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Old July 26th, 2018 #1261
Alex Linder
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The Christians whine:


Don't use your logic on us!!! Only Jews would use logic and reasoning - formally set forth by white men; even Christians like Descartes; Bacon; Aristotle - to disprove Christianity!!! Do not cause infighting!!! Leave us to our delusions in peace!!!

I know that - contrary to observable reality - the Bible says "salvation is of the Jew" ... but these are "Judahites" whence it speaks... i.e. white people!!!


Fun "fact". Judah had sex with Onan's wife when she pretended to be a prostitute. Our Holy Ancestors. God's Holy Whores and Whore-mongers. So glad that I am a Gaelic Judah-ite.

Onan's wife would be a great great... granny of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I try to disprove the New Testament with logic.

It is a FACT that the Synoptics place the last supper on the 1st day of Passover.

It is a FACT that Saint John places the last supper on Parasceve, the night before Passover.

Hence Christ was crucified on two different days: In the synoptics: 2nd day of Passover; in Saint John: the first day of Passover.

The Jews wouldn't crucify anyone on Passover! That would be like unto burning a heretic to death in Saint Peter's Square on Easter Sunday!

In (true) Catholicism, funerals are not said on Sundays as the day is too holy. Similarly, the Jews wouldn't have crucified anyone at Passover! If they had broken this law, it would have been such a scandal that men like Josephus would have written about it... which he did not.

I know that Our Lord Jesus Christ - like Padre Pio - can bi-locate, so maybe he could be crucified on two different days in two different dimensions. Woo!

The Freemasons have a slogan:

"The best way to dechristianise a country is to protestantise it."

You strip the Pagan Elements out of Catholicism:

Latin: Pagan language, also known as "Saturnine"; the Language of Saturnia, or Rome. Christ prayed in Aramaic, the vernacular. This recorded in the gospels.

Steeples and Bell towers: specifically condemned in the old testament.

A patriarchy and hierarchy: specifically condemned by Christ.

Rosaries - (mantras) - specifically condemned by Christ as "vain and repititious".

A celibate clergy: the New Testament contradicts itself, however Saint Paul says that pastors should have one wife; should have children and condemns mandatory celibacy.

Priests in Cassocks: specifically condemned by Christ. A priest shouldn't be recognised and greeted in the Market Place.

Long liturgical vestments like the cappa magna? Specifically condemned by Christ.

Oaths against modernism: specifically condemned by Christ: "do not swear at all."

Wearing Purple/Scarlet clothes and living in a nice house... like a bishop's palace?

Specifically condemned by Christ as worthy of Hellfire in his Lazarus parable.

I could go on.

Should one strip away the pagan elements of Catholicism - like at Vatican II - then, as an English Bishop put it: "only the homosexual; the woman and the retard will go to 'mass'."

I am a devout Catholic BECAUSE of the pagan elements of Catholicism condemned by the Bible. The best way to eliminate protestantising and liberalising trends is to disprove the bible.

Further, I want to fully de-Jew the Catholic Church: get rid of that 5% Biblical Christianity that remains.

I don't mind praying to the Catholic Jesus. As Ralph Ellis puts it: Jesus is a Persian name: 'Iosa.'

The Catholic Jesus is from platonism: the idealised man. The idealised man is not a Jew!

The Talmudic Rabbi, Yehoshuang of the New Testament, I despise.

The crypto-druidic Gaelic Catholics called "Jesus" 'Iosa'. They knew that the platonic Marcionite Jesus was white; had nothing to do with 1st-century palestine; wasn't a kike descended from David in the contradictory genealogies of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew.

A fellow on Chechar's blog said that Christians need to be weaned off of biblical Christianity. This is what I am trying to do with my Marcionite Catholicism.

I believe that the gods; saints; sacraments and miracles of Catholicism are real... and I am not trying to harm these in the slightest. Indeed, the Bible has caused us no end of sorrow since the rise of the Waldensians - arguably the 1st "bible-believing Christians;" forefathers of today's Baptists - about 1000 years ago.
Old July 26th, 2018 #1262
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You know they're on the defensive, when they're busy explaining why we should make yet another attempt at reforming christ-insanity, rather than just scrapping it, or slowly phasing it out.

What is so important about this religion that demands it be saved at all costs, and regardless of the consequences? They all put religion before race.
Low-IQ bible scholars are legion, the big book o' bullshit is catnip to the underbrained. --ALEX LINDER
Old July 26th, 2018 #1263
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Originally Posted by Crowe View Post
You know they're on the defensive, when they're busy explaining why we should make yet another attempt at reforming christ-insanity, rather than just scrapping it, or slowly phasing it out.

What is so important about this religion that demands it be saved at all costs, and regardless of the consequences? They all put religion before race.
I believe it has much to do with mommy and daddy issues.

I believe that most jeezuz worshippers are children, emotionally and psychologically, and that they're too afraid of disappointing their parents, or of insulting their memory, to even so much as objectively examine this ridiculousness.

Grown males, who demand to be respected as men, but who grovel on their knees before a jewish fairy tale that has been repeatedly debunked by science.

Sad, really.

Pathetic, definitely.
Free Palestine.
Old August 6th, 2018 #1264
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Abortion accounts for 61% of all black deaths in America.

Christians oppose abortion, and even use talking points like this to justify their opposition to abortion. I guess that would mean more sprogs for them to adopt, and more virtue signalling by White christians to adopt niggers.
Low-IQ bible scholars are legion, the big book o' bullshit is catnip to the underbrained. --ALEX LINDER
Old August 14th, 2018 #1265
Emily Henderson
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Default Omission of the Zio Mission in Discussions re Palestine

Go back to 1918 and the Xtians and Muslims were collectively fighting Zionism in Palestine.

I wrote a blog post re some things I see people making fallacious statements about on Gab.

The Jews deliberately subverted the efforts of the inhabitants of Palestine--both Christians and Muslims-- to keep them out, long before their more obvious breaking of international law re the region. Many don't know this and are falling for the focus on Islam without a focus on Jews, just as they did then.

What the Jews did back then was what they do today: as you look at some distraction, they take over.

Some truth also re when 'Jews' decided they were a bio entity with a relgion-race that was 'promised' this land (a lie); some truth re who puts them in Europe and the USA today and why, and how all of this should make it clear why all (((Abrahamism))) is our enemy.

I end with making it clear we cannot be co-combatants against world Jewry, but that this is who is orchestrating the Muslim resettlement, using Christians in their effort by giving them millions in federal aid.

"Inquiry and doubt are essential checks against deception."--Richard Carrier
Old August 16th, 2018 #1266
Sean Gruber
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One of the greatest White racialist thinkers, Revilo Oliver, on ((( Christianity ))):

Christianity: A Religion for Sheep
by Revilo P. Oliver
(photos and photo captions not reproduced here)

OUR CONTEMPORARIES are coming to a radically new understanding of the Jewish problem. One by one, and independently of one another, several of our best minds have re-examined the historical record or analysed the forces that are today driving our race to suicide. And each of them has come spontaneously to the conclusion that Christianity was a Jewish invention, devised for the specific purpose of enfeebling and paralysing the civilised peoples of the world, on whom the Jews were preying in antiquity and have preyed ever since.

A century ago, Nietzsche perceived that our civilisation, although it seemed to have an absolute mastery of the whole world, was infected by a degenerative disease, a cancer of the spirit that would destroy it, if our people did not have the intelligence and the fortitude to excise the malignancy. He came to the conclusion that Christianity was a “transvaluation of values,” a mental virus cunningly invented and propagated by the Jews to implement “Jewish vengeance and hatred, – the deepest and sublimest hatred in human history.” Our contemporaries, whether or not they have read the Genealogy of Morals, reason largely from events that have occurred or from historical evidence that became available since Nietzsche’s day. They come to substantially the same conclusion.

The origins of Christianity are extremely obscure. No historical record of its beginnings has survived, and scholars can only draw deductions from the earliest historical references to it and inferences from its confusing and incoherent mythology.

One thing is certain. Christianity was originated by Jews and based on oral traditions about one or, more probably, several of the Jewish agitators and miracle-mongers who bore the extremely common Jewish name of Jesus and called themselves christs. The word ‘christ’ comes from a Greek word that means ‘oil, grease,’ but which was used in the Jews’ uncouth dialect of Greek to mean ‘a messiah,’ that is, a man appointed by the Jews’ tribal god to lead his Chosen barbarians to a definitive victory over the civilised peoples, whom they implacably hated. One of the cleverest tricks of the Fathers of the Church in promoting their cult was to give to non-Jews the impression that ‘christ’ was the name of a person, and even to this day many Christians ignorantly believe that their god was a man who was baptised “Jesus Christ.”

Nietzsche saw that successful promotion of Christianity depended on a pretence of reciprocal hostility between Christians and Jews. It depended on making the Jewish cult, when peddled to the goyim, seem non-Jewish and even anti-Jewish. “Was it not,” he asked, “a necessary feature of a truly brilliant politics of vengeance, a far-sighted, subterranean, slowly and carefully planned vengeance, that Israel had to deny its true instrument publicly and nail him to the cross like a mortal enemy, so that ‘the whole world’ (meaning all the enemies of the Jews) might naively swallow the bait?” This policy, however, produced an unexpected backlash, which was only with difficulty brought under control.

It would take a volume even to summarise the scandalous and scabrous history of Christianity from its known beginnings around the middle of the second century to the triumph of a particularly shrewd and aggressive sect in the fifth century. There were hundreds of sects, each with its own bundle of gospels, peculiar doctrines, and adroit theologians, but among them there were dozens of sects that took seriously the purported antagonism of the Jews to the new religion.

One of the earliest of the Christian sects of which we have some record, and for almost two centuries one of the largest, was the Marcionites. It is noteworthy, by the way, that until quite recently, the earliest extant inscription from a Christian church came from a Marcionite church that was built in 318 and, of course, destroyed when the victorious sect got the power to persecute.

The Marcionites believed that the Jews were “the synagogue of Satan.” They denied that their Jesus had been a Jew. They saw that it was preposterous to claim that an incarnate god could die or would foolishly have himself crucified. They held that it was outrageous to identify the supreme god, who was a just god and loved all mankind, with the capricious, ferocious, and highly immoral god described in the Jews’ story-book, which Christians now call “the Old Testament.” The Marcionites naively thought those stories historical, but regarded them as a chronicle of the crimes perpetrated by the Jews and their supernatural accomplice, a much inferior deity whose abused power the supreme god had justly revoked. Other Christian sects took the logical step of frankly identifying the Jews’ god with Satan. This plausible identification commended itself to goyim who had to live with Jews and suffer their depredations.

