaged in shifting tribal alliances doing battle against other combinations. Whites were, from this POV, just another tribe fitting into the mix. It so happened they were so vastly superior they ended up taking over (with a nod to the destruction the germs they unwittingly carried wrought), but when whites arrived, indians had not the slightest problem working with them to go after other tribes they were at war with. Nor did whites, really, any problem working with indians to go after other whites. See the French and Indian War.

The irony is the leftists like valdez pushing whiteness as a social construct but that better fits 'native americans,' who were divided into hundreds of warring nations.

Last edited by Alex Linder; December 11th, 2013 at 06:47 PM.
Old December 12th, 2013 #50
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black-on-whites microaggression - asking intrusive personal question that's nunya bizness
Old January 15th, 2014 #51
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Article about 'celebrities you wouldn't want to work with.' Why not? Because they pay attention to detail. Whereas lazy, sloppy, average you don't.

That makes them 'anal,' 'obsessed' 'control freaks.'

We know that, per the Frankfurt School, jew scientists believe that the way to end 'anti-semitism' is to promote looseness, particularly sexual looseness, but not just sexual looseness, all forms of looseness, among the goyim. That's where this obsession jews have with denouncing any kind of sobriety and attention to detail comes from. They train the gulping, gullible masses to look down on organized behavior as 'being anal,' being 'obsessed,' being a 'control freak.' Probably others I can't think of off-hand. Just think how common that meme of being 'anal' is - which serves the double benefit of crude-ing up society and promoting one of the jew's top abnormal sexual practices. Whatever degrades individuals and society - that's what jews promote. It's 'good for jews.' What's good for whites? Heaping piles of dead jews.

control freak - anal - obsessed
over the sandbars of her ribs
Old February 9th, 2014 #52
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'extremist' - one of the commoner demonization labels for anyone leftists hate. continually applied to a broader group of people over time. The condition to which all leftism aspires is that all non-jew-leftists be defined and even self-see as MORALLY EVIL, MENTALLY ILL, POLTICALLY DISGUSTING AND DANGEROUS DEVIANTS.

First, the jews came for the nazis. Then the patriotards. Now the evangelicals and traditional catholics.

Since the jews control not only the media, but the cops - ie, they are the ones whose representatives 'train' the police to, among other things, 'spot extremists,' all their enemies are -- guess what? -- defined as 'extremists'?

Support the constitution? That makes you an extremist. Belong to a 2,000-year-old christian tradition? Yep. You're an extremist.

Good chronology of anti-christianism in the military...

The funny thing is, it's the right-wing christians who are the first to join the army and rush off to die for Israel. While in the miltary, as well as at home, they're depicted as dangerous extremists, and overtly discriminated against? Why do they put up with it?
Old May 9th, 2014 #53
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Default Inclusion

This phrase is currently applied to handicapped people and my hunch is this euphamism waiting to happen will seep over to get distorted for race card applications.

Even when only applied to handicapped peoples, this term is somewhat misleading. Because, in order for an inclusion to take place, an exclusion has to have happened first.

Look it up spelled with a k. Here, this rag has begun fusing both integration with "Inklusion". The word itself is a fraud when used in non-Latin-based languages like, in the following case, German. An honest use of "inclusion" in German would be to use its direct translation which would be (die) "Eingliederung" (when referring to persons) or (das) "Einfädeln" (when referring to threading a needle).
Here, the following unrequested turd-sprinkled-with-sugar mass media commentary tailored to the maleable minds of ethnic masochists and guilt collectivists who enjoy the taste of such Migration Industy (I'll get to that soon) mental turds filling their mental toilets:

>>>>Deutschland ist eine der inklusivsten und einwanderungsfreundlichsten Gesellschaften Europas. Und trotzdem beäugen sich auch hier Bürger mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund<<<<
2- "Politically-Correct" and corporate-"correct" reality distortion through geographical revisionism or map re-arrangement:

The following article was posted at the other place and reports a fire which destroyed wooden housing in an entire secton of Tibet's capital which has been standing for centuries without damage. The article describes this more than likely act of Peking-initiated arson as having taken place in "souther China", despite the invasion and illegal occupation of Tibet never having been recognized as legitimate from any international organization. The article goes on mentioning that this "fire" (typical leftist tactic of somehow directing blame on the law of physics, as if that law hadn't any help) took place in a "historic Tibetan city" (Oh, wait a minute. Doesn't Tibet only have one?). So, now we have a Tibetan city in southern China. Well, how does that work? So now Tibet has become declared a T-word. Nobody wants to offend the countless ̶z̶̶i̶̶p̶̶p̶̶e̶̶r̶̶h̶̶e̶̶a̶̶d̶ Chinese tourists and new company owners. Do we?
So, let's do this with major occupied and lost German urban centers like Kreuzberg, Berlin and refer to it as a "historical German city in west Turkey" or maybe refer to California, Arizona and Texas as "historical American states" in ̶a̶̶t̶̶z̶̶l̶̶a̶̶n̶ northern Mexico?

>>>>Großfeuer hat etwa 240 überwiegend hölzerne Häuser einer historischen tibetanischen Stadt im Südwesten Chinas zerstört<<<<
3- Phrasing abused for teflonizing one's own responsibility/Act of Godding a situation:

Related to that fire in T̶i̶̶b̶̶e̶̶t̶ where it allegedly just happened or maybe God did it through lightning, Libtards will instead of sayin, "Oops! I just dropped your favorite wineglass", they'll blame it on gravity by saying, "Oh, no! It fell from my hand". My wife does this and I always tease her about it. And yes she's a Libtard.

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; May 15th, 2014 at 04:25 AM.
Old May 14th, 2014 #54
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Default 4- "Democratic"

"Democratic Education", for example. This somewhat distorted Montessori form is to be judged by the not necessarily democratic persons promoting this initiative. In such schools, practical-based knowledge has only secondary importance. Instead, "arts" such as theater and dance are promoted. As well as one-sided political activism (you guessed it), despite true democracy's origin being a forum for debating all opinions:

European_Democratic_Education_Conference European_Democratic_Education_Conference

>>>>Both Conference and Community arose from the need of democratic education proponents in Europe for deeper networking and coordination. The conference's location in Europe makes it comparatively easy for people in Europe to participate, because the annual International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) is held in different locations all over the world and travel costs from Europe are often prohibitive.<<<<
Oh, really?

How democratic does this school look to you?:

5- "Immigration"

This term, like Mothers' Day, was innocently applied to events, only to eventually get exploited as a twisted development in a sequence of events (Handwringers printing calenders worldwide with this unofficial holiday, while other or manybe the same handwringers started printing Mothers' Day cards and producing those miniature obesity grenades which helped them on their way to becoming divorced, separate or equal gender partnered mothers with body-temperatured bass guitars playing the masculine role for their children).
What started as honest-willed immigration to unpopulated or sparsely populated regions eventually turned into "immigration" which when filtered, what's left is industrial immigration, in the sense that unnatural motives were to be the main reason for these movements.
The term, "industrial" can be somewhat misleading. I first read this here:

What they mean by "industy" doesn't necessarilly have to be connected with heavy industry in factories. In German, this phrase is often used for all forms of monetary and non-monetary commerce ("baby industry", "welfare industry" etc...). The following refers to immigration for the purpose of capping competitive wages through flooding the employment market with a commodity. Much like how flooding the housing market with a higher proportion of housing than potential buyers will drive down the price of housing and vice versa.
To keep this industry going, certain handwringers thought up phrases like "permanent residencey", Green Cards, Blue Cards and whatever. The end result being, unskilled to low-skilled manual labor passed on from generation to generation, without the need to refresh the wage compromizers through new imports (not that these policies have put an end to such refreshment).