We have no means of estimating numbers, but it is possible that early in the third century, taking the numerous sects as a whole, a majority of the Christians repudiated the notion that the wily Jews were God’s People and that the Jesus who was divine could have been a Jew. The anti-Jewish sects, however, appear to have thought of themselves as merely religions and to have believed what was said in their scriptures about love, faith, and peace. Content to believe certain dogmas and to observe rules that would assure them postmortem bliss, they seem to have had no interest in political intrigue and conspiracy, for which they had no talent. So they eventually fell victims to a gang of crafty, ruthless, and tightly-organised theologians, who are now known as the Fathers of the Church and given a prominence they cannot have had in their own time, when they must have appeared to be just another clique of salvation-hucksters.

When the Fathers of the Church finally got their hands on the police powers of the state, doubtless with much covert help from the Jews, they extirpated the anti-Jewish Christians with fire and sword, the natural instruments of Christian love as understood by ambitious holy men. Despite all the pious massacres in the fifth century, the anti-Jewish “heresy” has reappeared from time to time in later ages. It is found today in certain “fundamentalist” churches and, most clearly, in the group of loosely affiliated sects called “British Israel,” whose members probably have never even heard of the Marcionites or their other ancient precursors.

“British Israel” may be another ploy that backfired. It began in England at the time when Disraeli was crawling up to the British Prime Ministry and peerage. In its original form, it taught that the “ten lost tribes” supposedly taken captive by the Assyrians had been Anglo-Saxons, who migrated en masse from Assyrian territory to the British Isles. A handsome genealogy was concocted to show that Queen Victoria was a lineal descendant of a bandit chief named David. It followed, therefore, that God’s Own People, to-wit, the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews, reunited at last after many centuries, should jointly rule the world. That notion, however, imposed too great a strain on even Christian credulity.

Today, the “British Israelites” accept the story that the “ten tribes” were Anglo- Saxons or, at least, Nordics, and hot-footed it from Assyrian territory to the British Isles or, at least, northern Europe. They further claim that the Jesus of Holy Writ was an Aryan, despite his distinctively Jewish name and the distinctively Jewish (or conceivably Egyptian) name of his supposed mother. They rely principally on some of the early Christian forgeries which explicitly describe that Jesus as having had blue eyes and blond hair and beard. They do not use, and seem not to know, the tradition, attested as early as any of the other Christian tales, that one of the Jesuses was the son of a Jewess by a soldier named Pandara/Panthera, who probably was not a Jew and could well have been a Macedonian or other Greek in a Seleucid or Roman army.

We must feel a considerable sympathy for the “British Israelites” of the present. They candidly recognise the Jews as the eternal enemies of our race. They are the best of the Christians and are making a valiant effort to free their religion from its Jewish trammels and make it conducive to the survival of our race. Unfortunately, their doctrine is historically preposterous and, what is even worse, demoralising. It makes our race the accomplices and beneficiaries of the ferocious god, Yahweh, who, according to the “Old Testament,” helped his pets swindle, plunder, torment, and butcher their betters in Egypt and Canaan.


Christianity today, including all of the many minor sects, is what it was made by the patient and subtle work of the Fathers of the Church. They were a knavish lot. There is no way of knowing how many of them were actually Jews on duty for God’s Race. It is highly unlikely that any one of them was a Greek or Roman. Most of them were probably Semites or descendants of one of the other Oriental peoples that swarmed into the mongrelised Roman Empire and displaced or replaced the Romans. Whatever their racial antecedents, it is clear from their own writings, despite much later whitewashing, that they were a motley crew of shysters, psychopaths, and other misfits. They were calculating or compulsive liars and forgers; see the able review of their record by Joseph Wheless, Forgery in Christianity (New York, 1930).

One of the Fathers’ most audacious and successful hoaxes certainly emits a Jewish odour. By brazen affirmation constantly repeated, they put over the claim that the wicked Romans, beginning in the time of Nero, persecuted Jesus’s little lambs because the innocent creatures wanted to worship “the true God.” Nothing could be more absurd historically. The Romans, aside from their typically Aryan obtuseness to the facts of race, were an admirably practical people and knew how to govern. It was their fixed policy never to interfere with the superstitions of their subjects. They impartially tolerated the most grotesque rites and obscene religions. Some of the disgusting cults that flourished among the dregs of society practised human sacrifice, but so long as they were content to sacrifice their own members, the Romans took no action: They knew that nothing should be done to save fools from the consequences of their folly. It was only when religious zeal inspired the murder of Romans or of the subjects entitled to their protection that the Romans drew a line beyond which their toleration would not go. Even then, they punished, not the pernicious faith, but only violence and conspiracy to commit violence.

The vermin executed by Nero were Jewish terrorists from the rabble of the huge ghetto that the Jews had planted in Rome. They were accused of having set the great fire that destroyed the greater part of Rome in 64; they confessed and were executed — cruelly, it is true. When one considers the appalling outbreaks of Jewish nihilism that occurred throughout the world from time to time, whenever a christ stirred up the rabble, one sees that it is highly probable that the terrorists were guilty of the crime to which they confessed. It is true that Nero’s political opponents, who were conspiring to overthrow him, preferred to accuse him of the crime; and the young egomaniac’s arrogant folly, when he expropriated the devastated centre of the city for an extravagant new palace, seemed to confirm the political propaganda. That was what enabled the Fathers, when they began to impose their hoax on the ignorant more than a century later, to pretend that the ferocious terrorists had been persecuted for wanting to love everybody.

When historical criticism became feasible in our eighteenth century, the Fathers’ clever hoax long escaped detection: Thirteen centuries of Christianity had so accustomed our people to the practice of torturing and killing men for their thoughts and superstitions that the story seemed plausible enough.

After the middle of the third century, when the successors of the extinct Romans tried desperately to shore up the crumbling empire, a few of them are known to have taken some action against Christians as such, but we do not know under what provocation and, of course, no reliance can be placed on the tales told by the Fathers. The usual policy, however, was toleration, and we know that Diocletian admitted Christians to positions of high trust and responsibility in his own palace until 303, when the Christians’ piety got the better of them and they tried to murder him by burning him alive in his own bedroom. That made him angry.

At the end of the fourth century, St. Jerome, who was much better educated than most of the Fathers and probably the best of a bad lot, was the real founder of a new type of short story that became immensely popular: tales about the “martyrs” who “suffered for their faith.” There is extant a letter by Jerome in which he bitterly reproves some Christians who thought that it mattered that the hero of his first fiction had never existed. That, Jerome indignantly said, was irrelevant, since his tale edified the clergy’s customers, who knew no better. And Jerome went on concocting the tales with such brilliant success that he soon had a host of imitators, all trying to invent more grisly plots.

Jerome, as you see, was an accomplished theologian. He is now best remembered for his revision of the Latin text of the Bible, which he carried out with the help of kindly Jews, who hovered about him, eager to explain the mysteries of God’s Word. Those Jews, we may be sure, knew what Christianity was doing for them.

In 313, Constantine and his colleague, Licinius, who were jointly fighting civil wars against rival emperors, issued the so-called Edict of Milan, which proclaimed universal toleration for all religious cults and specifically named the Christians as cults to be tolerated. The two emperors undoubtedly felt that the support of the Christian organisations would be an asset in the civil wars, and Constantine may have foreseen that they could be especially useful to him when the time came for him to turn upon and destroy his ally and brother-in-law, Licinius. Of course, as soon as Constantine was safely dead, the Fathers of the Church concocted a story that he had been privately “converted” by a childishly-imagined miracle in 312, and had been actually baptised on his death bed, so that the soul of one of the most treacherous rulers undoubtedly flitted right up to Jesus.

Christians still like to repeat the myth about the “conversion” of Constantine and the Triumph of the True Faith. All that really happened was that the Fathers of the Church, securely established by the edict of toleration, shrewdly used their bargaining power in intrigues with the various ambitious generals who were slugging it out for the grand prize. The real triumph of their Church came only with the final victory of Theodosius in 394, when the Fathers at last got the power to use the imperial police and army to begin persecuting in earnest. Their first concern, of course, was to exterminate their Christian competitors and destroy all their gospels. Some of those gospels, however, escaped them in one way or another. That is why we now know a good deal about the competing brands of Christianity.

We Aryans still have an instinctive respect for honesty and a peculiar respect for facts. We are shocked by the hypocrisy and mendacity of the Fathers, and Christians of our race cannot bring themselves to believe those ostentatiously pious individuals were what the record shows them to have been. In justice to them, however, we should remember that their deceptions were not un-Christian. They thought — or at least it was their business to teach — that Salvation depended on belief in certain inherently implausible tales and on conduct they approved. From that premise, it followed that any lie or trick that would induce the desired faith in the yokels was not only justified, but meritorious. As a recent writer has said, “Lying for the Lord is a normal exercise of piety.”


The Fathers of the Church got down to work near the end of the second century, when, incidentally, the Emperor in Rome, although he bore a Roman name, was a man from northern Africa, probably of mixed Semitic and Berber ancestry, whose native language was Punic, a Semitic dialect. Their overriding purpose, to judge from the results, was to preserve and protect the Jewish connection, which the Marcionites and other “heretics” had threatened.

When the Christians started scribbling gospels around the middle of the second century, they produced a very large number, and the composition of gospels to suit the whims or ambitions of would-be holy men went on through most of the next two centuries.

From such compositions, the Fathers of the Church collected and selected their favourites, making such revisions as they deemed expedient and probably composing supplements. These they eventually put together into a small anthology, which they called a “New Testament” and thus indissolubly joined to the Jews’ story book, which they called an “Old Testament.” The final selection of pieces for the anthology is said to have been made in 367 by Athanasius, a particularly bull-headed holy man, who is still revered for his services in establishing the incomprehensible doctrine of a three-in-one-god, of which Jesus was 33%. His authority made it thenceforth impossible to compose new gospels with any chance of implanting them in the canon he had established. Thereafter, revision of the stories about Jesus was limited to short interpolations and verbal substitutions.

The effect of this combination of “Testaments” was to impose on Christians, under pain of eternal damnation, the odd belief that, throughout the greater part of human history, the Jews were the Chosen People of a terrible and truculent god, who savagely and often capriciously afflicted the lower races when they did not cravenly submit to his Master Race. To be sure, the Jews temporarily alienated his affections when they crucified one-third of him, but Christian doctrine assures us that God will eventually “change their hearts” and they will come flocking back to Jesus. (No one seems to worry about the morality of changing a man’s mind by a psychological process that must resemble hypnosis.) In the meantime, God still loves his erring children, even though they worship only a third of him, and they must be preserved for the coming miracle of their reconciliation with daddy.

Another consequence of the Fathers’ convenient doctrine is that the Jews were God’s Race until a date that Christians now set at sometime between A.D. 29 and 34; thereafter, they became a religion, since Jews who have been laundered in holy water miraculously cease to be Jews.

The effect of this paradox was to make Christianity seem anti-Jewish and therefore attractive to all the goyim who resented their exploiters, while preserving for the Jews their prestige as a wonderfully “righteous” and “god-fearing” people, who had long been the intimates of the Christians’ own god.

Of the many advantages that Christianity conferred on the Jews, none was greater than the privilege of masquerading as a religion and thus concealing their race. It ensured them the protection of both church and state as they rapaciously amassed wealth in mediaeval Europe. One has only to ask oneself what would have happened, had Chinese or Malays swarmed into the cities to set up their enclaves (ghettos) to monopolise commerce, practise usury, and control finance. Even more important, it gave them perpetual access to the seats of power.

We are told that Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492. Nonsense! By that time, Jews were safely and immovably ensconced in every important segment of Spanish society as “converts.” A century later, one-third of the archbishops in Spain and of the higher clergy was composed of Jews who practised Christian rites in public and privately snickered at the stupidity of the goyim. Toynbee estimates that Jews formed about the same proportion of the nobility. And no one need be told that a tightly cohesive third of any organisation has effective control of it. The Inquisition, to be sure, caught a few of the marranos who were careless or inept in their dissembling, but that served to reassure and pacify the populace.

Edward I banished the Jews from England in 1290, and we are told that England was Judenfrei until they swarmed in (with their money-bags) under Cromwell. No one, I believe, has tried to compute how many Jews, in keeping with the immemorial tactic of their race, had themselves sprinkled with the Christians’ magic water, took English names, and tried not to laugh at the British in public. And one can only guess how much the masqueraders had to do with the rise of Puritanism, a brand of Christianity that was primarily based on the “Old Testament,” and the revolution that placed in power fanatics who, for example, made the observation of Christmas illegal.

Christians today wax irate when they are shown translations of certain passages in the Jewish Talmuds, which are said to prove how much the Jews hate Christianity. It is true that there are pejorative references to Jesus of Nazareth, who was certainly one of the christs who contributed to the composite figure in the “New Testament.”

No one seems to notice that the Talmuds speak as pejoratively of the last of the important christs in antiquity, of whose Jewish orthodoxy there can be no question.

Assuming the name Bar-Kokhba, he caught thousands of the Greeks and Romans off guard and butchered them, and he carried on a guerrilla war of terrorism for almost three years until the Roman legions gave proof that Yahweh had again forgotten to send celestial reinforcements to help His People exterminate the goyim. Nevertheless, the Talmudists denounce him bitterly, even changing his assumed name from Bar- Kokhba (“the son of the star”) to Bar-Koziba (“the son of the liar”). The Jews hate him and asperse his memory because he failed.

Theologians who are concerned to show Christians how much the Jews hate their religion translate as “Christians” or “Christianity” some or all of a dozen words and phrases in Rabbinic, of no one of which is the meaning so indubitable that the Jews cannot quibble about it. It would be a waste of time to quibble with them. The Jews do feel contempt for persons who believe the Christian tales, and they do hate our race, which is probably meant by those words and phrases which are not merely synonyms of goyim, their general term for races and peoples who perversely refuse to recognise the vast superiority of the Jews.


It remains for us to consider the consequences of Christianity, now restricting that term to the religion established by the Fathers of the Church. It has dominated and distorted the mind of our race for fifteen centuries — and it continues to do so.

We must first eliminate a potential ambiguity. Various investigations and estimates made a decade or more ago agree that about 10% to 15% of the members of our race (including about 90% of our “right wing”!) are Christians in the sense that they believe the tales in the “New Testament” to be historically true or at least accept as true the dogmas about the divinity of Jesus, etc. Although the percentages have probably been increased by the intensive promotion of Christianity in very recent years, the religion by this estimate controls only a minority of our race. When we estimate the influence of the religion in our world, however, we must not overlook Ersatz-Christianity. As a recent writer has pointed out, a very large number of our contemporaries, who call themselves “liberals,” “progressives,” and the like, pride themselves on having rejected the incredible tales about supernatural beings and the other trappings of Christian mythology, but retain an abiding faith in its social superstitions. As Nietzsche keenly observed, almost all of the persons who think they have freed themselves from Christianity disdain its creed but love its poison. If we include this Ersatz-Christianity, the Fathers of the Church established an enduring dominion over our race, to which at least 95% of our contemporaries are now subject. That is a datum to be remembered when you read the following outline.

It is obvious — obvious at least to everyone who has made even a cursory study of religion as an historical phenomenon — that Christian doctrine is a forced combination of three incompatible constituents: Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

1. The first of these, which is probably the most important, is appropriately symbolised in the well-known myth that Zoroastrian priests (Magi) came to attend the nativity of Jesus. This component did come directly from Persia.

If one compares the Zoroastrian cult to the more healthy polytheisms of antiquity, one sees how bizarre and irrational it is, although Christianity has so accustomed us to it that few reflect on how pernicious is a belief in an evil god. No mental poison has been more deadly than the Zoroastrians’ great innovation, the basic tenet that the world is a battlefield on which two gods contend for mastery: a good god and an evil god, each of whom would be omnipotent, were it not for the other. For no intelligible reason, these two mighty supernatural beings, one of whom had the power to create the entire universe, have to recruit puny mortals for a war that is absurd anyway, since everyone knows that in the end the good god will overcome the evil god, take him captive, and settle down to torturing him for all eternity. In the meantime, however, all men must join one or the other army and fight desperately to destroy their enemies.

This fantastic notion has given rise to what may be the most pernicious idea in human history: a holy war, fought to destroy evil. Rational men go to war to extend their own dominion over other people or sometimes to maintain it against other nations that are trying to extend their own power, in conformity with what is the fixed and unalterable condition of human life. Under the Zoroastrian-Christian system, however, whole nations are subject to periodic fits of insanity. Crazed hordes imagine themselves chosen by the good god (Yahweh & Son, Inc.) to butcher and annihilate the diabolic minions of the evil god (Satan, alias Antichrist). Our civilisation has been repeatedly brought to the verge of destruction, and some of our greatest nations have in fact doomed themselves in such self-righteous paroxysms of homicidal mania, while their enemies watched happily, reaping both enormous profits and spiritual satisfaction from the disasters the maddened Aryans brought on themselves in their eagerness to slaughter one another to please the ferocious Asiatic god that had been foisted upon them. A few examples will suffice.

The Protestant Reformation (which, incidentally, was sparked and abetted by the Jews) precipitated the Wars of Religion, in just one of which two-thirds of the population of Germany perished. The crazed Aryans, highly resolved to extirpate the devil-possessed legions of the Antichrist in Rome or the devil-possessed legions of the Antichrist who had revolted from Rome, irreparably impoverished our race’s genetic heritage while they made wastelands of many of the most civilised and prosperous parts of Europe and blighted their own culture for almost two centuries. They fought valiantly on both sides, it is true, and equally mortgaged their lands to the Jews.

In America, the northern states effectively destroyed the American Constitution when they invaded the southern states in 1860 to deny them the rights the colonies had jointly won in 1781. Historians, to be sure, have identified economic causes, especially the greed of northern industrialists, but the crusade against the South was essentially a holy war to liberate savages from slavery, although the Christians’ holy book expressly sanctioned and authorised slavery (even of higher races) in passages that the howling dervishes in the pulpits conveniently forget. The genetic heritage of the Americans was impoverished, while Jews naturally cheered on both sides and, after the war, flocked into the South to batten on the devastated land and its ruined people, and in the North consolidated political corruption.

In 1917, a sleazy shyster, whom the Jews had cleverly installed in the White House, proclaimed a holy “war to end wars”! The witless Americans, maddened as their holy men howled for blood, as usual, stampeded into Europe, believing in their frenzy that the Antichrist had become incarnate in the German Kaiser and his nation. No one needs to be reminded what profits that jihad brought to the Jews.

Again, in August 1933, when the Germans were trying to make themselves independent of the aliens in their country, Samuel B. Untermeyer, as spokesman for his international race, declared a Holy War against the insubordinate nation. The Jews, however, did not invade Germany as their ancestors had invaded Canaan when they coveted that country. This was a Holy War for the Christianized Aryans in the rest of the world, who were easily incited to blind rage against the Satanic nation that dared not to venerate God’s Holy Race. In their fratricidal delirium, the hate-crazed Aryans consummated what is likely to have been the Suicide of the West and the irreversible doom of our race. And now, Yahweh’s Chosen Tribe happily control the economic life of the impoverished and stultified Aryans everywhere, demand that the cowering White men believe even such obscene fictions as the “Holocaust,” and ever more openly display their just contempt for brutes who can so easily be stampeded to their own destruction.

The Zoroastrian idea of a holy war is, of course, but one component of the poison that has made our race schizophrenic. In the intervals between the attacks of self-righteous insanity that makes them run amuck in holy wars, they do not become rational, even momentarily, but instead babble in the throes of another hallucination. They jabber about pacifism and, in a kind of delirium tremens, imagine they see such impossible things as “world (!) peace” cavorting just beyond their reach. So the lunatics try to run hard enough to overtake the ever-retreating phantom.

2. The Buddhist component of Christianity reached it indirectly, perhaps largely through the Essenes, and was considerably adulterated on the way.

The essential element is the gloomy and cowardly doctrine that human life is not worthwhile — that all the things dear to healthy men, such as health, strength, sexual love, beauty, culture, learning, intelligence, wealth, and even individuality, are merely “vanity of vanities,” empty illusions. (Christianity, of course, makes them evil illusions.) The proper attitude is that of a man hopelessly diseased and in pain: he longs for death. The cult, however, denies us a rational release from our misery in suicide, which it says is impossible, since some kind of ghost will survive the death of the body. What we can and should do, however, is to refrain absolutely from sexual intercourse, so that we will not engender fresh links in the chain of misery that is life on earth. Furthermore, some mysterious supernatural power has ordained that we can acquire post-mortem benefits for our souls by frustrating all the desires that healthy men feel, and even greater rewards by inflicting physical pain on ourselves. There is a heavenly bookkeeping machine which makes entries to our credit whenever we make ourselves suffer pain and enters debits against us whenever we yield to temptation and enjoy something, whether it be a woman’s love, the beauty of great art, the intellectual exhilaration of discovering a fact of nature, or any other pleasure. The balance of our account when we die determines the future of the soul. (Buddhism assumes that that future is reincarnation, but Christianity perverts and degrades that not implausible myth by adding the Zoroastrian notion of a final judgement: after our only life on earth, an angel will read the computer’s print-out and, if the amount of our debts has made us insolvent, will pitchfork us into Hell, where our impalpable and intangible souls will be roasted on hot coals and suffer all other imaginable bodily torments for all eternity — not a year or a century or a millennium or a billion years, but all the eternity of infinite time!)