>>>>Gewerkschafts-Präsidenten Franz Olah (SPÖ) und dem Präsidenten der Wirtschaftskammer Julius Raab (ÖVP) unterzeichnete Abkommen legte in den 60er und 70er Jahren den Grundstein für die Einwanderung von billigen Arbeitskräften Gastarbeitern nach Österreich<<<<

As you see, the immigration industy has opened new avenues for a once morebanal and serious advertisement industry:

Condoned illegal (for whites only, obviously) polygamy sponsored by the German taxpayer of whose president's wife is seen here, during a visit where the president himself hands over 500 € of unknown origin to the chief of this clan who exploited the asylum industry:

>>>> Dat een dubbel huwelijk volgens de wet BGB § 1306 weliswaar verboden is en dat bigamie volgens strafwetboek StGB § 172 strafbaar is, schijnt de evangelische predikant (Gauch was in een vorige carrière inderdaad verbonden aan de evangelische kerk) geen zorgen te baren. Het kroostrijke gezin kreeg zelfs een aanmoedigingscheck van € 500 en felicitaties voor zoveel vlijt<<<<

The drug prohibition industry and its aftermath. First world societies are a more than suitable culture test tube for multi-ethnic gang warriors:

Translation: "The youth gang "Mara Salvatrucha" and "Mara 18" originated in the USA. In the 80's, mittle American immigrants formed gangs, in order to rival against African american and Asian gangs."

>>>> Die Jugendbanden „Mara Salvatrucha“ und „Mara 18“ haben ihren Ursprung in den USA. In den 80er-Jahren schlossen sich mittelamerikanische Einwanderer in Los Angeles zu Gangs zusammen, um sich gegen die afroamerikanischen und asiatischen Banden zu behaupten<<<<

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; May 15th, 2014 at 05:42 AM.
Old May 16th, 2014 #55
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Default 6- "Freedom" (imaginary or false) as opposed to true freedom(s)

Surprisingly, no one has touched this yet. Probably, because of it's lengthiness and the unending tentacles which branch over to other terms.
Not to be confused with petty, mind-narrowing names for foodstuffs like "Freedom Fries". The distortion I'm referring to takes place at a much higher level. Figure bank credit into the equation, for starters. I'll now shut up and let you take it from there.

7 - "Alternative"

In this case "Alternative für Deutschland" (Alternative for Germany) is a party founded on replacing the present currencey in use with the previous Deutsche Mark. Other aims are similar to those of the nationalist party such as capping immigration.
However, what might have been belief in a true alternativ by party members has become quite a let down, since non-Whites have been allowed to seep in. So, what alternative do they really mean, when it comes down to it?:

Translation: "A group of Lebanese Muslims make up a major percentage of AfD candidates.".

es sich bei einem großen Teil der Direktkandidaten der Essener AfD zur Kommunalwahl um eine Gruppe libanesischer Muslime handeln soll

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; May 19th, 2014 at 06:14 AM.
Old May 21st, 2014 #56
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder View Post
Which group is here racist? The Mud males posing together or the Whites excluded from the posing Muds?

Just one of several related images:

Old May 28th, 2014 #57
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Default "Gens du voyage" - "Travelling People" - P."C". for Gypsies

Old May 29th, 2014 #58
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Default "Freedom" or false freedoms:

Originally Posted by Samuel Toothgold View Post
Surprisingly, no one has touched this yet. Probably, because of it's lengthiness and the unending tentacles which branch over to other terms.
Not to be confused with petty, mind-narrowing names for foodstuffs like "Freedom Fries". The distortion I'm referring to takes place at a much higher level. Figure bank credit into the equation, for starters...
Credit allows the village fool to become a self-legendary, immaginary king, through obtaining goods which would otherwise be out of his reach, had he have had to lay out the entire monetary sum upon exchange for those goods. Case in point: Some low to non-skilled pee-on goes out and buys a proletariate type automobile, has it lowered and has a loud muffler and decals installed (Highly-skilled and overpaid ones often do the same. The point I'm trying to make is not to discriminate against one type of fool. But, only sort out the one which needs credit to feed his foolishness which isn't necessarilly the case concerning the overly-paid variety). Now, instead of being just some loser who everybody just ignores, he's now got something which forces attention from others, because of the sheer obnoxious presentation he projects. This is often the case of young males who instead of having interests in live girls for starting families, they spend their money and credit projecting an outward fantasy person while replacing live girls with videos of nude ones. Such types don't party with one another. Instead, they spend their expendable income at filling stations, tanking up to kill time making noise and thinking they're turning heads. This is one reason I'm against distorting the employment market through union wage scales and minimum wages for employees of all levels.

False freedom II-

Another type of idiot who hasn't the urge this time to turn heads. This idiot doesn't fight his real oppressor. Instead, he fights an imaginary authority which isn't the arbitrary being he imagines it is. But, simply an institution which is inherent in a 1st world society and placed there for the security of all citizens. Case in point: Native German, Karl Heinz Porsch speeds through a Swiss town, incurring a juicey fine which amounts to 360€ which is hundreds of € higher than it is in Germany for the same offense: . Instead of manning up and accepting guilt, he intends to fight justice, using a clause in the Swiss legal system which says he could spend out the punishment by sitting in jail for 3 days. Since the jails are overfull because of the reasons we all know, the judge sentences him to 12 hours community service of which he spent washing dishes in some old folks' home, instead. If I was the judge, I'd sentence him to 3 days oven cleaning in various public crematoriums, as to rub in memories of the events of which his country is presently paying reparations and then hand him a can of Easy Off as a consolation prize. So, Karl Heinz. You know what I'm going to do next and that's to post what I just did in German, so that idiots like you can Google yourselves up and then sue me for "insulting" (another verbal scam word actually meaning truthfully declaring) you.

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; May 29th, 2014 at 10:28 AM.
Old August 6th, 2014 #59
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Originally Posted by Samuel Toothgold View Post
This phrase is currently applied to handicapped people and my hunch is this euphamism waiting to happen will seep over to get distorted for race card applications...
Looks like, it just happened:

Here's another one. The leftist government of the state of Baden-Württemberg is planning to de-invent the term "Zigeuner" (Gypsy) and replace it with "Sinti" and "Roma", as suggested by their central committee which represents both groups:

Ratschläge gegen das Klischee vom "Zigeuner"

MANNHEIM (dpa). An den Schulen im Südwesten soll künftig ein weniger klischeehaftes Bild von Sinti und Roma vermittelt werden. Die nationale Minderheit werde im nächsten Bildungsplan des Kultusministeriums stärkere Beachtung finden, kündigte der Rat für die Angelegenheiten deutscher Sinti und Roma in Baden-Württemberg nach seiner ersten Sitzung am Dienstag in Mannheim an. Lehrer sollten den Schülern ein realistisches Bild der Minderheit vermitteln, sagte der Vorsitzende des Landesverbandes Deutscher Sinti und Roma, Daniel Strauß. Über konkrete Formulierungen habe der Rat noch nicht gesprochen. Dem Gremium gehören auch Mitglieder der grün-roten Landesregierung an. Im November 2013 hatte das Land einen Staatsvertrag mit dem Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma geschlossen. Strauß kritisierte, das klischeehafte Bild des "Zigeuners" sei noch weit verbreitet.

Last edited by Samuel Toothgold; August 6th, 2014 at 03:48 AM.
Old March 20th, 2015 #60
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In 2015, in the controlled media, the default terms for the sexes were women and guys.

Good Sleep Key to More Sex for Women

There's An Evolutionary Reason Guys Like Curves

Two headlines from yahoo (3-20-15), which is anti-white by recipe, by algorithm.

Last edited by Alex Linder; March 21st, 2015 at 12:12 PM.


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