From this notion, corrupted by the addition of some of the sexual obsessions that seem to be an innate part of the Jews’ racial mentality, Christianity proclaimed the doctrine of race suicide for our people. Allowance was made, of course, for the men who did not have the fortitude to castrate themselves or otherwise frustrate the instincts of healthy men, but by a monstrously obscene transvaluation of rational values, disease was called “health” and strength was called “weakness.” Men too “weak” to be eunuchs were permitted the “sin” of having offspring to provide customers for the next generation of shamans, but it was the will of Christianity’s fearful god that our race be as celibate as possible. For fifteen centuries, enormous numbers of male Aryans were herded into the church, both as priests and as monastics, to blight their masculinity with homosexuality and perversion, mitigated only by the chance of furtive adulteries. And enormous numbers of our women were imprisoned in convents to become psychopathic or practise secret abortions.

It may seem to us now that the institutions for race suicide attracted, as today, only the misfits, the physically or psychically defective, who should always be prevented, so far as possible, from reproducing themselves. To some extent that was true, but for reasons which are historically obvious, some of the best blood of our race was irretrievably lost in mad efforts to curry favour with the god the Jews had exported to us. For century after century, the sexual superstitions of Christianity systematically weakened and impoverished our race. The Jews could have invented nothing better for their purposes.

The Jews despise our race for its gullibility, venality, and the debility of its racial instincts, but they also hate us, fearing that we may never become perfectly docile livestock on their world-wide plantation. The Jewish attitude toward us was somewhat indiscreetly revealed in English by Theodore Kaufmann in his Germany Must Perish! (Newark, 1941; recently reprinted). Kaufmann demanded that every man, woman, and child in Germany be surgically sterilised to exterminate a people that had been guilty of insubordination to God’s Race. The rabid Jew realised that it would be premature to urge similar treatment of the Aryans in other nations, and, as things turned out, it proved not to be feasible to carry out the Jewish plan even in Germany at that time. In the United States and other countries once ruled by our race, the same end is to be achieved more gradually by mongrelisation and the incitation of a sexual mania, which, incidentally, is a revival of the early Christian sects that taught that Jesus had revealed that the only road to Salvation lay in male homosexuality or, conversely, in unlimited promiscuity and the abolition of families to liberate females for intense and indiscriminate copulation ad libitum.

Another derivative of the Buddhistic negation of the values of human life was also distorted and polluted in transmission. It is the mawkish sentimentality, the fatuous self-abasement, and the total repudiation of reason that appears in the so-called Sermon on the Mount, a concentrated poison for which Christians still have a morbid appetite. It is the essence of what Nietzsche called the “slave morality” — the morality of persons so degenerate or diseased that they are fit only for slavery. It is the negation of life itself. Glory is reserved for the meek and humble who take a masochistic delight in being trampled upon. They must be so abject and feeble-minded that they love their enemies. The dregs of human society are the “salt of the earth,” and they are promised the joy of seeing their betters suffer, when “the last shall be made first.” Nothing that makes life worth living is not evil, and the idiots are exhorted, “take no thought for your life” — indeed, to abstain totally from rational thought. The ideal mentality for Christians is that of vegetables, but since it is not quite feasible to attain that blessed state, Christians take pride in proclaiming they are sheep, the most stupid of all mammals, incapable of defending themselves, living only to feed, multiply, and be fleeced periodically. Christians even like to depict themselves as lambs that stare uncomprehendingly at the world about them. They recite with unction psalms that aver that they are mindless and will-less sheep, confident that the Jews’ god will herd them to “green pastures beside still waters,” where they may lie down to chew their cud in uninterrupted bliss.

Commanded to “take no thought for the morrow,” but to have bird-brains and be “like the fowls of the air” that “sow not, neither do they reap,” relying on their “heavenly Father” to feed them, Christians who actually believed the Drivel on the Mount would, if sufficiently numerous, simply precipitate the total breakdown of any civilised or even barbarous society — and would not even grow pelts for the Jews to fleece. Perhaps it is fortunate that Christians like to befuddle themselves with sentimental verbiage they do not understand and holy “mysteries” which they can contemplate with bovine incomprehension.

Christianity, indeed, enjoins pride in imbecility. Its god became incarnate to “make folly of the wisdom of this world.” Its votaries must have an unthinking faith in an incomprehensible farrago of patently false statements. To abjure the use of reason is the only path to Salvation and the animal-like joys of eternal idleness in Heaven. Learning and wisdom must be despised. Every effort of human reason to understand the world in which we live is a sin, an affront to a god who has given us the perfect model of righteous wisdom in an oyster.

The repudiation of reason and sanity was a particularly deadly poison to our race, which, as several writers on ethnology have recently pointed out, has in some of its members, at least, an innate capacity for the objective and philosophical thought by which alone our race attained a partial control over the forces of nature and the power to defend itself by imposing its will on other-races.

This power, which we have now fatuously surrendered, was won for us slowly and painfully by the often heroic efforts of a few men and only over the frantic opposition of the Christian witchdoctors. The debased superstition that insanely exalts ignorance over knowledge and faith over reason repressed and deformed for many centuries our race’s unique capacity for a rational and mighty civilisation.

3. Students of religion commonly deny originality to the Jews, because all of the cosmogonic tales in the “Old Testament” were lifted from the mythologies of more civilised peoples, especially the Babylonians, and only superficially Judaised. They thus overlook or ignore what is unique in the religion professed by the Jews, especially after they had the brilliant idea of converting their religion from a henotheism to a monotheism to imitate and appropriate the monotheism of Greek Stoicism.

It is true that the peculiarities of Jewish religion are not mere superstitions, such as other races may ignorantly accept, but spring from their innate certainty that their race is immeasurably and categorically superior to all others, an absolute certainty that is independent of any mythological explanation of it they may give to others or even to themselves. That poses a biological problem which we cannot consider here, but we must notice the specifically Jewish element that went into the Christian amalgam.

The Jews are, by nature, a proletarian people. It is a matter of common observation that when they invade a country, they infiltrate every prosperous city and set up their ghettos, in which they huddle together, like ants in their anthill, bees in the hive, or termites in their nest. Everyone has noticed that when a Jew or a few Jews associate with goyim, they successfully simulate the manners and culture of the people among whom they have planted themselves; but when Jews become a majority in any place, from a single room to a city, they become a swarm, a buzzing synagogue, an unmistakable alien species.

Some Jews, of course, become immensely wealthy, but they remain parts of the international swarm. According to a despatch in the Sunday Chronicle (the official Jewish newspaper in London), January 2, 1938, the Jews, incensed that the Germans should dare to be disrespectful to God’s Master Race, held a meeting near Geneva at which Jewish financiers promptly contributed £500,000,000 to a fund to punish the insubordinate goyim. The reader, especially if he has had experience of “right-wing” activity in any of our nations, can estimate for himself the chances that Aryan financiers would have given $2,433,250,000 in 1938 to preserve their own race, or would contribute (if asked) an equivalent sum today, say £20,000,000,000. If he thinks that unlikely, he has the measure of the difference between the Jewish race and ours.

The racial solidarity of the Jews makes them unique among the peoples of the world. We can only envy them a bond of cohesion that indissolubly unites the poor with the rich, subordinates personal greed and ambition, and even transcends religious differences. The professed beliefs of Talmudists, Kabbalists, and Jewish atheists seem irreconcilable to us, but they no more impede the race’s effective unity than the ferocious religious dissensions of the last centuries B.C. impeded the Jews’ exploitation of the gullible goyim, the Seleucids, the Ptolemies, and the Romans, whom the Jews adroitly played off against each other. Tacitus marvelled at the Jews’ “obstinate devotion to their own kind” coupled with “implacable hatred of the rest of mankind.” He wrote before the race’s solidarity was most impressively demonstrated by the Jewish outbreaks in many Roman provinces around A.D. 117. In Cyrenaica, for example, the Jews had naturally planted a huge ghetto in the provincial capital and controlled a large part of the trade on which the region’s prosperity depended. Many Jews must have been among the wealthiest inhabitants. But a christ named Andrew brought the glad tidings that Yahweh said it was time for his Chosen Race to put the goyim in their place. Filled with zeal for righteousness, the Jewish swarm caught the stupidly complacent Greeks and Romans off guard and slaughtered more than 200,000 men and women in various ingenious ways, such as sawing off their hands and feet and ripping out their intestines while they were still alive. God’s People then destroyed all the property in the city (including their own!), evidently burning all the buildings to the ground and levelling the ruins. Then they rushed out into the countryside to destroy the villages and uproot the crops. That done, the enthusiastic horde of nihilists descended on Egypt, leaving behind only a scorched desert and dismembered corpses.

This nihilism was vividly expressed in the Christians’ favourite horror story, the Jewish apocalypse that the Fathers of the Church selected for inclusion in their appendix to the “Old Testament.” The wild phantasmagoria describes in loving detail all the disasters and torments with which Jesus will afflict and destroy the civilised peoples of the earth when he returns in glory from the clouds with a squad of sadistic angels. One should note the characteristic provision that goyim are not to be merely killed outright: they are to be made to suffer exquisite agonies for five months first. But what Lloyd Graham has properly called the “diabolical savagery” of the Jew god is not satisfied with exterminating all the goyim with every kind of torture a lurid imagination could invent. He destroys the land, the mountains, the sea, the whole earth; he destroys the sun and the moon; and he rolls up the heavens like a scroll, presumably including even the most remote galaxies . . . Everything is annihilated. And all this for the sake of Jesus’s pets, an elite of 144,000 male Jews who despise women. For these, to be sure, he creates a New Jerusalem, in which they will loaf happily for a thousand years.

The Jews spiced Christianity with their rancour and nihilism. As Maurice Samuels said, with laudable candour, “We, the Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever . . . We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world.” And by inventing Christianity, they stopped credulous goyim from inquiring what kind of god their race created for itself.


Christians like to prate about how much their bundle of irreconcilable superstitions has done for us. Well, it first gave our race schizophrenia and has now given it a suicidal mania.

It was bad enough when the Christians were under the spell of the Zoroastrian notion that the biological reality of race can be charmed away by a kind of magic called “conversion.” They hired missionaries to pester everyone else in the world, from the highly civilised Chinese to the uncivilisable anthropoids in Africa. They believed that the aliens could be transformed into the equivalent of White Europeans, if they were dunked in holy water by a licensed practitioner. For the dunking, the Ersatz-Christians substitute “education,” which they think a much more powerful kind of magic. But from this silly idea we have now progressed to a more baneful kind of unreason.

The Buddhist notion of equality, perverted by proletarian malice and festering envy, has become the fanatical faith of 95% of our race today. In a recent article, R.P. Oliver observed that our “intellectuals,” who disdain the Christian fairy tales about Jesus and preen themselves on being atheists or, at least, agnostics, nevertheless “cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate.” Both groups hold frantically to the dogma of the “equality of all races” (except, of course, the vastly superior race of the “Old Testament”), and equally believe that moral excellence is evinced by faith in what daily experience shows to be patently preposterous. And when they can no longer close their eyes to shut out the real world, they have a solution. The various races (except God’s People) must be made equal, must be reduced to the lowest common denominator of anthropoids. And so we come to the breathtaking transvaluation that is the dominant creed of our time: the Aryans, by virtue of the superiority they have shown in the past, are a vastly inferior race. They are burdened by the horrible guilt of not having committed suicide, a guilt they can expiate only by taxing themselves to hire their enemies to destroy them. They must love their enemies, but hate their own children. Especially in once-great Britain and the United States, the crazed Whites are not only subsidising the proliferation of their vermin and legislating to inhibit the reproduction of their own kind, but are importing from all the world hordes of their biological enemies to destroy their posterity. Especially in the United States, they condemn their own children to the most degrading association with savages in their “integrated” schools. American parents evidently feel a “spiritual” satisfaction when their own children — or, at least, their neighbours’ children — are beaten, raped, and mutilated by the sub-humans. And British parents, who, if still prosperous, can protect their children from physical, though not from mental, squalour, abhor as wicked “racists” the few individuals who think their race is fit to survive. An honest psychiatrist (there are a few) could perhaps determine what weird mixture of sadism and masochism has been inculcated into the minds of our people.

Everywhere, the Christianised Aryans (including those who imagine they are not Christians) evidently agree that our race must be stamped out for the comfort and joy of the several mammalian species that covet our property and instinctively hate us.


The Jews no longer make a serious effort to maintain the pretense of an antipathy to Christianity. It is true that once in a while they protest the public display of Christian symbols, such as the cross. But that merely spices their joke. When they erect a thirty-foot “menorah” in front of the White House to remind their tenant who owns the place, the cowed Christians never think of protesting.

Oliver, in his fairly well-known book, Christianity and the Survival of the West, claimed that it was a “Western” religion, but he had to base his argument on what had to be added to the doctrine to make it acceptable to the Nordic peoples after the collapse of the rotted Empire that had once been Roman. And in the postscript to his second edition, he admitted that the religion had been stripped of those additions and was being reduced to the superstition of the early Christian sects that either excluded non-Jews or admitted them only to the status of “whining dogs,” which they could attain by having themselves mutilated sexually, observing the Jewish taboos, and obeying their God-like masters.

The holiness of the Jews is now an established dogma, especially among the Ersatz-Christians. A friend of mine, who is now in the United States, wrote to presidents of various colleges and universities that were trying to make a few extra bucks by offering courses to prove the “truth” of the Jews’ hoax about the “six million” of God’s People that the Germans are supposed to have “exterminated” by a procedure that is physically impossible. He had several very nasty replies from chief diploma-salesmen who intimated that he, who holds a Ph.D. in modern history, should be locked up for his “ignorance.” I have seen copies of some of those letters. The irate prexies were clearly endorsing their own faith. They knew that Jews could not lie, just as their grandfathers had known that Jesus walked on water and held a picnic that was the least expensive fish-fry in history. It boots not to inquire how much of their grandfathers’ faith or their own was founded on actual belief in what “everybody believes” and how much was based on a calculation that it would not be remunerative to doubt what “everybody knows.” The results are the same. Woe to him who questions any tale told by the “righteous” race.

By this time, everyone must know that the Jews have acquired a working control of all the media of communication: the press, the radio, the boob-tube, and the publication of widely-distributed books. If the Jews had the slightest animus against the Christian religion, they would use these powerful weapons to destroy it. Instead, the real opponents of Christianity, the rational atheists, are systematically and totally excluded from the “media.” No newspaper, no widely distributed periodical, dares print one of their articles or even to mention them without derision. No radio or television station will admit they exist, and even if they telephone on “call in” programmes, they are shut off before their first significant word reaches the antenna. To get into print, they must organise their own starveling publishing companies to issue books or periodicals that are very expensive because only a few copies can be printed for a tiny audience that cannot be increased because no newspaper or radio could be hired to advertise such publications at any price. The managers, even if not Jews, prudently assume that atheists, who would substitute facts and reason for fairy tales and blind faith in “spiritual values,” are very wicked, and they regret that it is not currently feasible to burn them at the stake. If the Jews had an antipathy to Christianity, they could change that attitude overnight with a few directives to their hirelings, and they could make the religion ludicrous in the eyes of the majority within a year or two. The boobs simply absorb what they are told.

The Jew-controlled “media” constantly and systematically lavish free publicity on the Christian churches and especially on the salvation-hucksters. The aether is clamourous with the bellowing and wheedling of “evangelists,” who are plying their trade and raking in money from everyone whose emotions can be stirred by their crude rhetoric. Even the richest of the gospel-businesses receive much of their advertising free; when they do have to pay, they are given much reduced rates. The “media” religiously report miracles that could have happened only East of the Sun and West of the Moon. And they religiously assume that the Christian shamans are so holy they must “mean well,” even when they are caught in embezzlement or fraud.

I hear that about half a dozen White preachers, more or less subtly “racist” or even anti-Jewish, are allowed to speak (for a fee) over some of the smaller radio stations in the United States, provided, of course, that they do no more than furtively intimate what they mean on racial subjects. If they really annoyed the Jews, they would be shut up on some pretext or other. The “evangelists” who make it to the big time (an annual take of ten million dollars or more) all make it clear that a Christian’s first obligation is to adore God’s People.

Furthermore, although the Christians and some sociologists miss the point, the “media” are industriously creating the atmosphere most propitious to a recrudescence of Christianity. The religion grew in the decaying Roman Empire with the growth of universal unreason: It had to compete only with other superstitions so gross that historians are perplexed when asked to decide which was the most grotesque. The “media” are today stridently promoting every kind of hokum that encourages belief in the supernatural. They not only advertise, but even hire “psychics,” “seers,” astrologers, and mystery mongers who spin tall tales about haunted houses, weekends on “flying saucers,” “Bermuda Triangles,” and similar boob-bait. All the adepts of such cults are potential customers for the Christian fakirs. When, for example, a man begins to practise the self-hypnosis called “transcendental meditation,” he will soon ripen himself for an access of Faith. When he has so blunted his intelligence that he can believe that the planets, while obeying the law of gravitation with mathematical precision, took the trouble to portend his future, he can soon believe in the Second Coming and the End of Time.

I have seen no statistics that indicate how greatly the percentage of belief in the theological myths of Christianity has been increased by the Jews’ strenuous promotion of it, but I observe that in the United States the three clowns who recently competed for the job of doing the Jews’ work in the White House thought it good advertising to call for a “spiritual rebirth” and to claim that they had been laundered in “the blood of the Lamb” and “born again.” A candidate’s chances of winning the popularity-contest now seem to be increased by evidence that he either is a liar or has hallucinations.

The most stupendous of the Jews’ many hoaxes is a witch’s brew that has, over the centuries, transformed the once intelligent and valiant Aryans into flocks of uncomprehending sheep, easily herded, easily fleeced, and easily stampeded.

* * *

Source: originally published by Liberty Bell Publications in 1980, under the nom de guerre Ralph Perier; transcribed by Racial Idealism
No jews, just right

Less talk, more action

Last edited by Sean Gruber; August 16th, 2018 at 02:01 PM. Reason: addition
Old August 19th, 2018 #1267
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Originally Posted by John Smithwick View Post
Initially Rome did defeat them and created Christ-insanity (during the Flavian dynasty) as a form of continued psychop warfare. That's what Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill demonstrates. In hindsight, creating the New Testament was horrible idea. They should have just banned Judaism altogether (if the Jews were that much of a problem for them), because, in the end, you're right - Rome didn't defeat them - the Jews and that stupid Flavian derivation of their religion defeated all of us (and actually made the Romans go extinct).

Again, Christinsanity was originally only intended for the Jews. It was illegal to be Christian outside Judea until that POS Constantine "the Great" (a guy who murdered his wife and son) legalized it in 313 CE.

Then, despite the efforts of guys like Julian "the Apostate", the vile Roman emperors made Christinsanity the only legal religion in Europe by 380 CE, and began building synagogues and mass importing Jews to help implement the new faith (and new banking-serf system (Joseph Atwill also covers this)), while building churches.

Now that we're no longer incinerated alive nor locked away in mental institutions for not being a Christinsanitian, we can state things for what they are, but we have no significant replacement institution to compensate for the vacuum left by Christinsanity's erasure (the Christinsanitians exterminated the indigenous European religions after all).

That POS Hitler might have had the opportunity to bring about a new reformation to get rid of Christinsanity had he played his cards right, but instead he placated it (he did more than that, he supported it):
Hitler states that Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of 'Nazi' Germany

Alfred Rosenberg was the man we needed (he placated Christinsanity as well, but he would have ensured the German Faith Movement took-off unlike Shitler). And so I agree with your avatar: Hitler may as well have been a Jewish martyr. The moment he gave Christinsanity the time of day, was the moment he ruined everything.
That was before Hitler became füher, you bastard American. do you think he could achieve anything by defending paganism among these retarded christians? Sorry my jewenglish.
Old August 21st, 2018 #1268
Emily Henderson
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Default Cult Thinking and Scientific Inquiry are "Eternal" Enemies

A blog post re the Renaissance and some examples of why Fundies--or anyone with a cult mentality of suppressing info-seeking, questioning, and learning- fear and hate science.

"Inquiry and doubt are essential checks against deception."--Richard Carrier
Old August 23rd, 2018 #1269
John Smithwick
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Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
That was before Hitler became füher, ....
It wasn't just before he became Führer but afterwards as well. He became worse towards non-Christians in many ways after becoming Führer (as you'll see below).
Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
Do you think he could achieve anything by defending paganism among these retarded christians?
While I agree he couldn't have got very far by openly promoting paganism (something he was never interested in anyways) and I agree that "tricking" the Christians to vote for him was strategic, I don't think it was much of an act on his part:

Adolf Hitler Defending Christianity - YouTube

Hitler went to some length to dissociate Nazism from occultism.

In fact Richard Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945 published in April 2003, argues against the consensus that Nazism as a whole was either unrelated to Christianity or actively opposed to it.

He demonstrates that many participants in the Nazi movement believed that the contours of their ideology were based on a Christian understanding of Germany's ills and their cure.
Hitler compared to God/Jesus

Unfortunately most books about Hitler, from a religious viewpoint, come as bowdlerized accounts containing flagrant inaccuracies. There occur many versions, some of which view Hitler with combinations of occultism, atheism, anti-religion, anti-Christian, etc. Some authors blend the anti-clerical views of Martin Bormann, the mystical beliefs of Rosenberg, or the occult views of Himmler with Hitler in an attempt to rewrite history. Almost all the sources for Hitler's alleged apostasy come from Bormann's edited version of Hitler's Table Talk (for a closer examination, see "Hitler's table talk and other extraneous sources"). But Hitler was not Bormann, Rosenberg or Himmler and their views do not reflect Hitler's beliefs. Hitler abscised himself from the views of Bormann, Rosenberg, and Himmler and he demanded support for his view of "positive" Christianity as was written into the Nazi party program. If you examine the historical record with raw honesty, you will find that these counter-Christian claims about Hitler simply do not hold up.
In fact, the record shows, he banned everything except Christianity. The soldiers, when on leave, had the option of having a bus take them to a Protestant or Catholic church. There was no pagan nor new age nor national socialist (or simply German faith) church to go to.

The suppression/banning:

The Lewiston Daily Sun, Tues Oct 29, 1935
Report: Hitler Ban on Neo-Paganism
Tells Catholic Bishop Anti-Christian Doctrines to Be Curbed

The Lewiston Daily Sun - Google News Archive Search

Odinism/Wotanism in the Third Reich

An article in a 1995 issue of the Australian Odinist magazine Renewal:

From the beginning of the Third Reich, Odinists (pagans) were generally suppressed. In 1933, Rudolf von Sebottendorff was arrested and exiled. The works of Odinist writers such as Lanz von Liebenfels, Ernst Issberner-Haldane and Reinhold Ebertin were banned. Former membership of an Odinist congregation disqualified anyone from holding rank or office within the NSDAP. In 1936 Friedrich Marby, a runemaster and follower of [Wotan worshipper Guido] von List, was arrested and sent to a camp at Flossenberg; he was released from Dachau in 1945. He was not alone. But the full power of the state was not focused on religious minorities until the 9th of June 1941 when the head of the security police, [Reinhardt] Heydrich, banned a large number of spiritual practices. Among the victims were followers of Rudolf Steiner, followers of von List, and traditional Odinists. Their organizations were dissolved, their property confiscated, and many of their leaders arrested.”
The clampdown in 1941 was the result of the Rudolf Hess flight.

Background info on Hitler's feelings about the indigenous religion of Germans (Asatru/Odinism):

Hitler: On Paganism and Heathen Religion, Mein Kampf, Chap. 12

“On the contrary, it is entirely out of harmony with the spirit of the nation to keep harping on that far-off and forgotten nomenclature which belongs to the ancient Germanic times and does not awaken any distinct association in our age. This habit of borrowing words from the dead past tends to mislead the people into thinking that the external trappings of its vocabulary are the important feature of a movement. It is really a mischievous habit; but it is quite prevalent nowadays.

At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering scholars who were peddling Germanic folk-lore and who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit. The new movement must guard itself against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these very same ideals during the last thirty or forty years. Now if somebody has fought for forty years to carry into effect what he calls an idea, and if these alleged efforts not only show no positive results but have not even been able to hinder the success of the opposing party, then the story of those forty years of futile effort furnishes sufficient proof for the incompetence of such a protagonist. People of that kind are specially dangerous because they do not want to participate in the movement as ordinary members. They talk rather of the leading positions which would be the only fitting posts for them, in view of their past work and also so that they might be enabled to carry on that work further. But woe to a young movement if the conduct of it should fall into the hands of such people.

It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woe-fullest poltroons imaginable. For those very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone. And thus they skedaddle when the first communist cudgel appears. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.

I have seen too much of that kind of people not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these folk-lore comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State. And yet these comedians are extremely proud of themselves.

Notwithstanding their complete fecklessness, which is an established fact, they pretend to know everything better than other people; so much so that they make themselves a veritable nuisance to all sincere and honest patriots, to whom not only the heroism of the past is worthy of honour but who also feel bound to leave examples of their own work for the inspiration of the coming generation. Among those people there were some whose conduct can be explained by their innate stupidity and incompetence; but there are others who have a definite ulterior purpose in view. Often, it is difficult to distinguish between the two classes. The impression which I often get, especially of those so-called religious reformers whose creed is grounded on ancient Germanic customs, is that they are the missionaries and protégés of those forces which do not wish to see a national revival taking place in Germany. All their activities tend to turn the attention of the people away from the necessity of fighting together in a common cause against the common enemy, namely the Jew. Moreover, that kind of preaching induces the people to use up their energies, not in fighting for the common cause, but in absurd and ruinous religious controversies within their own ranks.”
Similarly, Hitler's suppression of new age German nationalist racialist religions (that were completely against Christinsanity):
Mathilde Ludendorff - Politico-religious activity - Wikipedia

As part of her dual assault on Christianity and the occult, Ludendorff drew on her interpretation of science to develop her own faith, Gotterkenntnis (translated: 'God Knowledge' or 'God Cognition'), which emphasised notions of racial inheritance, culture, economy and justice.[2] The faith (Bund fur Deutsche Gotterkenntnis) became the religion of the Tannenbergbund, founded by her and her husband in 1925, a ... organisation which briefly claimed as many as 100,000 followers before losing out to and prohibited by the NSDAP in 1933.[2]

Ludendorff had no truck with the ideas of Positive Christianity, feeling that Christian beliefs could never be reconciled to the Aryan ideal that she believed in. She stressed this by portraying Jesus as a Jewish preacher ... in her 1931 book, Erlösung von Jesu Christo (Redemption from Jesus Christ).[11] She considered the Bible a fraud and called for a pantheism rooted in blood and soil rhetoric, in which the soul of God permeated the land as a whole.[11]

Part of the umbrella organization was the Verein Deutschvolk (German Volk Society), founded 1930. Its purpose was to disseminate Mathilde Ludendorff’s science-based religious views called Gotterkenntnis (God-knowledge or - cognition). These two organizations which shared many ideas with National Socialism were, for that very reason, prohibited in 1933 (Haack, 1981:139).
The German Faith Movement - Wikipedia

The German Faith Movement (Deutsche Glaubensbewegung) was a religious movement in Nazi Germany (1933–1945), closely associated with University of Tübingen professor Jakob Wilhelm Hauer. The movement sought to move Germany away from Christianity towards a religion based on Germanic paganism and Nazi ideas.
Deutsche Glaubensbewegung - Axis History Forum

Volkslexicon Drittes Reich, by Ludwig Peters and published by Grabert-Verlag, Tübingen, 1998.

The German Faith Movement (Deutsche Glaubensbewegung) was an attempt to bring together various religious groups and associations into an organization that would exercise religiosity in a purely German sense. The movement was founded on May 23, 1934 in Eisenach by J.W. Hauer, who was elected chairman.

The movement rejected the Christian religion completely and began having manifold difficulties with the Nazi government one year later. As of 1935, the NS party prohibited members of the Hitler Youth and the SS from joining, and from 1937 onward, prohibited NSDAP members from joining. For these reasons, Hauer withdrew from the organization. The movement sank into insignificance thereafter."
The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity

The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945, By Richard Steigmann-Gall, 2003, pp 151-152.

The DG's (Deutsche Glaubensbewegung's aka German Faith Movement's) insistence that it was the religious expression of Nazism was not taken kindly in the NSDAP.


Finally, in August 1935, Heydrich forbade all rallies and other public meetings of the DG across the Reich.
Ernst_Graf_zu_Reventlow - Religious_activism - Wikipedia

Reventlow quickly became disillusioned with this (The German Faith Movement) however, returning to Christianity even before the German Faith Movement was suppressed by the government in 1937.
Again, this is what Hitler wanted (he may have regretted it by the end of the war, but never took any significant action to change his original decision):

Positive Christianity - Wikipedia

Schutzstaffel SS Officers Inspired By Teutonic Knights


“Around 1937, when Hitler heard that at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates, above all Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide.” (Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer page 95-96)

Speer, it must be remembered, was Hitler's architect who had planned the future buildings of Berlin. Hitler's plan for the future included the building of new churches. Speer had consulted with the Protestant and Catholic authorities on the location of churches in the new section of Berlin.
We can see as late as March 1945 the NSDAP was still employing images of a Christian nun and pastor as part of their media outreach:


"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so," he (Hitler) told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.
You could argue that his speeches, the ones where he wasn't specifically referencing the Bible, but nonetheless, referred to God, Providence, the Almighty, etc., and things like the swastika flag, acted as a type of new religion; however, that's a loose argument. His evocation of a higher power was thought to mean the Trinity; although, I admit, it could also mean a Deist God. The swastika was a type of Christian symbol; although, I admit, it could also be interpreted as a non-Christian symbol. It would have been one thing had he allowed the Pagans, Hauer's German Faith Movement and Ludendorff's German God Cognition Movement to begin building their own churches/spiritual centres, or allowed the national socialists (who were interested) to build their own non-Christian German Faith churches, but HE NEVER ALLOWED IT. HE BANNED THEM FROM EVEN MEETING! HE PUT MANY OF THEM IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS! And thus, as far as the record shows, Hitler thought you should either go to your Catholic or Protestant church or shut the hell up about religion. That's all.

Whites need their own (non-Christian) religion.
True diversity is preserving all ethnic groups. We ought to have community centers for us, to have closure for our history, celebrate our heritage & look to the future. National Folk Faith AFA CT :)

Last edited by John Smithwick; August 30th, 2018 at 12:51 AM.
Old August 26th, 2018 #1270
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Example of a Cuckold-Identity post:

"Well, now you're showing disrespect by bringing your pagan namesake into our forum (again) and sending a sarcastic and disingenuous message after I clarified what the "tub of crap" is about. The division is and was self-evident long before you or I were born. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" II Cor. 6:14. There are some people that hate Christian Identity so much that they are the ones engaged in the 'divide and conquer' tactic within the so called White Nationalist movement. And they usually do it with innocent sounding false accusation. I'm not looking for unity with non-Christians OK. At some point in time, every White man is going to bend their knee to Jesus Christ or they're going to the grave as an antichrist. It is my hope and prayer that White men with a racial consciousness will fulfill their mission in life by responding to their calling from God. Christian Identity is the closest thing to pure Christianity and the salvation of the White race. "Do I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16. "The truth shall make you free" John 8:32. Please do not post in this thread again just to argue or I'll consider it the usual adversarial detestations that promted this topic."

Pastor Mark Downey
It's absolutely 100% clear that they put religion before race. Every time an identity-tard is backed against a corner, they "tell you what they really think", rather than token gestures, and claiming to be everyone's friend. Don't take my word for it, challenge them, get them frustrated, and make them lay out their true positions.

There are some people that hate Christian Identity so much that they are the ones engaged in the 'divide and conquer' tactic within the so called White Nationalist movement
You are the one who believes in dividing Whites along religious lines, not racial ones, as you said in your comment here:

I'm not looking for unity with non-Christians OK
The feeling is mutual. You all should fuck off and go found your own country in some part of the world. But you refuse to do that, and just like the jew, as long as you exist in White countries, you will be a "Nation within a Nation". Anyone claiming to be an "Israelite", should be counted as a jew. That's what I really think.

At some point in time, every White man is going to bend their knee to Jesus Christ or they're going to the grave as an antichrist.
I would suffer the most torturous, humiliating death, before I'd ever take a knee before your jewish god. I would convert to Islam, and get a rag grafted to my skull, so that I could never remove it, before I'd ever even entertain the idea of becoming a cuckolded christian. Fuck your religion. If that's how you really feel, then should you ever attempt some queer shit like forcing your religion on others, I won't have any qualms about liquidating your presence from society.

It is my hope and prayer that White men with a racial consciousness will fulfill their mission in life by responding to their calling from God.
Every White Man's mission in life should be to secure a future for their people, not respond to calls from your imaginary friend. In the mind of every christian, belief in the imaginary supersedes reality. Even racial reality. This is why christianity, even with racial overtones, is anti-White.
Low-IQ bible scholars are legion, the big book o' bullshit is catnip to the underbrained. --ALEX LINDER
Old August 26th, 2018 #1271
John Smithwick
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Originally Posted by John Smithwick View Post

In fact, the record shows, Hitler banned everything except Christianity.



"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so," he (Hitler) told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.

And thus, as far as the record shows, Hitler thought you should either go to your Catholic or Protestant church or shut the hell up about religion. That's all.
I'll provide a counter argument to the above. Hitler addressed the religious question in 1938:

National Socialism as a rival religion to Christianity - VNN Forum

Let's roll with the idea that Hitler wasn't referring to the Trinity when he said Lord, the Almighty, etc., in his speeches, but some Deist God (and certainly I'll admit the swastika wasn't all that Christian).

One practical innovation he made for non-Christians was the taxation category (Church Tax) "Gottgläubig" which paid for civil marriage and funeral services, and yet nothing more; unlike Christian tax dollars that would go towards cathedral maintenance costs and the salaries of clergy. Hitler never switched to the new Gottgläubig classification - he kept paying the Catholic Church Tax, as a registered member, until his death.

What's ultimately telling about the man: in the end, he decided to have a civil (non-Christian) marriage with Eva before ending his life. Personally, I wish the hypocritical Catholic hadn't done this. He pandered to Christ-insanity his whole life, wrecked the whole nation. He should have stuck with his "positive" Christinsanity during his last two days on earth! lol The flip side of this coin is that if Hitler had won the war, would he have forgone a Christian marriage to Eva being the type of person he was? Of course not. He'd have got married in a Catholic Cathedral with a semi-Christian ceremony for his public image and in gratitude to the millions of Christian soldiers who gave their lives for his cause.

This openly pro-Christian, closet deist, wickedly suppressed any organized alternative to Christianity (feeling that his doomed political party was a more than adequate substitute). So what? Listening to him wail on the radio and maybe going to a rally once a year was supposed to be an adequate alternative to being enriched with community and sermons at a church? By "deist speech" we're talking about a sentence or two at the end in a half hour diatribe where he'd say something like "Long live Germany and may the Lord bless our folk" - hardly "spiritually/philosophically enlightening". Churchill would do the same. Hitler ruined a perfectly good opportunity to provide a proper substitute for Christianity.

Had he just stayed focused and dealt with the religious issue (even if it meant civil war) as his greatest priority (or at least left it to other intelligent people like Hauer and Ludendorff) instead of engaging in his nutty trivial border disputes, with his retarded Son of Man messiah complex, stupid war mongering, questing Christian idiocy … he would have inspired the White world to leave that Jewish mind beclouding nonsense, and the planet would probably be 10X further ahead today. Instead we had a slaughter-fest and continued Christianity.

Originally Posted by Gerry Fable View Post




National Socialism is not a cult-movement- a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship. Therefore we have no rooms for worship, but only halls for the people - no open spaces for worship, but spaces for assemblies and parades. We have no religious retreats, but arenas for sports and playing-fields, and the characteristic feature of our places of assembly is not the mystical gloom of a cathedral, but the brightness and light of a room or hall which combines beauty with fitness for its purpose. In these halls no acts of worship are celebrated, they are exclusively devoted to gatherings of the people of the kind which we have come to know in the course of our long struggle; to such gatherings we have become accustomed and we wish to maintain them. We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else - in any case, something which has nothing to do with us. At the head of our program there stand no secret surmisings but clear-cut perception and straightforward profession of belief. But since we set as the central point of this perception and of this profession of belief the maintenance and hence the security for the future of a being formed by God, we thus serve the maintenance of a divine work and fulfill a divine will - not in the secret twilight of a new house of worship, but openly before the face of the Lord.

There were times when a half-light was the necessary condition for the effectiveness of certain teachings: we live in an age when light is for us the fundamental condition of successful action. It will be a sorry day when through the stealing in of obscure mystic elements the Movement or the State itself issues obscure commissions.... It is even dangerous to issue any commission for a so-called place of worship, for with the building will arise the necessity for thinking out so-called religious recreations or religious rites, which have nothing to do with National Socialism. Our worship is exclusively the cultivation of the natural, and for that reason, because natural, therefore God-willed. Our humility is the unconditional submission before the divine laws of existence so far as they are known to us men: it is to these we pay our respect.
It's unfortunate Hitler didn't allow what I've emboldened IMO. He should have allowed for the creation of a German Faith and had buildings to celebrate that faith. The "sermons" would be about real history, German culture, science, philosophy, etc. It's not rocket science, and Hitler kept purposefully ignorant on this issue to keep everyone connected to him and his party for his insane territorial war ambitions.

We need a German faith today for Germany, a British faith for Britain, etc., ... Christianity can bugger off.
True diversity is preserving all ethnic groups. We ought to have community centers for us, to have closure for our history, celebrate our heritage & look to the future. National Folk Faith AFA CT :)

Last edited by John Smithwick; August 30th, 2018 at 07:22 PM.
Old August 27th, 2018 #1272
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John Smithwick, are you jew?
Old August 27th, 2018 #1273
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Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
John Smithwick, are you jew?
No, but I sometimes wish I had been born one so I could have had an ethnocentric religion, people and nation all setup from the get-go. Probably would have had a great job, been rich, and had a much happier existence. In such a scenario, I never would have wasted a minute of my life as a goy trying to: first, escape the standard Christ-cuck sheeple worldview, and second, find and buildup my non-existent (from an organized point of view) honkey community so we have something substantial for our folk. Often I don't think our people are worth it. Are you a Jew? lol How are things down there in mulatto land btw?
True diversity is preserving all ethnic groups. We ought to have community centers for us, to have closure for our history, celebrate our heritage & look to the future. National Folk Faith AFA CT :)

Last edited by John Smithwick; August 28th, 2018 at 01:06 PM.
Old August 28th, 2018 #1274
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Judaism has never been ethnocentric. Jews may have an ethnic background, but today it is as multicultural and repugnant as christianity.

Down here in "America of the future", shit, and up there in the futile, hedonistic, materialist paradise of zionist jews and world pornography?
Old August 30th, 2018 #1275
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Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
Down here in "America of the future", shit, and up there in the futile, hedonistic, materialist paradise of zionist jews and world pornography?
It's not so bad (yet).
Originally Posted by John Smithwick View Post
... in the end, he decided to have a civil (non-Christian) marriage with Eva before ending his life
I'm wrong about the reason why he didn't have a Catholic wedding - it's simply because you can't have one outside of a Catholic church (the bunker didn't qualify):

Catholic Marriage FAQs - For Your Marriage

Why does a Catholic wedding have to take place in a church?

For Catholics, marriage is not just a social or family event, but a church event. For this reason, the Church prefers that marriages between Catholics, or between Catholics and other Christians, be celebrated in the parish church of one of the spouses. Only the local bishop can permit a marriage to be celebrated in another suitable place.
Can a Catholic priest marry a couple who are not having a ceremony in the Catholic church? - Quora

It requires a special dispensation from his bishop for a priest to conduct a marriage outside of a Catholic Chruch (i.e. at a house, etc.). Usually, such exemptions are granted due to medical reasons, not due to requests (i.e. a destination wedding).
Real Catholics Don't Get Married Outside: Why the Church Should Reconsider | HuffPost

Why can’t a Catholic ceremony take place outside? [...]

The answer, as I’ve interpreted it, mostly concerns the fact that the church is the true “house of God,” and marriage, being a sacrament, should be celebrated there. [...]

But really, the best explanation I’ve heard was from that priest. “You just can’t.” And to be honest, I didn’t mind that brash, in-your-face brand of Catholicism at the time, despite the fact that I approach my religion with many questions, and many complaints.
Had Hitler won the war, or not had the war, he would have got married in a Catholic church.

Oh well, I hope the bugger had to pony up a fee for that civil marriage, because he was behind on his Gottgläubig taxes! Lol:
Gottglaubig - Wikipedia

By the decree of the Reich Ministry of the Interior of 26 November 1936, this religious descriptor was officially recognised on government records.[7]
Church tax - Wikipedia

About 70% of church revenues come from church tax (Kirchensteuer), also called worship or cult tax (Kultussteuer) when referring to non-Christian religious bodies. This is about 9.2 billion (in 2010).
Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

... the religious beliefs of Adolf Hitler or those of Joseph Goebbels. Both men had ceased to attend Catholic mass or to go to confession long before 1933, but neither had officially left the Church and neither of them refused to pay his church taxes.[23]

Speer, it must be remembered, was Hitler's architect who had planned the future buildings of Berlin. Hitler's plan for the future included the building of new churches. Speer had consulted with the Protestant and Catholic authorities on the location of churches in the new section of Berlin.
If Hitler had any intention of building German Faith centers as Hauer and Ludendorff wanted, then Speer would have mentioned it. He didn't. No, Hitler wanted more Christian churches. He couldn't get enough of his Christinsanity and war. Christianity is Anti-White (it was what was present when Whites killed each other by the tens of millions).

More quotes and actions confirming Hitler's Christian leanings (beyond his 1938 speech were he sounded equivocal on the issue):

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,"
Hitler told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.
Prayers and Patriotism in Nazi-Occupied Russia: The Pskov Orthodox Mission and Religious Revival, 1941-1944
Johannes Due Enstad
The Slavonic and East European Review
Vol. 94, No. 3 (July 2016), pp. 468-496

On 18 Aug 1941, fourteen Russian Orthodox priests, accompanied by two German officers, traveled from Riga, by that time under civilian Nazi rule in the Reichskommissariat Ostland, to the Russian city of Pskov, then under administration by the German Wehrmacht. The priests formed the nucleus of the so-called Orthodox Mission in the Liberated Regions of Russia, a network of clergymen consisting by mid 1943 of about 500 priests and other staff. With travel permits issued by German commanders, the missionaries traversed the districts between Pskov in the south, the outskirts of besieged Leningrad in the north, and the front line to the east, tending to the spiritual and material needs of a mostly peasant population. The priests soon learned that popular religiosity was alive and well despite Bolshevik efforts to replace traditional religion with Communism. Years later, one priest would describe what took place as 'the second christening of Rus.'

"One of our most important tasks will be to save future generations from a similar political fate and to maintain for ever watchful in them a knowledge of the menace of Jewry. For this reason alone it is vital that the Passion play be continued at Oberammergau."
-Hitler on the Passion Play at Oberammergau, 5 July 1942

If I live my life according to my God-given insights, then I cannot go wrong, and even if I do, I know I have acted in good faith. I may not be a light of the church, a pulpiteer, but deep down I am a pious man, and believe that whoever fights bravely in defense of a natural law framed by God and never capitulates will never be deserted by the lawgiver, but will, in the end, receive the blessings of Providence."
-Hitler, July 5, 1944 speech

"Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory". - Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, (Knight of the Order of Christ) published on the 3rd of May 1945, the day of Hitler's death. (published in "Reforme", July 21, 1945.)

"The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy". (Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy: "Franz von Papen, l'homme a tout faire" L'Aube, 3rd of October 1946).
True diversity is preserving all ethnic groups. We ought to have community centers for us, to have closure for our history, celebrate our heritage & look to the future. National Folk Faith AFA CT :)

Last edited by John Smithwick; September 5th, 2018 at 09:18 PM.
Old September 11th, 2018 #1276
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Default Cult of Orphans

Blog post regarding a comment I saw a YouTuber make long ago, where he used the term 'cultural orphans' to accurately describe Whites who throw away their amazing ancestral history for one that is backward and foreign to them.

In his case, he was referring mostly to Islam and race-mixing in general, but I am specifically tying it into 'Abrahamism' or 'Christianity' as an example of Whites becoming 'culturally orphaned' when placing Jews in the role of 'more important than my own family'. The 'spiritual family > biological family' concept that teaches self-destructive behavior to Whites.

Essentially they are in a cult, and it is a cult of orphans.

"Inquiry and doubt are essential checks against deception."--Richard Carrier
Old September 11th, 2018 #1277
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Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
John Smithwick, are you jew?
Maybe a Jewhovahs Witness?

The joke seems to be they don't convert as a rule. I have heard many of them say it's not an encouraged activity. One intermarriage I heard an IQ test was required.
Old September 12th, 2018 #1278
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Originally Posted by SouthBrazilian View Post
Judaism has never been ethnocentric. Jews may have an ethnic background, but today it is as multicultural and repugnant as christianity.
Judaism is somewhat multiracial today (and I guess there's degrees of multiculturalism in it), but beyond that, it's essentially the most exclusive ethnocentric nationalist club on the planet. They're a fifth column who are basically running the entire civilization now, from the financial industry, to the secret services, to the media. They achieved this by working as a team, and because they aren't singing and praying constantly like the Christians at their churches - no, instead the Jews actually talk about politics and how to work as a team to advance themselves in the civilization (through their synagoges).
Originally Posted by Adolf Goldbergstein View Post
Now, now ... if I were to show up at your door, trying to advertise stuff, I'd at least make an effort, and wear something practical like this (before trying other things) to get your 6 bucks.


I learn from the best:

The proselytization is mesmerizing with that one.

Despite everything I wrote above, I think Hitler was 50:50 on Christianity. Like everyone, he had doubts. He once might have believed, but then loss that belief. He rode the Christian ticket as best he could, and then, when the jig was up (once people realized he was no longer interested in Christianity), well ..., he used his arts degree to the best of his abilities. lol -_-

Here are some quotes (however credible) confirming that Hitler was eventually faking it when it came to Christianity:

Originally Posted by Martin Bormann

Religion in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

He said publicly in 1941 that "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[66]

When we National Socialists speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[73]
Originally Posted by Jospeh Goebbels

The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed.
— Goebbels Diaries, 29 December 1939
Originally Posted by Albert Speer

"Once I have settled my other problem," [Hitler] occasionally declared, "I'll have my reckoning with the church. I'll have it reeling on the ropes." But Bormann did not want this reckoning postponed [...] he would take out a document from his pocket and begin reading passages from a defiant sermon or pastoral letter. Frequently Hitler would become so worked up... and vowed to punish the offending clergyman eventually... That he could not immediately retaliate raised him to a white heat...
— Extract from Inside the Third Reich, the memoir of Albert Speer
Originally Posted by Alfred Rosenberg

Memoirs of Dr Alfred Rosenberg - National Vanguard

As for the Christian concept of God, Hitler definitely rejected it in private conversations. That I know even though in the course of the years I heard only two or three pertinent remarks. Once he told me: “Look at the head of Zeus! What nobility and exaltation there are in those features!” About communion: “It is primitively religious to crush one’s God with one’s teeth.” He held against Gothic art that it symbolised everything dark and brain-beclouding. Later on he granted at least the impressiveness of the cathedral in Straßburg.

When, in the course of one of these conversations, I ventured the opinion that one could not destroy the churches, but could merely attempt to fill them gradually with new people, he replied: “That is a very wise thought!”

Fundamentally, as far as his attitude was concerned, Hitler had very definitely discounted churches and Christianity, although he fully acknowledged the importance of their initial appearance on earth, granted everyone the right to his own conviction, and supported the Wehrmacht in its religious and confessional demands. In fact, by setting up a Church Ministry and instituting a Protestant Bishop of the Reich, he even tried to give the strife-torn Evangelicals a chance to unite in one all-embracing social group.
Originally Posted by Alfred Rosenberg

Memoirs of Dr Alfred Rosenberg - National Vanguard

My Myth had met with considerable disapproval. I know, for example, that copies of the collective attack made against me by the Roman Church (it was entitled Studieste) had been sent by the various bishoprics to all higher military posts in an effort to do away with me scientifically. [...]

At the end of 1939, the Führer accepted the suggestion that he give me a directive, addressed to party, state and Wehrmacht, to bring about and secure a unification of National Socialist philosophy.

Odd characters had attached themselves to our various branches, and the Reich Ministry of Education vacillated considerably. I wanted to bring about a firm though non-sectarian attitude. My appointment had been agreed upon.

Then, suddenly, the Führer told me that Mussolini wanted to come into the war after all, and had asked him to do nothing at the moment that might aggravate the Church. My assuming office at this critical time would cause a great deal of disquiet. I agreed that under the circumstances my appointment would naturally have to be postponed. [...] No matter what the respective spiritual positions may be, today, after the collapse, the time for a final showdown between opposing philosophies has certainly not yet arrived.

Myth of 20th Century by Dr Alfred Rosenberg
But what good was any of that, given it was all behind closed doors and Hitler never took any action to undo his decision of banning all non-Christian organizations?

Na, na, ya, na, ya, na ... here was my most recent diplomatic efforts to advertise "die große neue deutsche Glaubensgemeinde" (aka zie great, new German Faith congregation! lol):

European Nationalist Faith - The Phora

I'm 1/4 German, and I try to honor my heritage i.e:

This is the video I want to show (when Conan and Andy danced in Lederhosen):

But it's blocked in my country. If it's blocked in yours and you don't have a VPN, then you'll have to settle for this :

Adolf Goldbergstein, the Volksgemeinschaft continues… lol
True diversity is preserving all ethnic groups. We ought to have community centers for us, to have closure for our history, celebrate our heritage & look to the future. National Folk Faith AFA CT :)

Last edited by John Smithwick; September 16th, 2018 at 02:22 PM.
Old September 12th, 2018 #1279
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So much jewry going on in modern Christianity. What many forget is the bible is written by MAN. Anything by man can be corrected.
Old September 18th, 2018 #1280
Emily Henderson
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Default Edenics, a Pseudolinguistic Scam

Blog post about 'Edenics', a theory put forth by a pseudolinguist that has been proven beyond flawed, yet Xtian Identity uses it to promote a line of thinking that was smashed long ago by real linguistic studies, using the scientific method.

You have to go back to the middle ages for people to be this ignorant, yet some are embracing it of course, as our people are Jew-contaminated in their thinking from so many angles, relgion, tv, school, etc.

Religion is one of the oldest and most powerful ways to control a person, because we are hard-wired to make Type II errors, since adaptation is quite imperfect. Because of this I tie it into apophenia, which is the very common phenomena of people seeing patterns where there is no pattern, and where you see people making decisions with confirmation bias in their research, ignoring ample evidence to the contrary.

I look at the origin of Hebrew and how we know there is no connection to the two language families, and show how Rabbis in the way-back fooled people into thinking there was, with their mythical tale in Genesis as the anchor for the lie.

You can be a member of giant family tree (Indo-European), or a tiny limb on the Afro-Asiatic tree (Jews).

There is no etymological link between their language and ours, and the Indo-European language family did not evolve from Hebrew. Hebrew was never ours, and never will be.

Proven from several vantage points: the fact that Hebrew speaking Semites were not monotheists in the beginning, placed here as ish and isha in a fixed creation; the origin of the languages is unrelated, but were influenced by one-another later due to the close proximity of people such as the Hittites to Semites; the way our brains are wired to make errors in favor of seeing patters where there are none, and going along with the group; the fact that Jews are manipulators and want you to adopt them as your 'spiritual' head-of-household, operating against your own household.

Whites who do this throw away something big to pick up something small.

Trash what's precious to care for garbage like it was a pearl of wisdom.
"Inquiry and doubt are essential checks against deception."--Richard Carrier

Last edited by Emily Henderson; September 18th, 2018 at 10:47 AM.

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